1 UNCLASS I FIED PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE, joint with the COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM and the COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHTNGToN, D.C. DEPOSITION OF: LAURA KATHERINE COOPER Wednesday, Octoben 23, Washington, D.C. UNCLASS I EIED 20L9 2 UNCLASS I FIED in the above matten was held in Room HVC-304, Capitol Visitor Centen, commencing at 2:58 p.m. Pnesent: Repnesentatives Schiff, Himes, Sewe11, Carson, The deposition Speien, Quig1ey, Swalwe11, Heck, Maloney, Demings, Knishnamoonthi, Stefanik, and Ratcliffe. Also Pnesent: Repnesentatives Meadows, Wnight, McCaul, Cicilline, Ke11y, Rouda, Jondan, Perry, Roy, and Zeldin. UNCLASS I FIED 3 UNCLASS IF]ED Appeanances: Fon the PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE: UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS TF]ED Fon the COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM: Fon the COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Fon LAURA COOPER: DANIEL LEVIN, White & Case ESQ. LLP 701 Thinteenth Stneet, NW Washington, D.C. 2O005-3807 UNCLASS T FIED 4 5 UNCLASS I FIED THE CHAIRMAN: The House Panliamentanian will statement about the House nules, stating that any will be Membens that a nemain in violation of the House nules. We've alneady dispensed with enough time going be delivening to fonego my opening statement. I of this witness, so I'm would unge the minonity to do the same so we can begin the questioning. Mn. Goldman, you ane necognized. MR. GOLDMAN: Thank you, Mn. Chainman. This is a deposition of Permanent Select Committee on impeachment inquiny Launa Coopen conducted by the House Intelligence, pursuant to the announcement by the Speaker of the House on Septemben 24th, Ms. Coopen, we apologize of to you fon the 5-houn delay as a nesult some unauthonized Republican Membens being pnesent, appneciate that you ane here today and but we that you waited to take youn testimony. If you could, please state youn full name and speIl it for the necond. MS. COOPER: My name is Launa Kathenine Coopen, L-a-u-r-d, Kathenine, K-a-t-h-e-n-i-n-e, Cooper, C-o-o-p-e-n. you. Along with othen pnoceedings in funthenance of the inquiny, this deposition is pant of a joint MR. GOLDMAN: Thank investigation led by the Intelligence Committee, in coondination with the Committees on Foneign Affains and Oversight and Refonm. In the noom today ane majonity and minonity UNCLASS staff I EIED fnom all thnee committees. 6 UNCLASS I FIED This is a staff-Ied deposition, but members, of counse, may ask their allotted time, as has been the case in eveny deposition since the inception of this investigation. My name is Daniel Goldman. I'm the Dinecton of Investigations questions duning for the HPSCI majonity staff. And I want to do some bnief intnoductions night now. To my night is Nlcolas Mitche11, Senion Investigative Counsel fon HPSCI. Mr. Mitchell will be doing the bulk of the questioning today fon the majonity. And I'11 now ask my countenpants on the minonity staff to intnoduce themselves. MR. CASTOR: Steve Caston, Republican staff of the Ovensight Committee. I. MR. GOLDMAN: unclassified This deposition level. will Howeven, we ane in be conducted entinely at the HPSCI secune spaces, and the pnesence of staff with appropniate secunity cleanances. in It is the committee's expectation that neithen questions asked of you non answens provided by you will requine discussion of any infonmation that is at any point, could be pnopenly classified unden Executive Onder 13526. You ane neminded that E0-13526 states that, quote, "In no case shall infonmation be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, on fail to be declassified, " unquote, fon the purpose of concealing any violations of law on pneventing cunnently, or UNCLASS I FIED 7 UNCLASS I PIED of any person on entity. If any of oun questions can only be answened with classified embanrassment information, please infonm us of that Today's deposition of the sensitive because and matenials deposition Unden the memben that will House will and we will adjust accondingly. is not being taken in executive and confidential natune of be discussed, access some of the topics to the tnanscnipt of the to the thnee committees in be limited session, but attendance. deposition nu1es, no Memben of Congness, non any staff can discuss the substance of the testimony that you pnovide to neview the today You and youn attonney tnanscnipt at a laten Befone we begin, deposition. We will will have an oppontunity date. I would like to go oven the gnound nules fon this be following the House negulations for depositions, which we have pneviously pnovided to youn counsel. deposition houn to will follows: pnoceed as The majonity ask questions. Then the minonity will will The be given one be given one houn. Theneaften, we will aLtennate back and fonth between majority and minority in 45-minute rounds until questioning is complete. will take periodic bneaks, but us if you need a bneak at any We time, please Iet know. Unden the House deposition nules, counsel fon othen pensons or govennment agencies may not attend. You ane allowed to have attonney pnesent duning this deposition, and one. UNCLASS IEIED I see that an you have bnought 8 UNCLASS if At this time, the I FIED counsel could please state his appeanance for recond. MR. LEVIN: Daniel Levin. MR. GOLDMAN: is said in onden to necond to is There make a be c1ean, please a stenognapher taking down evenything that wnitten recond of the deposition. Fon the wait until each question is completed befone you begin your answen, and we will endeavon to wait until you finish youn response befone asking the next question. The stenognaphen cannot necond nonvenbal answens, such as shaking youn head, so it is important that you answen each question with an that you give complete neplies to questions, based on youn best necoltection. If a question is unclean, audible venbal answen. on you ane uncentain in do not know the answen We ask youn response, please let to a question on cannot us know. nememben, And if simply you say so. You may only nefuse to necognized by answen a the committee. the basis of pnivilege, staff If may question to pnesenve a pnivilege you refuse to answen a question on eithen pnoceed with the deposition on seek a ruling from the chairman on the objection. If the ovennules any such objection, you ane nequined to answen chain the question. Finally, you ane'neminded that it is unlawful to delibenately pnovide false information to Membens of Congness on staff. It is impenative that you not only answen our questions tnuthfully, but that fuI1 and complete answers to all questions asked of Omissions may also be considened as false statements. you give UNCLASS I EIED you. UNCLAS As this deposition is 9 ] FIED under oath, Ms. Coopen, would you please stand and naise youn night hand Do you swean on S to be swonn. affinm that the testimony you ane about to give is the whole tnuth and nothing but the tnuth? MS. COOPER: I do. MR. GOLDMAN: Thank you. will neflect that the witness has been swonn, and you may be seated. With that, Ms. Coopen, if you have any opening remanks, The necond now would be the time. MS. COOPER: Thank you. I look fonward to questions. I do not have any opening MR. GOLDMAN: I'11 now answening youn nemanks. yield to Mn. Mitchell fon the majonity's 1-houn nound. EXAMINATION BY MR. MITCHELL: a A Good My aftennoon, ma'am. Would you please state youn tit1e. title is Deputy Assistant Secnetany of Defense for Russia, Uknaine, Eunasia. a Can you nesponsibilities A My just genenally descnibe youn duties and ? pontfolio spans finst Russia, and the Russia pontfolio includes cunnent events, cunnent policy towands Russia, as well long-tenm stnategy on Russia fon the Depantment I as of Defense. also coven a numben of countnies that ane fonmer states of the Soviet Union, panticulanly Uknaine, also Geongia. UNCLASS I FIED f also coven 10 UNCLASS I FIED Azenbaijan and Armenia as well as Moldova and Belanus. Fina1ly, in tenms of the negional pant of handle the countnies of the Westenn Balkans. my So pontfolio, I also this includes Bosnia-Henzegovina, Albania, Cnoatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, and fina11y, Montenegno, and Kosovo. And then, anms I handle the conventional for the Department of Defense. a Today we'ne going to be focusing pnimanily on contnol pontfolio Uknaine-nelated issues. What pencentage of youn pontfolio would you S?y, on how much time do you spend on Ukraine-nelated matters? A a So I would say it fluctuates And oven time, but up to 25 pencent. within the uknaine pontfolio, in that 25 pencent of the time, what types of mattens ane you wonking on within A So my pnimary Uknaine? focus is on building a stnong relationship with Uknainian Ministny of Defense and Uknainian Anmed Fonces, and building the capacity of the Ukrainian Anmed Fonces aggression. So, aS pant of that, I to resist Russian ovensee DOD's secunity assistance to Uknaine. a I think we'ne going to get into more detail duning the counse of this deposition, but can you just genenally descnibe whethen you have any intenactions, specifically in connection with the Uknainian pontfolio, with membens of the Depantment of State? A Absolutely. I talk with my State Department countenpants quite fnequently about Uknaine and, realIy, the whole nange of my portfolio. a And what about OMB, specifically with regand to UNCLASS I FIED Uknaine? 11 UNCLASS I A I counse FIED do not noutinely intenact with OMB, although oven the of the summen, panticipated in a couple of meetings with penhaps mone than a couple -- had one phone convensation summen. But a I'd have OMB, to double-check the numben -- with an official that would not be typical of What about National Secunity fnom my OMB oven this and past position. Council, again, fon the Uknaine-nelated mattens? A So fon Uknaine-nelated mattens, fnequently, at least weekly, with I cornespond, on speak quite NSC countenpants. a And that's a matten of noutine. Is that night? A That's just noutine. a And is that because you coondinate with the National Secunity Council neganding U.S. policy with negand to Uknaine as well as other geognaphic negions? A Absolutely. a What about the Office of the Vice Pnesident? A It has been quite some time that I have intenacted with the Office of the Vice President. And it has depended oven time on panticulan staff membens and the Defense Depantment I actually months cannot is thein intenest in my pontfolio and what wonking on. recall any instances within the past, say, 6 to a yean of dinect intenaction with one penson fnom the Office of the Vice Pnesident, but it's impontant to note that the Office of the Vice Pnesident a is usually pnesent at intenagency policy meetings. Like the ones that you wene descnibing that took place duning UNCLASS I FIED L2 UNCLASS I the F]ED of this summen? A Yes, that is connect. counse And, again, we'11 get a into mone detail a little bit laten. What about White House counsel? A I have not had any dinect intenactions that I can neca1l with in the foneseeable past, although I would not be surpnised if they were panticipating, at least by sitting in on some of these intenagency meetings, but I can't nealIy recall anything that White House counsel they've said in these meetings necently. a And what about dinect contact with Uknainian officials? A So, I have nelatively fnequent dinect contact with Uknainian officials. I cochain a Bilatenal Defense Consultation Fonum eveny yean to 18 months, and in the lead-up to those meetings, have contacts with Ministny of Defense officials. I When also tend they come panliamentarians fnom Uknaine. to Washington, they'11 stop by the Those ane a to neceive visiting just Pentagon and see me. examples. And do you have any contacts with Ukrainian officials about secunity assistance specifically? A With the Ministny of Defense, my consultations relate to setting pnionities fon security assistance and pnogness in implementing secunity assistance. I think today we'ne going to focus on two diffenent types of secunity assistance to Uknaine. The first is the DOD-administened Uknaine Secunity Assistance Initiative, which I undenstand is USAI, a So UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS 13 ] FIED as well as the state-administened Foneign Militany Financing, which is FMF. A a for Uh- huh. Can you just genenally descnibe those two different pnognams us? A Centainly. I would finst stant by, of counse, noting obvious of the diffenent ovensight the lead when it comes the authonity. State Depantment is in to FMF. So for the Defense FMF, Depantment is playing an implementing nole and a coondinating nole with nespect to policy, whereas authority. the Uknaine Secunity Assistance So we ane in the lead fon the policy and the State Depantment Initiative is and DOD the implementing, is in a coondinating nole. authonities alLow us to support Uknainian a But both Anmed Fonces -- both in defending themselves against Russian aggnession. a And so what types of things does Uknaine get from secunity assistance? And you can talk about as to it this U.S. both as to USAI as well FMF. A Sure. So fon me, I pnobably can't give you a veny compnehensive list just off the top of my head, and I'm centainly mone familian with the Uknaine Secunity Assistance Initiative. But just to give an example of package fnom some of the things that we included in the USAI fon this yean was a very wide nange of capabilities, nanging night vision goggles and vehicles to counten-batteny sniper nifles. some examples Those ane nadans, just -- medical equipment. Those ane just of the kinds of things that UNCLASS I EIED were included in this year's 1.4 UNCLAS Ukraine Secunity Assistance The most notable item S I FIED Initiative package. that we funded thnough FMF in the necent past, although this is going back beyond this yean's tnanche of was the lavelin anti-anmon system, which we used FMF money, to fund. a Was that in 2OL7? A I'd have to double-check the date. I believe it was. a wene you involved in that FMF funding fon Javelins in 2@77? A So -- yes. I was involved in the interagency pnocess that nesulted in the decision and then the implementation of it. Again, we'lL have mone questions about that a 1aten. Do othen to Uknaine, countnies also pnovide economic and secunity assistance just like the U.S. A ? Thene ane a numben of other countnies that pnovide both economic and secunity assistance. A Including the EU? A I actually am not familian with the EU as an institution, but a numben of EU memben states, I am familiar with thein panticular contnibutions. The EU funds tend to be on the economic side; because I and focus on defense and secunity, I'm Less familian with those. of assistance provided by the u.s. Vensus othen Eunopean countnies, for example, are you familian with a those hJhat about the amounts numbens? A I couldn't give you the specific U.S. contributions ane fan countny. Whethen mone numbens, but the U.S. -- the significant than any individual the collective contnibutions outweigh the U.S., I UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASS 15 I FIED don't have that figune. a Now, you used by Uknaine A a A able indicated eanlien that the secunity assistance is to thwant Russian aggnession, connect? Connect. How impontant is secunity assistance Secunity assistance is vital to to Uknainians? helping the Uknainians be to defend themselves. a A Can you WeI1, if explain a little bit you go back to mone? 2@14, when Uknaine found itself attack by Russia, the state of the Uknainian Anmed Fonces was significantly less capable than it is today, and unden that capability is largely the nesult of U.S. and allied assistance. And now what you see is a Uknainian anmed fonce that is able to incnease betten deten Russian aggnession, and you've seen a dnop in the kinetic action, although not -- not a complete lack of hostilities, centainly. We still a have casualties on So a negulan basis. the secunity assistance that's pnovided by the U.S. is within the Uknainians' national intenest, obviously. Is that night? A Absolutely. a And what about within the U.S. national interest? A It is also within the U.S. national interest to pnovide secunity assistance to Uknaine. a Given this is an unclassified intenview, with that constnaint in mind, can you explain secunity intenest to pnovide how it's within the U.S. national this aid to Uknaine? UNCLASS I EI ED 16 UNCLASS A I FTED Uknaine, and also Geongia, ane the two fnont-line states facing Russian aggression. In onder to deten funthen to aggnession, we need be abte to shone up these countnies' to defend themselves. That's, I think, behind oun strategy of Russian pune and simple, supponting these countnies. abilities the rationale It's in oun interest to deten Russian aggression elsewhere anound the world. a And would you also agnee that the U.s. security assistance to Uknaine is also helpful to any sont of Eunope as a whole with regand to thwarting Russian aggnession? A Absolutely. a In 2OL8 and 20L9, has Uknainian security assistance neceived bipantisan suppont? A It has always neceived bipantisan support, in my expenience. a And that's both in the House and the Senate? A Absolutely, in my exPerience. a And what about at the intenagency leveI? A I have witnessed, even in the necent past, ovenwhelming consensus a in of favon And when you say the counse of this A a mattens pnoviding Uknaine secunity assistance. "within the necent pastr " you mean even oven yean? Even oven the course of the Can you descnibe summen. your own involvement in USAI and FMF ? A Sure. I mean, I think the finst pant is with the pnocess of defining what the nequinements are for the Uknainian Anmed Fonces, UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS and looking at what authonities t7 ] FIED and what nesounces we can use to suppont those nequinements. field, fnom Eunopean Command, and fnom our team at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv as to the So, in my role, I'm receiving input fnom the nequinements; and then, I am ovenseeing a team a package packages, neally via -- to Uknaine Secunity Assistance suppont that's putting thein needs togethen via FMF and Initiative. I delve into much gneaten detail with nespect to Uknaine Secunity Assistance Initiative than I do