.. IMO-510 tint II LERK OF THE COURT BY: J. BARRON. BEIPUTYI CLERK dlclal district and branch court. If any: - Insert name of court and name TITLE OF CASE: VS.- DZW NAME OF JUDGE: . I CASE NUMBER: ORDER ON MEDIA TO PERMIT COVERAGE 1.61- 0006?71 0- 0 OZ AGENCY. MAKING REQUEST (name); . 1. a. mo hearing was held 1:1 Date ofhearing. 11(06 [7,09 Time: 1.2.0 pm Dept row Detail. 1 Room: I . ?The court considered all the relevant factors listed In subdivision of California Rules of Court. rule 1.150 (see reverse). 3 I: THE FINDS (findings are statement of decision are IoptionaiJI. Attached I: As IfolIowSI: THE COURT ORDERS 4. The request to photograph. record or broadcast 16 a. Ij denied b. Ig?granted subject to the conditions In rule 1.150. California Rules of Court. AND the follOWing: (1) CI. The local nrles Otthis court regulating media activity outside the courtroom {copy attached) . (2) The order of the presiding or supervising judge regulating media activity outside the courtroom (copy attached). Payment to the clerk of increased court- incurred costs of to be determined (4) The media agency shall demonstrate to the court that the proposed personnel and eqLIipment comply with .- California Rules of Court, rule 1.150 and an local rule or order. . _Per?onnelIand equipment shall be_'place_d Ias directed as indicated' In the attachment :1 as follows {spechj/J: I I (6) The attached statement of agreed 1300'an arrangements 15 aFlpifi?i'ad- ECEIVEQ A statement of agreed pooling arrangements satisfactory to the court shall be t? led before coverage begins This order shall not apply to allow coverage of proceedings that are continued. - - WACOUNIYSUPERIOR (it) shall apply to allow coverage of proceedings that are continued - I (8) Other (specify): ?define-"I r?6w115\" COJJRT 5. Severe anted In item 4b IS permitted? In the following proceedings: a ?proceedings except those prohibited by California Rules of Court rule 1.150. and those proceedings prohibited by further court order.- b. Only the following proceedings (specify type or date or both). The order made is terminated modi?ed as 7. I: Number of pages attached: Date: . . 9/11 JOOE (See reverse for additional information) pd page. 0' 2 - ORDER 0N MEDIA REQUEST TO PERMIT OW. Ca' $3 Mc?sro {Rem January r, 2007} MCI-510 . CASE NAME: - CASE NUMBER: Facials vs DZWONEK SEKOHE IOI 0006770 002. FACTORS CONSIDERED BY THE JUDGE IN MAKING THIS ORDER IiRuIle 1. 150) 1. Importance of maintaining public trust and con?dence in I . 11 Effect of coverage on the willingness of witnesses to thejudiciai system - cooperate including the risk that coverage will engender 2. Importance of promotingpublic access to the iudicial system - threats to the health or safety of any wrtness 3. Parties' support of or'opposition to the request I 12.? Effect on excluded witnesses who would have access to 4? Nature of the case . . the televised testimony of priorwitnesses 5. Privacy rights of all participants in the proceeding, -. . 13. Scope of the coverage and whether partial coverage including witnesses jurors and victims - - might unfairly influence or distract the' Iury Effect on any minor who? Is a party. prospective Witness - 14. DifficuityI or Jury selection if a mistrial' Is declared . . . victim or other participant In the proceeding . . 15; Security and dignity of the court -7. Effect on the parties' ability to select a fair and unbiased. 16. Undue administrative or ?nancial burden to the court or jury - . . . . participants 8. Effect on any ongoing law enforcement activity' In the case 17. interference with neighboring courtrooms Effect on any unresolved identi?cation issues . . . i 18. Maintaining orderly conduct of the proceeding 10. Effect on any subsequent proceedings In the case: . 19. Any ctherfactor the judge deems relevant PROHIBITED oovERAeE (Rule1 150) . This order does not permit photographing, recording. or broadcasting of the following In the court: 1- The JUN or the 5133913013 - - 5. A conference between counsel and the iudge at the 2. Jury selection - . . bench sidebars?) . . 3: A conference between an attorney and a client witness I 5 A proceeding closed to the public I or al'de - .: I7. Aproceeding held In chambers . 4. Aconference between attorneys - . I MEDIA PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT (Rule 1 1.50) NOTE: These requirements apply unless the Judge orders otherwise. Refer to the order for additional requirements 1. No more than one television camera . 6. No distracting sounds or lights .2 No more than one still photographer- - 7. No visible signal light or device that shows when equip- 3. No more than one microphone operator and no obtrusive ment '3 operatlns - microphones or wiring - 8. No disruption of proceedings nor public expense to I 4. No operator 5an or exit or other distraction when the I II install operate or remove modi?cations to existing sound court? IS in session and lighting SyStemS 5. No moving equipment when the court is in session -- I . 