?in: 1 11'. Republic Of The Sudan . I Home Ministry (DWI mm: 1 You are here: Home Media Center NEWS Minerals codify traditional mining in Jebel Amer Minerals codify traditional mining in Jebel Amer The Minister of Minerals and the Governor of North Darfur visited Jebel Amer and announced the commencement of the legalization of traditional mining in Jebel Mlnistry of Minerals The Minister of Minerals d. Ahmed Mohammed Mohammed AI?Sadiq Al?Karouri They came to Jabal Amer in order to regulate and regulate traditional mining in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the negatives in this sector, calling on the traditional miners to cooperate fully with the committees that will work in rationing in full agreement. crowds of traditional minerals in Jebel Amer on Monday durlng a visit to Abdul Rahim Hamdan Daglo, MP5 from the Security and Defense Committees, the Energy and Mining Committee of the National Council, the Director of the General Authority for Geological Research and a number of leaders of the armed forces, security and police revealed the of a fund to support services ln the Jabal Amer area. The kick?off will begin in the near future ln cooperatlon with the mining companies operating in the region, which is one of the terms of their contracts to provide CSR services in the communities where they are located and ZAD (any company that refrains from providlng CSR We will cancel the ratiflcation The contracts concluded with them revealing at the same time the cancellation of contracts (30) companies last year for nonacompllance with controls, including the provislon of social responsibility and increased by saying (we are ready to cancel the contract of any company does not comply with the controls). There are large reserves of all metals. For his part, the Governor of North Darfur State Abdel Wahed Youssef said that the issue of securlty and stability and imposing the prestige of the state ln Jebel Amer will continue the state categorically at the same time is not true what is going on in the media about the presence of foreigners in Jebel Amer There are no negative exaggerated phenomena in Jebel Amer, but they are natural phenomena in society.He pointed out that there are some practices but the state is able to address them through security agencles and civil administratlons. The governor said that the traditional mining operations that will take place ln Jabal Amer will not be affected by any minerals. We in this mine do not have a dlstinction between people and it is known that mining areas bring people from all over Sudan and any Sudanese citizen who can make a living in Jabal Amer, he said. For his part, the Commissioner of AIRSarif locality, where Jabal Amer is located, said that there are more than (5) thousand minerals working in the mountain in full agreement without differences, polnting out that there are some demands that the miners want the state to meet them as a hospital or health center ln the mountain to Besides providing water services. It is worth mentioning that the visit included inspection of AlaJunaid factory for traditional mining residues located in Jabal Amer, which ls expected to enter the productlon stage by the end of next March. mm English Frangais Arabic More news Undersecretary of the Ministry 06) Minerals promises a radical solutlon to the fuel problem of the sector Granting the company (Lizon) a G) square for mining gold (Baidoa) in the state of the Nile River Reform measures to control mln? and mining markets to increase production Minerals Minister: We seek agreement Canada to develop traditional mining in Sudan The metal sector is capable of bridging the trade gap and taklng the country out of the economic crisis. Members of the General Authorll? for Geologlcal Research congratulate the world Dr/ Mohammed Abu Fatima Abdullah In his first speech with the Ministry's employees, the Minister of Minerals: a proposal to establish an industrial city for iron and copper Minerals Minister unveils 6) treatments to solve the fuel crisis in mlning areas Geological research begins to evaluate the black sand ores in (6) squares in the Red Sea More than 43 regional and 6) international companies participate in the mining exhibition and forum in Khartoum Site Map Use Agreement advanced search Entry Registration Follow Us fife-8 Allrights Reserved Ministry of Minerals 2017