with FMF, because of my nesponsibility as a defense official. MR. HECK: Mn. Mitchell, on behalf of the eldenly at this end of I nespectfully nequest you both eat youn mics? We'ne nea1ly having difficulty heaning. MS. COOPER: This is betten? I apologize. the table, myself included, could BY MR. MITCHELL: a But with negand to FMF, you also have some exposune and of that pnognam as we}I, nesponsibilities at DOD? knowledge A Absolutely. a In layman's Ievel all based on youn nole and at a high leve}, can you milestones for USAI funding fnom tenms and penhaps genenally descnibe the nelevant appnopniation some the way thnough to obligation of the funds, at a high ? A Centainly. I will attempt to do so. ane two pieces Because USAI that I'11 discuss, the conditionality piece, UNCLASS I EIED -- thene and the 18 F]ED UNCLASS I actual allocation of The nesounces. conditionality piece nelates to the NDAA pnovision that that half of the funding be conditioned on Uknaine making sufficient pnogness in defense nefonms. So that pant of the process nequires involves my office veny closeIy. At the beginning of the year, will be neceiving, we take stock a set of cnitenia that we want when we know how much funding we of Uknaine's nefonm needs, and develop to use to gauge progness in defense nefonm. Last year, I delivened that set of bnoad cniteria to the Uknaine in December, when I visited them. a So this is aften Congness has done the -A This is aften. Defense Ministny authorization and the appnopriation, connect? a MR. LEVIN: Let him finish the question. BY MR. MITCHELL: a So the funds, A So this is aften Congness has authonized and appnopriated connect? Cornect, connect. at that point, we convey to the Uknainians oun expectations fon nefonm, and we suppont them in the nefonm process, so that later in the yean we will a Is that A So be able to centify the nefonms. there is engagement with the Ukrainians during this stage. connect? Yes, there is engagement with the Uknainians thnoughout this UNCLASS I FlED 19 UNCLAS S I EIED stage. a Is thene also -- ane thene also intenagency meetings hene in the United States duning this phase as well? A Yes. And if I could conrect the notion of a phase, these ane neally pana11e1 pnocesses, but they occun over the span of the entine yean. So we'ne having convensations intennal to the Defense Depantment with the Uknainians and acnoss the intenagency about defense refonm, and about what oun expectations ane fon pnogness nefonm fnom the moment Iast year it we was in that we Decemben sufficient defense outline those conditions - - in this case, -- all the way thnough to the point that actually centify to the U.S. Congness that made in we believe Uknaine has pnogress. So we discuss oun assessment of pnogness. We discuss what the conditions should be, and then we discuss what the assessment of pnogness is intennal to the Defense Depantment, but also with oun intenagency colleagues. And then, in panallel with that, we wonk the actual pnocess of identifying the specific equipment requinements needs. And when we ane prepaned and with the pnecise packages, we notify the U.S. Congress, and we do that in two tnanches, conditionality So the specific funding because of the nequinement. finst tnanche, this past yean, we notified in the spning, I can't neca1l the exact date off the top of my head; and then the second tranche was notified in May. a And the notification process that you're describing, these UNCLASS I FIED 20 UNCLASSIETED ane Congnessional connect Notifications, also sometimes called CNs. Is that ? A Yes. a Does DOD give the CN to OMB befone it goes to Congness? A No. Thene's a diffenent pnocess fon DOD than thene is fon State with the a A FMF pnocess. Can you descnibe that diffenence? So State Depantment -- Depantment cotleagues and fnom has to appnove my undenstanding fnom State this past summen is that OMB actually the Congnessional Notification befone it comes oven to the Hil1. is not the case fon Uknaine Secunity Assistance Initiative. We certainly coondinated this conditionality defense nefonm language That and the assistance content with oun intenagency colleagues, but thene was no nequirement through fon DOD to nun the Congnessional Notification OMB. a A11 night. So once DOD gives the CN to Congness, is thene a -- it sounds like you want to say something. A State Depantment. 0h, once DOD gives the USAI? a Cornect. A Okay. a Once DOD gives USAI CN to Congness, what happens next? A We11, thene's a panticulan waiting peniod. I want to say 15 days, but you may connect me if I have that wnong. And then we ane able to obligate funding aften that peniod of UNCLASS I FIED time. UNCLASS 2t IF]ED In the case of this past yean, I necall that for the late May notification of tnanche two, HAC-D had some questions. I don't nememben some the exact natune of the questions, but I nememben they had questions. So it kind of -- it took us past that 15-day mank. But aften that point, we were able to go ahead and stant obligating funding. a I think, again, we'11 get into some detail as to what happened of 2@L9, but MR. ROY: May I ask, who had questions ? I didn 't duning the counse undenstand that acnonym. MR. MITCHELL: HAC-D. MR. ROY: 0h, thanks. I didn't hean you. BY MR. MITCHELL: a So after the 15 days have elapsed on Congness gneen lights on cleans the CN, what happens aften that? A The Defense Department stants to obligate funding, and that's the punview - - the lead fon that is Defense Secunity Coopenation Agency. a Ane you involved in that process? A I am a step nemoved fnom the actual pnocess of obligating funding. a A a And OMB does appontionments as well. Is that night? That is connect. And what do you know about OMB's nofe apportionments ? UNCLASS I EI ED in doing 22 UNCLASS I F]ED until this past summen, I didn't know anything about it, but I will -- I can say that my undenstanding as a policy official -- and f'm not a comptnoller -- is that OMB essentially gives A Well penmission fon the flow guidance about a funds, A a and can pnovide, you know, needs DOD can put moneys onto contnact or obligate the to do an appontionment? That is my undenstanding. Now, you mentioned, duning this peniod pnion thene's a Iot of work that's done on youn end to is specific that flow of funding. So befone OMB of funding institutional meeting the various make sune to the CN, that Uknaine nequinements, nefonm nequinements. Can you descnibe what those are? A Yes. I want to emphasize that, fnom my penspective as a DOD official managing Uknaine security assistance, we appneciate the pnovision in the NDAA that ca1ls fon defense reform progress, and it al1ows us to have a veny pnactical tool to encourage defense nefonm. in the NDAA is not specific to exact refonms that must be accomplished but, nathen, is a bnoad call for refonm. So we The language e1ect, intennal to the Defense Depantment and in consultation with intenagency colleagues, to come up with loose benchmanks that we can then describe to the Uknainian Ministny of Defense and moniton pnogress toward. In the past yean, the will benchmanks were different from what they be fon the next yean, because we'ne always looking next impontant set of refonms would be. UNCLASS I FlED at vilhat the 23 UNCLASS So I can give you a quick at a few things. nefonm. We wene neform. We We wene I EIED example. This past year, looking at pnogness on we wene looking command and contnol looking at a commitment to punsue defense industny looking to the Uknainian Govennment to pass a law that wene would enable govennment-to-government pnocunement. This would enable them to use oun FMS system. And these ane examples of some of the benchmanks. The year befone, them to codify in 1aw, it had just categony. We wanted thein }aw on national secunity, the key nefonms that they would need to take to So each yean been one bnoad become NATO intenoperable. it's diffenent, depending on what we think ane the most impontant steps, but also the most practical steps to advance nefonm. a A Wene there anticonnuption benchmanks within the last yean? all of these nelate to anticornuption. Thank you fon naising that. The FMS 1aw, as we loosely calI it, the 1aw that allows them to do govennment-to-government procunement, will enable significant anticonruption effonts, because it will bneak the So stranglehold that Uknobononprom has on govennment pnocunement and allow fon a tnuly competitive envinonment fon govennment punchases. So that's one example of how these neforms ane intninsic with anticonnuption. MR. SWALWELL: Do you mind spelling that? MS. COOPER: Uknobononprom? Okay, MR. MITCHELL: Usual spel1ing. UNCLASS I FIED let me wnite it down. UNCLASS I MS. COOPER: U - Okay. Sometimes 24 FIED it's called UOP fon short. It's k- n-o- b- o- n-o- n - p - n-o- m. BY MR. MITCHELL: a A And who detenmines whethen these benchmanks have been met? by a numben judgment that is a question for intenagency So of things, to include of the U.S. Embassy team, assessment infonmed my own judgment, to include the to include the judgment of oun key advisens on defense nefonm. Genenal Dayton, netired Genenal Dayton, is oun senion advisen on defense nefonm. So we'ne pulling in all the views of the key experts on Uknaine defense, and coming up with a consensus view, and then we nun that the chain in the Defense Department, to ensure in this case, in May of this yean, it we have appnoval. was Unden Secnetany of up And Defense fon Policy, John Rood, who pnovided the centification to Congness, but that was aften coondination with the State Department. that you'ne descnibing ultimately nesults in the centification and the CN that was by John Rood this yean. But pnion to that, is thene memonialization of how Uknaine has met the a So the consensus view vanious diffenent benchmanks when you A The float it up the chain? only memonialization that I'm necaLling at this moment is, in fact, the package fon the Congnessional Notification, although it's fain to say on each of these individual that is in one document nefonms, we have a and lot of connespondence back and fonth with the field within the intenagency about progness thnoughout the counse of the yean. UNCLASS I FIED 25 IF]ED UNCLASS in a A And how long have you pensonally been involved a So since 20L6, during youn tenune, has Ukraine always met I took my position as pnincipal Russia, Ukraine, Eunasia Office back in 2@16. Since the nequined benchmanks in onden to USAI? dinecton fon the neceive USAI funds? A Yes. tnJe'ne only talking about 2 years, though. a And would you agnee or disagnee that Uknaine has genenally made fonward pnogness, again, oven the course of youn tenune when you have been monitoring these benchmanks? A Yes. I see significant fonward pnogness. a Now, you mentioned that USAI funds come in two diffenent tnanches. Is that night? A That is connect, although we divide tnanches, based on a it into two diffenent of pnactical considenations. numben long lead time for centain equipment One is the items. So the items that we notify eanlier in the yean tend to be those that have a veny long lead time fon actually getting them on contract. And the othen is because of this conditionality pnovision, to allow the yean to play out neforms befone we come back so that Uknaine can continue to we want make these with the second notification. a What do you mean by items that nequine significant lead time? A I am not a pnocunement expent, but my - - the advice that I have neceived fnom Defense Secunity Coopenation Agency is that, you know, some items, panticulanly those Javelin, fon instance, that that ane highen technology was something UNCLASS I FIED that was pnocuned -- the via FMF, 26 FIED UNCLASS I to take advantage of that longen lead time. So I think it depends on the specific contnacting pnocess. IMajority Exhibit No. \ was manked for identification.l BY MR. MITCHELL: 1. It's a multipage document, but I'm neally only going to focus on the finst page hene. Do you I'm going to a hand you this document? A Yes. I think it's Notification. Yes. exhibit recognize our finst -- it's oun finst Congnessional a And what's the date of this panticulan CN? A WeIl, strangely, it has two -- it has two dates on it, I'm not sune which is the authonitative it was, you know, closen to March, date. My so necollection is that but a And those two dates are Febnuany A a Yes, A a Yes, 28th, 20L9' and Manch 5th, 20L9? that is correct, And wene you involved on the document anyway. in putting togethen this panticular CN? conrect And I appnoved this is it on its waY uP. signed by Unden Secretany of Defense lohn Rood, ? A a package Connect. What was his nole in pnepaning on evaluating that goes behind it? UNCLASS I FIED the CN and the 27 UNCLASS A So, as the necommendations on final ] F]ED signatune authonity, he neviewed the of his staff, and I would be one of his key advisers this. a Acting Assistant Under Secnetany Wheelbargen, what is A I'I1 just Secnetany of Defense Katie hen nole? It's the Acting Assistant of Defense fon Intennational Secunity Affains. She is the connect hen tit1e. official in the chain of command in between me and Unden Secnetany Rood. Now, thene is also a Deputy Unden Secnetany of Defense fon Policy who is ln between ASD Wheelbangen and Unden Secnetany Rood. that penson's name? We1}, that position is in an acting capacity night now. a A And what's the most of the past year, that position Trachtenbeng, the DUSDP Fon was occupied by David position. Ms. Wheelbangen's nole with negard to this a And what was A So, the nonmal pnocedune would have been fon hen to neview Manch CN? this on its way whethen she, to Unden Secnetany Rood. I can't tell in fact, neviewed a number a And Congness fon the this exact package, but she, you know, of Uknaine-nelated actions. eanlien, you indicated thene was a 15-day window fon to act. Manch neviewed you fon centain Do you know what happened duning that 15-day window CN? A I cannot necall anything significant. a So, to the best of youn necollection, that UNCLASSIF]ED 28 UNCLASSIEIED A That's just my necollection. a So, to the best of youn recollection, the CN was cleaned by Congne ss? A -- That was faulty - - the only so as I necall it -- again, my memony could questions that we neceived that caused a delay be wene for the May notification. This one, I don't recalI any specific questions, but thene could have been. a Ane you awane elections that thene was the finst nound of Pnesidential in Uknaine at the end of Manch of 2Ot9? A Abso1utely. a Do you know whethen those Pnesidential the cleaning of this Manch elections affected CN? A I do not necall anyactual hindnance and, you know, that -- I just don't necall any. Of course, the othen thing we wene on would say is, you know, at the time pnetty focused on the elections themselves, not necessanily this. A So I'm not I'm just not sune. Do you know whethen onto contnact with negand to A a A I We11, ultimately, Pnion to the Depantment of Defense put any funds this finst tnanche? yes. Septemben of this Yean? I don't have the specific infonmation on each case and when each case was obligated. AII I can say is my undenstanding is that by -- by July timeframe we had stanted to obligate, but I don't know which specific items. And Pnion to Septemben? UNCLASS I FIED 29 UNCLASS a So those T EIED obligations could have gone to the finst tnanche on the second tnanche? A At my 1evel, you know, I pensonally was not tnacking exactly which item was obligated. I was merely looking fon pnogness, and the that assunance the fiscal we would be able to obligate evenything by the yean. And do you know how much money had been a July time peniod, whethen it's the finst on the A I don't. It wasn't obligated by this second tnanche? veny much, though. I again, because the process fon obligating funding, of it end of fnom oun expents know that much, my undenstanding is that it just takes quite some time. So because the eanlien notification, this notification neflected a lot of long lead time items, they wene only just stanting to be in the window in which we'd be obligating by midsummen. a does Now, you indicated, I believe eanlien, that the finst tnanche not nequire the certification fon the benchmarks. Is that connect ? A we decided is to centify half. So it -- you know, to pnesent a notification of half, and then wait to centify So the nequinement the pnogress for the second half. I'm tnying to be caneful to not mischanactenize the actual pnovision, but, you know, I tnust that we can refen to that specifically as needed. IMajonity Exhibit No. was manked UNCLASS 2 fon identification. l I FIED NDAA 30 UNCLASS I FIED BY MR. MITCHELL: a I'm going to hand you exhibit 2. document this ? I A Yes, a A And what So document do. is it? this is the second notification that, you know -- that sufficient pnogness on defense certification document, and this is the descnibes the centification of refonm. the specific equipment items, this a A Do you necognize So in addition to notifying document also descnibes the pnocess. Can you point us to that centification in this document? if you if you look at the bottom panagnaph, that descnibes it says, "the pnimany methodology used to infonm this centification. " That paragnaph gives you a mone detailed backgnound on what I descnibed to you eanlien. And at the veny top of the letten, it outlines that the govennment So of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to nefonms fon the punpose of decreasing accountability, and sustaining And make defense institutional connuption, incneasing improvements of combat capability. that is the cnux of the centification night thene. a And you just quoted from the veny finst sentence of this lette n? A I did. If you look at the finst sentence and then you look at the bottom paragnaph, togethen that's kind of the discussion centification. UNCLASS I FIED about UNCLASS a And you 31 ED indicated that the Depantment of State played coondinating nole with regard A a I FI to USAI. Is that that is connect. So would this centification a conrect? Yes, in have been done coondination with the Secnetany of State as well? A f it with the State Depantment, but I do not know which official -- which official at the State Department coondinated. It was in coondination with the can te1I you that we coondinated of State. But just as Unden Secnetany Rood was signing fon the Secnetany Secnetany of Defense, I just don't know if it was Secnetany Pompeo on if it was official who had been delegated the nesponsibility. a A11 night. But suffice to say that this centification memonializes that Uknaine had met all the necessany anticonnuption an nequinements as unden U.S. Iaw well as othen benchmanks that you descnibed eanlien in order to obtain this second tnanche of USAI funding? A That is connect. a And what was the total amount of the two tnanches? A The total amount was 250. a $250 million? A Yes. I'm sonny. a Now, you indicated that thene may have been some delay with regand to the A a 15-day cleaning peniod. Is that night? That is my necollection. But it eventually was cleaned by UNCLASS I FIED Congness? 