EGEWE Us; 21: 2019/3017! la: Mob?, 2019 City of Litchfield Park Mayor Thomas L. Schoaf City of Litch?eld Park 214 W. Wigwam Litch?eld Park,AZ 85340 Dear Mayor Schoaf and Council, During my over nineteen years as an elected member of City Council for the City of Litch?eld Park, I have always ?rmly positioned the needs of the City ahead of my own business and personal interests. Despite nearly two decades of effectively separating those two very different aspects of my life, City Attorney Susan Goodwin has advised me of her concerns regarding my participation in discussions and voting on the develoPment of the city center. Ms. Goodwin felt that my ownership of three restaurants adjacent to the city center property created an actual con?ict of interest and at the very least, the perception of one. In a City Council meeting earlier in the year I clearly addressed all present on the record, stating that I would declare a con?ict when I felt it was appropriate. After much internal debate, I have decided to tender my resignation from the of?ce of elected City Council member for the City of Litch?eld Park, effective today. I feel it is in the best interest of the city to have a full council of seven that is able to vigorously debate and vote on all issues involving the future city center. The matter is too important to not have all council members fully engage, nor do I desire to risk a deadlocked vote with an even number of council members. I wish my fellow council members well and I deeply appreciate having had the opportunity to serve with you. Sincerely yours,