911912018 12:20:18 PM Chris Daniel District Clerk Harris County Envelope No: 27637250 2018-04586J Court." 315 Bv- ALARCON CRISTINA Filed: 9f19l2018 12. 20:18 PM NQTIC T313 3365?. UNIFNT EQNEN 13353 NIESBN ESE-3- Ni}. EN YHE ENTEREST IN THE CQURT - - . . . . NENNEEN NARREN CGUNTX '1 ERAS CNIMEREN JETNECIIAL FNMILNEJEWENILE GREEK FEE-5E3: .51 (TRIM) 3N EN 3} N93316: (>55 Svaptemher 55. 2&3, 55533 {15355351555335 of Family 35551 33555335355553 Services {?5213 ?53 Faitim. 53 the {135555. E. 5555;555:3351533 1.1. The: Napmtmem 3E Namiiy 535s} Prctacriive Services (?the 33335355555331? 5555;553:5535 {hmugh LANARWN 33535555555555, and 153! 35535553}: and. 3555535356353: ready. 15.22. 33.335555555353555 NEELESSN VERNELL HEIGHT . 3. 355.5% :55 553555555 31.551355555533335? 33353.5 ?ared tivnugh 3515355535: of reemd 35551 55555355553353. 533553; {3 3553533533 3.55 35355355 3553 {$553355 1 355555553}: 35? 55552355! and 355555555n335i 533532 {3 55:5N'3d 5355555533 5553'} 5355335 55f $5353.33 555$ 35 533.15 533% E3 55:55} 3'5 {$53 55:55:35 ibis 355%; 3:5 355.56.53.33 555,333.55. E5313555 55 355 m5: Einiihed EEid 555.55 35555335" E3. FNTEER i337 Warm ?55 {3353355 55355 ammunmd 53335; E: ML . . 5 555515335351. 535555555325 3535555335: 551" mead lg/?M/E E21 (.525 55556. 35555355553353. ready. 55.55555355555! in. $5533 and 57355ng5 Niamey 55f mama? 3551 33513535356 ream?. 55.5i5'551 $333336: 55553 3355- ?53: 3553.555: E55 E33353 .5335: 53 the: 5355555 35 ENS 3.3135 5-5-5 5:5id355333 Z55 E52353 . - - . 55355 55 35 5555: 351d di? not appear 5:3 23:3 535353 55:55 533525553555. 5' 55 52355153 33 3335335555 and $3353 ?5 New {3353333 ?335:. 353555532513 33. Exhibit R- 13 I Na 2310*} by the Court 2:5; and}. guardian Wm of mat-9M far aim chiizim? the: ambigzct {if this suit, appeareci am?! gas-33:33" agraiiyi if; {he 1:231:13 {J?f?this 91133;. {3 agrce? in {he harms {39 this grif?n {mt did my: apgmu? E1 $15315? am. {impariy mii?mi, mi appear, 9513 muraing? ., .. A fpm3i, Jumdicmn Having mamine? fixe- piea?ings and revimm? the. evidence, the {hurt finds that it has jm?i?dictian at? this cause ma?a-r Yams f1? am??'y {main ?n?iugg 3.3. Having marixinad and .i?miewmi {Em mi?smm, the that and hams} upcm the ?lms examined margin, that: {Irma finds {hat 3% a?a?s, cmsisfmi with Time amai uimzmsizmws 1mm hem ma?a by the: ??eiitixizyxer to prevent or e?iminme 11w. for r33. af?ne c?iidren the whim: :z'f?i'his suit i?mm {ha ham: and it} make it Wa?mii?e 1231? the chikirmy ?9 retum Emma, but cantinuaticn in the: hams: weuld i2?: warmly the: n-izih?iwn?? ?wife-1m. 5.19 4: The EMS that imam is an immexiiam damgm phyaimi imam: m? misty 9f the: children at the chiidmn have been viutim? at? aegimi, smue? abuse, :33? human 'Em??icki?g ??2?3m3=2 ?31? EBABES Emmi Cam ami that cosatinm?ian in the homa waaid hr: mam-2:3; in: {has sham-m wei?fma; arid 332.. {here is; iime?i magiaieni WM: phmiaai Emai?y 9f ?m ui?idreuy far a fuli a?vm?mry ?aming and {?ammable {iffm's cozz?isiem. mi 3:11 $16 ami gyrm?itiing {by the sai?iy shimmy, were. ma?a is) prawn: aiiminam {he 13mg} mmavai (If {he children. 'i?he Cami ?mis (ha: {ha ??myi?ag {mummy m'dars in ?ne. mm interests the: chijidxsm the Whittier (if this suit; 4* Emergency mam My}. 18 that the: Eapartmem is appuimm?i Emmgency 801$:- Mamaging Cayman-aim ?f?it? chiidrm, with ail n?f {Em rights and {imim Baird in $53372, ?$69315; Fam?y Cede? mail a full 0m? Far {32? a may; Emm asys? mike (18? Remy; Magma; Page? Septemhar 2013 whammy hearing is inf-id. IS mat in to the righti; and duties listed in ?3 53.3333 Tamara F?m?iy (iadct, {hi3 Departmm? ?13 emgxiayea er de?ig? w: is? autharized cement to madi-cai cm. mi the: whim-.52. ahii?ren, $0 ?3?S5?3??h Tamx Ermiiy Sade, umis a $7213! a?wtssary ?aming is iaehi. 3 Ff ?5 mamas-5?1 Farm-?3 Miggaa Ember a: Reiative this cause mavidgt in anti the {3mm {his full name Email mamas}! adaimtss Of wh?seabwts and Fh?n? Rumba :35 any 323mm 193mm: of the chii?ren the S?bjii?. (33321115 311315 pig'suant Rake 19$, 3?9:an Rule-s; at'i?ifivii $3mce?um 32.. 