TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JIIDICIAI. CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA 0m Case COUNTY OF ORANGE Clerk's SEARCH THIS SEARCH WARRANT IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 5. 92.605. A RESPONSE IS DUE WITHIN 20 BUSINESS DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THIS WARRANT UNLESS A LONGER TIME PERIOD IS STATED HEREIN. PURSUANT TO F.S. 934.25(6) and 18 U.S.C. 2705(b) - YOU ARE ORDERED NOT TO DISCLOSE THE EXISTENCE OF THIS WARRANT TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE INVESTIGATION. fl SUCH DISCLOSURE WILL IMPEDE THE INVESTIGATION AND THEREBY OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. T0: ORLANDO ROLON, CHIEF OF THE ORLANDO POLICE AND ANY OF HIS LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 0R AGENTS THEREOF, STATE OF FLORIDA, AND ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, STATE 0R FEDERAL WHEREAS, complaint on 0th and in writing supporch by affidavil, having been made lhis day before undersigned; WHEREAS, said facts made known me have Caused me to certify and find that there is prubablc cause to bclicvc Ihm ccrmin evidence. to wit: mrormmion relmed Oxlandu Police Dcpamncm Numth TO BE PROVIDED BY GEDmalch, INC, Infm'malion provided by GEDnialcli indicuics the following information is available lo law enforcemenl upon service of proper process GEDmaicli kil number for all one-lo-onc malclics Letter following kii number for nne-lu-one matches Email address for all onc-to-onc maichcs Real name associaied wiih all nne~lornnc matches Alias associated all one-io-onc matches Dale and tims slaiin clone-[wont matching profile'screatinn date Must recem logins for all onc-to-onc Regisiered mobile number all malclics Many-m-onc rcpan Kn Dam/0r Orlando Police Depnmm Clue Mun/76? - "Predict your colour" report Admixlure Reports Archaic DNA Comparisons All GEDCOMS One-Io-orie Report/Hr Orlandn Police Depur/Itmm (Time Number Kil Number Matches (it) include first character I0 Show testing compuny) Type (chip version 01'th lesl kit) Sex b) user) llaplogrollp (to include milnchondria and chromosome) Auiosomal (information on how much DNA is shared on chmmusumcs to 22) 0 Total CM (total CM shared) 0 Largest CM (Ihe size ol'thc longest individual segment of (the estimated number back to the MRCA) X-DNA (informaiion on how much X-DNA is shared on chromosome 23 'l'olal CM (iolal cM shared) 0 Largest (the size oflhc individqu qu)NAl Matching Segment Reporl for all ngulalion Report Relalinnship l'rediclnr Name (lhc nihlch's name or optional alias) Email (email address ofilic match 7 ur kil adminisiramr) DPD case - Under the control of: GEDmatch, lnc. 7I0 First Avenue South Lake Worth, Florida 33460 Curt' Cr Rogers 7 Vice President I Secretary John Olson -- President Director 710 First Avenue South Lake VVortlI, Florida 33460 vihich is evidence ofa felony Violation of the laws ofFlorida. or which is contraband per sc and evidence ofa violation oithe laws nt'Florida. to wit: Florida State Statutes: 794.01 (3) 7 Sexual Battery with a Deadly Weapon (3 (Tnuntsl 737.01 mm) 7 Armed Kidnapping (3 Counts) 810.02 Armed Burglary "it" a Battery Within (3 Counts) AND WHEREAS. the facts establishing the grounds for this application being set forth in the affidavit of Detective Michael Fields (1514]). :i member ol'the Orlando Police Department. PROPER l'Y SOUGH Your Aft'iout seeks to seize the belovibdescribcd evidence pursuant to Florida Statute 92605, 933.02 and 934.23. as well as the United States Code 18 IJ.S.C. 27m, andCalifomia Statute 1524.2. which compel oiit-ollstate electronic communication services or remote computing services that provide such services to the public to provide information requested pursuant to Search warrants court orders or Subpoenas issued in the State oiFlorida. However, because the electronic communication service or remote computing service proiider has no reasonable means to distinguish etidcucc 01' the crimes l'tom an) other records contained within the smigltt-atteracenutit, your Affinni seeks to compel the cc provider to seize a copy or all records pertaining to the account and provide the entirety ofthc records to your Atliant. Once yout Ai'i'iant has obtained those records, your Affiant shall conduct an actual search of the items obtained from the out-of-state electronic communication service or remote computing service provider in order to the evidence or the crimes articulated below and specifically sought herein. which maybe intermingled with innocent or innocuous documents or records THE upon uliich the Alliaiit's belief is based have been stated under oath and are set out in Afliant's GENERAL AFFIDAVIT AND APPLICATION FOR SEARCII WARRANT, NOW '11 the facts upon "hich the belicl'ol'said At'l'iaiit is based as set out in id GENERAL AND APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT are heieby decuied sufficient to slum probable cause {or the issuance nfa Search Warrant in accordance with the application ofsaid Aftiant orr) um ll - BY COMMAND YOU. llic Al'l'mnl, Michael liickix' and/0r (he l'ulicc and/or lies of llic Orlando l'olicc Slalc "lurida willi including law enl'nrcemenl officers or cmupuicr examiners l'mm nun-r agencicm in 5 ii the pr niscs prmiuusly dcacribcd, You may Search 1br me properly described plum..st by serving this Search warrant via facsimile or U.S. Mail upon Ilic proper legal ul'Glianalch Inc, in cunlimnancc with Florida Sialulc 92.605, COMMAND (il,l)malcli Inc. to provide the requested data Michael Fields niihin 20 business (lay (iriJnmleh inc, shall responsive data. irany. b) sending to Michael l'iclds. 1250 We Suulli Orlando. I'lo 'da, 32805 using the US l'uslal Service or anollicr courier ervice. nmnillislanding 18 I 2252/\ or similar :ialulc 0r code. Inc, may also dis es rcsponsiw dala lo allianl by allowing ace 5 lo [he website via the (il nialch [.nw nibreeinent i'nrlali (iliI)maleh lne, ma) also di me responsive dala in the AlTlanl electronically \ia cmail al l'lliak COMMAND \hal any property scivcd he on a RETURN AND filed \\ilhin this Judicial Ii'uni dale ol'exceulion. lo d'liv'r a copy ol'lliis SliARCll to Ilic legal rcprescnlalhe 0H l)niatcli Inc. If prnperl) taken under warrant. you ahall deliver lo the legal a wrillcn im cnlor) (willie pl'fipcl'ly Iakcn and receipt for ilie same. ss my hand and seal this <IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA OPD Case COUNTY OF ORANGE Clerk's Case #2 AFFIDAVIT FOR SEARCH WARRANT BEFORE ME, Circuil Judge Patricia L. Sturwbridg . in and for Orange County, Florida, personally came Detective Michael Fields (1514]), a memberoflhe Orlando Police Department. who being firsr duly sworn, deposes and says [hill Affianr has probable cansa lo l'JclIcVC that cerlain evidence, to wit: GEDmatcll information related In Orlando Police Department Case Number - PROPERTY TO BE PROVIDED BY lnihrmalinn provided by (iEDmatch indicales Ihe following information is available to law enforcement upon service of proper process: - GEDmatch kit number for all onermrone matches Leuer following (iEDinalch kir number for one-lvom Email address for all nne-m-one marches - Real name associated wilh all nneytoyone marches - Alias associated with all one--lo-one matches - Date and time stamp oi'one-to-one marching pmlilc's creation (late Most recent logins for all one-m-onc matches - Registered mobile number for all onerlorone matches . Manyrlurune report GEDMilu-lz Kn Dam/bl- Orlando Police ('axe .- I "Pledlcr your colour" reporl Admixrurc Reporls Archaic DNA Comparisons All EDCOMS Onc-ia-ane RPpal'Ifl/r Or'lumlo Police Case Nullzhel' a Kit Number Malclles (lo include lirsl character to show lasting company) Type (chip version ofth lesr kil) a Sex (gender uflesler entered by user) 0 llaplogl'unp (in include mitochondria and chromosome) 0 (informanon on how much DNA is shared on chromosomes lo 22) 'lolal cM (total eM shared) 0 Largest CM [the size longesr individual segment of DNA) 0 Generation eslimaled number of generations back to MRCA) - X-DNA (infer anon on IIOW lnnell X--DNA is shared on chromosome 23 0 Total cM (total cM shared) 0 Largest cM (the size nt'lhe longest individual segment of DNA) Marching Segment Report for all matches Triangulation Report Relationship Predictor Name (the inutch's name or optional alias) Ematl (email address nt'the match 7 or kit administrator) Under the control of: Intel 710 First Avenue South Luke W'orlh, Florida 33460 Curtis C. Rogers 7 Vice President (Secretary 270 Captains Walk -- Apartment 3I9 Delray Beach. Florida 33483 John Olson President Director 710 First Avenue South Lake Worth, Florida 33460 which is evidence ofa felony violation of the laws of Florida, or which is contraband per SC and evidence ofa Violation ot'lhc laws ofFlorida, to wit: l'iorida State Statutes: 794.01] (3) 7 Sexual Battery with a Deadly Weapon (3 Counts) 787.0l Armed Kidnapping (3 Counts) 810.02 Armed Burglary with Baticry Wiiliin (3 Counts) PROPERTY SOUGHT: Your Amati! seeks to seize the below-described evidence pursuant to Florida Statute 92.605, 933,02 and 934.23, as well as the United States Code 18 2703, and California Statute [524.2, which coittpel an electronic communication Sen/ice or a worm: computing service that provides such services to the public to provide information requested pursuant to Search warrants, court orders or subpoenas issued in the State of Florida. However, because the ottl-of>>state electronic communication service or remote computing service provider has reasonable means to distinguish evidence of the crimes from any other records contalucd within the soiight-atternccoiint, your