MEMORANDUM To: Mayor & CW Commissioners From: Reese Goad, Re: Fiscal Year2019 Annual Report Date September I City 27,2019 am pleased to provide this annual report for your consideration. ItVith your leadership, the City has addressed many critical challenges and made progress toward key priorities. At the start of the fiscal year in October 201.8, the City faced the greatest weather threat it has experienced. Hurricane Michael caused widespread damage across the Big Bend region and Tallahassee. I am proud to say that the City, our neighbors, schools, and businesses demonstrated tremendous resilience with effective preparation, impact response, and recovery. Less than one month later, the City addressed amass shooting. The event was hagic and emotional for the community. Again, Tallahassee demonstated its resilience. First responders responded quickly and professionally, and the community came together. In November 2018 Mayor Dailey, Commissioner Matlow, and Commissioner Ìüilliams-Cox were newly elected. Regretfull¡ in December actty Commissioner was removed from office. Soon after, CommissionerBryant was appointed to the City Commission. It is an understatement to say that the first few months ofFiscal Yeat201,9 were eventful. The City pressed on and at your January 2019 annual prionty setting reheat, you shared a vision to address current issues and our City's fi¡ture. You identified public safety, economic development, the impact ofpoverfy, and public infrastructure as key priority areas. You have been clear on the importance ofpublic trust and citizen engagement. Without delay you scheduled fwo City Commission meetings outside City Hall, greatly increased the opportunity for the public to speak at City Commission meetings, increased the noticing standards for key decisions, and started the process to implement a five-year stuategic plan. The following list reflects a small portion of the City's achievements and accomplishments over the last year. o o Updated oryarnzational mission, values, and vision. Embarked on Citywide five-year strategicplan with input of over 2,4}}neighbors, residents, and visitors. ¡ Purchased the centrally-Iocated 35 acre Northwood Centre t}rough the City's first-ever participation in an auotion, for r 86%o of the assessed value. Adopted a 100% Renewable Energy strategy and cemented Tallahassee as a leader in the national energy sector. . Recognized as the top public gas utility in the nation by the American Public Gas Association (APGA). o ¡ Reached over 600 disconnected youth via the TEMPO ptogtam. Expanded Advanced Life Support service by the Tallahassee Fire Department to cover more than 80% of Leon County residents. I Pledged $1.3 million for the Orange Avenue Redevelopment Project which element to securing a commitment from Purpose . ¡ I \ryas a critical Built Communities. Engaged more than 300 applicants at the first City Job Fair at Walker Ford. Adopted the $6.4 million Greate¡ Bond Neighborhood First Plan. TLH reached a $600 million annual impact to ou¡ local economy, while increasing pâssenger traffrc to more than 800,000,try 6.7Yo above the last year. r Launched Build Up Tallahassee, an accelerated career development progrcm involving and hands-on lear:ring o in a variety of skills related to the construction industry. Continued progress fighting crime - Tallahassee / Leon County fell7.6% compared to last year. r . Started conskuction of the second Solar Fann at the Tallahassee Intsrnational Aiqport. Recognized for the second year in a row as a Utility of the Future Today (Underground Utilities and Public Infrashucture) for leadership in overall sustainability and resilience. o r Demonstrated fiscal leadership with AA bond ratings. Continued to achieve high customet satisfaction ratings - 91% customer satisfaction rating in latest April2019 utility survey. Ilurricane Preparation, Response, and Recovery Effective emergency preparation, response, and recovery continues to be vitally important to the community. After two consecutive years of storm impacts, we started the year with our third hurrícanein25months. HurricaneMichael, acatagory 5 storm,wastlle largeststormtoever impact Tallahassee. The City assembled a mutual aid team of over 650 individuals from 80+ cities and 15 states to work with our utility to restore the electric system in record time. This foresight and preparation led to the City being 90o/o rcstored on day 4 and 98% restored on day 6. City crews and parhrers cleared nearly 119 tons of debris. Our restoration effort was the largest efilort Tallahassee has ever managed, and the utility received widespread recognition for restoration coordination and effective work efforts, Throughout the events, the City remained proactively engaged through multiple channels to offler real-time updates. o From Oct.7-14, the Cþ dishibuted information with a total of 2,284 posts to its Facebook a¡rd Twitter accounts, resulting n 13.7 million impressions and776,664 engagements. t Our response rate to thousands of messages received increased by 4,1,67% Q,603 messages) compared to anaverage week. Compared to He¡mine, responses increased by 182%. o While many other organizations across the state went "da¡k" on social media at various points dwing the response and recovery periods, the City maintained a24-how.presence. Public Safety Tackling crime in our commuaity is one ofthe nrost significant issues facing us today. Our efforts to enhance public safety arc paying off; crime is at a five-year low. Crime fell7 -6%, reflecting a five-year low in the local crirne rate and marking the second lowest in 20 years. This is the third consecutive year that Tallahassee has seen a reduction in violent crime and the second consecutive year for a reduction in overall crime. Also, there was a 6.6 percent decrease in reported violent crimes. Through its commitrnent to the Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS) philosophy, TPD continues to shengthen relationships with citizens, businesses and civic groups to help address issues. Programs like TEMPO are heþing to reconnect disconnected youth with essential services, vocational education opportunities, workforce training and job placement, detouring the potential for crime. As TPD works to enhance its presence in the community and modemize its services, the development of the new Public Safety Campus will provide a unified, functional headquarters, while also creating needed community amenities. a TEMPO TEMPO provides apath for Disconnected Youth to essential services, enabling vocational education opportunities