9. No rIneIrIjia agency insignia or marking on equipment - or at Ing SANCTIONS FOR THIS ORDER (Rule 1150)- . Any violation of this order or rule 1.150 Is an unlawful interference with the proceedings of the court. The violation may result in an order terminating media coverage. a citation for contempt of court or an order' Imposing monetary or other Sanctions. [Rem January 1, 20071 - ORDER ON MEDIA REQUEST TO PERMIT COVERAGE . '1 Pagezorz MC-SOO FOR COURT USE ONLY . CHANNELIFREOUENCY No; PERSON SUBMITTING REQUEST (name) at: -.-5. jail-.0415 ShosanENEOQPer Sdpefior Com ?Tim . DM 5 OF THE SUPERIOR COURT NAME p60 V5 (3le ~55 . em. BARRON, DEPUTY CLERK OF MEDIA REQUEST To PHOTOGRAPH, RECORD slams.- OR BROADCAST - lot 0006170 002 1. PORTION OF THE PROCEEDINGS TO BE COVERED {e gff, particui'a'r Witnesses at trial. the sentencing hearing, em): arrOIgnme/n?r. 2, DATE COVERAGE I I 7.0 0t . . {Fits this format least five corm? days before the 'prOposed coverage date. Ifnot feasibte, explain goodcause- fornoncomp?ance): . I. 3: TYPE 0 COVERAGE . . .. a. TV camera and recorder . d. I: Audio b. Esau camera . e. I: Other (specihd: C. Motion picture camera I 4 I:l SPECIAL REQUESTS OR ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS (8.0801330: INCREASED COSTS. This agency acknowledges that it will be responsible for increased court-incurred costs, if any, resulting from this media coverage (estimate): 5 . - Amount unknown 6 PROPOSED ORDER. A completed proposed order on Judicial Council form MC- 510 is attached (required by Cal. Rules of Court, mile 1.150). . . CERTIFICATION I certify that if the court permits media coverage in this Case ail participating personnel In this media agency will be informed of and will abide by the provisions of California Rules of Court rule 1.150. the provisions of the court order and any additional restrictions imposed by the court.? Date: A . . . - Hi1! ?ttlmil (SIGNATURE) UPERVISORY POSITION IN MEDIA NOTICE OF HEARING (A hearing rs optional.) A HEARING held as fonowsi Date: "lime: DethDivn Room: Address of the Court: Clerk, by Deputy Form Adopted Ior Mandatory Use . ica und 0 a orni MEDIA EELAREIAR - REQUEST RECORD- 0R - Witt RECEIVED Nev lift 2019 ?Inn-n anV SI INT . cumin CRIMINAL DIVISION SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA w. 3 3 COUNTY OF SHASTA - I cum CLERK OF THE SUP AM hi: ADVISEMENT OF RIGHTS ANDA ARD- CLERK 'apghb?ete/ fake/?16? Casett: 107919713 Defendantsname You have been-charged with one Or more criminal or traf?c Offenses. Before speaking with the judge, please carefully read this information. Right to an attorneyt Youhave the rightto an attorney. If you cannot afford to hire anattomey, the cOurt will?appoint one torepgsent you, unless you are charged ohly'with? infractions- If the Court appOints an attorneypto. representsyiijii, hearingattheconclusronofyour casetodetermlne . you. have the ?nancial ability to'reiniburse the county for the attorney. If you need-time to ,hire an'__attomey, the court will give you a brief continuance. You also have the-right to represent?your?self' i I Right to speedy trial/preliminary hearing: If you are charged with a felony, yOuihave the right to a, preliminary ??aringaithistei caurt days?om. the! era ??st guild? plea issntetedaand trial within sixty days frotnyoiir arraignment date, If you. are charged _with_ja misdemeanor, you have the I right to a trial within thirty" (3 0) days if you are in custody o'rliforty?five days if you, are not; I Right to auiury trial: If you are charged With afielony or ga:r:hisiieIrriiea'nor, Oribbth," you have theiight to a? jury trial or a court trial. A court trial is one in? which the Judge determines your guiltor?innogence, A jury trial is one in which twelve memberis iOf dgtendifie your 'ghilt Off? YO??a?rieienti?tleH only to a court trial if you are charged only with infractions, 5mm Right to cross-examine Witnesses: You have the right to see and rhea; the witnesses agaihst you. .- -. You have the right to cross?examine those witnesses. You also have'tlie right to pre's'eflti a?defcn??, that is, 'to' testify on your own behalf and to present evidence, and @113}? the court?ssubpoena power to produce evidence and witnesseson your behalf, which can be done witliOiit expense to you if you cannot-affOI-d to"? "i pay for it. Right against self?hicrimination: Yourlhave the right against This means that you may not be compelled to offer evidence or teati'n?i'ony against 'yOIirs'el?V ?5 - . Other rights If ?yOuare not a citizeii Ofthe'United' states, a plea of guiltycould result= in you: being depOrted, denied admission to the United States, or denied naturalizationas a'U'r'iit'ed'States citizen; I If you are in custody, you have the right to be released on reasonable bail, as determined by the court, or be released on your ?own recognizance.? This right does not necessarily apply'if you are charged with a'ca?pital' Offense. ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT INFORMATION: . Possible ?pleas?: You may enter a plea of ?guilty,? ?not guilty, guilty with an explanation, no contest,? or ?not guilty by reason of insanity.? If you need clari?cation about any of the possible pleas, ask the Judge to explain it to you. CC .pmtx?File No. Stephanie A. Bridgett DISTRICT ATTORNEY Shasta County 1355 West Street Redding, CA 96001 (530) 245-6300 . shastada@c0. Shasta. ca. us Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SHASTA . Redding Branch . THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA No. 19-06770 Plaintiff, vs. - Felony - JEROME DENNELL DZWONEK, Next Court Date: 10/31/2019 Defendant(si DA F-l9?06770 REDDING POLICE. DEPARTMENT 19R070839 The District Attorney of Shasta County, by and through the undersigned Deputy District Attorney, on information and belief, complains and accuses defendant(s) of having committed, in the County of Shasta, State of California, the crime(s) of: - COUNT 1 MURDER, in violation of Section of the Penal Code, a Felony. Defendant JEROME DENNELL DZWONEK, - On or about the 27th day of October, 2019, did willfully, unlawfully, deliberately, with premeditation and malice aforethought murder LARIS SA COLE, a human being. The above offense is a serious felony 1Within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7(0) and a Violent felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section KELLY KAFEL Senior Deg?ty District Attorney Subscribed and sworn on 0ctober 31, 2019 Pursuant to Penal Code Section the People are hereby informally requesting that defense counsel provide discovery to the people as required by Penal Code Section 1054.3. KK/clh HOLDING ORDER It appearing to me that the offense(s) 1n the within complaint has/have been committed and that there IS suf?cient cause to believe that the defendant(s) JEROME DENNELL DZWONEK, is guilty thereof. . The defendant(s) JEROME DENNELL DZWONEK, having waived preliminary hearing to the offense(s) set forth in this complaint, I order that the defendant be held to answer to same. In my capacity as Judge of the Superior Court, I deem the Within complaint tobe an Information and order it ?led in the Superior Court. I order that the defendant be held to answer to same. An Information is to be ?led by the District Attorney's Of?ce within the statutory time limit for defendant's arraignment on said Information. Date: Dept. - Judge of the Superior Court Sitting asMagistrate 111qu _Vzehm Rest Fee Security Fee. Conviction Fee: EMAT Feet: AttOmey Feez' . Cost Iof Probation: - Defendant sentenced to County all Pe1- PC 1170(h)(5)(a) for Other: .5 - 3.?Defendant Sentenced to County all 'Pe1' PC for - . Total Fees/Fines: Defendant sentenced to State Prison for-- . . - 15:11:12] . -- . .- .2. the Shasta County Jai1 1655 West Street :-30 4:RM. the Altematzve Custody Program Center, 2425 Breslauer Way by 00 A. :00. PM 1?0 the Probation Department today/Rpm release - - - I -. .- - Signature: treet Address - . Te1eph011e Number: aMa?mg Address - - I. - Work Number: . . State: . Zip?z - - Date of Birth: 111311 Addless . . CDL 0. or No: ?mployer - Social Security No. mployer Address: the foregoing IS a true copy_' 'Of the judgment rendered on the above date by the above? named judicial offiee . BYE: 1M 0- THE SHERLPF: The foregoing eerti?ed copy of 311d went in the above enti?ed action is your authority for the execution. Commit Form 4 part 1111 03 19 511.52 3 ?83 31W "Kl - . 0101\de truism?01 SHASTA SUPERIOR COURT - - Email: eliminal@shasta.courts.cagov 1500 COURT STREET, ROOM 219 . FORM Website: ?wwshastacourtsca. gov 96001 530-245-6789 PEOPLE vs. 1.116127% knna/ CASE 1- 750 CHARGES: 1. pa f?g?Z/A. 23C 4. - CASE 2. YOUARE ORDERED TO AP PE ON: j?mj'v DEPT. CASE 3. CASE 4 DATE. 1 WORK PRO Report to the Probation Department Community Services Program (12111111111 48 hours) at 1421 Court Street, Redding, CA 96001 (530- 245- 6200) Monday through Thursday between the hours for days work program as a sentence/?ne conversion. You will be required to pay a work program conversion fee through the Court Collections. Note: Failure to sign up or failure to complete work program may result in the issuance of a warrant. CUSTODIAL STATUS: 0901 000 2$ \01000 3 R'emanded to custody. Bail: 1. .2: Defendant released/sentenced I Release on I liBail Rem-ants Bail Increased 13 Bail Reduced-- Ii P-endin-g- Sta: Pnson . El No Release of Any Kind Without a Court Order Cl Extradition Waived Not Waived BEING RELEASED ON OWN RECOGNIZAN CE, DEFENDANT AGREES THAT (1) Will appear at all times and places, as "ordered by the Court or magistrate and as ordered by any Court in which, or any magistrate before whom the charge is subsequently pending (2) Promises to obey. all reasonable. conditions imposed by the Court or magistrate. (3) Promises not to depart this state Without leave of the Court. (4) Agrees to waive extradition if the defendant fails to appear as required and is apprehended outside of the State of California. (5) Acknowledges and has been informed of the consequences and penalties applicable to violation of the conditions of release. A Failure to Appear constitutes a separate and new misdemeanor/felony. Punishable for a felony by $10,000 ?ne and/or imprisonment in the state prison or in the county jail, for not more than one year or both; for a misdemeanor by $1,000 ?ne and! or one year in jail. Have no contact with victim(s). SENTENCE: - 1. 3. 4. . PLUS FEES BELOW: Pay minimum" beginning - until account paid in full. Rest. Fine: A one-time collection fee of $50.00 is added to all installment plans. Booking Fee: Amount to be added to NO. - Div./Dorn./Lab: El Report to Court Collections, Room 112, by to set up payment plan. DUI Admin Fee: Payments to be made in Room 112 or mailed to: Crime Prev. Fine: Superior Court of Cahfornia, County of Shasta, PO Box 994588, Redding Ca 96099 4588 Victim Rest: Collections Clerk Telephone (530) Victim Rest. Fee: Security Fee: Conviction Fee: - . EMAT Fee: 1. days 2. days 3. days 4. days a, Attorney Fee: Sentence to be served consecutively/ concurrently Cost of Probation: Defendant sentenced to County 1 ail Per PC 1170(h)(5)(a) for 1 Other: Cl Defendant sentenced to County I ail Per PC 117001)(5)(b) for Total Fees/Fines: 3; El Defendant sentenced to State Prison for i El CreditsReport to the Shasta'County Jail, 1655 West Street by 8:30 41:00 A.M., 1:30-4:00 P.M., OT 5:30-8:00 PM. El Report to the Alternative Custody Program Center, 2425 Breslauer Way by 7:00 A.M.-3 :00 RM. El Report to the Probation Department today/upon release. . Date: I Signature: Street Address: Telephone Number: Mailing Address: Work Number: City: State: Zip: Date of Birth: Email Address: CDL No. or ID. No.: Employer: Social Security No: Employer Address: I certify the foregoing is a true copy of the judgment rendered on the above date by the above named jtidligcial - ?4 aw.? TO THE SHERIFF: The foregoing certi?ed copy of judgment 111 the above? entitled action is your authonBty for the execution. Commit Form 4 part 05 29 18 I 331131. No: 4215302034 Of?cer Report for Incident 19R070839 Supplement by DiMatteo 138 Supp 17 TimefDate: 09:53:45 10/31/19 Case Summary On Sunday October 27th, 2019 at approximately 1330 hours, Redding Police officers were dispatched to the report of a unresponsive female found on the ground at the rear of Viking Skate Country, located on Auditorium Drive, in the City of Redding. Upon the arrival of responding patrol officers, a white female was observed found on the south end-of the business obviously deceased. Patrol officers were able to identify the female victim through a distinct tattoo on her left forearm.as Larissa Marie COLE. A Shasta County Coroner Investigator responded to the scene and while processing the scene and taking possession of she was found to have a ligature wound around her neck that_would_be consistent with strangulation. had no other personal property in her posseSSion when she was found, except for the clothing she was wearing During initial interviews with nether, W/Tracey COLE stated she left her residence on Saturday night, October 26th, 2019 sometime after 9:00 pm. After viewing the home security cameras from W/Tracey residence, VYCOLE was observed leaving the house at approximately 11:10 pm, wearing the clothing she was found in. After interviewing several witnesses, it was found that VYCOLE went to a house in the 2000 block of Butte Street that belonged to W/Katherine LINN. According to witnesses that were at the house on Butte Street, left early Sunday morning, October 27th, 2019, with a male believed to be named "Jerome", and that she had been communicating with the male via text messages. During the investigation, we learned that W/James NORTHEN was at a residence on Magnolia Avenue on Sunday October 27th, 2019 when W/Bret VIERRA.brought numerous items to the residence after going through trash cans in the area of Butte Street. These items included a purse, a dark colored flannel shirt and a cell phone. W/James NORTHEN, who is a friend of v/ COLE, y. recognized the cell phone to be VYCOLE's. At that time, knew VVCOLE was found deceased earlier in the day. The cellular phone was subsequently provided to the Bedding Police Department regarding this investigation. phone was forensically examined and during a review of the contents, several messages were discovered on the evening of October 26th, 2019 and into the morning of October 27th, 2019. It was determined after reading the messages that the last messages sent were to a male who was identified through the Facebook Messenger application as Jerome Dennell DZWONEK. The content of the messages involved meeting each other and getting alcohol, and included VYCOLE providing her location to so that he could come and pick her up. The messages indicated that picked VYCOLE up from.the 2000 block of Butte St at around 0700. W/Bret VIERRA was contacted and interviewed regarding locating the cell phone, and he informed Investigators that he had located cell phone and other items in a garbage bin in the 2500 block of Butte Street. The garbage bin was determined to be located in front of residence. Of?cer Report for Incident 19R070839 Using various law enforcement databases, I determined was recently stopped by the Redding Police Department driving a silver 1997 Subaru Legacy - {California License Plate registered to him.at a residence located at 2558 Butte Street in the City of Redding. During the above listed vehicle stop, was identified by his California Identification Card. Surveillance was conducted on the vehicle and the residence On Tuesday October 29th, 2019 at approximately 1020 hours was stopped leaving his residence driving the silver Subaru Legacy. was asked if he would agree to go to Redding Police Investigations to be interviewed, which he agreed too. During the interview with he identified his Facebook account, and talked about how he used the account to message and communicate with people. When was asked about he provided statements that he had met her a while back and that he has communicated with her via Facebook Messenger on other occasions. When asked about his last contact with VVCOLE he admitted that he had communicated with her on Sunday October 2?th, 2019 in the morning as well as admitted to picking her up and purchasing alcohol for her. later confessed to taking to the area of Turtle Bay and the Redding Rodeo grounds where they smoked marijuana which believes was laced with methamphetamine. talked about moving from the area of the boat ramp to the dirt area behind Viking Skate Country. talked about continuing to smoke marijuana and eventually falling asleep. said at one point "passes out" and said he did too. stated he woke up and saw VYCOLE leaving the vehicle and he Suspected her of stealing his car keys and wallet In order to stop her, said he exited the vehicle and noticed a phone charging cord hanging from.her purse. said he grabbed the phone cord from the purse and chased after said he put the phone cord around her neck and strangled her. OXDZWONEK described how he counted to "23" before letting go of he cord that was around VVCOLE's neck. talked about how he started to let go of the cord and began to move at which time he tightened the cord again and continued to count. said the second time he counted to "30? while holding the cord around her neck. When stopped moving and was unresponsive, he said he left her body behind Viking Skate Country up against the building. said he gathered her purse, make?up bag, cell phone and flannel shirt and drove back to his residence. said when he arrived back at home he placed the items belonging to in his trash can located in front of his residence. Later that afternoon said he drove to Roseville with his sister?s boyfriend to help sell a car and returned later that night in his vehicle with his sister's boyfriend. said he learned of body being found through the news. Investigators were able to obtain security camera footage from.businesses that show was at Safeway on Pine Street purchaSing alcohol just after picking VYCOLE up. Additional surveillance cameras were located showing vehicle traveling to the Redding Rodeo Grounds in the time frame that was provided from both statements and digital evidence. Search warrants were served on vehicle and residence. In [0131;19 Of?cer Report for Incident 1 9R0 70839 vehicle, we located suspected blood on the back seat of the vehicle could not provide a explanation of why there would blood in the back of his vehicle. In residence, we located numerous phone cords that could?ve been used to strangle VYCOLE. Based on the above statements and evidence located, I believe that strangled to death. was arrested and booked into the Shasta County Jail on the charges of PC 187(a) Murder. 10?31fl9