Affinnl seeks to compel the service provider to seize a copy or all recotds peltaining to the account and provide the entirety of the records to your Aifialit, Oltce youl Af'fiant has obtained those records, your Alfiant shall conduct an actual Search of the items obtriincd front the outroirstate electronic eoimnunication service or remote computing service provrder in order to sort the of the crimes aniculatcd below rind specifically sought hcrcin, which may bl: intermingled with Innocent or innocuous ducluucnts or records, Your Affiant, Detective Michael Fields, has been a sworn police officer with the Orlando Police Department since July 18, 2005. Your Affiant was previously sworn by the (Math Police Department, in Ovicdo, Florida, from August of 1996 to Jilly is, 2005. Your Amsiit was also a duly sworn policc officer with the Winderincrc Police Department in Winderinci'c, Florida from July ot'1995 to August of 1996. Your Affiant is presently assigned to the Orlando Police Department Criminal Investigations Division -- Ilomicide Unit. Your Affinnt is a certified Law Enforcement Officer by the State of Florida and pursuant to Seciion Florida State Statute and Sections llb--7, Florida Administrative Code relating to the Standards and Training. Your Amanl attended the Osceola Criminal Justice Academy for basic certification as an officer. During that time, the basics ofinvestigatlons were taught, Upon completion ofthe field training program at Police Department, your was assigned to road patrol. Upon completion or the field training program at Ovicdo Police Department, your Amalit's first six months were spent on road patrol for the city. Then. your Affiant was assigned to a drug unit for approximately twenty-six months Your Affiant was then assigned to the City/County Investigatith Bureau (CCIB) and was duly appointed as a Deputy Sheriffol'the Seminole County Sheriff's Office from Aprll 26, 1999 to September 29, 2000. There, your Amnnt was assigned to a county drug task three that coinbnted midslevel drug activity, Your Affiant was then assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administration Florida High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Heroin Task Force (DEA li.i,D,T,A. Task from October 1, 2000 to October 2001. Your Affiant was then assigned to the Drug Enforcement Administration Task Force from October 2001 to August I, 2002 Upon completion ofthc tieltl training program at the Orlando Police Department, your Affinnt lgned to road Your Alliani was then assigned to the Joint Anti-Crime Task Force in the capacity ofa high crime patrol officer from October 2007 to February 2008. Your Affiant was then assigned to the Orlando Police Department Drug Enforcement Division from Fcbrunry 2008 to ch 2010. Your Affiant was then assigned to Orlando Police Department Criminal Investigations Division and was assigned to the Property Unit from March 2010 to March 2011, Assault Battery Unit from March 201110 and the Robbeiy Unit from August 2012 to December 2012. Your At'fiani is cuncnily assigned to the Orlando Police Department Homicide Unit In 1997, your a Search Warrant& Search 'l'ccliniqucs School (Valencia Community College). an eight-hour Investigative Interview School (Valencia Community College), and an eightehour Case Initiation Preparation Informant Management School (Valencia Community College). In 1999, your Affiant attended an eigltt~licur Search Seizure School (Valencia Community College), eight--hour Tactical Communication School (Daytona Bench Community College), and a sixteen-hour On-Line Undercover Investigations School (Innocent Images Federal Bureau of Investigations), In 2000, your Affiant attended a forty--hour Analytical Investigative '1 echniqucs School (Multiju' dictionnl Task Force Training) in 2001, your Affiant attended a forty-hour Electronic Technical Surveillance School (Nationle Technical Investigators Association Training), and a orSccure Communications School (Multijurisdictionnl Counterdnig Task Force Training). in 2003, your Amant attended a Handwriting Analysis School [Orange County Sheriffs Office). in 2004, your Affiant attciidcd an eights hour introduction to Internet Investigation School (Florida DepannlentofLaw forly>>honr Ilomicittc Investigntion School (Institute of Police Technology Management)) and a forty-hour Reid Technique 01' Interview Interrogations (John Reid KL Associates). In 2011, your Affiant attended a twenty-four hour Conducting Death Homicide School (lloniicide Training institute) In 2012, your Alliant a fortyehoul' Advanced Practical Homicide Investigations School Homicide Investigations lustitulc), 'd l'ony>>hour l'olicc Mcdicolcgal ation (Minini Dl'Kll: Mcdicnl Examincl's Office), and a National Technical Invc gators" Association School (NATIA). In 20 3, your Affiant attended a Illii'ty-l'unr-hour Homicide um - Immugmun Axwmzuiuu 'rmimng Applying hinulm. or I'mcc 5mm 4H31uu 5 mm lmmulc) A My hm" mum Hmmuldc mm 'l mining In 2H14. yqu Arm": mom: 2! Bluml Pammx wlmul, ('nlu mu! anml a nwlw--Imm 1mm.me AWL-"mun or (1.th m' Pulmu mur'cmncu, :uul .. rm} Imur hmdu Imcmgurm In 2015, your Amumunclulutu|1my4mm Anmimm Acudcm) 0| Furcmw Sugmc cunrucm Your Animu hm purlbv'mcd 1| m'mcurch mm)qu DNA mung Your mum lily emupmm a gumbo gcnculug) mm: m: unin l'nlxuc mu Imsiinc l'runkc hm munch 01 Yum AlTqul hux mugm Inmc mun m. 110) mm gcncuc gm nugy 11w law > mud mmuh hide mcir adhin by Ynul Aflizml hm Immulmd mm cmwuclml Imcmgunulh mum uml mm lmva CA US fuels ucudmn m; gmme for um and plnhuhlc mux: nl' bulicung (hm :uch ms cx (In I. 2111'), mm \flluul chuckcd 1h: I \umn ul I Dummy Im June 1. . ma l'lmnh Du . hm J'mlucumm DNA 11 me Ida 'mj. m'thc dcw'lmnc ml buflhloll luclx )mIrAHLuu helium>> Ih: umr of [1 luv; Ol'l'londzl. l0 ('hupu'r 794,0" 1, VII: law>> sfluzll Imm'rv Wm lclum. \xhw Iln: 'Mcmluul ('lluplrr 1 I). kw>> unlnhilum Inul Bur Ilun ui|ll linunw A Mum. {frGC Idemin uflhc defendant is and basud on has yum Afflunt helium me \de Cumlnir mhmun. lulu m'I-Iunda, lo \m 794.0" (H.111: Mun nuluhiluw Hal Halter>> Hill! Dunn>> in", hl'c llu Ch}! 7x101 A ('lmplur "10.01 (I MIMI, me lime Armed I:lr\ Mm 1| "1|"ch iI "hen 'n Lin Il'xhc idcnluy ol'lh: Llcl'cndunt dmmniucd. hum! on \hc ram. yqu [he dcl'cndam did commit ol'thc Slate ofl'lorida. to mt (lmpk'v 794.0] I (3). [he 'dux pv'nhihimm Scum] Bunch with (ill'lwuiml Force. a We felon .thn defibmlm" Impu-r mm (mm. \um, "llw <> )mlubvlin" Hur'lun will] :1 Hullch lbhun who" mum;qu 'I'hc bum \c were Imkcd "Mug \cngm . "m DNA [mung duulablc -- Since mm mm Case 1mm me -, has been om ">51me (51 R) unabns. "Inch i> m: mmhud mod many by [he I cums Dzuubnx and Hu: mud was lulcl culucd iulu "Licqu ul' DNA Imm symmu'unlsu Iman and has been Alg'mm IllL.' known 11ml nl't'uulcr'x' u! llux (Lug nu mulchb Iv:wa excl horn maul: nun-mph ch DNA cudcuu' "m 21M muqu min 1m- huwmumm l'nmuml l'nlm ()rgum/unmh mm men ux IN'l'l. (POI Dululnhc, m1 m; mummy mu ugdixm mo known and "(mm mm runpnmim: imcmmimm mm mgzmi/amuns "mm data, no .mulm "mum-x CVCI (mm Ul'l'lK'l~ ler Afiiunl hm 1mm I'lmldu n1; 11w mummu hagnmu length (RI Mme lam tlucc (3) cmmnul mum balmy mm mm" ('mmly. I'lmidu AH unmst um me cum cases nu urch "an n'udu Yuur AHme \xurlun; In Munm') Mum and mm m: pzmcuumu uhlmw mm out) Case it - DNA 'l'lCS'l'l Your At'l'laut has performed a tremendous amount of research in autosomal DNA testing, Your Alliaut learned there are many types of DNA tests [not just genealogical ones) 7 but the one used for family purposes is called an Atllosomal DNA test and it looks at what makes us from each others physical differences (red hair, big nose, long leg ..) are inhellted from our biological t'amilies, Within ollr DNA there are areas that have mutated over the years to create these dill'el'ences in the human race. A5 DNA gets more and more randomized over each differences can be compared from the past five (5) or six (6) generations 7 after that it is too mixed up and randomlIed to be useful for genealogical purposes. Additionally, humans illherit 50% erllieir father's DNA and 50% el'tlieirmellier's DNA 7 after that DNA is quite random and mixed up. So. the 50% clear mother's DNA could be lnade up era large portion of her mother anti a small portion of her father. Although she inherited 50% of each parent it has been recombined before being passed 01L it has been determined that humans have forty--six (46) chromosomes, twenty-three (23) from eaell biological parent. ottlle twenty-three (23) chromosomes from each parent, twenty-two (22) (44 in total) ol'them are called the "alltosomes" (this is where the name antesolnal test comes from). Chromosomes have areas where each human is different 7 these ~erenees are called SNl's. [five are closely related to someone our differences are the Sallie as their dlt't'erenees (Le. red hair, big nose, long legs) Tile SNPs are tlte areas of DNA that are used for genealogical purposes and tlle various SNl's that are tested can be measured in a eertaln way that makes them comparable for close relatives The measure used by the testing companies is a eellthorgan (CM). This is not a simple measurement like inches, or a eotlntol'tllings. It'sa mathematical formula that works out what tlieycall"genetle dlstauce." importantly. the more shared centiMol-gan (the higher the number), the closer tlte match the suspect was to someone (and the more likely they had a shared ancestor), There are in tact two centiMurgan numbers tllal are relevant in our DNA testing; the "total shared ecutiMurgan" and the "largest celltiMorgan" sometimes ealled "longest block" (this tile is largest segment of DNA, or to put it simply \vhere tlte shaled DNA is all together and not Split up). Full have a lot of DNA in common (because tltey both got 50% from the some parents), they have a shared eentiMorgau of around 2,550 but they are not identical be ttlse of the DNA Inheritance and how the DNA passed on is randomized, Second cousins maleh at approximately 212,5cM Different websltes have charts to help work out wllat the likely relationship ol'a match ls, based on tile total shared cenliMorgalL These charts become imaluable to search for a common ancestor ot'the subject and the subject maleh when looking for a common ancestor olle (l generation back or four (4) generations back. The higher the number, the closer the matelt on) (the The slined cM Project 7 Versiuu 3.0 I'vrwc'l August 2017 i mm." <om) (1le)- l\ OLABS Parabon Nanelahs Inc. is a company based in Reslun, Vil'glniil rliar provides DNA services for law enforcement agencies lhe United Slales, On December 27, 2012;, your Alliam ilie DNA exu-aei iiom aloiememioned ilcm .o the lhllowlng address for single nueleoiide polymorphisms (SNP) DNA Solutions 755 Research Parkway, Sllilc 510 Oklahoma ('ily, Oklahoma 73104 l'zlmboll requested DNA in do the following - (ieaelype lhe sample 0 Use to convert raw llzlid in Top Allele format, which lcpul'ls Illc genotypes as and send dus (laid io Nanolabs via secured upload that will be provided by Pal'abml via email - Send l'ill'ubun Illc following a) Raw daia (lScall dam) h) Final rcpori BAP) c) Full Dim! Table (Top Allele d) Sample Table (wiili Call Kale and gender esiiniare) e) Expen file for the iulernal eomrol GenmneSIlldio file Paraboa look the raw DNA and uploaded the data imo (iEDmaleh (gcdmalcheom). '1 his is a free and public ll is used lo provide a tool rhal is used Io examine DNA maiehes closer, by providing dclailed numbers and chromosome browsers to drill down l0 ihc derail ol'hew suspeel and [hose subinirled dalabdse (IWU people) maleh By running a "many io one" repori, diey could have received a ol'one dionsand, live hundred (1,500) 'lhese me people dun march our suspeer DNA and have also uploaded lo . eciiliMergan (eM) and lm'gcsl cemiMorgan (ilZDinalch soiled reporl wiill lhe largest shared ccmiMurgan (eM) at lhe top. maleh. Going across the page ul'lhe (iEDmareh reporl we saw lwo (2) imporram numbers lelal Member-s ol'ilie Orlando Police Depanmem Florida ol'Law 'Ieam had rhe to view those resuhs, The were maimained nuhin (il;l)nuueh and l'arahell Nallolmbs, MC ll- l'ARfllON l'IlF On January In, 2019, Paraboll Nannlahs, Inc. prepared a r'epol'l en the DNA firmly/ed l'oln Orlando Police Department According ra ilre report, ng ml DNA Cxll'uclcd from \ilginal swab (I was still to DNA Solutions and 25 rig was used l'nr gellutyping. 'llrc genctic genealogy resulted in two (2) matcth from genealogy (>300 cM of shared second cousnl or closer) and seven (7) helpful (70 CM 7 300 cM; cousin Dl' Your Aft-In"! explained earlier [hm a (CM) is dlstuncc. Clo er relnrive share larger at DNA (more CM) known a: .was assigned a Level 3 an genetic genealogy (inidc: Ihc assessment scale. is an excerpt from Parabml N1llml.nhs ASSC Level 3: Medium of Iwhlg solved by ac 'nns mm is expected to pmduee actionable information {or your agency, It may even be possible to identify the unkuaml or narrow down their idelrlityto it list of possibilmu from \vl'|lu'n :l specific extended lanrily tlironglr GG analysis alone. Hmverer, |llr's 's has addinui risk, either bemuse r) the numbers! rrniqne, potentially lnlonnallve marelres is small, increasing Ilre probabi detailed irnn' um um be elm mble eg ,dne to adoption, or 2) a "summit! lanrilr tree building will requlled, which liker will not be able In be < IRY DNA Scum Ihc mum: ul'lhc DNA \on by l'ulubon Naumlul>> 0m! swam cummch skclulm bahcd an DNA smuplcs, Ihc Snumhul phcmuypiny pludwtvun model,>> mu demon {rum lh' upplicmmn ul' smximcul mcmnuk mid machine ulgmimms 'umbun's of uml (nun) Much has pmvidm by gun: Indn idmm Snupdml wmposllc Imngw pr mum an: of lace mm on [he m, um>> my and gcnolypu or mm subjc <own-N Color Freckles Hair Redness on, l- GEDmalclI is an open data genomics damhasc and genealogy wcbeilc in Lake Wei-in, i-'leridn. (iEiJmnieh is ii frcc, wobsiic for people who have already tested lhelr alilosmnal DNA for genealogical purposes following commere ll coinpani ancestry I I Family and 23andMe . Family'l'reeDNA - MyI-lerilage DNA - LiviugDNA I on" minim mman - GeneiiConcegi a GenesforGood Through the use of (iEDmaich, DNA is nimehed zigninsi i-elnuves who their anmsomal DNA in any el'ihe above cempunics and uplended il in (iEDmnich (so il'soineone iesied at one company, they may find matches in people who have tesleil at olhcr companies). is a very effective <cr> uplend iheir nuiesuninl DNA ihun from DNA |n irlciilil'y poiculiul rclillivcn who have zilsn uploaded their profilec Names nl'pnrticipnms can be hidden by [he use of"! . in have an email eddies, nunched io ihe pi-ol'ilc, Tools available on ilie (i sue include soriing resulis by (he closesl matches in a user's nuiosoinal DNA, whether ones hunches innleh eneh eiher, genetic disinnee enlmilnim, number of gciiemlions ie a common wlicllicr nuc's parculs are rclalcd, and cllmicily calculalul. 'llicsc luols do not lthlOSC niw . but eneh nceouni genetic (lath I0 ollicr uscn, 0H) 0" fl - ~airi "exier Io pi'iuide DNA and genelilogy tools for In April 2018,(' comparison and i'eseiireli iirriaieh's prime he said that this, "byiis very requires ilie shoring oi users [in in this siie should iheii will be shiireil iili other iis Al'ier ihe anesi ivilhe suspect in the (inlrlen ite e, eo-l'oiinder rlis Rogers Mid lie \iecks trying to figure out ihe elliies oi'ihc and legal (Iplmm Lu purs'iie, lle eurielurled they did not have the resources to require police to eouri orders in use ilie websiic. Ciiriis Regen suiil, "It has been (ilil)miileli's poliey to users (lint lhe iliuiililise could heust for uses, as se| I'orili in ilie Site Policy," and tluii "While the dinabuse \viis i'oi genealogical reeiireli, ii is ible uses ofiheir DNA, identification (ililinuiieli undersiiuid ihe po. ol' iluir lime ei or were oreriiues." In line updated iis polie ios enforcement could use ilie 'ele identify ofzi "Violeni crime", meaning "lioinieide oi sexuiil or to iileiilily the remains ol'ii deceased indi\ The number ni'peupie uploading their DNA i'rein LSDU per iiny to 5,000 per (liiy iifter ilie (iulilen Killer erise "out piiblie. liy Nmeniber ZDIX there "ere 1.. million ehsne users. In May 2019 (ilillmuieh was ~rl to help uiih llie uriesi ol'u who "(is charged \\iih ii \'iulenl iiuli. 'lliis \uis the firsi lime lirid by [.iiu linl'nrtemcnl (dml l'iirribon) l'ur ii ciisc ihai (liil iml ininiie hoinieirie, riipe or kirinupping. This use ui' concerns how (il'ZDIIiuleli us being used. ii ii. 0n Mny 18,2019, (iizi)innieh elilinged \heir |enus ui'semee anii pmiiey peirey, ireiuu IS ihe changed pui' 5: neom sel or. ii i: GEDmatch.Com Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Revised May 18, 2019 GEDmaieh respects your privacy and recognizes the importance of your personal informalion. We are comniilled proreeiing your thmugh uur eonrpiranee with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Poiiey describes our in eunaeeriun with iniennaiiun we may collect through yunr use ereur 'ite (our 'Sile By using our sue, you consent to our and use oftlie information des ed in this Privacy Policy, GEDmiitcli Collection Use of Information When you iegister on GEDmateh, we 0011ch your name, an optional alias, and email address In process your registration. Once you iire registered, you I provide oiher pei \Il'dl sueh as your sex, YDNA or mil)N/\ hupliigmiip, geneiie seqncnee/informnlion, Genealogy data, rind/or 'I'ierl piiymeni information, GEDmatch will only collect your personal information if you provide It In us voluntarily. Il'yoii are loc ed oinsiile ilie Siaies, you eo em to ilie storage, proe . ng, mid transfer-of your information (use tl - ln addition, we automatically collect certain information regarding t' 'ilors to our Site, including 11' address, lnformatinn about your equipment, browsing actions, and usage patterns The information we collect automatically is statistical data and does not include personal lnformatlon. We use this information solely for internal purposes, such as to improve our Site. (iEDmatch offers you opportunities to engage in forums that are designed to be Visible to other users, including comments and postings. You should be aware that any personally identifiable information you choose to submit via these forums can be rcati, collected, and used by other participants and could be used to semi you unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for the personally information you choose to submit when you engage in such activities, We may disclose your Raw Data personal information and/or Genealogy Data ifit is necessary to comply with a legal obligation such as a subpoena or warrant. We will attempt to alert you to this disclosure of your Raw Data, personal informationI and/or Genealogy Data unless notification ls prohibited under law. GEDlnatch purpose GEDmatch exists to provide DNA and genealogy tools for comparison and research purposes. It is supported entirely by users, volunteers, and researchers. DNA and Genealogical research by its very nature regulres the sharing ofinformation. Because ofthat users participating in this Site agree that their information will he shared with other users. Raw DNA Data Provided to GEDmnteh When you upload Raw Data to (iEDmatch, you agree that the Raw Data is one ofthe following: . Your DNA ofa person for