and job placement. We continue to make significant progress with disconnected youth in ou¡ area. Over the year, the City grew the program to over 600 parficipants, including a court diversion program with the State's Attomey's Office, Educational Overlay referrals from court-orders, refe¡rals from TPD's Spirit program, and THA referrals from our Promise Zone arcas. o Public Safetv Campus This year, we made significant progress on the City's commitnent, selecting qualified vendors for the Architectural Design and Construction, and Construction Manager for the Public Safety Campus. Additionall¡ the City conducted a3}-day open submissionperiod, dwing which the community recommended 68 sites for the new location of the Tallahassee Police Department's headquarters. Of those, 51 met the 9-acre minimum requirement and 19 were within 2.5 miles of the center of Tallahassee. After considerable public inpu! applying minimum criteri4 and speaking with properfy olryners, the City sought feedback on five properties now under consideration, The site selection and acquisition are expected to be completed early in the next fiscal year. Management Every day, our team of nea¡ly 3,000 public seryants work to deliver quality, reliable municipal services to the people and families of Tallahassee. The quality of our services is demonstrated by the dístinction ¿rmong peers our City receives on a regular basis. Recent distinctíons include, but are not limited to: . . r c r Top 100 "Best-Run Cities" in the Country (Watlet Hub) Florida Govemor's Sustained Excellence Award (Florida Sterling Corincil) Commercial Service Airport of the Year (Florida Deparhnent of Transportation) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (Govemment Finance Officers Award) Best in the Nation Public Gas Utility (American Public Gas Association) In addition to delivering our region's leading pubiic services, the City initiated a shategic planning effort which witl guide our organization's efforts to achieve the Commission's new 5year vision, and measurable results in the community's highest priorities areas of public safety, infrastructure investment, quality of life, impact ofpoverty, economic development, public trust, and orgarnzational effectiveness. The City engaged approximately 2,400 neighbors, residents, and visitors to ensure the plan is aligned with our community's needs and opporfunities. Finally, the City has taken significant action to complement the confidence in our service deiivery with measures to further enhance confidence in our govemment including expansion of citizen access, new forums to provide feedback, and transparency efforts. o Multiple City Commission meetings are no\r/ held outside of City Hall to encourage public engagement ¡ The City has increased notice for certain site plan reviews, re-zonings, and sale of Cify property to expand avrareness ofpublic hearings. . The City has increased opporhrrities for our citizens to speak publicly through the removal of time limits on agendaed City Commission and Advisory Board meeting items. ¡ New organizational values h¿ve been adopted, including o'honor the public trust through ethical behavíor" and "lead with integríty at every level," placing the priority of public trust at the forefront of our values. r Enhance access to current lists of lobbyists and City vendors through a featured portal on our home page. Other notable Projects and Accomplishments Economic Development ¡ Participated in the C2ER Cost of Living Index, which ranked the Tallahassee meho area at 3.4Yo below the national average for cost . ¡ ofliving out of 270 urban areas. Reviewed and inspected t,362 multi-family residential units. Reviewed and inspectedpians on l3 major developmentprojects /permits includingthe TMH Surgical Wing, Cascades Park NAP Mixed Use Project, Canop¡ and others. r Achieveda6.6% increase in tot¿l passengcrs and7.4% increase tnaircraftoperations over FYl8 at the Tallahassee International Airyort. fnfrastrucúure r Set the guiding direction through resolution for our City's first Clean Energy Plan (CEP) to eliminate the City's dependence on non-renewable sources by 2050, in collaboration with Tally35, the Citizens Advisory Committee, and the local Siena Club. ¡ Joined the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA to identifi economies of scale in power generation and other services to provide low-cost, reliable and clean wholesale electicity. r Achieved Environmental Project of the Year award recognition of Solar Farm 1 by the Big Bend and Florida Chapters of the American Public Works Association, I Commenced construction on Solar Farm II and the subst¿tion to support the interconnection, expeoted to begin commercial operation in late 2019. r Successfi.tlly completed the vital and complex Centerville Road Forcemain rehabilitation project ahead of schedule tluough extensive public ouheach, coordination, and cooperation. o Achieved commercial operation on two new generation units atBPl2 and the first four units at Hopkins. Construction for the 5th unit at Hopkins is on-going. r Completed deco¡nmissioning work and transferred the hydro facilify to the state in March of 2019, continuing to support the Søte in the interim operating period as they assume lake operations. ¡ Continued transferring Talquin facilities to the City and initiated upgrades to improve reliability. o Received APPA recognition multiple timos for our mutual aid support to other public power utilities. o Created a new advance Custome¡ Engagement text providing a photo and background information to customers pending an Energy Audit. This new advance notice has reduced customers no show appointment by 35%. o Continued to fund the connection to cenhal sewer to owners of existing homes on septic tanks. o Received the AA rating ofthe Energy System with a stable outlook, citing strong risk profiles, a young and efficient generating fleet, and an experienced and capable management team. Quality of Life c c o r Updated and adopted the Canopy Roads Master Plan forthe first time in 20 years. Finalized our community's first Urban Forest Master Plan. Implemented the escooterpilotprogram which has had 28,000 participants. Built three city-sponsored Habitat for Humanity homes (eight in total within thelast24 months). r Served the community through eight multi-pu{pose community, teen, and senior services centers, three specialty complexes, 30 playgrounds, 86 athletic fields, 55 tennis courts, 11 municipal aquatic facilities, 70 miles of trails, four dog parks, a skate park, and two discgolfcourses.