32 UNCLAS A It it was S I FIED eventually cleaned. And by mid June, we had announced and wene moving out on it. a Okay. And when you say, "by mid June, we had announced it, ane you nefenning " to the lune 18th public release by the Depantment of Defense? A That is exactly what I'm neferning a Wene nelease in you involved, any way, to. Thank you. in the issuance of that public ? A Yes. I coordinated on the content of it. a And when you say "coondinated on the content, " does that mean -- what does that mean? A So that means so in this case, I believe that my staff helped dnaft it, in consultation with our public affains staff. Then they provided me with the dnaft fon neview, and I appnoved it. a And that nelease essentially said Defense was planning on pnoviding $250 that the Depantment of million to Uknaine in secunity coopenation funds fon tnaining, equipment, and advisony effonts to build the capacity of Uknaine's Armed Forces. Is that consistent with your recollection of the nelease? A a That would be the And what was nelease on June A t8th the -- I guess, what was the effect of this bY DOD? Well, one effect Govennment thanked us gist of it. was that the Uknaine fon making that Embassy and public. the Uknaine They had been looking fon a public acknowledgement of the assistance, not because this UNCLASS I FIED was UNCLASS unusual, just they appreciate of it 33 I FIED when allies publicly note what kind suppont we're pnoviding Uknaine. So that was an immediate neaction. We got a thank you phone call staff did, anyway -- fnom the Uknaine Embassy; and oun team in Kyiv, in the Defense Attache Office, heand appneciation. the -- fnom my But the second potential effect I am speculating hene fnom my chain of believe, the fnom - -- and I want - was that a few days laten, command fonwanded down fnom Depantment of Defense, to we be clean that got a question the chief of staff, I asking fon follow-up on a meeting with the President. it said, there ane thnee questions. I And think it was thnee believe it was -- I questions fon follow-up fnom this meeting, no funthen infonmation on what the meeting was. And the one question was nelated to U.S. U.S. industny pnoviding any of The second question this industny. Did U.S. -- is equipment? that I necall was nelated to intennational contnibutions. It asked, what ane othen countnies doing, something to that effect. I don't necalL -- I mean, with any of these I don't necaLl the exact wonding, but it was something to the effect of, you know, who gave this money, on who gave this funding? And then the thind question, So when my office nesponded to these questions, we speculated that perhaps someone in the White House had seen oun pness nelease and then seen an that anticle that came came out aften the pness nelease. And the anticle out aftenwards had a headline that could have been a UNCLASS I FIED little UNCLASS ] bit misleading, because the headline said something U.S. gives is 34 F]ED 25O million to Ukraine, equipment and it's, something Iike, you know, that didn't explain this you know, U.S. industny and all that sont of thing. So, again, I'fi speculating hene a little bit, but we did get that senies of questions just within a few days after the pness release and after that one anticle that had the headline. a Who was this email fnom? You mentioned the chief of staff. A yes. It came through a numben of people befone it neached my desk. I don't recall exactly how many people. But it came fnom the chief of staff to the Secnetary of Defense, in oun building, anyway. a And pnion to office youn nesponding to these series of questions, did you seek any furthen clanity on who was asking these questions on what these questions were about? A offices, Did this nobody So I think we asked. You know, we asked oun vanious fnont do you have any mone insight? Do you have any mone detail? come fnom that news anticle? that we spoke with -- is just front office staff pnincipals. and it You know, we kind was as opposed No one had any -- to my necollection, this to additional convensations insight. to that email with some fact a Was thene a response to youn nesponse? dutifully responded A I neven neceived a nesponse. a Pnion to the issuance of this thene any talk of asked, but lune 18th among So we, you know, sheets. DOD statement, of a potential hold on USAI on FMF funding? UNCLASS IFIED was UNCLAS A No. talk just to And on on about June 18th be and, frankly, a popped in just moved on cIear, I'm not suggesting that thene A11 that I received at and then we nesponded with the So when you neceived those youn mind was not 35 I F]ED of a ho1d. that senies of questions, was S that this was my leve1 to those questions nonmal pnocess. questions, the was a first thing that potential hold coming down the pike? A Not at all. a Okay. When you said chief of staff, that what did you mean by ? A office. a Thene's a position in the Secnetary of Defense's front Enic Chewning is the cunnent incumbent. But you indicated that you thought White House. Did I this mishean you? A No. The way the email was phnased, it POTUS might come fnom the said follow-up fnom meeting, so follow-up fnom a meeting with the Pnesident. you know, I'm thinking that the questions I So, wene pnobably questions from that subject 1ine. a Did you even get any mone clanity on what this POTUS meeting the Pnesident. That's was how intenpneted ? A I neven did. a This nesponse that you sent back, this email, how was it communicated back to the White House, if you know? A I do not know how it was communicated back to the White House. a So when was the finst time that you leanned that there was UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASS I 36 F]ED a hold on USAI funds? THE CHAIRMAN: WeII, fon clanity, so you get this email. And I think we've talked about two diffenent chiefs of staff, which might bit confusing. There's the chief of staff at the Defense Depantment and then thene's a chief of staff of the Pnesident. be a MS. COOPER: YCS. THE CHAIRMAN: Did the emails seem to oniginate fnom the chief of staff of the Pnesident? MS. COOPER: No, sin. The email oniginated fnom the chief of staff to the Secnetany of Defense, but it THE CHAIRMAN: Chief of staff of the Pnesident on chief of staff of the Defense Depantment? MS. COOPER: 0f the Defense Depantment. THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. MS. COOPER: But it did nefen to follow-up fnom a meeting with the Pnesident. THE CHAIRMAN: So somebody had House to communicate fnom the White to the chief of staff of the Defense Depantment? MS. COOPER: Yes, on someone would have to have been in a meeting with the Pnesident and come out of that meeting and told the chief of staff to the Defense Depantment, of that hene are some questions that came out meeting. I think you gave us youn best necollection of the questions. Can you tell us what youn answens wene? MS. COOPER: Yes, sir, but only partially, because I just -- it THE CHAIRMAN: And UNCLASSI FIED was a volume of infonmation that 37 FIED UNCLASS I pnovided, so we I simply don't recaLL. But in tenms of U.S. industny, what we wene able to delineate in caneful detail, wonking with the Defense Secunity Coopenation Agency, was that, you know, the vast majonity of companies equipment unden the Uknaine Secunity Assistance that ane pnoviding fnitiative ane U.S. companies. So we wene able to give a list of U.S. companies that are in this. involved And of this in terms of bunden-shaning, gnoup of five nations that Commission, co-chained by EUCOM we wene fonms and able to highlight the nole the Multinational Joint the Uknainians, but with the panticipation of the U.K., Canada, Lithuania, Poland, and I'm sonny, I fonget -- oh, the United States. We'ne the fifth. this panticulan gnoup, not only do the countnies in this group panticipate in the pnocess of identifying requinements fon And so Uknaine secunity assistance, each individual countny is contributing tnaining on equipment to the Uknainian So in this panticulan fact sheet, Anmed Fonces. we wene able to describe that. I don't necaLl the specific content that we pnovided nelated to bnoaden assistance beyond that specific secunity assistance domain. THE CHAIRMAN: And I'm sonny, what was the thind question that you received? MS. COOPER: So the question was -- this is the one that was the tnickiest fon me to nememben the phnasing, because it was kind of stnange phrasing. It was something along the lines of who pnovided this funding, on where did this funding come fnom? So, fon that, UNCLASS I FIED we UNCLASS just 38 I FIED that this was, you know, supponted -- this answened was pnovided by the U.S. Congress and that USAI has stnong bipantisan support. you sent back THE CHAIRMAN: And when all the answers to these three questions, yoU got no nesponse? MS. COOPER: That is THE CHAIRMAN: And going to you had no neason to believe that thene be a hold on the funding, but you obviously responded questions was to the anyway? MS. COOPER: nespond connect. Absolutely, to any question that sin. It would be noutine comes down fnom for the Secnetary, us to and centainly any question that would come down fnom the Pnesident. That's nelatively unusual, and we always respond as quickly as we can. THE CHAIRMAN: Back to Mn. Noble -- Mitchell. BY MR. MITCHELL: a This nesponse that you pnovided, was it by email? A The response to these questions fnom follow-up fnom the meeting? Yes, it was via email. a A a And wene Yes, sir. Have you be nesponsive A there also attachments to that email? So recently been asked to gather documents that to a congnessional the way that the may subpoena? Depantment of Defense is handling the nequests fon infonmation, both fon the subpoena but also a numben of of Infonmation Act nequests, as I have seen it sit, is to have the loint Senvice Pnovider, we caII it Fneedom UNCLASS I FlED fnom whene I JSP, our IT 39 UNCLASS I FIED pnofessionals, do a document puIl. So we have been asked of oun documents are anymone of anything. documents behind to not nemove electnonic. 5o the anything. We keep The vast majority almost no papen reconds fact that the IT staff are pulling these the scenes means that we as individuals, on I pensonally, have not had to take any specific action. Without getting a had into any communications that you may have with youn attonney on this topic, pnior to you coming in today, did you neview any documents that might be nelevant to youn testimony? A Yes. I nefneshed my memony on some pnion emails. a Okay. And was the email that you just descnibed nesponding to these questions A a one of the emails that you neviewed? it was. So it is -- that email is still in existence, Yes, understand ? A Absolutely. ft's my Defense documents should be a came as fan as you Now, you belief that all of the Depantment of still in existence. indicated that the nequest, these thnee questions of days, I believe, aften this lune 18th DOD Is that night? about a couple announcement. A It within a was shontly week. but within a So theneaften. I would say it was pnobably I can't -- that I'm not sune of the exact timefname, week. a Okay. And can you necall approximately when the response was sent back? UNCLASS ] FIED UNCLASS A It can't te11 40 I FIED centainly would have been within a week, but you the exact I can't -- I date, but we nonmally ane requined to respond very napidly to questions fnom the Secnetary on the President. a So IikeIy sometime between lune L8th and the end of lune? A Yes, that's my necollection. a Okay. When did you finst leann that USAI funds wene potentially going to be held? A So I pnobably finst leanned in the middle of Ju1y. Thene to. It was a noutine Uknaine policy meeting. And the penson chaining it, it was a meeting, an intenagency meeting that was the dinecton fon Uknaine at the I NSC, I sent my deputy not the senior dinecton. sent my deputy. And I necall that after that meeting -- got a neadout fnom the meeting about -- and I got, you know, I the -- about OMB saying that they wene holding the Congnessional necall, we was something we were -- I say "we." subsequently tnied guidance being So And was mone bnoadly that the guidance tnied to clanify, thene's connect? in the meeting, to clanify, a statement about, it applicable, DOD thene was guidance that was broadly applicable UNCLASS I FIED because was the phnase applicable. at this we wene concenned, because of, you know, the was mone bnoadly no guidance fon out, as I and my staff they did not have specific guidance for at that point, came tnying to panse the meaning My deputy heand to hold -- nemember heaning, we in that session thene was discussion Notification nelated to FMF. And the language that I So But time. Is this DOD at the time. this notion that to Uknaine secunity 41. UNCLASS I FIED assistance was a sounce of concenn, but the only specific was nelated to that Congressional Notification fon FMF. UNCLASS]FIED UNCLAS S 42 ] FIED [3:58 p.m.] BY MR. MITCHELL: A And who was the deputy that you sent in youn stead? , she's my pnincipal A dinecton. a Okay. And was this the July 18th sub PCC? A That's connect. a But you did not panticiPate A I did not panticipate -- ho, I panticipated in the subsequent meetings, but not that one. a Okay. But you indicated that you saw a readout of it? A Yes, that's conrect. a Whene did that neadout come from? A So fon most of these meetings there ane two neadouts. One is the readout that the penson who is attending the meeting So we noutinely memorialize all pnepanes. of our wnitten notes into an electnonic that neadout fnom my staff. And then the other neadout fnom these meetings is the summary of conclusions that the NSC necord. staff So I neceived pnepanes, and it usually comes out a bit laten aften the meeting. a Okay. That's also known as a SOC? A Conrect. a Okay. Did you see both this neadout fnom as the as well SOC? A Yes, that's connect. a Okay. Was there any discnepancies between the two? A WeI1, the NSC summany of conclusions is typically much less UNCLASS I FIED 43 UNCLASS I FIED detailed than, you know, the notes that lack of connesponding detail, but we memonialize. So thene was I did not see any that I necaIl, any substantlve discnepancies. a Okay. Have you looked at these two specific documents in pnepanation fon your testimony hene today? A YeS. a Okay. Do they stil1 exist as well? A Yes. a Okay. What fonm ane the notes that Ms. Sendak took? In othen wonds, ane they in a memo, on an email, handwnitten? A They ane in an emai1. And that's oun routine pnactice fnom all of oun key meetings, whethen they be intennal, on with foneign pantnens, on with intenagency, we wnite up a summary and we email it to the pentinent people in the office and if appnopniate we send it up the chain. a Okay. And did the summany that you nead, as well as the SOC, mention OMB's statement about the hold on A It descnibed something along those necall the exact wonding. OMB, it FMF? And lines, but I -- I don't I'm not sune -- I'm not sune it said might have said something that was mone just thene is, you know, a hold. a Okay. Well based on youn convensations with people who wene actually in the noom, do you know who made that statement at this July 18th sub A PCC? So my undenstanding is it was an UNCLASS] FIED OMB nepnesentative, but I 44 UNCLASS I don't F]ED know who. a Okay. Do you know who chained that meeting? A Since I wasn't thene, I don't want to give you absolute centainty, but typically the sub PCC would and in this case be chained by the dinecton that's Alex Vindman. a Was thene any other DOD nepnesentative at this meeting? A I'm not sune. Routinely we have a joint staff nepnesentative, but I'm not sune if there was one at this particulan meeting. a Okay. Now you indicated thene was some, that thene confusion on youn pant as to what effect this hold might was have on USAI? A Yes, that's conrect. a And you sought funthen clanification on youn staff dld? A Yes. a Following this meeting? A Yes. And they didn't neally neceive clanification. a Okay. Who did they seek clanification fnom? A I don't know fon sune, but I believe NSC staff, wene the pnimany with conduit, because we don't have noutine countenpant intenaction OMB dinectly. a Okay. Based on youn review of the summany and the SOC, was luly 18th meeting? A I don't recall any neason being provided at the July 18th thene any neason pnovided fon the hold duning that meeting. a Okay. And similanly duning your follow-up it UNCLASS IFIED sounds like UNCLASS 45 I FIED no neason was pnovided then eithen? A No. Although veny quickly, thene was a meeting at the next Ievel up whene we had anothen discussion about security assistance. a Okay. And that's the July 23nd, PCC meeting? A That's conrect. a I think my time is up. So we'LL stop thene and I will yie1d. THE CHAIRMAN: t houn to majonity -- minority, excuse me. BY MR. CASTOR: a A a A Was this May I extnemely unusual? ask fon clanification? The funds were held So summer was the way What aspect? without explanation. the pnocess played out oven the counse A a A a A the veny -- a No. I'm just talking about the 7/!8 meeting. A It was unusuaL. a Okay. And wene you unable to get any additional fnom NSC of infonmation -No. shontly after the meeting? No, we did not get clanification. What We did you do to tny to get that clanification? called around to NSC, to State. Those are oun usual colleagues. a A And who So I did you call? pensonally don't necall whethen UNCLASSIFIED I called on it was my -- 46 UNCLASSIEIED a Sune. A -- my staff, but it participating in the meeting. sma]I. would be the same people who So You have Tim Monnison as the NSC directonate