T?ssoan FEBRUARY. 2, 193,7, Eenator Herren ?Unimprared Tuesday. Feb. ?Hush'?erren. state senator from Pu'raliup. had a "poor nieht" and hospital attendants said todatIr he was ?unimproved." pl?oizrat?sr in an increased .eriticai condition. suffering tron: heart and- kidner trouble. Heisl [Finest British Do] an LONDON DOCKS TA drink of rest distinction that is I a cheery' com- psnion {or a? pc- - casinosLam (in Hart CD Inc. HEW "80 ?t Fi?t?i Tuesdan Feb, Es:? U'Pil?Because the. people of King County are of "a heterogeneous. heteroloeous. heteronomous and heteromorphistic 'nature." sentative A. W. Clark. Clark County, proposed?todse,r to divide Washington into two states?"King and _Washington. 'What he meant by those jaw- hreakers was that the citizens of King County are "different? and "Es-t in his ha1r He cited that the nature of King? County persons gave rise ?to eco- no'mic and political antagonisms and strifes which have enlarged the- sap and reflected in hostile legisla- tion against the rest of the people not conducive to the peace' and wellaheine oi the'eitisehspf the state.? Clark introduced a' resolution to submit a constitutional amend.- iment to the 1rotors to divide the tstale. -an_d if adopted, cart-g.r the proposition to the people of the United States for final action. . The boundary line of the ?State of King? would he the present bounds-:3. of King County-nor a state within a state