whom you are a legal guardian; - DNA of a person who has granted you specific authorization to upload their DNA to GEDmatch; DNA ofa person known by you to be deceased; - DNA obtained and authorized by law enforcement to identify a perpetrator of a violent crime against another Individual where 'vinlent crime' is defined as murder, manslaughter aggravated rape robberyl or aggravated assault 3 - DNA obtained alld authorized by law enforcement to identify remains ain deceased individual; I An artificial DNA kit (if and only if: (1) it is intended for research purposes; and (2) it is not used to identify anyone in the GEDmatch database), or - DNA obtained from an artifact (if and only if: (1) you have a reasonable belief that the Raw Data is DNA from previous owner or user of the artifact rather than from a living individual; and (2) that previous owner or user of the artifact is known to you to be deceased). liy registering for and using the Sltc, you agree that you will not upload Raw Data that does not one nfthe categories. Ifyou have pr It) 1y uploaded Raw Data that does not ono cutegoric you hereby agree that you will ronioi-o it immediately orat- (iEDmatch Will not be responsible for any Raw Data provided to GEDmateh in violation of this Pulley. Violators of this Policy will have their Raw Data or other per )nal information deleted Without their access be blocked, and/or other remedial steps may be taken, including any legal action allowed under law. Privacy Although you may provide a real name for registration and data upload, you have the option oi provlding an alias for either login or data. ltan alias has been provided, it will be displayed in place of the real name along with results, If your DNA is linked to your Genealogy Data, and only one or the other uses an ali it may be possible for users to see the real name in the llnkerl data. In today's world, there are real dangers ofidentity theft, credit fraud, etc, We try to strike a balance between these conflicting realities and the need to share information with other Use 2 the end, ifyou require absolute privacy and security, you agree that you will not provide your personal information, Raw Data, or Genealogy Data to GEDinateh. If you do not agree and you have already provided your personal information, Raw Data, or Genealogy Data, you agree to delete it immediately. In Securin Although (iEDmatch has endeavored to create a secure and reliable Site for you, the confidentiality of any communication, material, or personal inl'omtation provided to GEDmatch via the Site or email cannot be guaranteed. The original Raw DNA and GEDCOM data you provide to (ilil)match is not kept in its original form. It is convened to a form that make' it more efficient for the software to perfolm searches and comparisons The Genealogical Dlit is loaded into a relational database that might still be recognizable as text. The Raw DNA is convened to a compressed binary format in a process we call 'Iokenizalion.' Although the Raw DNA is not in the usual sense of the word, it would be very difficult for hulnan to read it. Original uploaded file. re deleted from the Site sewers soon after they are processed and archived, We your login password before putting it in our database. We cannot tell what your password is. However, there have been cases in the news of data being hacked and decoded. Be aware that may be a pot . ibility on this or any other Site. We take measures to ensure that only registered users have to your results, but those measures have not been and never will be perfect. Direct access to your data is available to GElJmateh personnel, including volunteers, on a need to know basis. information such as Raw Data, Genealogy Data, and profile inl'ormatlon may be stored as an archive copy as part of a backup or recovery plan. When a registered GEDinateh user deletes or requests deletion of Raw Data, Genealogy Data, and/or profile irtrtu-tnntion, copies or that information stored in an al'chlve copy will be deleted upon storage ol'an updated archive eopy, no later than 30 days afler the user request. Research We may use your data in our research, to develop or improve applications, Email addresses 1' erybody who registers with the Site must provide a valid clltati address tor the principal contact. It provides Iogrin verification and allows (iEDmateh to contact them if necessary. It also provides a mechanism to verity your identity ifyou want to Contact (iEDmaleh. You agree to keep your log-in intormation secure, and to keep your email address up to date. Your email address and name (or alias, tfprovtded) will be displayed along with any matches to your Raw Data or Genealogy Data. Some users obtain an email address separate from their primary email for this purpose. You understand that any registered GEDmateh user using the tools available on the Site may gain access to the email address you provide. 'l'ierl Payment Information You may voluntarily obtain access to Tierl tools on the Site for the recited amount to change). You may provide a one-time payment of any amount, or you may use a Auto Renewal' to establish a reeum'ng amount. Instructions for cancelling a recurring payment are available in the GEDniateh Wiki Payments can be made via Payl'al, and (lEDmateh is not responsible for any iut'orlnatlon provided to GEDmateh by l'ayl'al. Payments may also be provided by personal cheek to GEDmateh, e/o Curtis Rogers 7lt) First Avenue South, Lake Worth, FL 33460. You understand that your personal account information will be made available to GEDmatch when paying by personal check. GEDCOMS GEDCOMs (family trees) or other genealogy ('(ienealogy Data') provided (iEDmateh remain the property of the person who uploaded it. When you upload your Genealogy Data, you will be provided a unique in number for that GEDCOM. It' you want your Genealogy Data removed from the Site, you may do so yourself by clicking on the 'Manage your restlurees' link on your home page. If you need assistanee deleting a Genealogy Data, eontaet the Site administrator at Genealogv research requires the exchange of Information For that reason all Genealogy Data provided to GEDmatch enn be viewedl searchedl and compared by any GEDmateh use Unles you have permission from living individuals in your Genealogy Data, ytlu agree to privatize living individuals in your Genealogy Data prior to pronding it to GEDmatch. This usually involves changing the names of living individuals to or something similar. We take steps to prevent your Genealogy Data from being available to the easual web surfer or to the search engines tog, Google). However, we cannot guarantee that your inrorrnation will never be accessed by individuals other than (iEDmuteh users. if you require absolute security, you agree that you will not upload your Genealogy Data to GEDmaieh. lryon have already uploaded it, you agree to delete it immediately, You will be given the opportunity to link your Genealogy Data vtith your DNA is a powerful tool and we encourage people to use it. it also protittcs a means to your Genealogy Data to people who may have no Genealogy Data or their own at olilunateh, It will also enable identification ot'tnrlivittunls within the provltled Genealogy Data, even ittlte indn ldu'dls are not identified in the Genealogy Data. on) Cit DNA Data Raw DNA tliitti uploaded to GEDmatehtCom ('Ritw Data') remains the property person who uploaded it. When you upload a file, a kit number will be assigned at the end ofthe upload process. This number is unique to the individual DNA upload, and will be used on the pages of this Site to identin your data, including being provided to anyone that shares DNA with the Raw Data. If you wish to contact the Site administrator regarding your data, you miist provide the kit number associated with your data. A link or other means is provided Within your GEDinateh account to remove your Raw Data from the Site. Alternatively, you can request deletion ofyeur personal information at any time by contacting us at GEDmatch@thail.Com. It is possible that an old kit number may be reassigned to another user's uploaded data in the future if yoli delete your Raw Data. No means are provided on the Site to make Raw DNA or other DNA data available for download There are 4 classes of DNA data on this Site: 'Pi'ivate', 'Research', 'l'ublic opt-in' and 'l'ublic 4' opt-out'. You may be asked to select which category you want to be in when you upload your DNA data. If you ever want to change the category, use the pencil icon link next to the kit number on your home page. 'I'rivatc' DNA data is not available for comparisons with other people. It may be usable in some utilities that do not depend on comparisons with other DNA. 'l'ublie opt-in" DNA data is available [or comparison to any Raw Data in the GEDmatch database using the various tools provided for that purpose. 'l'ublic opt-out' DNA data is available for comparison to any Raw Data in the (lEDmiitch database, except DNA kits identified as being uploaded for Law Enforcement purposes. Comparison results, including your kit number, name (or alias), and email will be displayed for 'Publi kits that share DNA with the kit being used to make the comparison, except that kits identitied a. eing uploaded for Law Enforcement purposes will only be matched with kits that have 'opteddn'. 