involved is veny the senior director, and you have Alex Vindman as the dinecton and those ane the two key is State Depantment thene staff but my but my countenpant A connespond And is wene a Uknaine desk and I figunes. don't know And at the all of them, with them, and would have called oven to them, Geonge Kent. eventually did you get any infonmation about the sounce of the hold? A So the issue stanted to clanify a little bit on the 23nd at that -- at that PCC meeting. Thene in that meeting I necall I was advocating fon the release of the FMF, because I still wasn't sune if oun funds were actually at risk. But thene again the OMB nepnesentative, again I do not -- this panticulan meeting I'm not sune who it was. I believe I was participating via SVTC, but I'm not quite sune. But in that meeting again there was just this issue of the White House chief of staff has conveyed that the Pnesident has concenns Ukraine and Uknaine secunity assistance. That was how it about was conveyed in the meeting on the 23rd. So know I walked away fnom the meeting on the 23rd thinking okay, that this is, you know, a langen issue. But I still didn't we have to USAI. That came after that meeting, the official dinection fnom OMB to the DOD comptnollen who any specific direction with respect UNCLASS I EIED 47 UNCLASS then infonmed we me was ] EIED -- I'm pnetty sune it got the appontionment notice fon And then was on USAI. the veny next day, the 26th was the meeting that the backbencher fon with the deputies'level. me anyway in my expenience, clearly what -- that yes, it hold and that And that is a placed. A it was the And thene finst time it it I was was, to was stated veny it is FMF and USAI are both affected by this relates to the Pnesident's concenns about connuption. what And the 25th of JuIy that in that meeting Mike Duffey from OMB said. the Pnesident is authonized to have these types of holds Connect? in that meeting about how this could be tde1I, I'm not an expent on the law, but immediately deputies began to naise concerns in a legal fashion because thene was bnoad understanding in the meeting that the funding -- the State Department funding nelated to done an earmark fon Ukraine and that the DOD funding was specific to Uknaine secunity assistance. in the noom at the deputies' level reflected a sense that thene was not an undenstanding of how this could legally play out. And at that meeting the deputies agreed to look into the So the comments legalities and to look at what was possible. a 0kay. So is it fain to say the deputies thought the President was not authonized to place a hold on these funds? A They did not use that tenm, but the expnession in the noom that I necall was a sense that thene to simply not spend money that r^,as not an available has been in the case UNCLASS IF]ED of mechanism USAI alneady 48 UNCLASSl FIED notified to Congness. And in the case of the FMF that fon Uknaine. see how this So was the senion Ieadens wene expnessing legalIy available, but they didn't was eanmanked that they didn't use the terminology that you've described. a Okay. And you panticipated in penson at the deputies' meeting -- A a A a A was the Yes. as the backbencher? Yes. Who was in that Whew. Well DOD it meeting to the extent that you can recall. was chained by pnincipal. I believe it Charlie Kuppenman and lohn was Unden Secnetany Hale Rood fon the State Depantment, but I'm not L00 pencent sune. Mike Duffey was the OMB nep, he was sitting in the back, as a backbenchen. And I'm just not necalting the othen agency nepnesentation. a Okay. What was on the agenda fon that day othen than this topic ? A So with all of the Uknaine meetings within that week timefname, thene was a focus on the elections and on the new Pnesident in all of these meetings that that had a lot of promise, that was tackling Zelensky team. There was a consensus this was a government conruption, and that we needed to suppont this govennment with secunity assistance. The, you know, planned agenda I don't necall the specific details, but centainly the deputies' discussion UNCLASS ] I neca1l FIED that while the sub PCC 49 UNCLASS] FIED and the PCC we might not have fully nealized what was happening with secunity assistance, by the time of the deputies meeting because the hold had also been placed on DOD - - the discussion was I believe veny much dominated by the secunity assistance topic. Although each was and how memben went around to talk about how impontant it they assessed the future in Ukraine based on the necent election nesults. a And between conversations with 7/L8 and 7/26 had you had any pensonal NSC? A I don't necaLl any specific convensation, but also I -- you know, I panticipate in lots of meetings with them. a Okay. A So I just -- You know, I don't recall any specifics, but that doesn't a mean that thene wenen't Were you awane by any. the 26th of the Pnesident's deep nooted in the Uknaine? A No. So by the 26th, all I had to go on was that the President concenns about connuption is concenned about connuption in Uknaine and somehow thenefone we were holding secunity assistance. So the convensation at the deputies, a lot of the membens wene saying, you know, conruption. Yes, it's been an issue. Yes, it's a concenn. Yes, thene's a long way to go, but we'ne on the night path, you know, we can move fonwand. So Iike a convensation shouldn't be a a And whene people were tnying to explain it felt how connuption concenn. the sub PCC and PCC in the deputies' meeting is the UNCLASS I EIED UNCLASS I ondinany stnuctune connect FIED 50 of meetings when these issues come up. Is that ? A more sub That is the routine prognession. Although, we have a lot PCC meetings and a lot mone PCC meetings than we have deputies -- gosh the only deputies meeting that I can even necall on Uknaine in necent memony. meetings. This is the only a Okay. A So we don't have noutine deputies' level meetings. A Okay. So Uknaine was the topic of the meeting. A Yes. It was only focused on Uknaine. a Okay. A And it was set up following the PCC discussion. a OkaY. A As fan as I recall, I don't think it had been previously on the calendan. a So it was a meeting that was enabled by this A Yes. situation? a A Yes. a Is thene a better tenm? A I can't think of one. a Okay. What was the next cnucial date aften the 7/26 meeting? A So aften the 7 -- the deputies leve1 meeting, I recall panticipating in anothen PCC leve1 meeting and it was on I believe the 31st of JuIy. And on that meeting it was very much a follow up, UNCLASSIEIED UNCLASS but -- weII, I can pause a Sune. A Okay. at least of my So thene. 51 I FIED Do you want me to descnibe the meeting? the meeting on the 31st, the expectation panticipation in the meeting was that we would I think talk secunity assistance, but the agenda that was pnepaned by the about NSC was langely focused on just noutine Uknaine business, post election follow up. of issues. So it wasn't -- secunity Those sonts agenda assistance was not actually an explicit item, but because we had left the deputies wlthout clanity the legaIIy available the PCC. And I not speakingto mechanisms, this was a topic that I with the undenstanding shared FMF And naised at that fon USAI, -- I left that fon the State Depantment -- but fon USAI, my undenstanding was mechanisms should PCC my on that thene wene two }egaIly available the Pnesident want to stop assistance. the one mechanism would be Pnesidential nescission notice to the Congness and the othen mechanism, as I undenstood it and anticulated it in that meeting was fon the Defense Depantment to do a nepnognamming action. But I mentioned that eithen way, there would need to be a notification to a A a occunned And Congness. did that occun? That did not occun. How soon was that notification to Congness supposed to have ? A I'm not sune when it would have supposed to have occunned. I thlnk the way I undenstand these pnovisions is that if you reach a UNCLASS I FIED 52 UNCLASS point whene you cannot appnopniated by the end that is the point available I FIED obligate the funding that the of the fiscal yean, whene you have mechanism you would to make use. Congness has once you neach that point, that decision about what legaIly And since we had -- July 31st. a Okay. So it wasn't yet time to notify not neached that point on July 20 night Is that Congness. ? A It wasn't yet time that we would be requined. a Okay. Did you A As I undenstand it. a Dld you feel at that point Congness ought to have been notified ? A So at that point I obligate the funding. And I wanted to ensune that was veny much hoping we could actually that the explanations that the pnincipals would pnovide the President, that this understanding, this new undenstanding penhaps of what IegalIy available mechanisms wene out thene would create a decision to the funding. And I pensisted in that hope nesume fon many, many days thereaften. a the And thene were penson other avenues to convince the Pnesident in the White House that was behind on this decision such as ability to elevate thnough the NSC, night? A We1}, centainly the NSC always has the within thein chain. Out of the deputies' meeting the was to, you know, necommendation finst kind of figune out these lega1 issues with UNCLASSIEIED 53 UNCLASSIFIED respect to the secunity assistance topics specifically. And then thene wene othen topics, but they get into classified infonmation so I'm not going to discuss them hene. But with nespect to the secunity asslstance topic it was, you know, we have to look at the legalities and then let's elevate to pnincipals. agreed to elevate to the pnincipals' Ieve1, but there So the deputies was neven a fonmaL of the pnincipals to my knowledge on this topic. a Do you know if the National Secunity Council was tnying to wonk it on their end, bniefing the President on the envinonment of connuption, bniefing the Pnesident on the new political envinonment meeting in the Uknaine aften the panliamentary elections? A My sense is that yes -- my sense is that all of the senion of the U.S. national secunity depantments and agencies were all unified in their -- in thein view that this assistance was leadens essential, that we could wonk corruption, and they wene with the govennment of Uknaine to tackle tnying to find ways to engage the Pnesident this. But I don't have any specific engagements if -- with the Pnesident. on knowledge of the actual Okay. Did you on anyone on youn staff try to a with Lieutenant Colonel Vindman on Dinecton Monnison communicate to find out what they wene doing on their end, whethen this was a genuine issue that needed to be addnessed on whether they thought thene was some maneuvenability on thein end? A So we absolutely engaged them that both Tim -- many times. And my sense Tim Monnison and Alex Vindman undenstood the UNCLASS I FIED is UNCLASS impontance 54 I E] ED of obligating the secunity assistance and, you know, the that I of Tim Monnison's pensonal engagement on this is that he did expness to me that he was wonking veny hand to set up a phone call between the Pnesident and Pnesident only knowledge have about kind it Zelensky. And he pnesented it as was a helpful thing. to the best of your undenstanding, the National Secunity Council was tnying to set up the phone call between the a Okay. Pnesidents A a A So ? the best of To my knowledge. That occunned on July 25th? Again, to the best in involved any of my knowledge, but I wasn't dinectly of that. Did you get any neadouts a at any point of what happened on the 7/25 call? A I who neven I don't think I know anyone in DOD got a neadout on that call. a Okay. on got a neadout. that call that So the was when finst it A Yes, was the finst time time you leanned about the developments became that's connect. I public in When had seen it September? was neleased to the public, that content. a Okay. And duning the 7/tB ttnefname to 7/31 is cunnently ane in the timeline, A the we you neven heand anything from Mn. Monnison on Lieutenant Colonel Vindman between where that thene was a call Pnesidents? Wel1, I'm not sune that's accunate. I think that -- I think UNCLASS I F]ED UNCLASS f was awane that thene would be a 55 ] EIED call and that penhaps thene was a ca11, but no content. a Okay. Was thene any infonmation communicated the Pnesident's concenn about connuption was from NSC that a pant of the call? A I got no readout on the caII. a Okay. So then maybe we could just go back to the deputies' meeting on July 31st. What happened next? A No the deputies was A July 31st? A No, July 31st was the PCC. a Okay. The deputies meeting was the -A The 26th. a 26th, I'm sonny. And then you went back to the PCC? A Yes. That's cornect. a 0n the 31st? A Yes. a I'm sonry, I'fi sorny. What happened next? A So aften the 31st, the focus of my office in Ukraine, we wene working on a lot of othen things at the same time, but on Uknaine specifically was tnying to figune out how could we get the funds neleased, what -- you know, what wene the pnocess mechanisms that would be appnopniate. And just pnactically speaking, how long could we delay obligation and still be able to obligate the entinety of the funding pnion to September 30th. So thene wene a number of kind of UNCLASS I quenies going back and fonth FIED 56 UNCLASS I FIED staff, the comptnollen's staff, and the Defense Secunity Cooperation Agency to tny to figure out what to do and what was between my happening. We also had the unden secretany of defense fon policy at his level. the PCC So the same comments leve1, he shared those Same that I made concenns was engaging at the, you know, at with Chanlie because thene wasn't anothen deputies'meeting planned so point-to-point communication about these two available rescission or the neprognamming just to make sune Kupperman, this was a mechanisms, the that evenyone was on the same page. And in the meantime, OMB was issuing these appontionment notices. So it is pnobably wonth me just saying a wond about this now, because it gets veny confusing in the timeline. Oven the peniod of time fnom when we got the the entinety of, you know, finst notice in July to when the funds wene neleased and we could begin obligating again on September tzth, thene wene eight wasn't awane And I of sepanate apportionment notices, but each one as it would hear based on still came me in. I I personally would hean aften the talking to my fact. comptnollen colleagues to not spend? Can we spend? So in these appontionment notices in the eanly ones, duning this peniod of time this late July, eanly August peniod of time going out to I think saying ane you August unden guidance 5th, I believe, something around thene, the apportionment notice it that this pause in funding -- and I'm not quoting venbatim obviously, but basically it said that the pause in funding would allow said in fon an intenagency pnocess and would not effect the ultimate UNCLASS I FIED prognam UNCLASS I F] 57 ED execution. In we wene DOD tnying to figune out if that was -- you know, how Iong that would be tnue. we wene, you know, tnying to figune this out. It's not a science to know was exactly that the counse of the month of August long it takes to obligate vanious pnojects, so that a big pant of sont of the day-to-day back and fonth. a And how And oven then the mind-set was 1et's figure out So if we'ne not going to do it, if we can still do this. then how do we 1egaIIy effectuate ? A That's night. a And so did you ever get to the point nescission pnocess on the A Not to a A don't OMB whene you stanted the neprognamming? my knowledge. Okay. We did get to a point though whene the know who Depantment -- and pnecisely, but the comptnollen was most engaged with as the natunal countenpants. The Department of Defense had sufficiently I clean to OMB that we had passed not be impact to pnognam execution that in made the point where thene would -- laten in August that caveat in the appontionment footnote about not affecting the execution disappeaned. So at some an undenstanding whene we'ne point thene that was an undenstanding we were, you know, we were not going to be able to do fiscal yean, and at least at the UNCLASS that we had conveyed getting to the point all of this by the end of the I don't I FIED know who issues 58 UNCLASS I FIE D appontionment notes at the OMB, but whoever does nemove that that to neflect undenstanding. Okay. a So from that point evenyone involved was hopeful A Yes. Although I we wenen't going fiscal to be able to Septemben 12th, that this would get have know, August 20th on so we wene fonwand to nesolved? say aften pnobably about, neally losing hope because I don't we knew to obligate evenything by the end that of the yean so we wene concenned about the actual pnogram impacts. a Okay. And were you ultimately able to obligate evenythi-ng? A So by the end of the fiscal yean we ultimately obligated - - it was upwands of 80 pencent and, you know, thanks obviously to the Congness we got the language in the continuing nesolution that thankfully will enable us to obligate all of the funding ultimately. a Okay. What was the next key event after the 31st? A So the next a Other than the appontionment notices, which I got that. A So I'm pnobably fongetting things, but a It's okay. A -- the thing I pensonally nememben is my only convensation with OMB because it's not a noutine thing fon me to be calling OMB. But in that July 31st meeting, I had expnessed that, YoU know, because thene ane only two legally available options and we do not have dinection to punsue eithen, aften the appontionment notice expires, which was noughly August something anound 6th, I think it was eithen the 5th or the 6th, thene. Aften it expines, I said the Department would UNCLASS IF]ED UNCLASS have 59 I FIED to stant obligating the funds. And Tim Monnison neponted that to Mike Duffey at OMB. And Mike like, I don't know what she's talking about on he needed clanification somehow. And so Tim asked me to call Mike Duffey said something Duffey to explain what I'm talking about with this deadline of August 6th or 5th. I called - - you know, I corresponded with email with Mike and then he called me. And I just explained to him kind ofwhat And so Duffey I explained to you that, to obligate and that, you know, at a centain point we won't you know, the guidance be able that we'ne under it's only to a centain point. And, you know, we finished the