10/2/20" Gmfl' - Gmal" Dennis wnEngelsdo question about bee loss statistics 4 musages David Fischel Wed, Jun") 2015 214:37 PM To: Dennis, l'm getting queslions lrom reporters as well as colleagues wimin Bayer about howme Summer and Tmal bee loss slalislics are caldulaied. If a beekeeper had 1000 hives alive on Del 1 and 700 dl Ihese were still alive on April 1, my [5 me wima loss is a simple 300/1000 30%. Then let's assume that overme summer fium Apnl 1 and Del 1 ormat year the beekeeper made spins or his strong hives mai would have added 600 new colonies in to the 700 that he started with on April 1. So the imal would polenlially be 1300 by Del 1 a! the second yeal. However. 300 colonies died aver Iha! summer so he aclually again has 1000 colunies on Oci 1 ml the second yean So (he summerinss Vale is 300/1300 23%. Correct? New wnal is (hemlal loss rate? ls ii a simple 30% 23% 53%7 Dr 15 it number d! 105! colonies total potential colonies which would be (300 300) I (1300400) 315%. Or is it something else7 Thanks (or your help on this! Dave David L. Fischer, Plan Direclor, Safely Bayer CropScience Scion" FM ABevmr um Environmental Safely Developmem Nonn Amenca Bayer Clopsclerlce, LP us comma Research Triangle Fa'x, NC 27709 rn. mlamalnn cuntumed ml: lune/ll. lame txduslvc use OHM Du universally pm/Ihgafl n/Ahls masxngu dons no! eonxtimla a smileys, "you new: this mes-g: in mm plansa do not WNW naumy use, copy, lam-Rt e, dlsdolu Anypavl w: manage plans also Hakim ink anal and all Baplw: and new the mm Dunk ynu alt-nuts language: please 90 I'SpY/Dayu/ummlaaywma mm Dennis vanngelsdorp Wed, Jun 10. 2015 a16:18 PM To: David Fischer i am aliaening me documenl which omlme now less files are calculated. i did neannat many were in il ii a\ your meeiing lesi week. Your secand scenario acem we calculate Iusses from Apnl to April not Oct to Oct. so if a beekeeper has 1000 cclonies in April and had 700 H1 Octoberwilhaui making spins l1 would be a loss rate 0130% ll that beekeepermade splits in Galena: (say 500) 2nd repented having 1000 on apnl 1 ms loss would bee 23% wmierloss rate the lolal loss would be ((1000 (am year 1) +600) - loao (epnl yr Many beekeepers complain anuui We as adding spliis mine denominelor'lowers" me less me (by Increasing the but il we aim da mi: ii would mean (hat same beekeepers less more than 100% :neir hives which does nol make sense. So we consider me denominator -- all colonies 31 risk of dieing in me period, The Europeans (who dun! split as much) and have been arguing over <mums cm fl 1341K Da :1 (Scher Wed, Jun 10' 2015 at 6 24 PM Dennis van Thanksfor the exp'anation [may have more questions once 1 get a chants mok (ms over. Dave David L, Fischer, mecmv, Pomnatar Safety KS . Bayer CropSCIence Sam Fm A Bauer L311: Enm'mnmeml Safew Dcvc'opment Norm Amenca saver Cropsmence, LP From: Dennis vanEnge'sdorF Sent Wednesday,June 10,2015 1 PM To: avid Fischer Su bject: Re: questan about bee loss smusms name mm mm: David Fischer Wed, Jun 10' 2015 at 7,01 PM To: Denms Va". OK, :15 'oz'zms Gm: So you've bas'cally confirmed (he! the annual loss ra'e ls an esnmate of auritlon that the beekeeper mus! make up for ln order to malntaln the slze of operation, many the media do not unders'and that mass losses are belng campensakad for by beekeepersv when the loss rare is 30%, there are acrually 30% less colonies '3 the US than thus were last year. And of course after a few years of 30% loss rate, we've run out oicolcnies. had a Bloumberg reporter tell me last year (hat he's no longer lnleresked ln doing smrles an the bee health lssue because he vlews these annual eshmates of loss rates as "crying wolf". ltald him he's right \hax we really a(ell't ru'mlng on: ofbees, km! the daxa are useml acme challenge beekeepersface in staylng In business. the workshop lesl week. nape yourears we'en't bu'nlng! Really, everyone agreed the aw surveys arezne best source of lnfo available Thanks agaln furthe quick reply. Agaln, l'll l'lkely be tamamng vnu again when have otherquesfians. Dave David Fischer, when. Dl'ecwy, Pullinawl Safety Bayer CropSclence Sdmce For A Better Li'le Erv ronmenlal way Development No'tl' Amerlca Bayer Conscience, LP From: Dennls vanEngelsdorD Sent, Wednesday, June 10, 2 'r Dal/Id Subject: Re' qumon about bee loss Nuns l/mall salami 4/5 10/2/2016 Gm ail - question about boo loss statistics I am attaching the document which outline how loss rates are calculated. I did hear that many were critical of if it at your meeting last week. [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ui"'2&ik=Oc4b0668dO&view=pt&car-FOYA&search=cat&th=14ddf30fee713a47&siml"'14ddf30fee713a47&siml=14ddf8d9e5b3... 5/5