~~~ COUIy~,yO ~ ;`~ ~ S8n ~'ARC~SCO .~ ~ DISCRETIONARY REVIEW APPLICATION ~~GEIV~C ~u` 25 2019 -~ of S~F~ C~~ &NOGP~jMENT Property Owner's Information Name: PNIL ~ P P~' ~$SEQ Address: S~ ~~R~ L ~5~~ ~vE ~n1 ~AtEa,CA ~yyo~ ~ Applicant Information (if applicable) Name: `~(~1►l~ Email Address: Telephone: PNjl1~A~ ~~s^f~ ~M _ ds~ ~ 3 (~~~ ~9d3 0~.~~ Z Company/Organization: Same as above C j~ l{' ~l'~ ~'~~~ Address: ~~ P~~ ~C'~~k Email Addres ~Op~~~~ ~'}" Please Select Billing Contact: Name: Telephone: ❑ Owner C~-t~~ ~D— ~~~`3 ~ Applicant Email: Please Select Primary Project Contact: ❑Other(see below for details) Phone: ❑owner ~ Applicant n Billing Property Information Project Address: 3~5'~ /g~ST~~~ Plan Area: Block/Lot(s): ~~/Q~ J~Irj(J/~~ Project Description: Please provide a narrative project description that summarizes the project and its purpose. The project includes legalization of a change in use of approximately 2,849 square feet on the first floor and an associated mezzanine from automotive repair to amusement game arcade/restaurant(dba. Redemption). The project includes interior alterations. No work is proposed on the second floor level. PAGE2 ~ PLANNING APPLIfATION-gXRETIONARV REVIEW V. U7.2U.2o IB SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Project Details: ❑ New Construction Change of Use Additions ❑ Demolition ❑Legislative/Zoning Changes [~ Facade Alterations ❑ Lot Line Adjustment-Subdivision U ROW Improvements ~i Other Estimated Construction Cost: Residential: ❑Special Needs ❑Senior Housing ❑ 100~/o Affordable ❑Student Housing ❑Dwelling Unit Legalization ❑ Inclusionary Housing Required Non-Residential: ❑State Density Bonus ❑Accessory Dwelling Unit ❑Formula Retail ❑Medical Cannabis Dispensary ❑ Financial Service ❑Massage EStabli5hment Related Building Permits Applications Building Permit Applications No(s): PAGE 3 ~ PLANNING APPLICATION- DISCRETIONARY REVIEW ❑Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment ~ Other: AJ7b/~.rA~R , dr~VSENIE till ~RcADE/ ~STAJR.~~JT ~(g ~ O g,f6.~6(Z w. U1.2U.1U1B SAN FNANCISCO PLANNING OEPAFTMENT ACTIONS PRIOR TO A DISCRETIONARY REVIEW REQUEST In reviewing applications for Certificate of Appropriateness the Historic Preservation Commission, Department staff, Board of Appeals and/or Board of Supervisors, and the Planning Commission shall be governed by The Secretary ofthe Interior's Standards for the Treatment ofHistoric Properties pursuant to Section 1006.6 of the Planning Code. Please respond to each statement completely (Note: Attach continuation sheets, if necessary). Give reasons as to how and why the project meets the ten Standards rather than merely concluding that it does so. IF A GIVEN REQUIREMENT DOES NOT APPLYTO YOUR PROJECT, EXPLAIN WHY IT DOES NOT. PRIOR ACTION YES NO Have you discussed this project with the permit applicant? Did you discuss the project with the Planning Department permit review planner? Did you participate in outside mediation on this case?(including Community Boards) CHANGES MADE TO THE PROJECT AS A RESULT OF MEDIATION If you have discussed the project with the applicant, planning staff or gone through mediation, please attach a summary of the result, including any changes that were made to the proposed project. VAGE d ~ PLANNING APPLICATION - DISCRETIONPRY REVIEW V. U7.20.2U18 SAN FFANCISCO DLANNING DEVARTMENT DISCRETIONARY REVIEW REQUEST In the space below and on seperate paper, if necessary, please present facts sufficient to answer each question. 