2 ES that aim}; Palm-:12, Fatim 135? R?l?iive {sf this baibm 1h?? {39m we Chaim Piagenwm Rem-arms; Farm pmvidmi ?Ei??3?l if the {hm} has my? previamgiy been prawideri wiihi? mm: ?ags 0f the signing index: and pmvi?e the. Eagtaa?mem and the {Smurf the i333} mum and mares}: m" whereabauis and 33mm: munhcr of my and 31%. miia?ws 11f ihs?: chii?mn the suh?iect afihis gait WEE: wimm the may place: ?rm? chiisimn timing the mm?amy 9f ihig min gamma: ta Ruiz: 1?9an Raiser; mi" fksacadurm am ?3?i236L Tami: Fatwa? Catch. 435%. IS magma} $121: web ?33.!me chiidren {ha mama-i ai?t?h?s suit ?tmish :9 tin: D?pa?mmi? anti the {36111.1 in?rma?am suf?cient in accurate}? identi?? that pmenfs net msuziz?siag am}. ability tn gay chiid supper! 33mg with capies (3f tax returns ii): the pass: {we} yaam may stammez?s, bank and current p3,} $213333; gamma: in Raise Texas R?ies {3in Pracea?me am? ?imam Famiigg Cadet. 3J1 IT IS that gash gzamm? at" 127m Chaim; i326:- Sutgie-ci? :353 mg suit pmv?dg the Dcpaxtmeni am}. the {hurt whim-ire of health Rummage availabie far the chii?mn, Ruie m5, 33:33.33 Rx?es 9f Civi? and $591,332, Texas- Famiiy Elmi?. if? is timt. each p-rmride ?gs: anti Cam": 3133:32ka sui?ciem ?m gmmamg?i am inunigmtim timing 331:: ahiidmn, i-minding but am Ziimited marriage wizards, birth in? aimth w?i?cams, ha?ismai rmanis, samiai 35mm}: twig is? iawfx? p?mzanam msi?encc Sigma taxis?), m?umiiza?m certi?cates, and am}; @3131? rewards uf Waited Siam- Ch?imns??g and immigratiim Sen?ices and recrmis m? indian age-am}! a: {ribs} memberahigx, IT .323 'thai gash furnish {Em Era-gamma}: 3.13 infammien to amaze tbs: Dwarimem has an Magma?: maciicai hismry fur {i111 ch?dmn, imiu?ing but not i?n?tcsi the immimimiimn tweak ff}? th? aha-{Eran and. Elk: names. am}; addmsazes ofail imming playgici'ans. is FERTHER Ska: math yawn: the med?wi k??imy (Iifih? wren?i am the pamm?s atmesrixm {312 {he mm?mi highs}? repem {mam gamma: in 3333? Texas Famiiy Elude. (my F93: mm and {4&3mewa imam} Fm 3 39546251343113? 3am - 9.2. Withzm: mquiring a fur?zer ardar 0r releaw, {11? custadian at" my mievam mamas Mating it: {he} Ch?dwn, {Iha?n?e ?rigki? Am! Maggi: Bright, inciading mam?g Sac-33% Sewiws? iaw recur-d5, saber?! mwr?g, magma a premix: ?31? com?: graceeding, ansi at? a trust in? mum: at for which tha: children. an: im-ne?aiaxim shalt gum-"Ede amass the manila}; mi fife-m in: the: chii?nm, guardim mi {imm- ?at ihe chiizinzsg harem named magi amminie? its}? the {Ema-rt :9 36:35:33 the. retards under afthv?s Texas; Famiiy {Mia :35 maiicai, mem?E Emalih, 6mg :33? almhsal treatment Wizard of a {shim mat ire priviieged or mn'?gicntiai 11116.31" iaw may Etc reieasmi it) {has attamay are? firm: it}: the: ch??mn, a: guardian ad {mem- 831? ii}: chii?mn herein gamma? and. agapi?m?d by {he {inun' mtiyin ammiamze with 31:2: {3&8st ?aw, gummam is: ?E?axas Fara-ii? Catie. {an} i3. ?atics: $9 l?armi? "war 3m: {Ema-a. mm?mx mam-5.; Remains" mm, me 53: 23:31:31,122 mama-Tr 3am: {Imam ?m sax FIRE THE mm? my. ?mimmzm" (3F gamma? 1w mxm?rm: THE. mm? gr . sums-m. mm? m? HA an: cmm'm THE suvamw cam . mt: mu swam is?? 3% ma 3:53:31 3mm: mm?mm, mi: 1m?: .323: ?may?, my}: {team mm? gamma mu "m magma m? mammcg am my, cram? may Emit ?lmy {:12 33mm MM 11? mm mm Imam: IF rm: mam EETERMENES my gm: m1: ELEGIBLE ma gamma mg. mm?: mm 533mm: m: gnaw? mu? ?I?ism?ssa? ?aw am} ??tiae sf'F-nii A?wm?aty ??imringz ii?umuanf Family (Eagle, the. {la rt ?etgm?nes that the time fm? afthiza mm 3113}! u' . a Natice is givm ta Resg?ndmta MEI-LESSA VERRILL BRIQEET and MICHAEL QILLQN Em: amiss: ix 3e; far 31' fa? a?wrsary keying as: - 5? "73/1 I an $30 ??tiaekm?m in Bisirict Qatar: 9? Harris Ceunty, it; iiamstam Texas. .. . ma?a 0F miss. Sigma {hi3 ?f?W W, 22mg. IUBG E3 meet Fw??m?m mania: mm E?mm? secmogmsm {Imam} Raga 53 Sam 219 am: