Summit County Minimum Wage Survey Results Nov. 6, 2019 Survey Response Summary inn-n 't'an' -. 'l [j 8? Ext: DU ?1 2133 ?Hung-a all Fina-1"": Cl a'F-nr. In 1- El Sala rl'u Ml'nirnu an Summit Illuuntg.r In? War kar Survey: Minimum Wage {1 1 1 ,1 In" Summit Can my mpluyer Survey: . 97:51.: 3' *nirWorker Survey Oct. 22 – Nov. 3, 2019 973 24 Total Responses in English Total Responses in Spanish Completion Rate: 75% Completion Rate: 75% Typical Time Spent: 6 minutes Typical Time Spent: 7 minutes Q1: What is your marital status? Answered: 970 Skipped:3 Single Live with dnmestic--. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 80% 90% 100% Q1: What is your marital status? Renter/Owner/Spanish Answered: 439 Answered: 438 Answered: 24 02: Do you have any children under the age of 18? Answered: 971 Skipped: 2 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 80% 90% 100% Q2: Do you have any children under the age of 18? Renter/Owner/Spanish Answered: 438 Answered: 440 Answered: 24 05: What is your health insurance status? Answered: 953 Skipped: 20 Either Uninsured Private insurance Parentts} Medicaid Medicare Spcucefpartner's Employer Q5: What is your health insurance status? Answered: 953 Skipped: 20 ANSWER CHDIC E5 UnmsmEd Medicaid Medicare Employer Spousefpartner's employer Pare-mm} Private insurance Other TOTAL RE SPONSES 10.39% 3-9 9% 5532?: 9.44% 6.0 9% TB T?i?n 1.53'16 953 Q5: What is your health insurance status? Renter/Owner/Spanish Answered: 439 Answered: 439 Answered: 22 Monthly Rent or Mortgage Payment Rental Rate Mortgage Rate 28 44 24 32 19 15 21 12 20 6 3 350 - 500 2 501-750 751 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 over 2000 350 - 500 4 0 501-750 751 - 1000 1001 1500 1501 2000 2001 2500 2501 3500 over 3500 Q8: How would you describe your housing situation? (all English-language workers) Answered: 925 Skipped: 48 Q18: How would you describe your housing situation? (all Spanish-language workers) Answered: 19 Skipped: 5 Q10: Do you need to have a roommate who is not a family member, spouse or domestic partner, in order to meet the monthly rent or mortgage payment for your unit? Answered: 774 Skipped: 199 Q10: Do you need to have a roommate who is not a family member, spouse or domestic partner, in order to meet the monthly rent or mortgage payment for your unit? R/O/S Answered: 356 Answered: 418 Answered: 18 Q11: Do you receive any public benefits, such as food assistance, child care assistance, housing or health insurance? Answered: 890 Skipped: 83 Q11: Do you receive any public benefits, such as food assistance, child care assistance, housing or health insurance? (Renter/Owner/Spanish) Answered: 426 Answered: 418 Answered: 19 Q12: Which public benefits do you receive (check all that apply)? Answered: 79 Skipped: 894 Fund Child Care Assistance Hausing Assistance Health Insurance.-. Either (please specify} 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 70% 30% 90% 100% Q12: Which public benefits do you receive (check all that apply)? Answered: 79 Skipped: 894 ANSWER CHDICES RESPONSES Feed Assistance 13-99% 15 Child Care Assistance 2.135% 22 HeusingAssistanee 10-13% 3 Health Insurance [Health First Celerade, Medicaid} 55-95% 45 Other [please specify] 6-33% 5 Total Respondents: 7?9 Q12: Which public benefits do you receive? (Renter/Owner/Spanish) Answered: 46 Answered: 29 Answered: 4 Q13: Are you concerned that an increase in minimum wage might affect your eligibility for public benefits? Answered: 880 Skipped: 93 Q13: Are you concerned that an increase in minimum wage might affect your eligibility for public benefits? (Renter/Owner/Spanish) Answered: 421 Answered: 416 Answered: 19 Q14: Do you currently have any student loan debt? Answered: 876 Skipped: 97 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 80% 90% 100% Q14: Do you currently have any student loan debt? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 421 Answered: 412 Answered: 19 Q15: How much do you currently owe in student loans? Answered: 270 Skipped: 703 Less than $10,000 $10,000 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $75,000 $05,001 $100,000 Mme than $100,000 100 Q15: How much do you currently owe in student loans? (Rent/Own) Answered: 164 Answered: 92 Q16: What county do you live in? Answered: 874 Skipped: 99 L-UTIrl-"Ltaunt? L?l'ii: Cal. 1H I Lnnru Clear L're?: Grand taunt} {cunt}: JE'lersur L':Iur1:1- aunts' :Ir Eh: r'.'er Eaulu Lian-ll; Cour-J.- L'Rhuripleabr specify; 3% ELF-5 Hil?- Elli-E Bil?: Q16: What county do you live in? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 421 Lulla- lat! 7.11m" I ?Jilin-?Tr I I'm-c Mllunull 'I-Il'wr Enumf (HP-he fir-H {hi 13% b-U'n- 2U 4. I'll" lat! 7.11m" I ?Jilin-?Tr I I'm-c I Mllunull 'I-Il'wr Enumf (HP-he fir-H mgr-n {hi 1H Answered: 411 Lake 33mg.- Ena- (ml. L-i Cam-1:: Hull?:- Bane-2 3.1m;- l'?ll'h'l' Ul'u?uu b-U'n- HM. Answered: 21 IL I-y :1 1?3 Q17: Which town do you live in? Answered: 769 Skipped: 204 Blue River Breckenridge Dillun Friscn Muntezuma Silverth urne Unincurpurated Summit ?aunt};I 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 00% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q17: Which town do you live in? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 380 Answered: 355 4M .1I1b 70". ll'L'?'u I'Hdn. .1I1b 70". I-In-u- Answered: 20 Q18: How long have you lived in Summit County? Answered: 772 Skipped: 201 Lessthan1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years E-1D years Here then 11] years NEH: 20% 30% 11-11% 511% 311% Q18: How long have you lived in Summit County? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 383 Answered: 355 Answered: 20 Q19: Looking ahead, how many more years do you see yourself living in Summit County? Answered: 770 Skipped: 203 Q19: Looking ahead, how many more years do you see yourself living in Summit County?(Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 380 Answered: 356 Answered: 20 020: How many years have you worked in Summit County? Answered: 867 Skipped: 106 Lessthan1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years 5?10 years Here than 10 years 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 70% 30% 00% 100% Q20: How many years have you worked in Summit County? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 420 Answered: 406 Answered: 20 Q21: Looking ahead, how many more years do you see yourself working in Summit County? Answered: 862 Skipped: 111 Q21: Looking ahead, how many more years do you see yourself working in Summit County? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 415 Answered: 406 Answered: 20 Q22: Within the past 12 months, have you ever held more than one job at a time? Answered: 866 Skipped: 107 Q22: Within the past 12 months, have you ever held more than one job at a time? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 420 Answered: 405 Answered: 19 Q23: Within the past 12 months, what is the greatest number of jobs you have held at once? Answered: 460 Skipped: 513 Q23: Within the past 12 months, what is the greatest number of jobs you have held at once? (Rent/Own/Span) Answered: 273 Answered: 161 Answered: 12 Q24: During the past 12 months, how many hours per week have you worked, on average? Answered: 752 Skipped: 221 Q25: During the past three years, what is the lowest hourly wage (including tips) you have received at a job in Summit County? Answered: 704 250 200 150 100 50 0 Below $8.08 $8.08 - 11.10 $11.11 - 12 $12.01 - 13.80 $13.81 - 15 $15.01 - 18 Over $18 Wages by Sector: English-Language Workers 60% 54% 50% 41% 40% 35% 29% 30% 24% 20% 17% Below $12 18% 16% Below $14 13% 8% 10% 6% 5% 0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 1% 3% 0% Below $18 Wages by Sector: English-Language Workers 70% 67% 60% 54% 50% 41% 40% Below $12 33% 33% 33% 29% 30% Below $14 28% Below $18 26% 25% 25% 23% 19% 20% 14% 14% 13% 10% 10% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% Professional Services (22) Manufacturing (4) Real Estate (7) Resort and Ski (122) Restaurant (50) Retail (63) Transportation (3) Totals (547) Wages by Sector: Employers Number of workers identified in each wage category by their employer 140 131 120 100 Below $12 80 70 Below $14 Below $18 60 Over $18 37 40 24 24 20 9 0 1 0 1 4 23 11 8 0 0 0 Healthcare FT (6) Healthcare PT (6) Hospitality/Lodging FT (16) Hospitality/Lodging PT (16) Wages by Sector: Employers 350 Number of workers identified in each wage category by their employer 317 300 282 250 227 200 Below $12 160 150 Below $14 148 137 Below $18 132 128 122 Over $18 109 100 56 52 50 28 0 0 8 0 10 5 0 17 8 1 0 Retail FT (11) Retail PT (11) 0 Professional Services Professional Services Restaurant/Bar FT (17)Restaurant/Bar PT (17) FT (10) PT (10) Reported Tip Range = $3 to $80, Reported Tip Average = $19.06, Reported Tip Median = $15 Q26: The Colorado statewide minimum wage is currently $11.10 per hour and will rise to $12 per hour in 2020. Do you think Summit County should have a minimum wage that is higher than the state minimum wage? (English-Language Workers) Answered: 736 Skipped: 237 Q26: The Colorado statewide minimum wage is currently $11.10 per hour and will rise to $12 per hour in 2020. Do you think Summit County should have a minimum wage that is higher than the state minimum wage? (Renter/Owner/Spanish/Employer) Answered: 348 Answered: 350 Answered: 19 Answered: 68 Q28: Which of the following benefits are offered to you by your employer(s)? If they're offered, do you take them? (ELW) Answered: 707 Skipped: 266 Q28: Which of the following benefits are offered to you by your employer(s)? If they're offered, do you take them? (ELW) Answered: 707 Skipped: 266 Q35: ¿Cuál de los siguientes beneficios le ha ofrecido su empleador? ¿Los acepta? (SLW) Answered: 14 Skipped: 10 Q35: ¿Cuál de los siguientes beneficios le ha ofrecido su empleador? ¿Los acepta? (SLW) Answered: 14 Skipped: 10 Summit County Employer Survey: Minimum Wage Oct. 24 – Nov. 3, 2019 72 Total Responses Powered by Q11: Do you offer annual raises to your employees? Answered: 72 Skipped: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 80% 90% 100% Q13: Do you offer benefits to your employees? Answered: 71 Skipped: 1 NE: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 80% 90% 100% Q13: Do you offer benefits to your employees? Answered: 71 Skipped: 1 ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES YES 50.55% 43 ND 3.944% 23 TOTAL T1 Q15: Which benefits do you offer to your full-time (FT), part-time (PT), year-round (YR) and seasonal (S) employees? Answered: 41 Skipped: 31 Q15: Which benefits do you offer to your full-time (FT), part-time (PT), year-round (YR) and seasonal (S) employees? Answered: 41 Skipped: 31