'Research' DNA data is available for one>>to-one comparison to other Public or Research DNA. It is not shown in other people's 'one-to-inany' results list The Raw Data that you uploaded is not made available. By defnult, ynur Raw Data is not available to any user ofthe Site-- not even you. However you understand that anyone with the kit number for Raw Data can perform many or all of the same functions with that Raw Data that the gravidcr olthat Raw Data can perform. There may he options where you may join it 'shaiing pool' which has the potential for disclosing additional information about 01' your data, If you choose to join a sharing ptml, should carefully lead the conditions and dis llimei's ociated with that sharing pool. ny Joining the sharing puttl, you are agreeing to abide by th conditions and disclaimers. orl> Case r: - Use of Results The nature of genealogy research requires the exchange erinrornimitin, That use must also be tempered by respect for the rights and privacy of other individuals. Anybody found to be using this Site in ways not consistent with this principle of human dceeney will be subject to an immediate ban with all their data removed Examples include, but are not specifically limited to, spam mailing lists or publishing other people's results or personal information without ilieii permission, This principle also applies to the related or non-related persons included in Genealogy Data or other data uploaded to this Site. Determination ofauy violation omits principle will be at the sole discretion of GEDmateh administrators. While the results presented on this Site are intended solely for genealogical research, we are unable to guarantee that users will not find other uses, including both current and new genealogical and non-genealogical uses. For example, some of these possible uses of Raw Du personal information, and/or Genealogy Data by any registered user of GEDmateh include but are not limited to: - Discovery ofidentity, even iftherc is an alias, unidentifiable email address, and other obscuring information; Finding genetic matches (individuals that share - Patemlty and maternity testing; - Discovery ofunknown or unidentified children, parents, or siblings; - Discovery ofother genetic and genealogical relatives, including both known and unknown or unexpected genetic and genealogical relatives; - Discovery of ethnic background; Discovery ofa genetic relationship parents; 'overy ofbiologi 1 sex; very of mcdi 1 information or physical tra ning an email address; and/or - Familial searching by third parties such a law enforcement agencies to identify the perpetrator ofa crime, or to identify remains. You understand that future genealogical und vital uses may be developed including uses that GEDmatch cannot predict or foresee. If you any ofthese current or future uses unacceptablel do not gravide Raw Data to GEDmatclIl and remove any of your Raw Data already Ernvided to this Site. It is our policy to never pmvitle your rienealogy Data, Raw DNA, personal inl'on'nation, or email address to third parties, except as noted herein. You have the right to act. the personal information that GEDlnatch has collected about you. You may do the following at any time by contacting us at - Opt out of any future contacts from us; . See uhllt information we have nbein you, irnny; - Change, or have us delete any information we have about you (including personal information, Raw Data, and Genealogy Data), and - Express any concern you have about inn Lise ofyour infonnalion, We cannot predict what the future holds for DNA or genealogy research We cannot predict what the future will be for (iEDmnteh. It IS possible that, in the future, GEDtnatch will merge with, or operations will be transferred to other individuals or entities. Ifthat happens, the operating personnel at GEDmatclt will change. tiEDrnatcli reserves the right to provide access to your data (ineludlng Raw Data, Genealogy Data, profile information, ()tht personal information) to those other individuals or entities, which may include people not currently involved in GEDmateh operations, This Policy will continue to apply to the Site until you receive notification ofehanges to the Policy. Ifthis possibility is not acceptable to you, you agree that you will not provlde your personal information, Raw Data, or Genealogy Data to GEDntateh. If you have already provided personal information. Raw Data, or Genealogy Data, you agree to remove tt from GEDmateh immediately. On May to, 20m. the new policy automatically opted all ufits out of law ent'oreeinent searches. The kitownet's have the ability to opt-in. hangc in policy brought the number to sear-oh against from one and a halimilliou tl.500,000) profiles down to approximately thirty thousand (30,000) pi-oiiles, [flaw enforcement i-tius oneto-inany reports or one-toeonc reports on a law kit, they will only see matches that have specifically optca in to Law Eirlorcenieut Matching. risers will siill have the abiltty to see all ofthe public matches. In this serial rapist ease, the next step was to do a "ottertorone report" in (iEDlnatch. This report is now blocked by (tuninatch. Your Amautsh pecitic knowledge that this report does exist. Metnhersoi'the gellelie genealogy team had cess to this report prior to May we 2019 and witnessed the report. This rcpott is non blocked by (iEDmatch The data is still present in the system. The public has access to the report, but law enforcement does not. The suspect DNA was assigned a yet to be idetmiicd kit number by GEDtnatclL LALOGY Your ware otovor sixty (60) cases resolved with the use ol'genetie genealogy. Tire t'ulluwing are resolved cases by law without the use nt'Piti-ahou Nanolabs: - California enforcement investigating the Golden State Killel ease uploaded the DNA profile of the suspected serial rapist/killer from art intact rape kit Vcntura County to (iEDniatch. lt identiticd to to 20 (ll. relatives nl'thc Golden State Killer, and a team ol't'tve (5) investigators working genealogist Barbt I used this to construct a large t'alnilytree, which led them to identity tanner police orliecr Joseph James DeAngelo as suspect. investigator acquired samples of his DNA from iteltts he discarded outside his home, one nl' which (lefiltitilely that of the killer. The process took about four months>> from when the first matches appeared on to when was arrested in April 2018. . lu 2013. Roy Charles Waller was as a suspect in a series of more than ten rapes between [99172006 itt Northern (the "Not'cal Rapist") al'tcr DNA evidence from erllne sccucs net-e matched on (iEDrnatch to a alive. Police then constructed a I'atuily tree and using the on) - known characteristics of the rapist narrowed the suspecis down to Waller. It took little lnore than a week to identify and arrest the suspect. He was charged with a total of 40 Counts of rape that took place in different counties -- Sonolna, Solano, Contra Costa, Y010 and Butte. In March 2019, Paul Jean Chartrand was identified by the FBl's Investigative Genealogy Team as the murderer of Barbara Becker in March 21, 1979 in San Diego. She had been repeatedly stabbed in the neck and back. investigators found blood in several rooms ol'tllc La Jolla home, Police at the time said Becker, 37, had tried to escape her attacker. She had fought hard. Some of the blood was his. However, had already died in 1995 of undisclosed causes, April 2019 Terrence Miller of Edmonds, Washington, was arrested for the 1972 killing onO-year- 01d Jody Loomis. Loomis left her home and rode her bicycle toward a stable to ride her horse ller body was found raped, disrobed, and shot in the head in the woods. This is the second arrest in a Snohoinish County cold homicide case using results from genetic genealogy, the shorirrs office said in its statement. Police worked with Deb Stone, an Oregon genealogist, (0 identify the Suspect. In April 2019, Arthur Rudy Martinez was posthumously identified as the 1977-1978 murderer and rapist of 30-year-old .lant: Morton Anttmez and 28ryear~old Patricia Dwyer Morton in Atascadero, California Antunez was killed her ear and Dwyer was stabbed to death ill her home. Martinez, who'd been paroled after unrelated convictions for attempted rape. lived ill the area at the time of the deaths hilt left soon alter, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson said. lle moved to Spokane, Wash, and received life sentences there for several robberies and two rapes also in 1978. After 16 years in prison, in 1994, he escaped and lived under an alias in California until 2014 when he was diagnosed with terminal Cancer. He returned to Washington state and himself in to medical treatment in prison, Parkinson said. He died behind bars two months later The homicide cases were reopened three years ago with the Department ot'Justiee's Familial DNA Search Team seeking a familial DNA match to the evidence, Authorities said it led them to a relative of Martinez and a former girlfriend who provided investigators the DNA sample from a razor he had used. A lab determined the DNA from the razor matched that froln the crime scenes. in May 2019 Seattle, Washington Police announced that the DNA from Frank matched the DNA from the killer of 20-year>>oltl Susan Galvin. Galvin, a Seattle Police Department records clerk, had died in 1967 from strangulation and had been sexually assaulled CeCe Moore built family trees of the matches on GEDmatcll and found only one man could have been Galvin's killer's, which led police to identify as a suspect. had already died in 1987, but body was dug up to make the confirmatory DNA match. This makes it the oldest case ID be solved using In May 2019, James Richard Curry was identified as the killer of Mary Sllvani, formerly known as "Sheep Flats Jane Doe"/"Washoe County Jane Doe." DNA collected from Silvani's rape kit was uploaded to GEDmatch, leading to a tentative identification of the killer. However, the suspect had recently died. Alter DNA from his son, located ill at criminal database, ruled the suspect out, further investigation led to Curry, a halfbrother born outofwedlock in 1946 and laised in Dullas,Texas tinder a different family name, Curry died in California on January 7. 