AFFIDAVIT BERGER. Baf?e me, the undersigned Notary Public, in and for the: State (if Texas, appeared, Sven Bergm, who after being" duly swam, stated as follews: ?My Mum is Swan Eerger. new live in the State of 'Washingmna 111 20.03., ?1 sawed as om: Of i235 j-umrgg Viki Ping Sim-rays, capital murcfer ?trial. In i gave Paui Starey?g iaWy?er, Robert ?hrti? an a and? which is attached {a this af?davit. I still. fee-7E the same as; {stated in that af?davit 3,226 cen?rmed ?31039": Feelings in an intewiew wit?ha na?ienal, publicatimn, The Margilall {have mw beam My. Sim'ey?s "Mike "Ware, that the paganism? Imas Charm Victijmare appesed to Pam? Starcy?s exe?ution, and have always Paul Stow)? remixing the death penalty, even at the ?rm: 0f the 2008 triai. {t is my their f?elmgs in a tater and videa directed to gist-tint .Aj?ttemey Shay-3:2 Wilson andi?he Swarm: of was? As. a jam: had i that Jimas Chang?s. parents werepnpposed' Pan-E Sway receiving the death. ge?alty; there is; m) doubt in my mind? I wouid never have mixed for deathpr in. "such a way that the (zigzag; wmzi? be wuul?i have hem am far a. life witho?utitha passib?igy {31? pawk: as 1mg; it?tmig I swam-manna abw? matcments are true, SVEN BERGERAFFIANT . #76 '3 hi . . -I State >5 2 in; or: w?g