1. What are the reasons for requesting Discretionary Review? The project meets the standards of the Planning Code and the Residential Design Guidelines. What are the exceptional and extraordinary circumstances thatjustify Discretionary Review of the project? How does the project conflict with the City's General Plan or the Planning Code's Priority Policies or Residential Design Guidelines? Please be specific and site specific sections of the Residential Design Guidelines. SSE 1a'IT Act~ED 2. The Residential Design Guidelines assume some impacts to be reasonable and expected as part of construction. Please explain how this project would cause unreasonable impacts. If you believe your property, the property of others or the neighborhood would be unreasonably affected, please state who would be affected, and how. SEA ~r~~~N ~D ~~ ~,~ Ar►~(3 J 3. What alternatives or changes to the proposed project, beyond the changes (if any) already made would respond to the exceptional and extraordinary circumstances and reduce the adverse effects noted above in question #1? SEE ~~C~~t~~.t~ PAGE 5 ~ PUNNING APVLICATION •DISCRETIONARY REVIEW V. 07.20.2018 SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT M U nder penalty of perjury the following declarations are made: a) The undersigned is the owner or authorized agent of the owner of this property. b) The information presented is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. c) Other information or applications may be required. ~i~ ~~~ Signature Name (Printed) ~ ~ ,P~,,y~ Relationship to Project 0- ~3 one 1(~ z Email (i.e. Owner, Architect. etc.) APPLICANT'S SITE VISIT CONSENT FORM herby authorize City and County of San Francisco Planning staff to conduct a site visit of this property, making all portions of the interior and exterior accessible. Signature Name (Printed) Date Foy Department Use Only Application received by Planning Department: By: PAGE 6 ~ PLANNING APVLICATION - D~SCREiIONARV NEVICW Date: V. U7.N.2U 78 SAN FFANCISCO PLANNING DEVARTMENT Discretionary Review Request for 3252 19th Street 1. What are the reasons for requesting Discretionary Review? This unauthorized conversion of Production, Distribution, and Repair space is in direct conflict with Mission Area Plan Objective 1.7: "Retain the Mission's role as an important location for production, distribution, and repair (PDR) activities." This area is soon to be part of the expanded Latino Cultural District, and PDR is critical for entry-level jobs and higher earnings for workers without college educations including our immigrant populations. One of the main threats to the Mission and its working-class and Latino families who are being driven out by gentrification right now is the conversions from blue-collar work sites and community-serving sites to destination and party sites for wealthier newcomers to the city. This proposal is a quintessential example of this problem and will contribute to further displacement i mpacts - converting a site that has been an auto shop and arts space into a party space for principally u pscale workers, as epitomized by the photos of the unauthorized conversion already online. Groups like Google and Uber are already using the space for illegal parties at this point. W hile we are not aware that this site has been providing these kinds ofjobs most recently, after displacing the popular arts space Shotwell Studios from the space, this conversion will further add to price pressure on our disappearing PDR parcels. 3. What alternatives or changes to the proposed project...would reduce the adverse effects noted above in question number 1? This project should remain community-stabilizing industrial space. If the tenant wishes to open a party space there are many such available spaces in the city they could utilize. We would ask that they consider ways they can make their new space elsewhere affordable and welcoming to the working class if they decide to open in a similarly sensitive area. Joey The on Like Thie Pege - June 3, 2017 -0 Shoutout to @lizi.beth for this great photo at our venue. Send in your photos for chance to be featuredE. #teambuilding #of?iiceparties 03 Like 6 Comment Share Joey The Get Like This Peqe - September 16, 2016 ?0 Calling all Office Managers, Executive Assistants, and corporate Event Planners! Our last open house of the year is at the end of the month. Enjoy free food. drinks, and check out our event space. Message us for an invite/details! 4 3 Shares to Like C) Comment Share a a