Performance Criteria Descrþtion Customer Service: Demonstrates that customer service is a ptimary objective and maintains positive public relations with all Cify customers, constifuents and goverffnent and business partners. Leads the organizattonin demonstrating the City's orgarttzattonal value of "Customer Service is Our Business". Achieves appropriatebalance in meeting objectives of the public, the organizatron, and employee interests. Directs and leads the organizatton in Best Practice customer service. CiW Commission Supporf: Demonstrates commitment to policies, directron, and target issues ofthe City Commission. Exhibits loyalty and support to the commission. Anticipates the mood and climate of the community on oryaruzational issues and programs and keeps the commission informed on these matters. Insures that staff serves and supports the commission in a thorough and objective manner, providing comprehensive, concise and understandable data, information, recommendations, and reports. Leadership: Formulates and artiqflates a vision for the organization that supports the Cify's mission statement. }llaintatns exemplary standards ofpersonal integrity, truthfulness, and fairness in carrying out public duties and demands like behavior from all employees. Applies cornmon sense and sound judgment in all decisions and actions. Promotes policies, procedures, and programs in support of the orgaruzation's goals and objectives and in the best interests of citizens andthe cornmunity. Exercises discretion and diplomacy. Promotes group unify artdtearn approach to work. Creates an environment conducive to maximum employee productivity. Exemplífies the organizational value of "Dem ons tr ate Leadership and Personal Responsibilify". General Management: Conducts business in an honest, forthright and professional manner. Is responsive, prompt, and efficient. Considers appeararrce and perception of actions and conducts business accordingly. Sets and accomplishes community-focused goals and objectives. Insures internal control systems are in place and adhered to. Takes action in accordance with governing laws, rules, and poiicies, Demonstrates flexibility, creativity, and resourcefulness in carrying out responsibilities. Monitors performance and takes corrective action as appropriate. Listens to and respects input from the public. Insures the organizatíon and employees operate tn support of the organizattonai value of "Practice Teamwork". Employee Management: Communicates City Commission policy and expectations and insures staff operates in support of orgartizational objectives andtn compliance with goveming laws, ruIes, policies andprocedures. Practices particþatory management. Holds management level staff accountable for efficient and effectivemanagement of employees and for outstanding service delivery. Quickly, fairly, and appropriately deals with management/employee issubs. Actively supports or garuzatton' s fair employmentpractrce pian. Initiates and insures implementation of policies in support of employees and their families. Supports and encourages employee development. Considers and demonstrates commitment to the organizattonal value of "Promote and Support Employee Excellence". Financial Management: Develops and submits accurate budget requests with adequate justification. Manages budget within approved pararneters and holds managers accotsntable for operattng within laws, rules, and policies goveming frnancial, budget and procurement matters. Exhibits commitment to and efforts towards meeting MBE goals and holds managers accovrúable for compliance with MBE objectives. Efficiently plans, manages, and deveiops financing strategies to support efficient and economical operation of government and enterprise operations.