1983, front injuries inflicted in a suicide attempt after confessing to three murders in California. llis two children volunteered to provide DNA samples after being, contacted by investigators, Silvani was also identified using genetic genealogy, making this the first known 0 in which both the victim and the perpetrator were identified in this way (both through the work of genetic genealogist Cheryl Hester). In May 2019. ti grand jury in Orange County, North Carolina indicted John Russell Whitt on first>> degree murder charges related to the death ufliis son, Robert "Bobby" Adam Whitt, Bobby Whitt's Skeleton was discovered under a billboard on Interstate 85-40 in September 1998; an autopsy showed that he had died by strangulation. Although the case remained open, mill lltintlretls of investiglttors worked on it over the years--including artist Frank Bendcritllc were unidentified until Barbara Rae-Valuer analyzed a DNA sample thtti suggested the boy had one tthite pnrent and one Asian parent. Using otilinc genealogical services, located a cousin in Hawaii, who tins able 0m Cast: a to pmvide the boy's name. The family had not reported him missing because they believed his mother, Myonng llwa Cho, had taken hitn back to Smith Korea, where she was from. Further investigation revealed that Cho's body had been located in Spananburg County, South Carolina on May 13, 1998. She had been suffocated and had ligature marks around her wrists. John Wllitt has confessed to both murders; he is currently serving a federal prison sentence at the Ashland for armed robbery and will not be eligible for release on that charge until 2037. In cooperation with American law enforcement organizations, Pal-abort NanoLabs started uploading DNA evrdencc from crime scenes to GEDmatch andjoincd forces with genetic genealogist CeCc Moore to offer genetic genealogy services to law enforcement to identify perpetrators olviolent crimes. Parabon said in November 2018 they were working on two hundred (200) cases. CeCe Moore is the head of the genetic genealogy nnit responsible for most orllio successful investigative genetic genealogy cases. 0 in June 2018, law enforcement in Lancaster County, working with Parabon NanoLahs used GEDlnatch to identify a relative olthe murderer in the 1992 sexual assault and murder olthe schoolteacher Christy Mirack in her home in East Lampeter Township, Raymond Charles Rowe (also known as Freez"). was arrested in Julie 2018. He and Miraek frequented some oldie some clubs, and Rowe's route to work took him past Mi rack's apartment, Lancaster District Attorney Craig Stedman said. said Rowe did not provide a motive when he confessed. Rowe was sentenced to life without parole. He has since been moved to State Correctional institution 7 Wnymarr. - Law enforcement also used GEDlnateh and Parabon's genetic genealogist CeCe Moore to narrow down suspects to two brothers in the 1986 rape and murder of 12-year old Michella Welch in Tacoma Washington. Gary C. llartman, one of the brothers, was arrested and charged murder and first-degree rape in June 2018, after police collected his DNA from a discarded restaurant napkin. He pleaded not guilty. - GEDmatch was also used by CeCe Moore to identify the murderer of 40--year old Virginia Freeman in Brazos, Texas in 198] as James Otto Earhart, who had been executed in 1999 for another murder. - in July 2018, John D. Miller confessed to the 1988 rape and murder of 8-year old April Tinsley near Fort Wayne, Indiana, alter DNA samples were sent to (iEDmatch by Parahon and used to identify his relatives. Miller was sentenced to 80 years in prison. - Spencer Monnet was identified using GEDmatch and arrested in July 2018 for the burglary and rape ol'a 79-year-old Woman ill Utah, 14 weeks alter the crime had been committed. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years to life. - in August 2018, Harold Wayne Bowden was charged with being the Ramsey Rapist, a serial rapist who assaulted women in Fayetteville, North Carolina from 2006 to 2008. DNA samples uploaded to GEDnratch were linked to him by the work of CcCe Moore, I In August 2018, Michael llenslick was arrested as a suspect irl the murder of 227yearaold llolly Cassano in 2009 in Champaign, Illinois, after DNA evidence left at the scene was linked to him through (iEDnlatch and the work or CeCe Moore. He pleaded not guilty and faces between 20-60 years in prison. in 2018, Marlon Michael Alexander was arrested as a suspect for a series of rapes in Montgomery County, Maryland between 2007 201 1 after DNA samples from the rapes were submitted to Parabon, who linked the perpetrator through GFDmatclr to two relatives, one ot' whom, a female relative in Georgia, helped the local police identity Alexander. Alcxandel'plead guilty to two orrenses. In May 2019,1w was ronna guilty ot'rln-ee rapes and sentenced to two concurrent life sentences injail. Luke Fleming was arrested in September 2013 as a suspect in the 1999 rape and murder oiDeborah Dalzell in Sarasota, Florida. Using autosoinal DNA from his sperm and GEDmateh, Parabon iuid genealogist Barbara Rae-Ventercoustruetcd a family tree that pointed to a Florida resident, Joseph Fleming, who was dead, but had two living sous. one of whom, Luke Fleming matched DNA from the crime scene. Luke Fleming's trial date was scheduled for Fcbniary 2020 and he could face the death penalty itconvicted. in October 2018 Pnrabon's CeCe Moore used GEDmatch to identify Robert Eugene Brasher-s, a "violent serial rapist and murderer", as the [990 killer Genevieve Zilricki in (ircenville Smith Carolina, as the rapist ofa l4--ycar>>old girl in [997 in Memphis, Tennessee and the murder oi~ 12-year-old Megan Slierer and her mother 38-year-old Sherri Sherer in Fortageville, Missouri in 1998. Brashers had committed suicide in 1999 after he was approached by police officers in Kennett, Missoilri. His body was dug up in 2018 and confirmed a match to DNA from the crime scenes. Parnboii's technology and the work of Moore led to the arrest of Michael Wayne Devuuglut the mulder case of 65-year-old Betty Jones and in the sexual assault case or Slryearrold (Trigler in Stai'kville, Mississippi in 1990, who died two months later [called the 'Labar Day Murder'). Devaughlt, already injail for a dnig offense. was arrested in October 2018. He faces either the denth penalty or life without parole. He pleaded not guilty. Parahon helped the Faulkner County, Arkansas police identify Edward Kciih in October, 20l8 as the primary suspect ot'lhe kidnap, rape and milrder of32rye'rirrold Pam Felkills Greenbri'rir, Arkansas in 1990. Renegur was convicted nrkitinapping a woman at knifcpuint in Arkansas in 1994 but had died in 2002. In November 2018 the Fulton County, Georgia police, with the Hid of DNA Genetic Genealogy unit, tracked down and arrested 6| -yezlr-o|d Jerry Lee in Alabama for the [997 lniirder of 284yeilr-old Lon'ie Ann Smith, was obvious that Smith had fought for her life and Police were able to use blood from the murder scene to extract the killer's DNA. The police noted at the time of the arrest that, "Despite reward of more than $30,000 and DNA tests conducted on more than 100 individuals over the last 2| years. Police had been unable to positively identify Ihc suspect until this week." May 2019. Lee was released on [50,000 bond. in November 2018, Maryland police, with the help of Parabon, arrested Fred Fminpion Jr. for the amied robbery and shooting of 24-year-old Michael Anthony Temple Jr. in Odeiuon, Maryland in 2010, leaving Temple a quadriplegic. Temple dictl in 2015 as a resul| uflhc 2010 attack. robbery and murder were committed by two men bill the second suspect, Jonathan Ludwig, had died in March 20] 8. in November zolx, Benjamin Lei: Holmes was arrested as a suspect in the murder of University of Florida stuilent Christine Franhe l7 years earlier in October 21, 200i when she was shot in the head during robbery in Orlando, Florida Pai'abou used a sample from the crime scene to pill the DNA of the killer iliio and identified three distant Cousins. CeCe Moore used genealogy techniques to narrow down to the most likely suspects. Law enforcement family members, collected DNA samples and compared them to the killer's Detective Michael Fields (Your AlTliuu) said, Through this testing, we were able to show the kinship relationship between the killer and different family members, We eliminated most of the family using genetic genealogy and eventually, we were able to narrow down the suspect list to two brothers, one ofwlticli was Benjamin Lee lolmes." Parabou and geneticist Barbara Rile-Veiitcr helped the Carlsbad, California police In November 20| 8 identify David Mtibrito its the suspected killer of 39-year-old Sei'l'in ill 2007 using DNA matches to some ofhis relatives. Mnbl'ito was an itinerant who had flunlly the area tutti had died lit 20", Police discovered they already had an unprocessed DNA sample from Mabrlto that matched Sel'rin's killer. Piu'ziboli and ('eCe Moore liscd GEDiuatch to point towards John Arthur Gctreu as a suspect in the murder by strangulation oi~ 2l-year--oltl Unlvorsuy griulunio Loslic .Vlarie Pcrlov ill 1973 om Case tt - in Santa Clara, California. After Police found Getreu's DNA matched the DNA from the scene of Perlov's death, they nnesteo him. Getrcu was also latcrehargcd with the 1974 min-derby strangulation of2 leycareold Janet Taylor in Palo Alto, Califomifl. in December 2018, Christopher Quinn Williams was arrested iu Moutgomery,'1'exas as a suspect in multiple burglaries since October 2015. The burglar broke into homes and fondled sleeping women. He was released on $l60,000 bond. ln December 20 18, Jerry Lyiui Burns was arrested as the Suspect in the December 1979 Inurdcrof 187 year-old Michelle Martinko in Cedar Rnpids, lowa after Parahon used GEDmaich to build the suspect's family tree from his DNA lelt at the scene and from relatives who had entered their DNA. His trial date is set for October 14,2019 alid he faces up to life Without parole, He has pleaded not guilty and denied killing Martinko during an interview with police, coun records show. He could not provide a "plausible explanation" for why his DNA would be ill Maninko's car, according to charging documents. In January 2019, Florida Police Parabon had Willium Louis Nichols as the violent rapist ofa lZyyear~old girl in IIelTlanilu County, Florida ill 1983 using genetic genealogy but Nichols had already died in 1998 ofcancer. Nichols had a history ofsexual offenses. In January 2019, Russell Anthony Guerrero was arrested in Arizona and had to be extradited to California as a result of Parabon's Genetic Genealogy Unit's work. The Alameda County District Atiortiey's Office charged him with the December 17, 1990 murder in Fremont, California oi'Jaek L'pton who had not shown up to work for several days, went to the 307ycarrold man's apartment and found his body. Police called it I'a brutal homicide" when announcing the arrest, In January 2019, Zachary Bunney was arrested as a suspect in the June 2006, murder otScnit Martinez who was stabbed several times by a sword ili La Mesa, California thanks to the work of l'zirabon's Genetic Genealogy Team. Zachary faces a maximum of 26 years it) lite in prison. He pleaded not gttiliy. in January 2019, Portland police, with the assistance of Parabon's Genetic Genealogy Team, identified Jerry Walter McFadden as ihe mall who strangled a 20-year-old Woman found dead in her in 1979 by matching crime-scene DNA to data in GEDlnatch,com, McFadden was executed by lethal injection in 1999 for the rape and slaying of an [Seyenrvold high school cheerleader, one of three people killed during a day-long murder rampage ilt 1986, about 100 miles easi of Dallas. At the time ofhis arrest in those killings, he was on parole after three rapt: convictions, In February 2019, Steven Downs was identified and arrested for the 1993 Alaska murder of Sophie Sergie through the geneiie genealogy work of Parabon and CeCe Moore. Sergic's body was found by a custodian in the bathroom of an eight-story dormitory. She'd been sexually assaulied, stabbed and shot in the back ofiho head. He is being held without bail and he clailus to be innocent, adamantly denying any involvement in this crime. February 2019, Joseph Holt was identified as the perpetrator of the 1977 murder Rainy and the 1979 murder ofCarol Andersen through the work of Parabon and their Genetic Genealogy L'uit. However, Joseph lIolt dicd in 2014 so he was not arrested. ll| February 2019, Brian Keith Mullils of Georgia was arrested for ihc 1988 murder of Alice Ryan who was stabbed io dcaih in her home. Milnns has a criminal history that shows he was charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct in 1998 to which he pleaded guiliy and was in prison from 2001 to 2007 and was released on probation. He was incalccratctl again when his community supervision was revoked and was released in 2009. but was seni back ill Jilly ofthai same year for falling to register as a sex offender but was released in October that year, in March 2019, Police ill South Dakota arrcsied Theresa (Josten) Belitaas for the 198] homicide of her baby boy, The cold case nfihe dead baby was solved using DNA from genealogy sites lo identify the child's mother. The Sioux ralls polva discovelcda full-term baby dead, wrapped in a blanket and abandoned in a cornfield ditch. The cause ofdcailt was judged to be exposure to tile The baby's (attic-r was nlrcady found on February [5 and in was not charged be -c lie nevei' knew about his son's binh or death. She was charged with first-degree minder, along with the lesser included offenses of second-degree murder and manslaughter. Bentaas is scheduled to go on trial Juli: 2019, and she faces a maximum oflifc in prison. In March 20l9, Florida Police, With the help of GEDlnatch and Parabotl, arrested Thomas Lewis Garner, who was charged with the 1984 heating and death by strangulation in Sanford, Florida, of25>> year-old Pamela Cahanes who had Just graduated from US Naval basic training. In March 2019, Parabon used GEDmateh to help police identify Kenneth Earl Day as the person who raped a 53-year-old woman in 198') and raped and murdered 44-year-old Le llich-Thuy in 1994 in Rockville, West Virginia. However, Day had already died in 2017 at age 52. In March 2019, through the work of Parabon's Genetic Genealogy Unit, 82-year-old Raymond L. Vannicuwenhovcn was arrested in Lakewood in connection with the |97(i shooting deaths ofa David Scliultles, 25, and Ellen Matheys, 24, at McClintock Park in Silver Cliff, Wisconsin. was also sexually assaulted. Vannieuwenhoven did not seem surprised when he was arrested. lfconvicted on all charges he could face 2 consecutive life sentences plus an additional 15 years. In March 2019, Coley McCraney, a tnick driver with no criminal record, was arrested after genetic testing and the work of Parabon's Genetic Genealogy Team matched his DNA to evidence collected in 1999 from it car trunk that contained the bodies of two girls shot to death in Ozark, Alabama, authorities said. Tracie Hawlett and LB. Beasley, both l7, had headed out to a party on Jilly 3, |999, but never arrived, They became lost, and called her mother to say they had gotten directions and were headed home. They never arrived there, either. Their bodies were found the next day in the trtink of Beasley's car, less than it halilmile from the pay phone Hawlett used to talk to her mother. Both had been shot in the head, authorities said, Despite hundreds of inteniews and seemineg endless hunting. a suspect was never round, The police chief released nn details on a possible motive or what the suspect said to investigators following his arrest, McCraney has not entered a plea. Prosecution will seek the death penalty. Montana police announced in March 2019 that, with the help of (iEDniatch and Parabnn, they had identified Cecil Stan Caldwell as the prime suspect in the murder of24-yearrold Clifford Bernhardt and the sexual assault and mlirdei' of his wife 24-year-old Linda Bernhardt in Billings, Montana in 1973. However, Caldwell, a former ctr-worker ofLinda Bemltardt, had already died in 2003. In March 2019, Parztbon's CeCe Moore identified a body that had been found beside the James river in 20": as 39-year-old Hassan A. Alkehu-thn ofRichtnond, Virginia using GEDt'rlatch. Police did not suspect this was a crime scene. In April 2019, Grecnville, South Carolina police arrested Brook Gmltant for abandoning her infant daughter on February 1090. The infant was dead when discoveled. Parabon linked the baby's DNA to a relative ofthe father on GEDniatcli using genetic gancalngy, Police allege Brook Graham put her licwly-bom infant, along With the placenta and umbilical cord, into a cardboard vacuum cleaner box and ditched the baby in a field near a pile of debris in I990. The case is called the ".lttlic Valentine" case, based on what investigators named the baby. She was originally charged with homicide by child abuse btit that was upgraded to murder. The case was the second one to be solved by Parabon tlsing GEDmateh and genetic genealogy iit Greelwillein a 6-month span after a now-dead man named Robert Eugene Braslters was identified ilt October 2018 as a serial killer who committed one murder in Greenville. in May 201'), Brook Graham was also charged with fill neglect of a child and desecration of huntan remains in connection with the body of another baby (a boy) found dead in April [989 in (it'eetiville County. in April 2019, Richard Knapp was arrested anci- l'arztbon used his DNA it) hurt hisi ativcs rising genetic genealogy. The police matched Knapp's DNA to that left at the scene ofthe July 17, 1994 rape and murder onfi--year--old Audrey lloellein in Vancouver. Washington. In April 2019, police from Utah arrested a l7>>yeareold boy for allegedly assaulting a 717 year-old woman on November 2019 while she was Organ in a church meetinghouse. Initially Parabon refused to take on this case but tlle Police get special permission from Curtis Rodgers, the founder of GEDlnarcll, on the grounds that the assailant could strike again. Utah detectives found a rock With the alleged perpetrator's DNA and sent it to Parabon, which used GEDlnatch and genetic genealogy to identify the suspect, This was the first time GEDmateh had been used by Law Enforcement tor a case that did not involve homicide, rape or kidnapping. - In May 2019, Teric Haute Police Keen announced that Pardbon had helped the agency to identify Jeffrey Hand the possible Milarn, 19, who was raped and strangled in 1972. She was last seen on the night of Sept, I972, leaving a sorority event at Indiana State University in Terre Hante, Indiana, southwest oflndianapnlis, Herbody was found bound and gagged in the trunk other car the next night. With the help of Pnrabon and GEDmateh, police found Hand's widow and two sons, obtained their DNA, and alter submitting it to Indiana's state crime lab concluded that Hand was almost certainly the killer. Hand was killed ln a shootout with police in [978 during nn attempted kidnapping. Hand had been previously arrested in I973 tor killing a hitchhiker he picked up, but pleaded not gttilty of murder by reason of insanity. The case was never tried and Hand was freed from prison in 1976, - Brian Leigh Dripps confessed to the sexual assault and murder by stabbing of lseyeareold Angie Dodge in 1996 tlfler Idaho Falls>> Idaho Police charged him in May 2019, Parahnn's CeCe Moore identified Dripps using GEDmateh and genetic genealogy. Previously the police had targeted other men (one otwhoin was In prison for 20 years) for the murder. - Eddie Lee Anderson was arrested as the suspect ill the 1976 murder 0t" Leslie Penl'od HarrisHarris. 