Certi?cate of Fiduciary Authority i WE. the undersigned representing that we are all of the trustees of the Trust and that we are ciuly authorized by the terms at the Trust to execute and deliver this certi?cate and make the agreements herein contained, certify and agree as follows. l. The name of the Tmstis: - THE 9520an 69>wa ??it/ST - 2 The date of the Trust instrument is: . ii i?Z?i [i 2.008 v. . I 4 3. We certify that; pursuant to meterrns, oiJhe Trust. orders and othe: instructions relative to the Trust are binding on the Trust and the mistees when signed by any of the following named persons: (Note name and address below) Cling-Meat Pearce? 4- We certify that the persons named in this certi?cate are authorized toseif. convey. pledge. mortgage. lease or transfer title to any interest in securities.- 5 The statements contained in this Certi?cate of Trust are true and correct and there are no other provisions in the Trust that limit the powers of the imsteets) to sell. convey? pledge, mortgage. team or transfer this to interests in securities. .zsignature of Trustee .r-t-q HA GUA NTEEB - MEDALEUN "Medatifon Guarantee here: onso? UNION (5 .i A A90 1 aligoigaiw nu 'Pa'eose note the! at! (msiees most sign and Signature?s) must be Medailfon Guaranteed. - The Medallion stamp may not be dated cremated in any manner. Wells Fargo Shareowner Services A Division oi Wells Fargo Bank . .h .