convensation, I kind of explained my piece. He wanted mone it take to obligate, infonmation on the pnecise natune of how long does and how many cases, and that sont of thing. I'm not a comptrollen, so f nefenned him to the comptnollen And it was my undenstanding that thnoughout the wene many such conversations whene OMB was month and to And DSCA. of August thene tnying to see if we could to obligate, but keep pushing the obligations until laten in the yean and still complete them. Comptrollen was tnying to figure out if that was possible. Defense push, you know, keep planning Secunity Coopenation Agency was tnying what -- what is possible. And along to figune out, you know, the way, Defense Secunity Coopenation Agency was expnessing doubt a August And so this that they could do it. convensation was befone the 5th on the 6th of ? UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS A close it yeah, was probably it was pnobably veny like the 5th, it was pnetty to the deadline. a A that -- Yeah, the convensation was close to the 5th on the 6th, 60 IF]ED And what was Some kind happened much the next key event? Do you nememben? of - - I 'm dnawing a blank. I 'm thinking of things laten at the end of August. It did kind of go a littte bit dank whene we wenen't getting guidance, we wenen't a Wene thene any other PCC meetings? A I can't neca1l any fonmal additional meetings that wene, you know, specific fonmal meetings on Uknaine. a The deputies' meeting you descnibed and the PCC and the sub PCC, this is all nelating to Ukraine? A Yes. a So thene's a whole set of meetings, thene was a whole infnastnuctune of interagency communications when something of this sont occuns? A Yes. And just to kind of descnibe the pnocess a littIe bit, it is absolutely deputy on even at noutine my to level have meetings on Uknaine at the level of kind of my events. taJe to check in on majon of thing in the spning when they were having thein Pnesidential election. And we just meet on a neasonably routine were doing the same sont that's all very typical. It is less typical to have meetings above oun level unless thene's a majon policy decision. basis. a So Had anyone at the NSC on anyone eLse communicated to you about this effont nelating to Mr. Giuliani UNCLASS I and FIED his nontnaditional fonm of UNCLASS d iplomacy A that ? So the only convensations about Giuliani nelated to material was in the a Okay. press. A In no meetings that, do 61 I FIED you know, no meeting that I've attended I necaII a specific discussion about Giuliani. a A Okay. Thene wene centainly infonmal convensations within the national secunity community about whethen on not he played a pivotal nole in the necall of Ambassadon Yovanovitch. So that was definitely a topic of convensation just informally, NSC, and othen counterpants was State Depantment, and in the kind of May, June timefname as she recalled sunpnisingly. With nespect to a A was me and othen -- I fonget how you descnibed it. Nontnaditional fonm of diplomacy? Nontnaditional form of diplomacy. My pensonal intenaction only with visited this Ambassadon Kunt me and this was Vo1ken. So on about August 20th not unusual because he was - he - he was working on the peace negotiations and peace pnocess. So we were actually supponting him in tenms of developing concepts fon potential peacekeeping openations, you know, nelates to the possible many militany -- political settlement so I how the militany had met with him many, times pneviously. But towands the end of August when he met with me fon what, you know, I thought was going to be you know just a routine touch base on UNCLASS ] FIED 62 UNCLASS I FIED I thought it was going to be a stnategizing session on how do we get this secunity assistance released knowing that we both -- we both wanted the funding neleased. Uknaine, but also in that meeting he did mention something to So was if finst the about somehow an effont that thene was a statement that the govennment me that, he was engaged of YoU know, in to Uknaine would make see that in U.S. elections and would of any individuals involved in election would somehow disavow any interfenence commit to the pnosecution intenfenence. And that was about as specific as a Okay. Did he indicate to you that working was successful it might lift it if that got. channel he was this issue? A Yes. a Okay. Had you known Ambassadon Volker before? A Yes, yes. I basically met him fon the finst time kind of in penson when he was appointed -- shontly aften he was appointed in this nole on Uknaine. okay and your dealings with him had alneady been pnofessional a and he's somebody of integnitY -- A Yes. a -- to youn knowledge? A Yes absolutely. a And he's veny knowledgeable cornect about the issues in the ? A a Yes. He has a lot of nelationships with Uknainians? UNCLASS I FIE D Uknaine, 63 UNCLASS A a Absolutely. thene any othen, we'ne talking about the 5th on the 6th Wene and the apportionment a little dank and you miLestone between I FIED event. notices, didn't Was and then you have a indicated that things went specific necollection of another the Vo1ken meeting -- was thene anything in the Volken meeting and the 5th on the 6th communicating A when you wene with Mike Duffey? So pant of it is that I was also on vacation for a week so I don't neca11. And we wene prepaning for a majon round of bniefings on Russia within the Depantment. So some of it is just I had a lot on my plate. Thene might have been things on Uknaine but I just don't nememben duning that peniod of time. That's not what I recall. a The news I think the wond used yestenday was I think leaked out about the hold on the assistance? A Yes, yes. a 0n the 29th? A Yes. Actual1y, yes. a Does that help you recall any events in that timefname? A So the othen -- the othen kind of theme duning that time peniod was -- that was when vanious folks in the Depantment stanted to get phone calls fnom industny. And the firm I nefenenced eanlier aI1 of these U.S. firms that wene implementing USAI they were getting concenned. So duning that timefname, I don't kind of mid- to late August, a numben UNCLASS I nememben exact dates but of people FIED my it was fnont office, in UNCLASS I 64 FIED the Assistant Secnetany office just the staff we'ne getting phone calls fnom industny. I neceived a call So befone were signs the kind of pness bnoke on it, of concern. to get questions it And so I know, Thene fnom was around And fnom my staff much we staff -- I neven It was the wonld? A a We1I, Once Commence. late August, late August. OMB -- pnobably, you dnaft nesponses. has placed a hold on up the chain. And got authonization to be able to send anything And once PCC staff had pnepared hene could say othen than hene, and then you did stant a of hearing that thene we wene fnom congnessional and we, you know, sent those neplies up neven Chamben part, I think -- I think I stanted that timefname. had pnepaned, and my wasn't the fnom to see the I oven news bneak. the news bnoke, did that Wene this change the envinonment in thene any othen intenactions with that gnoup? I think -- the news bnoke I think Senatons stanted calling the to be other extennal fonces affecting the situation. Is that fain to say? A I think that's fain to say and I mean I want to emphasize that thnoughout this whole summen the people that wonk fon me, the people that I wonk with at the Depantment of Defense wene tnying to White House and thene stanted get the funding neleased and were hopeful that we would get the funding released. As it got to be veny late in the game, we wene wonnied not fnom a question of extennal pnessune being bnought to bean, centainly were hopeful that someone could advise the Pnesident and explain UNCLASS I FIED we why 65 UNCLASS this to was so impontant and seem veny concenned that just that we simply couldn't -- I FIED he would be pensuaded. But we stanted fnom we the timing, because we wene wornied wouldn't have enough time to obligate all the money. a Duning this timefname, did you have any communications Ukrainians with ? A I would have to say I'm sune I did, but I don't recall -a About this? A But not about this. No, no, I did not speak with them about this. And no Uknainians naised this issue with me on my team. a Okay. So to the best of -A To my knowledge, to my knowledge. a To the best of youn knowledge, they didn't funding was possibly being held up know that this until -- A 0h, that's not what I'm saying. a Okay. What ane you saying? A So I pensonally was not -- sonny, I apologize. I did not mean to be intennupting you. So I pensonally did not have Uknainian ministny the ministny of defense, But I knew fnom of the alanm none my Kunt bells that them naised this issue with me. Volker convensation and also fnom sont who knew about Okay. They deal with wene coming from Ambassadon Taylon and that thene wene Uknainians a A of -- I just wenen't talking to me. UNCLASS ] F]ED this. his team UNCLASS 66 I F]ED a Okay. taJhat did you know that the Uknainians Volken communicate A that to knew? Did you? hte11, Ambassadon Volken descnibed talking to an advisen to Pnesident Zelensky about making such a statement, making a statement, you know, disavowing election intenference. And the way he descnibed it to be a discussion that wasn't going to occur in the futune, but that had occunred in the past. That was my the statement I undenstood undenstanding. a anothen Do you know -- A visit by anound anothen activity such as a White House meeting? So Govennment if that statement was built I of know that thene wene two specifics things that the Uknaine wanted duning this timefname and the one was -- a hosted visit at the White House. security assistance, but I And a the othen was Ukraine do not know -- a Okay. A -- which issue was being tnacked with the othen. a Okay. Okay. But you don't have any finsthand knowledge that the Uknainans knew -- A I .a -- that the assistance was on hold, you had just heand that? A Yes. a okay. To youn knowledge, when do you believe the Uknainians became awane that the assistance had been subject to a hold? Was it befone the Volken meeting on August 20th? A I'm not sune pnecisely, because UNCLASS I FIED I can't necall when some of 67 UNCLASS I EIED the convensations with oun embassy in Kyiv occunned. a Okay. What wene youn communications this time peniod A on this topic? WeI1, my staff wene mostly the defense attache noutine. We with the embassy during folks communicating office. I can't necall specifically, have email communications but it with was oun fainly with the embassy that ane fainly noutine. a Okay. And what was the genenal infonmation fnom the A needed getting embassy? cleanly and consistently that The embassy was expnessing to get the secunity assistance funds neleased cause a majon majon challenge in secunity, and that the Pnesident Zelensky much earlien, June timefname, and up on you were that I want to and we that this would in the Uknaine had sent an invite to President oun nelationship say May, it might have been May on that the fact that the Pnesident hadn't followed was causing a lot of concenn. Those wene the consistent themes fnom oun embassy. a Okay. After the Volken meeting, what was the next key event that you rememben? A WeII, we were hopeful this whole time that Secnetany Espen and Secnetany Pompeo would be able to meet with the President and just explain to him why this was so impontant and get the funds neleased. And you know, fnom a vaniety of both Secnetany Espen and Secnetany and wene I think Pompeo had out of town at different times. UNCLASS I FIED mostly scheduling neasons diffenent tnips in August UNCLASS I I neven leanned 68 FIED that the meeting took place until the end of August, and I don't remember the exact date, but the end of August thene was an email that I neceived that was from the Secnetany Espen down to - - I'm not sure who he addnessed it to, but I got a copy of it it it said -- it the Pnesident refenenced somehow a meeting with the President on some discussion, and he and that thene was said, no -- no decision on Ukraine. is Next step And he included a Vice Pnesident meeting with Zelensky a note in there about holding on any memo that the Department would send meeting. And to OMB on this matten pending the Vice Pnesident that's the entinety of additional context, but a in Wansaw. what I saw. I tried to seek I did not neceive additional context. Did you neceive feedback on a neadout fnom the Vice Pnesident's meeting in Wansaw? A I only got veny fnagmentary so I did not get a cohenent neadout. Oniginally Secnetany tnavel got a Espen was supposed to join but his changed. When did this envinonment stant to change? Like when did you get a sense that the aid would be neleased? Was that on the 12th on -- A It was the 11th. a Okay. A And it neally came quite out of the blue. a It was abnupt? A It was quite abnupt. We got -- I believe we got an email. UNCLASS I FIED 69 UNCLASS I think it came from again I EIED the Secnetany of Defense's chief of staff it just said, OMB has lifted the hold and then we could stant obligating on the !2th, which was I think the last so Enic Chewning. And appontionment expined. a Okay. Wene thene any othen milestone discussed that ane matenial and nelevant finsthand infonmation events that we haven't to the facts that you have about? A I can't think of any. a Okay. You indicated that no fonmal effont was expended fon the nescission on nepnogramming of these moneys? A I'm not sune what that means. The fonmal -a You didn't begin the rescission -- the nescission pnocess did not begin, did it? A a A To my knowledge, ho. And the reprognamming effont did not begin? Again, to the actual my knowledge, ho. The people who'd have pnepaned papenwonk pnobably would have been in comptnollen so. a Right. But you had no awareness that that was A No, no awaneness. a So to the best of youn knowledge, evenyone was hopeful that this would lift? A I don't know about evenyone. I can't speak fon evenyone. I was hopeful until we got to the point whene DSCA was telling us we can't spend all of this. And because I didn't undenstand any othen mechanism than to obligate the money'by the end of the yean, I don't UNCLASS I FIED 70 UNCLASS think anyone had thought of -- I FIED no one I spoke with had thought of the idea of the Congness doing, You know, anothen authonization essentially. in No one that I talked to DOD was talking about that as a mechanism. So once we got that point whene didn't think they could stanting to MR. this to do DSCA was telling us they it, that's when the hope in my team was neally wane. CASTQR: some of Okay. oun We have about 15 minutes and I'd like to pivot membens. Mn. Jondan? MR. ZELDIN: I just want to folIow up on a couple of items you just discussed with Mn. Caston. When visit, you stated that you knew that Uknaine wanted a White House how did you know that? I would have to think about all the diffenent ways that I heand that. I know I heand it fnom Ambassadons Chaly, thein Ambassador here. I know I heand it fnom othen pensonnel in the MS. CoOPER: Ukrainian minlstny of defense, but not necessanily the minister it quite negulanly in oun noutine meetings. So those ane a few of the places whene I know that himself, and centainly oun embassy neponted this was a desine. MR. it ZELDIN: The hold on aid you said you knew that Ukraine from infonmation neceived fnom Ambassador Volken and Taylor. Is that night? MS. COOPER: I know that they UNCLASS knew about ] FIED it knew based on what UNCLASS Ambassador Volken and Ambassadon Taylon wene 7t ] FIED told me, not that those two the sounces. MR. ZELDIN: Connect. MS. COOPER: MR. you that ZELDIN: so Do you necall the Uknaine knew thene was MS. COOPER: that I I don't know what that sounce of infonmation met with finst was -- time that eithen of them told a hold on aid? I don't necall specifically when. f Ambassadon Volken on August -- mean I know on on about August 2?th, that's a specific -- I didn't talk to him, you know, noutinely about this thnoughout the summen. MR. ZELDIN: Then you stated something about a statement. that Ambassadon VoIken mentioned Connect? MS. COOPER: Yes. MR. ZELDIN: But knowing did he say anything at that time about Uknaine that thene was a hold on aid? MS. COOPER: I don't reca1l if he specifically said that, but the lift the hold on aid and the fact that if this hold did not get lifted, it would entine conversation stanted with a discussion on the need to be veny damaging to the nelationship. MR. ZELDIN: I undenstand that and in youn convensations with Kyiv as well that they ane communicating that they wanted the hold to be neleased. I'm tnying to knew undenstand how you concluded that Uknaine that thene was a hold on aid. MS. COOPER: The context Ambassador Volken nelated fon the discussion that specifically to the path that UNCLASS ] FIED I had with he was punsuing 72 UNCLASS I to lift the hold would be FlED to get them to make this statement, but the only neason they would do that is because thene was, you know, something I don't know if he specifically said who -MR. ZELDIN: We11, it's significant because you'ne -- it's one thing if you believe that they knew and it's another thing if you va1uab1e. But no, actually were told that Uknainians knew. you think it So again, nelated impontance Uknaine that Uknaine would have known based on what you heand on did they actually te11 you Uknaine A Ane you ane guessing knew? the convensation with Ambassadon Volken because to the secunity assistance needing to be lifted and the of that, and he was relating conversations he had had with officials. It could have been my inference, yes, a veny stnong infenence that thene was some knowledge on the pant of the Uknainians. Later, when you get into eanly septemben, at that point thene -- I'm confident that thene wene staff level questions coming in fnom lowen level officials in the Ukrainian ministny of defense to oun team in Kyiv and to my team. But that was night befone the hold was lifted so no, I cannot pinpolnt a specific time in August. were MR. ZELDIN: And ane you awane Ambassador Taylor was hene testify yestenday, connect? MS. COOPER: Yes, it was in the media. MR. ZELDIN: His opening statement was awane to in the media. Are you of that? MS. COOPER: Yes, testimony, to but I have not been focused on othen people's be honest. UNCLASS IE]ED 73 UNCLASSIFIED MR. ZELDIN: That's fine. I just want to confinm, you haven't nead Ambassadon Taylon's opening statement? MS. COOPER: I saw some media neponting about it. MR. ZELDIN: Did you nead anything Ambassadon Taylon said with to Uknaine, not knowing of aid as of August 27th? MS. COOPER: I did not nead that, no. MR. ZELDIN: Now any othen holds on -- to any othen countnies on othen accounts that you'ne awane of anywhene in the wonld oven the counse of the last sevenal months or is Uknaine the only hold on any payments through the Secnetany of Defense? negands MS. COOPER: Since othen negions. MR. only handle I just don't my region, I can't speak to the know. -- to othen countnies and of accounts that -- in othen pants of the wonld that you ZELDIN: So thene might be holds in othen types ane I just not awane of? MS. COOPER: I simply don't MS. STEFANIK. Ms. Coopen, know. in youn answen to Mn. Caston's questions you neferenced convensations with congnessional the July 31st PCC. When appnoximately wene staff aften those convensations? to go back. I might have misspoke, but I did not have any convensations with congressional staff. MS. STEFANIK. Congnessional staff neached out to you, you said. MS. C00PER: Yes. So this was via legislative affalns so thene wene questions that wene sent in by vanious congnessional staff, and then I saw what the questions wene and I had my staff pnepare a response, MS. COOPER: I'd have UNCLASSIFIED 74 UNCLASSIFIED and then coordinate it intennally, which is a noutine pnoceSs, and then I sent that up saying, you know - MS. STEFANIK. And which committees wene those staff membens fnom, which committees? MS. COOPER: rememben see I'm pnetty sune it the specifics. all the incoming, I MS. STEFANIK. there let side, but I don't that I didn't -- I didn't wene mone saw what we prepaned Okay. MR. MEADOWS: So funds. And was Senate to go out. Thank You. me come back to the obligated, unobligated it is nefneshing to have on thein topic, and so I want to just say thank One, thank you fon youn people who ane expents senvice. And you fon that. staff, they didn't -- they didn't know that unobligated funds well typically that happens, end of fiscal yean thene's always unobligated funds and thene was -- they were not aware of not only what happened in this case, but it had happened pneviously. Is that So youn conrect ? MS. COOPER: No, sin. My staff and I am aware that thene ane fnequently unobligated funds at the very end of the yean. What we wene wonnied about on a in this significant we do understand case was that, you know, the bulk amount of funding would be unobligated. that, you know, sometimes you evenything. And I believe last yean of the funds So absolutely can't actually obligate USAI did not have 100 pencent that was a yean obligation. MR. MEAD0WS: Right. 0f counse UNCLASS IFIED -- so you came 75 UNCLASS I in in F]ED 2016. MS. C00PER: Correct. MR. MEADOWS: So pnion about the 90 pencent to you getting thene, I mean there was of the appnopniated funds wene obligated, but the nest wene not, but eveny yean thene have been unobligated funds. Would you agnee with that? I mean you may not have knowledge, but would it eveny yean sunpnise you that there are unobligated funds based on what is appnopniated vensus what is obligated. MS. COOPER: Sir, that would not sunprise MR. MEADOWS: And me. so how often would you dinectly talk to like the defense ministen, et cetena, because I was tnying -- you acted like you had a pnetty negulan dialogue with Uknainian counterpants your countenpants, Uknainian countenpants. And I am not talking just on this issue, just in UNCLASS I EIED genenal. UNCLASS I 76 F]ED p.m. ] [4:58 MS. COOPER: My -- MR. MEADOWS: And I'm not talking just on this issue, just in genenal. In genenal, so I talk to Uknainians nelatively MS. COOPER: fnequently. But my actual ministen of defense, deputy ministen of defense countenpants, And that would be mone, you know, it's not always the ministen, it eveny few months. might be the deputy, if that makes sense. MR. MEADOWS: So when you say you talk to Uknainians, talking to Uknainians in Uknaine, not Uknainians MS. COOPER: We11, you'ne hene? also Ukrainians visiting here. So when thene's I MR. MEADOWS: cLearen guess, I'm tnying so let me be a looking fon contacts with Uknainians that then. I'm contacts with Ukrainian Govennment. you to -- How often does that little have happen fon ? I MS. C00PER: mean, it centainly vanies depending on the time of yean, not a lot in August, but every few weeks at least. MR. MEADOWS: what you'ne saying Okay. So is in your in those convensations every few weeks, convensations, this issue of the defense appnopniations being held up was not something that was naised directly with you. Is that conrect? MS. C00PER: Connect. MR. MEADOWS: Okay. I'11 yield UNCLASS T back. FIED UNCLASS 77 I EIED is thene time? MR. CASTOR: Thene's time. We have about 4 minutes. MR. PERRY: A11 night. Ma'am, thanks for your testimony. MR. PERRY: Steve, Right hene. I'm cunious about the 31 July PCC meeting as fol}ow-up. wene talking about a meeting pnior when you wene You looking into the Iega1 -- the legality of the hold, and unden what pnovisions that could happen. You, at the time, wene aware of nescission and repnognamming. Is that conrect or not connect? MS. COOPER: So my pensonal knowledge on nescission and nepnogramming was context of not existent pnion to doing this discussion, if that's MR. PERRY: Okay. That ' s fine . some neseanch in what you're getting at. And based on youn undenstanding initiate eithen one, nescission on neprognamming, what would youn pant in eithen one of those be? now, who would MS. COOPER: So, again, I'm not the budget expent, so I might an inaccunate undenstanding, but my undenstanding piece is that it nepnognamming it's my sense would have to the and have of the rescission be the Pnesident; and that the piece, that's the Department of Defense, so, you know, that the comptnollen executes that. I find it, you know, unlikely that they would execute without the penmission of the senion Ieadenship of the Depantment. But fon my office, coondinating on that. So if it's we would be f would see it, some othen pnognam, I would have no awareness of it. Uknaine, MR. PERRY: And do you know when you would action, nescission, on nepnogramming? When UNCLASS]E]ED but if it's get notice of said would you get notice if 78 UNCLASS I EIED those, in fact, were occunning, going to occun, so ondered, et cetena? MS. COOPER: I don't know, because I also don't know that that's a noutine thing for this account, So, yeah. MR. PERRY: Okay. A11 right. MR. JORDAN: Secnetany, wene Thank you. I yield. in youn -- I think you eanlien said getting the infonmation fnom both Tim and A1ex. Is that Mr. Monnison and Mr. Vindman? MS. COOPER: Yes, MR. I0RDAN: that' s Okay. And connect I think . you indicated that they said that they wene wonking hard on setting up a phone the you phone call call. had both Was that between President Tnump and President Zelensky? Yes. lust to be clean, the only person who I necall specificalty mentioning to me wonking on the phone call was Tim MS. COOPER: Mornison. I do not necall AIex MR. IORDAN: Okay. Then in Vindman even telling youn August 5, August youn convensation with Mn. Duffy, me that. 6, when you had I think you said you spoke to to that? MS. COOPER: Yes. It was Tim Monrison Mn. Monnison pnior who actually put me in touch with Mike Duffy. MR. IORDAN: So Tim called you and said that you should call and talk with Mr. Duffy? MS. COOPER: He emailed me and said -- he said that he was trying to explain to Mike Duffy some of the points that I had made in the meeting, and that I refenenced this kind of deadline, and that he didn't know what that was nefenning to, so he asked me to talk to him. So UNCLASSIE]ED 79 UNCLASSIFIED that's why the contact took p1ace. MR. IORDAN: Thank you. THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. The time of the minonity has already expined. Let's take a t@- on 15-minute bneak and then we'11 nesume. MS. COOPER: Okay. IRecess. ] THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Let's go back on the necond. I just have a couple of questions befone I hand it back to Mn. Mitchell. In the first meeting whene you descnibed -- a question was naised about what ane the }egally available mechanisms to actually this ald, on hold this aid, did someone naise that issue in a diffenent -- using different tenminology as in, is this lawful? Can this be done lawfully? Is this a violation of law? MS. C00PER: So that was in the deputies ' meeting that that finst convensation that I necall anose, and I don't nememben that exact suspend phnaseology being used. But, I mean, thene were many affinmative statements that the Congress has appnopniated this, we need to obligate it. THE CHAIRMAN: Unden MS. C00PER: Again, the law? I don't nememben that exact phnase, but yes. I think you said that as a nesult of the delay in the pnognam execution that you got to a point of no netunn with at least pant of the funding, whene it would not be obligated in time pursuant to what Congness had appnopniated. Is that night? THE CHAIRMAN: Now, MS. COOPER: So based on the infonmation that f UNCLAS S ] EIED was neceiving fnom 80 UNCLASS the people implementing the I FIED pnognam, by late August, we felt -- they felt that they would not be able to obligate all of the funding. this understanding was actually neflected in a change in the And appontionment footnotes. So it in the original appontionment footnotes, would not impact timely execution OMB neflected that of the funding, but - - and I wish I could necall fon you the exact date, but mid- to late August, they changed the footnote. It actually pnobably would have been night about August 20. They changed the phnasing, and they didn't include that that said that it would not impact the timely execution. THE CHAIRMAN: And I think you said that at that point, or maybe soon theneaften, it became clean that fully a fifth of the funding would sentence not be available to be obligated because of the de1ay. Is that night? I received diffenent estimates at diffenent points in time of what would be possible. And at one point, in August, MS. COOPER: So DSCA actually thought it would be, you know, well oven $100 million that would not be -- that thene would not be time to obligate. They their eanlien wannings, but we were quite concenned about the ability to execute. THE CHAIRMAN: So at one point, then, the delay that had been ended up being able to do a lot mone than occasioned by the Pnesident's onden could have cost Uknaine $100 was million that would not be obligated in that yean? MS. COOPER: So just to be clean, sin, the estimate at the time that it would cost at least that estimate. And amount of money, but that was an then, you know, the pnofessionals of the Depantment of UNCLASS I EIED 81 UNCLASS I FIED to essentially make up fon lost time, is my penspective, and wene able to do a lot mone. THE CHAIRMAN: But it's fain to say, at that point, it put $100 million of aid at risk? MS. COOPER: That was my view at the time. Defense wene able THE CHAIRMAN: officials wene Ultimately, because able to do wonkanound, it the Defense Depantment neduced the impact down to I think you said? MS. COOPER: It was Less than that. I think we wene able to obligate, I want to say, 88 pencent by the end of the yean. THE CHAIRMAN: So that stiIl meant that tens of millions of about 20 pencent, dollans you wene not going to be able to obligate. Is that night? yes, and the neason that we can obligate MS. COOPER: We1I, at this point is it of congnessional action, because THE CHAIRMAN: Right. But befone the Congness took action, as a nesult of the deIay, it was going to cost Uknaine tens of millions of dollans in militany assistance. Is that nighti because MS. COOPER: to, RoughIy. That you know, obligate the full assumes that we would have been able amount, which sometimes there ane challenges with that. THE CHAIRMAN: And but fon the effont of Congness to step in pass a new Iaw, Uknaine would have at least in that fiscal yean? MS. COOPER: Yes, that THE CHAIRMAN: Mn. lost out on that militany ' s connect. Mitchell. UNCLASS I EIED and suppont 82 UNCLASSIFIED BY MR. MITCHELL: a Sticking with the same theme, Mn. Meadows was asking you a senies of questions about whether it was unusual fon thene to be unobligated funds at the end of a fisca.l year that couldn't be spent, and I think Is that youn answen WaS, no, that happens. That's not infrequent. conrect? A That's connect. I think it's just a matten of the onden of magnitude. to undenstand a little bit mone the onder of magnitude. So in youn expenience in the ondinany counse, ane we talking 1, 2, 3 pencent of funds that are unobligated at the end of a fiscal yean? A I can't answen that, because I just -- I do policy ovensight, but I'm not looking that closely at pnogram execution, and I just don't A okay. So I have the nange of want expenience. a Okay. Ane you awane that that pencentage, whateven that pencentage is, is typically unobligated because of unpnedictable events? Fon example, salaries neceive those salanies don't come those funds ane not obligated A So, yes. my convensations histonically change on the number to fnuition; in and as a DSCA, some been unable who result of that, time? I think that in my limited with of individuals of the expenience, and fnom neasons that we have to obligate the entinety of the funding would be thnough such unpnedictable factons, to include, you know, pnice changes and equipment. UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS a Okay. 83 IF]ED But hene, those unpnedictable factons wene not the of USAI funding fnom being obligated at the end of the fiscal yean. Is that connect? ones that pnevented 12 pencent A To my undenstanding, I don't know any of those factons came into play. a Youn undenstanding is that thene was a hold that was put in p1ace, cornect? A Yes, that's connect. a That delayed the obligation of funds -A Yes. a -- fon some centain tlme peniod, connect? A Yes, connect. a A11 the way thnough September 11? A Exactly. Septemben L2 is when we began obligating again. a And as a nesult of that, the window fon obligating the nemaining funds was dnamatically shontened. Is that connect? A That's cornect. a And it was because of that shontened window that L2 percent of those funds could not be obligated by the and that Congness, as a nesult, had to 1-yean funding mechanism end change of the fiscal yean, the law to extend the that is USAI. Is that night? A That is my undenstanding. a I want to undenstand a little bit mone this August 6 date that you wene testifying to eanlien that I think you mentioned cornect me if I'm wrong -- but that you mentioned the UNCLASS IF]ED 84 UNCLASSI FIED July 31 PCC A a meeting. Is that night? Yes. also had a subsequent convensation with And then you Mn. Duffey about this date? A That's connect. a Can you explain the nelevance of August 6? A So thene were a few factons that came into Play, but the main issue was that the oniginal appontionment guidance fnom OMB had that expiration date on subsequently it. And what to Mike Duffey, to hold obligation eithen, was I explained that we would until PCC, and not be able to continue you know, past the point whene the appontionment footnote ended, because was at the that was -- the OMB dinection a centain date, but also, that we would not be able to hold past the point whene continuing to hold would not allow us to obligate the funds by the end of the fiscal yean, again, unless thene was specific direction to the nepnognam on, you know, some othen specific action with Congness. a A And was So be were an that based on communications the communications with DSCA that you had with DSCA? about what the date would active, ongoing set of convensations throughout the month of August. At the point that ofAugust, at that point, wenen't sune. We felt we you wene nefenning didn't fuI1y to, at the beginning knowwhat that date was. a sense of uncentainty about to obligate. But in that finst week of August, this how much time We we would need UNCLASS I FIED infonmation was stiIl veny UNCLASS 85 ] FIED fresh that thene was a hold, and DSCA hadn't neaIIy done all the calculations to figune out, you know, kind of what's the last possible date. I telling was simply Mike Duffey that, you know, we have this August 6 date, and beyond that date we don't have any guidance. The is this piece of guidance that says, you know, hold until the 6th, and we would need to look at what the last possible date only thing we have would be. a Okay. And, again, the genesis fon the August 6 date penhaps I missed it -- was what? A So -- and this is my secondhand undenstanding. 5o my secondhand undenstanding on this was that OMB wanted to communicate the Pnesident's direction to hold the assistance, and in consultation with the be comptnollen they realized that the way DOD to do this would via an appontionment, this, you know, piece of guidance about the flow of funds that would te]] us to ho1d. I think the August 6 date was fainly anbitnary, to be honest. I think it was tnying to put something down on papen that wouLd reflect thene will be some kind of a policy process, thene wiLl At the time, be some kind a date of a discussion with the Pnesident. You know, we'11 give that aIlows fon a pnocess to play out. But, you know, we won't go much beyond that because DOD's we'ne concenned about secondhand a that I DOD this. signaling night But all of was discussing was concenned about this is away was, you know, from me. It was this. all this because the concenn was that UNCLASSIT]ED UNCLASS I FIE 85 D not all the funds would be able to be obligated past August connect 6. Is that ? A Yes. And it was -- I mean, so DOD was concenned about the obligation of funds. Policy, my team, we wene also concenned about any signal that we would send to Uknaine about a wavening in oun commitment. And that's anothen neason why, I mean, we did not want for this to be a big public discussion, you know, if we wene about to get it tunned back on again because we didn't want to signal any lack of suppont. a l,llhy would that be a pnoblem fon Uknaine? A So, I mean, the finst and easiest way to answen that is by looking at the peace pnocess. They ane tnying to negotiate a peace with Russia, and if they ane seen as weak, and if they are seen to lack the backing of the United States fon thein Anmed Fonces, it makes it much mone good that difficult fon them to negotiate a peace on tenms that fon Uknaine. a Okay. So it ane that being Uknaine. Is would weaken an a1Iy, connect? A It would weaken stnategic partnen. a And it would potentially stnengthen or embolden Russia? A That is conrect. a I'm going to hand you thnee exhibits, exhibits 3,4, and 5. [Majority Exhibits Nos. 3, 4, and 5 wene manked THE CHAIRMAN: I just want fon identification.l to UNCLASS I mention FIED to the witness, we don't UNCLASS I mean to be Rude. We have the deposition will MS. COOPER: votes. So membens are going continue thnough the Okay. Thank 87 FIED staff. to vote, but Thank you. you, sin. BY MR. MITCHELL: a A11 right. So, ma'am, do you have those documents in fnont of you? A I do have the documents in fnont of me. a And do these look like the thnee appontionments, the finst one, exhibit No. 3 is undated, and it's just the footnotes. Do you have that one in front of you, ma'am? A I do. a Okay. Put that one to the side fon just a second. The next one, exhibit No . 