30, dlsappedred on May 17, 1976, after having dinner with her husband ata Costa Mesa restaurant. Her body was found hours later about five miles away in Irvine. Officials said she'd just moved to Orange County at the time of her death. Harris was found near the former Marine Corps Air Station El Tol'o, an area investigator said would've been unfamiliar to civilians. Despite the fact investigators immediately suspected a military connection, they were never able to identify a suspect and the ease went cold. Anderson was stationed at El Tom in the early |9705 and lived less than a mile from the restaurant where Harris was last seen. Authorities said DNA found at the crime scene had been tested twice before, in 1997 and 2015, but they did not point to any suspect. There have been over sixty (60) cases resolved with genetic genealogy. Without the assistance of the above eases would still be unresolved. u, I) TIDN The raw dam in your serial l'apisl case already been into GEDmalcll by Parame NzlnoLnbs The nexl slap in lhis serial rapisi would be to do reporl" in (iL-'Dmmc . [his rcporl would show where lhe DNA mulch and would also give an of where Ihc most common onecslor (nu-en) is and how many goneralions buck are one (I) arc two (2) generalions, clc.) lhe relationship is 'chmmusulncs mulch lhe seeoml Illal cannot take place because Glilhllalch challng cundluolls database. Your knows the data is available In complete a lalully (rec. Once the lamin tree is builL can bc a, icnulic wriy el'exeluduig family members on rhe family rree which weuld Hallow down rhe list and envluhly lead your Al'l'lanl lo dcl'endunl. CONCLUSION Your nl'l'lnnl knows user llavc llie oplinn ol'nlaking slles pnblieor private. a silc is public, all (J usch can View ol'ihc sltc's lnl'urmillion, us Illc user's profile and bieg- plli I clnall shared and multiple rcpol - The owner of lhe public purposely loading this onlo with the sole purpose ofmulehing olher profiles. The profile ewuer re go through a series el'sleus could take weeks uud meiuhs in order to lhe posnng ml The ririui i ripen l'ur- public not open for \\llich your Affiam should nul' the ncecssury willionl sculell urlunt. lnosl ufllie on [his silc is knowingly being shared and thus contains no reasonable el'privucy, 18 2703 and l' s. 934 require scal'cll warranl when ihc seeks re Illc contents ionl provider. ~ul 'ibcr hy ulcd lo ()rlonrlo Police provided by (il' unlgning ouch subscriber a Kil Case Number lr 'k (if The Kil Number for llie information provided by GEDmaIcll Indicates the following ininnruruon is available to law enforcement upon service of proper process: GEDmaleh kit number for all onerturune matches Letter following (iEDlnateh kit number for ulle-ltHine matches Email addless for all anew-one matches Real name associated with all one-to-one marches Alias associated with all one-m--onc matches Dale and tune stamp oforlertorone matching profile's creation date Most recent logills for all olie-lo-one matches - Registered mobile number for all one-to-one matches . Many-to--nne report GED/numb Kn Dutafiu Orlarltlu Prune Du/mrlmenl Case Number - "Predict your colour" repon . Reports . Archaic DNA Comparisons . All GEDCOMS One-Imam Reparl/bl' Orlanda Police Department Case 0 Kit Number Matches include first ehnraeler Io ahow testing company) Type (chip version ol'lhe [cat kit) Sex (gentler ofteetcr entered by user) [laplogroup (to include mitochondria and chromosome) Aulosomal (information on how much DNA is shared on chromosome: to 22) 0 Total cM (total shared) 0 Largest cM [Ihe size ot'the individual segment 0 Generation (the estimated number ofgeneraliuns dek to the MRCA) . (information on how much X-DNA is shared on chromosome 23 'lotal cM (total CM shared) 0 Largest CM (the size oflhe longest individual of DNA) Matching Segment Report for all matches Triangulation Report Relationship Predictor Name (the name or optional alias) Email (email address ol'the match 7 or kit administrator) Your Affiant believes that this information is relevant the issues ot'lhe current invesligarion for the following reasons, Your Al'iialit knows based on his training and as previously set forth, that (iEDmaieh has participated in over sixty (60) solved cases, is extremely popular, highly regarded, and provides tools your Aflialu can't get elsewhere. All el'ihe above Information was available to your Affiam until May 19, 2019. his unfortunate. but this snnie infounahon 15 available [0 the public without restrictions. Case lt- Your Aftiant believes that the GEDmatch data will contain information that will aid in establishing the nature of Iltc relationship between the defendant and family members. Your At'tiant believes that GEDmatch could contain sufficient reliable competent, and adm 'sible evidence in order to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, the participation of the defendant in the aforementioned Armed Sexual Batteries, Kidnappiug's and Artried Burglaries It should be tinted that the Florida Legislature passed section 92.605 Florida Statutes, effective July 1, 2003. which piovides that out-of-statc electronic service ptovidcrs doing business with the public accept Florida subpoenas. court orders or Search warrants. Proper seivicc includes U.S. mail and facsimile California Penal Code section [524.2 (2003) contains provisions Specifically. subsection states, California corporation that provides electronic communication services or remote computing services to the general public, when served with a warrant issued by another state to produce records that would reveal the idelttity oftlie customers using tltosc services, data stored by, or on behalf of, the customer, the usage of those services, the recipient or destination ofcomniutiications sent to or from those customers, or the content ofthose communications, shall produce those records as if that warrant had been issued by it California court." Subsection unto) provides, "Properly served" means that a Search warrant has beeit delivered by hand, or in ti niannet reasonably allowing for proof of delivery if delivered by United States mail, overnight delivery service, or fa 'mile to a person oi elitin listed in Section 2| l0 Corporations Code." FLORIDA DIVISION On June 2, 201'). your Aftiant performed a public reeoid check via Sunlitz.oig. he reeot't, showed GEDmatch i' a registered forsprofit coitipany with the Florida Division of Corporations. The records indicate that first registered on August Zo, 201 1 via Stephen We ltall, Attorney at Law. According to the Florida Division of ('orpm'ations, the following information is listed for GEDInatch, incl Florida Profit Corporations C. rig Information: Document Nuinbe l'l |000076990 Nutan 5-3 69637 Date Filed August 26, 201 Stat Florida Status Active I'i'ineiplc 710 1" Avenue South Lake Wonh, Floridu 33460 Address: 71') l'l Aveiitte South Lake Worth, Florida 33460 om Registered Agent Name Address: Curtis C, Rogcrs 270 Cnpiaius Walk Apt 319 Dclray Beach, Florida 33483 Officer Director Detail: Titlc PD .lnlm Olsnn 710 Avenue Souih Lake Worlhv Florida 33460 Title VSTD Cimis C, Rogers 710 l3l Avenue South Lake Worlli. Florida 33460 WHERFFORE, your Al'fiant hereby makes application for a Search Warrant authorizing Ilia Affiam>> and/or oihcr nfihc Orlando Police with proper and necessary assismnce, to Search llu: abuvc material in a manner consistent wlili F.S. 92 605 and California Penal Code seciion 1524.2, by delivering said wal'mnl via firebimilc oi U.S. mail [0 an authurizcd legal of GEDmaicli.com, and seize any and all or me aforesaid pmpeny found by 'nue of such Search Warrant and to list the propeny on a return and invemnry, In be filed within this Judicial Circuit williin len (10) days ol'execulionr IT SHOULD BE NOTED THE IN VESTIGA TION INTO THIS CASE IS STILL ONGOING AND REQUESTED THA THIS AFFIDA VITANDALL OTHER DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THIS CASE REMAIN SEALED FROM PUBLIC RECORD UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE COURT HAVING JURISDICTION BELIVES THA IS NO LONGER NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE IN VES TIGA TION. THIS SEARCH WARRANT IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 5. 92.505. A RESPONSE IS DUE WITHIN 20 DUSINESS DA Y5 OF RECEIPT OF THIS WARRANT UNLESS A LONGER TIME PERIOD IS STA TED HEREIN. Um) - PURSUANT TO ES. 9.7425(5) and 18 0.5.6. 2705(b) - YOU ARE ORDERED NOT TO DISCL USE THE EXIS TENEE OF THIS WARRANT TO THE USER UNTIL THE USION OF THE IN VES TIGA TION. ANY SUCH DISCLOSURE WILL IMPEDE THE IN VES TIGA TIDN AND THEREB DESTRUCT JUSTICE. Affiam Inakcx (Ins it and prays MIC issuance Search In due m'mc ahovc cride memes rur Ihc mid propel ly hcucluforc and kccping lo the ()rdcr oi'u ('oun havmgjurisdictiun thereof, by the form ofluw for Ih for Ihc mu duly culminncd officers onhc law. LJELL AFFIA I. FIELDS swoRN l0 and I) bcfim: mc 'gNla) ol'Junc. mm. Huruln STURWBRIDGE