4, you'LL see a signature page on the finst page. Do you see that? A Uh-huh. a What was the date of the signatune? A So the date appeans to be July 25. a Okay. And who's it signed by? A Mank Sandy. a Do you know who Mark Sandy is, othen than the fact that it says deputy associate dinecton fon national secunity prognams? A Yes. I don't know Mark Sandy. a Okay. Is it youn undenstanding that Mank Sandy is a penson at OMB? A I actually don't know Mank Sandy, so I actually don't even UNCLASS I FIED 88 UNCLASSI FIED know what his title is. night. If of exhibit No. 4, and I'11 tunn youn attention to footnote 44. Do you see that? I'11 just nead it. It says: "Amounts appontioned but not yet obligated as to the a A11 you look at page 2 this neappontionment fon the Uknaine secunity assistance initiative are not available fon obligation until August 5' 2@79' to alIow fon an intenagency pnocess to determine the best use of such date of funds. " And then on it continues: July 25,2Tlg, pause OMB "Based on OMB's communication undenstands fnom the Depantment in obligations will not pneclude final policy DOD's with DOD that this bnief timely execution of the detenmination." last sentence, "DOD may continue its planning and casework fon the initiative duning this peniod. " Was this the footnote that you were nefenring to eanlien? A So I want to clanify that I neven saw the actual full And then that. But the language in here is the language that I saw. So it was -- the language was document, so this is the first time I am seeing to me but not the formal document. a Okay. This is the language that you wene testifying pnovided earlien about ? A Yes, this is exactly what I was discussing eanlien. a Okay. And this panticular one says, August 5, 201-9. We've been talking about August 6 to date, but do you see those two things as UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS A I think it's the same thing. talking about the date whene we would in this convensation, 12. It Septemben 89 I FIED So sometimes we would nesume obligation. lust eanlien someone mentioned Septemben depends on what you'ne you can nesume obligation on the date be 11, and I said, oh, neferring to, the date that that the footnote expined, so I think it's the same thing. A And the second half of that same sentence says, "to allow fon an intenagency pnocess to detenmine the best use of such funds. Now, this panticulan document was signed on July 25, which " was to the deputies' meeting, as well as pnion to the PCC meeting on the 31st. Is that connect? pnion A That's connect. a So there was an intenagency pnocess occurning duning this time peniod? A a That is connect. The next sentence also says, "based on OMB's communication with DOD on Ju1y 25, 2019." What communication is this footnote neferning to? A So I can't say for occunning thnoughout sune, but the communication that this period tended to was be between OMB and the DOD comptnollen. And then DOD comptnollen would nelay pentinent pieces of to me on obtain, you know, policy input fnom me. a Okay. Let's go to exhibit 5. This panticulan appontionment, who is it signed -- weII, what's the date of it? A The date is August 6. information UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS I FIE 90 D a And who's it signed by? A Mike Duffey. Michael DuffeY. a And, again, who is Michael DuffeY? A So Michael Duffey, I do know, works at OMB. It says hene his title is associate dinecton for national security pnograms. I did not know that pnion to neading it, but Mike Duffey was the individual fnom oMB who was in the deputies' meeting that I nefenenced eanlien. a And also the individual that you spoke to aften that deputies' meeting? A Exactly, that's connect. a And I think you testified that you spoke with him on August 6. Is that night? A If I night anound said that, the same I am not centain of the exact time peniod, but it was pnion date. It was to the expination of the footnote. So it pnobably actually was August 5, on even the 4th, but, yeah. So he would have appnoved this after he had spoken with me. a Okay. And the footnote on page 2 of exhibit No. 5, you'}l see is very similan to the last one we just nead except fon the date to August L2, 2Ot9. A Yes. Yes. changes Do you see that? a Do you know how they came up with August 12, 2Ot9? A I do not. They did ask fon input about, you know, how much time it would take, how quickly DSCA would be able to obligate the funds. To my knowledge, DSCA and policy did not pnovide a definitive UNCLASS I FIED answen UNCLASS to give a definitive 91 IFIED date. a Okay. And sometime aften this appontionment, that this footnote A Yes. you indicated changed? in late August, I think on on about August 20, I think that was the next footnote actua11y, that is when it changed, and it So, took out that pant about timely execution. I don't necall if I don't necall either way. a Okay. And why did that -- why was it changed? A My undenstanding is it changed because at that point, OMB necognized that thene was a nisk in not being able to obligate the it took out a pant about a policy pnocess. funding. Pnion to that point, OMB never fonmally acknowledged that they thought thene was a nisk. a Okay. Do you know why appontionments changed fnom A I don't know. a Was thene a policy being conducted A the penson who was signing these July 25 to August 6? on intenagency neview pnocess that was in August? Thene was no policy neview pnocess that I panticipated in on knew of. a The last meeting that you wene aware of was July 31? A Yes, that's conrect. a Ane you awane of whethen DOD conducted any sont of neview -- other than the intenagency pnocess that you descnibed, sont of neview of USAI any funding duning the JuIy, August, or beginning of Septemben time peniod? UNCLASSIFIED 92 UNCLASS A I know of no such neview. The only thnee types of assessments, on neviews, on that that we -- that I pensonally panticipated in I know the DOD participated in, wene, one, to look at the degnee to which Uknaine had made sufficient pnogress and anticonnuption goals neview and pnovided the a A to I EIED in meeting defense nefonm consistent with the NDAA. centification letten that we We completed that discussed eanlien. -- just to be clean, that was prion to May? That was May, yes. I'm just trying to be veny cIean. Pnion So that was May, we completed that neview. Thene was the second queny that I neceived regarding USAI that occunred aften the pness release in June, but the only thing that we did thene was summanize neadily available infonmation reganding finms and intennational contributions. But I just want to be cIean, we did pnovide information on that. And then the thind ane these meetings that occunned in the intenagency. But I would not use the term "neview" to descnibe of them because they were all just noutine business. a Okay. You indicated that at the JuLy 26 deputies' Mike Duffey said that thene was a hold both on it FMF meeting, and USAI and that nelates to the Pnesident's concenns about connuption. night any Is that ? A Connect. a Okay. But DOD did not conduct any sont of neview following this statement about whethen Uknaine was making any sont of pnogness with negand to its anticonnuption effonts in July on August on beginning of September. Is that night? UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS 93 I EIED A That is connect. a Okay. And that's because, of process and Iaw, all of those events took place precertification, pne-May? A That is cornect. And in the interagency discussions, DOD panticipants affinmed that we believed sufficient pnogress has been as a matter made. a Okay. And it wasn't just DOD panticipants who believed that these funds should flow to Uknaine duning these intenagency meetings, connect ? A That's connect. It was unanimous with the exception of the statements by OMB nepnesentatives, and those statements wene nelaying highen ]evel guidance. a And that's the case fon all foun intenagency meetings? A That's connect. a Did you ever Leann what Mike Duffey meant by "connuption" when he made this statement at the July 26 deputies' meeting? A No. a Have you seen the JuIy 25 call tnanscripts involving Pnesident Trump and Pnesident Zelensky? A I saw them when they wene publicly neleased. a Okay. Do you now have any undenstanding of what the Pnesident's concenns wene with negand day aften his call with Pnesident to connuption on July 26, the Zelensky? A I think I have the same intenpnetation of anyone neading it fon the finst time. I don't have any dinect knowledge beyond what's UNCLASS] FIED 94 UNCLASS T FIED actually in that tnanscnipt and what he states himself. a You testified eanlien that -- I believe, connect me if I'm wnong -- that you did not pensonally have any convensations with Uknainian officials about the hold duning this JuIy, August time period ? A a No, I had no conversations Ane you awane with the Uknainians. of anyone within the Depantment of Defense having convensations with Uknainians about the hold duning the Ju1y, August, beginning of Septemben time period? A I'm not awane of specific instances, but I would just necalI that we have a team Ambassadon in Embassy Kyiv Bill Taylon. that So, you know, ane DOD nepnesentatives unden it would be veny hand fon me to discenn convensations that the embassy side might have had vensus the defense attache side. a Okay. And I believe you testified eanlien that you wene in constant communication, on negular communication -- A Right. a -- with the defense attache in Kyiv. Is that right? A Yes. To be -a 0n youn staff. completely accurate, my staff, but - A a And was secunity assistance a topic that they would have discussed ? A Absolutely. in Throughout this entine peniod of time, oun team Kyiv was acutely awane of the hold and was expnessing senious UNCLASS I FIED UNCLAS concenns to a on some those concenns conveyed to you? other fonm of So 95 ] EIED us. How wene A S to me, it thene wene emails to Wene they by email communication? was kind my of in-penson. staff. I So I don't know whethen would imagine thene pnobably wene, and I DOD components, because everyone focused on implementing the secunity would imagine thene wene probably emails, you know, within vanious assistance. You know, they wene engaged of how But long can we hold that is not to say off, in, as I said befone, this discussion and so there wene multiple DOD offices. that any of these would have necessanily been talking to the Uknainians. I have no evidence of that. testified earlier that you wene involved in the sale of javelins back in 2@L7, 20L8. Is that connect? a So you A That's connect. a Just generally, without going into too much detail, what was in that pnognam back then? A So I've been in my cunnent office since kind of the end of your involvement the Obama administnation, and obviously tnansitioned into the administnation. And thene was a policy hold in the Tnump Obama administnatlon on pnoviding defensive Iethal assistance to Uknaine, widespnead, you know, bipartisan suppont fon this, but within the administnation thene had been a nestriction. So with the advent of the new administnation, I panticipated in a senies of policy discussions with the intent of making the case that UNCLASSI FIED we should provide defensive javelin a system And 96 I FIED UNCLASS lethal assistance beginning with the but not necessanily exclusive to that that decision actually thene was a decision made by came system. to fnuition; in othen wonds, this administnation, the Tnump administration to pnovide that lethal assistance to Ukraine, connect? A That's cornect. a And on A And so -a Go ahead. A And so at this point, we have both pnovided assistance via security assistance, via FMF, as I said eanlien, the javelin system, but now, the Govennment of Uknaine is seeking to punchase a1so. I that they have that allows them to do govennment-to-government procunement, and they ane seeking to use neferned eanlier that mechanism to that to new law procure javelin. a Okay. So on December 22, 2Ot7, the State Depantment announced that it approved a license for the expont of these javelins to Uknaine. A a Ane you genenally aware of that? Yes. And did you discuss -- presumably you had discussions with officials about this fact? A Yes. I mean, that -- I've Uknaine had discussions with them about this going back many, many months, oven a yean. a Okay. Do you know what the anticipated timeline finalizing the tnansfen of those javelins to UNCLASS I FIED was fon Uknaine aften that UNCLASS I 97 FIED in Decemben of 2@L7? A I don't necall. At one point I announcement knew, but I just -- I don't neca11. a FMF The DSCA didn't publicly announce State's appnoval of these until March L of 2@L8. Ane you awane of that? A I don't nemember the timeline at all. a So you're not awane of whethen thene was a delay in the sales to Uknaine release of these funds fon the punchase of the javelins? A No, I'm not awane. a Okay. You don't necall any discussions A I don't necall. a You don't necall any discussions about that at the time? A I don't necall. a Ane you awane that in, appnoximately the same time peniod, Manch on Apnil of 2OL8, the Uknainian authonities abnuptly stopped foun investigations nelated to PauI Manafont? A I'm not awane. MR. MITCHELL: Al1 night. We'ne going to go ahead and yield oun time to the minonity. BY MR. CASTOR: a I'Ll confess, nonmally the Paul Manafont question this side of the noom. I would also like to note the defensive was authonized and implemented suppont, something 1ethal assistance that in the new administration that possibly Democnats UNCLASS I EIED comes fnom had bipantisan liked about the Tnump UNCLASS administnation A ? We1l, I to have Hill to talk to the 98 IFIED say that nonmally, I neal1y enjoy about Uknaine, because there and, you know, the javelin decision is bipantisan is something that I am coming up suppont, pensonally proud of. a Okay. The unobligated funds that ultimately -- thene wene provisions in the right NDAA that allowed the money to be subsequently spent, ? A a Like, Yes. And do you know when those funds wene how long did it ultimately expended? take to wonk its way through? A I'm not tracking the specific details of the implementation timeline, but my understanding is we'ne stitl in the pnocess of doing this. a Okay. It ' s still - A It's ongoing. a Okay. And that's not unusual via the when something gets extended NDAA? A I have neven heard of in this mannen. When it first something being extended came up as via the NDAA a possibility that we would not be able to expend the funds beyond the end of Septemben, we were asking amongst ounselves, you know, what would be the possibility hene. And it didn't seem like we wene gnateful a gkay. when Was anyone knewthat this was a typical thing. So the Congress acted. thene any discussion about recentifying the funds UNCLASS IF]ED UNCLASS aften the new govennment 99 I EIED established itself in Uknaine? A I can't necall any such discussion, in pant because the new govennment was, pnetty eanly on, embnaced in tenms of its anticonnuption and nefonm agenda. You know, we had nealIy been stnuggling at times to bning the previous govennment along, so the fact that the new govennment was, you know, pnoceeding in such a positive fashion, albeit in eanly days, I just don't necall anyone raisingthat to evaluate the connuption envinonment as an issue. a What exactly was done in Uknaine as pant of this pnocess? A So, the specifics that we used to evaluate the NDAA cniteria, if that's what you'ne talking about, nelated specifically to significant progress in defense nefonm. In the centification letten, we outline the specific areas, including things like sufficient pnogness on command-and-contnol nefonm, a whole host nelate to improving Uknaine's NATO of refonms that intenopenability, and, a1so, tackling connuption in, say, Uknaine defense industny. But at the end of the letten, it states that significant challenges remain, and this of some of the connuption allegations involving the oliganchs in the Uknaine? A WeI1, certainly, I hean about some of these. Thene's open will be a multiyean effont. a Do you have any knowledge sounce and othen neporting on these issues. a A Ane you So I familian with the want to be c1ean, I company, Bunisma? was not UNCLASS I EIED familian with this company 100 UNCLASS I FIED it is not something that I have encountened in my nole as a defense official. It's something that I've seen in media. a The oliganch that has control of Bunisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, is that a name you'ne familiar with? A It is not. a And I apologize if my pnonunciation is not perfect. He was until the spate of neponting. So of the open-sounce stonies about him on some of the investigations that Bunisma was a fonmen ecology ministen. Have you nead any involved with? A I have not read much detail at all. a Okay. But you're generally familian there wene some investigations into Bunisma for vanious things? I mean, I can to you, repnesent money laundening, and tax evasion, things of that sont. A I have no level of pensonal knowledge on detail on these. a Okay. Did you have any knowledge about any other companies in the Ukraine that oliganchs wene subject to connuption allegations, on any othen ? A No. So my focus has been on the defense industny. So I familiar with a number of allegations in the defense industry, and am that of defense industry nefonm. And as pant of the certification pnocess last year, we wene just stanting oun is why we have a specific pnognam pnognam unden fonmen Secnetany senion advisen on this. of the Navy, Don Winten, will So we had them UNCLASSIE]ED be oun sign up to, you know, we'ne 101 UNCLASS I committed to this. And since and stant FIED then, we've been able to have Secnetany Winten go out to develop a prognam. But we'ne at the eanly stages of dealing with defense industny reform, and we have kind of a step-wise appnoach. It stants with the legislation that I talked about eanlier, it will be a multiyean effont. a Okay. But the allegation that Uknaine is beset with connuption is not something that is contnovensial, night? A We absolutely undenstand that thene is a significant amount and of conruption in Uknaine, and that's counten why we have pnognams designed to that conrUption. a In December 2@L5, the Vice Pnesident, had some subsequently a pnosecuton genenal Shokin. weII-publicized in the Uknaine Vice Pnesident Biden, nemanks about his effonts to get fined by the -- Pnosecutor Genenal Do you have any awaneness of that stony? A No. That was pnion to my time on the account. a Okay. But since you've been on the account, have you followed the news neponting about Vice Pnesident Biden's effonts to get Shokin A I nemoved? have seen media neponting on this, but I have no dinect knowledge. a He was captured on video at a WalI Stneet Jounnal Wall Stneet lournal pushed out that he made in the Have you even seen Uknaine that some in -- or The video of him necounting the December video? UNCLASS I FIED of 2@15 demand nelating to Shokin. UNCLASS A to2 I FIED No. a Have you seen neponting about the comments he made? A I've seen neponting on this genenal topic, but I don't necall seeing the specifics that you're talking about. a You know, essentially, he indicated that thene was approximately $1 billion in loan guanantees at issue, and that if, you know, Shokin wasn't nemoved, the loan moneys would be withheld. And to come to fnuition, if those Loan moneys were to be withheld, would that go thnough the the question I have is whethen -- if that wene same intenagency pnocess? A It's veny hand to nespond to a hypothetical like that because, I mean, I don't know enough about the details to neally even be able to make a judgment. Okay. a hJheelbanger You mentioned Acting this monning. in subsequent days. events Assistant Secnetany Katie We'ne scheduled What can you tell to speak with hen, I think, us about hen involvement in these ? A she's in So she is my immediate supenvison in the absence of -- I mean, it's, you know, one penson filling two roIes. But I have to note, hen portfolio is vast. It's the whole an acting capacity. So wonld except fon Asia. So she -- We've had Inan on oven the summen, if you think about the past summen, issues, she's the lead on that; we've had a 1ot going in Synia, you know, not just the necent developments, but eanlien; Venezuela is in her pontfolio as well. UNCLASS I FIED 103 UNCLASS ] E]ED is the penson who, you know, I route all of my papens thnough, but if she's on tnavel, she doesn't see the piece of papen. Somebody else pushes it on up the chain in hen absence. So it's So she actually veny hand for to necall me what specific meetings on events she would know about, and which ones she any of those intenagency a Okay. she would add A It's meetings So you'ne to this we wene discussing eanlien. not awane, as we sit here today, what value discussion? veny hand fon me to value. You know, she's a tennific bnoad that wouldn't, and she was not in even say that my boss would not add leaden and has, you know, a ton of knowledge. But on the specifics -- the specific questions that you have asked me, I a Okay. just I don't know that she would -- She's not going to have finsthand factual infonmation about these -- I mean, none of the specific things that I talked to you about, it just -- I mean, bnoadly, she has been following Uknaine like she follows evenything else in hen pontfolio. But, again, because she wasn't in the specific meetings, I think it's less firsthand A Not any infonmation. a You've neven had any communications with the Pnesident about this issue? A I've neven had any communications with the Pnesident, peniod. a Acting Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney? A No, sin. UNCLASS I FIED LO4 UNCLASSIFIED a And youn only intenactions with the National Secunity Council have been the ones you've discussed with -- LEVIN: Relating to this toPic. MR. BY MR. CASTOR: this topic, sir. Relating specifically to this topic, to a A Relating to a A a A a So Tim Monnison, Alexanden Vindman? my recollection, yes. Yes. Befone that, Fiona Hill? Yes, absolutely. tel1 us about any communications you had with Fiona Hill nelating to this topic, although she -- hen last day was And what can you July 19? A So I haven't talked to hen about the topic of the suspension of the assistance, a diplomacy A was because it all played out after she had left. Did you even have any communications with her about this that was ongoing We1I, I with Rudy Giuliani? heand hen nemanks on multiple occasions that a sepanate tnack handling foneign policy. I don't necall thene hen specifying Giuliani by name; but she did multiple times expness concern that thene was kind of a panallel pnocess to the one that she was handling a And what did she tell you? Like, how did she chanactenize it? I think you said she had concenns? UNCLASS IFIED 105 UNCLASS A it was She had concenns. And, the challenge of I FIED I mean, the way she chanactenized managing and, you know, coondinating an intenagency pnocess when thene ane those who wonk outside pnocess and have engagements of that with foreign officials that, you know, people inside the pnocess ane unawane of. a Did you even have any communications with State Depantment officials about this non-traditional diplomacy that was occunning? A So I heand sevenal concenns nelated to what was descnibed as pnessune that was bnought to bean on Ambassadon Yovanovitch. I And never heand anything specific about, you know, any actions that she was, you know, asked to take on had taken. But sevenal, you know, other State Department staff would -- you know, pointed to the Giuliani visit in open sounce as being a source of fniction and a sounce of tension. But it neven got -- I neven got any to Uknaine, which was neponted more details than that. a spend -A at the State Depantment related to do you communicate with most of the time? And who So it's eithen now-Ambassadon Taylon Uknaine do you in the field, on Geonge Kent, on Phil Reeken, typically. a And do you necalI any specific convensations with Geonge Kent to the holdup in the aid? A 0h, I can't think of any specifics, but we definitely discussed concenns that we needed to figune out how to get the aid neleased, and that we didn't, you know -- we thought it was veny impontant to nestone the assistance. on Phil Reeken relating UNCLASS I EIED 106 UNCLASS I FIED a Did Kent ever mention to you this Rudy Giuliani channel that was in existence? A I can't necall any specifics. He did lament the tneatment of Ambassadon Yovanovitch. a Okay. How about with Phil Reeken? A With Phil Reeken, I recall him mentioning how Ambassadon Sondland was playing a lange nole in a numben of i.ssues, not just Uknaine, but he didn't express it as necessanily entirely negative. a Okay. During this time period, you estimate you had with Phil how many convensations would Reeken? A That is very hand. a About this topic. A 0h, about this topic? a Yes. A 0h, about this topic, I don't know, I about a handful, probably. UNCLASSIE]ED would have to guess, L07 UNCLASS ] FIED [6:15 p.m.] BY MR. CASTOR: { a And do you rememben anything remankable about any of these convensations? Did you think that he was somebody that was tnying to solve the pnoblem, on was have an A just mone shaning infonmation? Did he active nole in this? So, I mean, my impnession he has a very bnoad So it pontfolio, and of Ambassador Reeken's nole is that is, you know, on tnavel a good deal. I think he has tnied to be, you know, as helpful know, neleasing the Uknaine secunity assistance I don't -- I to, and FMF funds. as he can you But haven't noticed a specific nole that he has played in the pnocess. a How about Ambassadon conversations with Sondland? Have you even had him? A No, I've neven had convensations with him on met him. a Okay. You only heand of him? A I've heand of him. a A US, too. And if I could make one connection thene in the sense that I attended the EUCOM, Eunopean Command Chief of Mission Conference last spning. It's possible that he was thene, but I don't -- I didn't meet him in a sense that I don't -- he could have been at that confenence. a The whistleblower complaint was made 26th, which was a day aften the call tnanscript 25th. Was public on was made Septemben public on the that the finst time you had seen on heand about the UNCLASS I FIED 108 UNCLASS I FIED whistleblowen tnanscript on, I'm sonny, the whistleblowen complaint? A Yes. It was the first time I had seen the whistleblowen complaint, although, obviously, know, track with a some Fnom any of what I many of the points thenein ane -- have shaned with you you. of youn discussions with U.S. Government officials, did you have any awaneness that a whistleblower complaint of this sort was in the offing? A No. a Okay. Are you aware of ? A I a 0kay. Have you even had any communications ? a A About the issues, though, Not these issues that we'ne discussing specifically, hene today? no. I. a Youn appeanance hene today, the Depantment instnucted you initially not to panticipate in a voluntany setting. Is that connect? A They instructed me yestenday not to panticipate. I'm not sure if it said a voluntary setting, that pant of the phrase. a What was youn understanding of the dinection the Department pnovided to you? UNCLASSIFIED 109 UNCLASS MR. I FIED LEVIN: WeII, to the extent I'd instnuct hen not it involves discussions with me, to answen. You got the letten. MR. CASTOR: We do? MR. LEVIN: The committee has the letten. If you could speak into the mic. MR. LEVIN: I would instruct hen not to answer to -MR. CASTOR: I got that pant. Yeah. I'm not trying to ask you MR. BITAR: about attonney-client MR. have a LEVIN: I think the letter has been sent out, so you should copy. MR. CASTOR: make This was yestenday, I guess, this letten. We can it exhibit numben 6. IMinonity Exhibit No. was manked fon 6 identification.l BY MR. CASTOR: a fnom So exhibit 6 is a letten dated Octoben 22nd to -- who signed it? Do we know who signed Dan Levin it? I apologize. I was in anothen event of this sont. A The lettenhead is the Deputy Secnetany of Defense occupied yestenday lettenhead. a Okay. Okay. So what was youn undenstanding of the dinection that the Depantment gave you about panticipating? it's based on discussions with ffi€r I'd instnuct hen not to answen. I mean, the letten speaks fon itself. MR. LEVIN: Again, to the extent UNCLASS I F]ED 110 UNCLASS I MR. CASTOR: FIED Okay. Is this the sum total of the communications you had fnom the Depantment about appearing today? MR. LEVIN: Yes, it is. MR. CASTOR: So you of didn't have any discussions with the Office officials on anybody like that? MR. LEVIN: I mean, discussions I'm sorry. Genenal Counsel BY MR. CASTOR: a But just about youn appeanance hene. Just tnying to undenstand A did they try to block youn testimony Again, action has on I think the letten neflects what the Depantment's been. a Okay. A I think it kind of summanizes it. a In any event, you'ne appeaning today unden subpoena? A That is connect. a Okay. And ane you concenned that there will be at the Depantment fon youn testimony hene today? A I would hope that I shouldn't be concenned about such nepencussions mattens. a Okay. And so you're not? A I don't think that's an accunate statement eithen. a Okay. You ane concenned? A This is a challenging envinonment. And fon a civil senvant who is just tnying to fuIfil1 my obligations, this is -- this is challenging in both nespects. Getting a letten like that, getting UNCLASS I FIED a UNCLASS I L1.L F]ED subpoena. But, you know, I'm confident that I'11 be able to continue to senve, and I'Ll be veny happy to get back to the wonk that we do in my office. a Who finst notified you that they wene -- that the committee was inviting you to appean today? Did the letten come to you directly, it come thnough Leg Affairs on the Office of Genenal Counsel? A The oniginal letten came thnough Leg Affains. a And what type of guidance did they give you? A None initially. a They just A It came in on a Fniday night, though. a Okay. A And I was supposed to appean the following week, and it was Columbus Day on Monday. So thene wasn't a lot of time for them to -a OkaY. A -- you know, engage that much. MR. CASTOR: Okay. I yield back. on did MR. MITCHELL: We ane not going to stant anothen 45-minute nound, but we might have a couple minutes of questions. So I think what we'11 do, with youn agneement, is if we go 2 minutes, you guys can go 2 minutes as well. MR. CASTOR: I don't anticipate mean, thene might be follow-up, but I of the minutes on seconds. I MR. LEVIN: any additional questions. hope we'ne not going to -We'11 keep tnack of that. want UNCLASS I FIED to I keep tnack 1.L2 UNCLASS I EIED MR. MITCHELL: llrJith that undenstanding. BY MR. MITCHELL: a You on July 31st that you made the testified eanlien I tnied to wnite down what you said. I think you said that it was your undenstanding that fon USAI funds thene wene two 1egaI1y available mechanisms, the finst being -- we1l, statement at the PCC meeting -- and what wene they? A So the two mechanisms, as I undenstand them, and as I nelated, ane finst to have a nescission. And this was a Pnesidential-Ievel action. And the second is fon the Department of Defense to do a nepnognamming a And action. I And both nequine believe Mn. notification to Meadows asked Congness. you some questions about this, and you indicated that there was no congnessional notification as to eithen. Is that conrect? A Not to my knowledge. a with Pnior to the July 31st PCC meeting, were you in communication anyone fnom DOD legal? A a Yes. A a That testified eanlien that you wenen't an expent in nescission on DOD pnogramming, just genenally. Is that night? And you is connect. But the statement based on youn limited that knowledge you made on LEVIN: Can we leave it this luly 31st PCC wasn't of these two prognams, it on a convensation that you had with MR. the as it DOD was based legal? followed a conversation she UNCLASSIFIED had 113 UNCLASSIFIED legal? I'm just tnying not to get her in trouble Depantment, in tenms of -- with back at the I don't think we'ne DOD MR. GOLDMAN: I think it's undenstood, but asking hen to shane the contents of the convensation that she had, but we ane asking whethen on Iegal, which MR. we not hen statement nelied on advice fnom DOD don't think would faII under the pnivilege. LEVIN: I think it's a yes on MS. COOPER: What was no. the question? The question was, did it nely on advice, is that the question? BY MR. GOLDMAN: a Did youn undenstanding of the appnopniate -- the two pnoper legaI mechanisms to divent funding nely on a convensation that you had with DOD legaI? A Yes. a I'11 just follow up with one question. Sonny. And, to knowledge, the Depantment of Defense youn did not endeavon to do any wonk on a potential Pnesidential nescission? A To my knowledger ro. a Would you know if that wene to happen, on would you know if that were happening? A In nonmal cincumstances, if it nelates to the countny that I'm handling, on the pnognams that I ovensee, y€S, in nonmal cincumstances. a And what about DOD nepnognamming? A Again, in nonmal cincumstances, that type of an action would UNCLASS I FI ED 7L4 UNCLASSIFIED have to be coondinated with the regional policy office, and that would be my office. a wene Wene you awane of whether any nepnognamming effonts by DOD eithen being undentaken on directed to be undertaken? A I a was So, to not awane of any such efforts. youn knowledge, the only lega1 ways to adjust funding in nelation to USAI? A I just want to caveat that, that those legally available means nelate to the question of whether on not all the funds can be obligated by the end of the fiscal year. So as long as the funds can pnovided by Congress wene not being punsued be obligated, you do not have to avail younself of these mechanisms. in spending. It's once you get to the point whene it's clean that you cannot obligate all the funds by the end of the fiscal yean that those two mechanisms, one of the two would have You can have a hold to be used. a Because othenwise, You'd be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act. Is that night? A That is my undenstanding, Yes. MR. GOLDMAN: We yield. MR. CASTOR: Does minonity have any questions? NO. right. Mn. Bitan? MR. BITAR: So just prion to adjounning, I'd like to just undenscone something. I'd like to undenscone something that the chainman would have said at the opening, but due to the disnuption, MR. GOLDMAN: A11 he was not able to. UNCLASS I FIED UNCLASS I 115 FIED finst, I'd like to apologize on behalf of the committees for the disnuption that occunred. But finally, with pnion witnesses he So, in light of what you -- the questions you answened at the end, which is to undenscore that Congress will not tolenate any nepnisal, thneat of nepnisal, or has said the following, and I think this is veny apt to netaliate against any U.S. Government official fon testifying befone Congness, including you on any of youn colleagues. attempt It is distunbing that the Defense Depantment, in coondination with the White House, sought to pnohibit Department employees, including you, fnom coopenating with the inquiny and with have Congness and tnied to limit what they can say. This is unacceptable. Thankfu}ly, consummate nemankable counage t^Jith that, in w€'ne public senvants like you have demonstnated coming fonward ad jounned. to testify and te11 the tnuth. Thank you. MS. COOPER: Thank you. [Wheneupon, at 6:29 p.n., the deposition UNCLASS I FI ED was concluded.]