Membership Application Filed in Fourth Judicial Disirici Court 1116555 [9 l.I AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL Chin" NAME DOROTHY CIBALENT MEMBER NUMBER ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP Through employer. Sign LS. g. 111; {[ng g: i Bybeing asiudenlalialumniol: Ch??h?lPVL?lr 1E. Cl Name ol relative: Dues paying member of Allinily Plus Foundalion?. ?Pious: am Midi-y Pius Fuundnla?uo Mambo: nonpro?t: 57mm Relationship: PRIMARY MEMBER INFORMATION Social Securily ll:_ Driver?s License II: Birth date: e-mail: Address:_ (my: newenroerou Slate: MM Lived in analher slalo in the 10515 Yes. where?: Zip; 55112 Home Phone: Work Phone: exit Employer: Nearcsl relolive no! living wilh you: Phone: Relation: Jon? OWNER INFORMATION Name: Social Securily Driver's License fl: dale: Employer: some as primary ~i?lilei'OImIJrualion: For all accuunls Cl For only: PAYABLE ON DEATH Bene?ciary Designelion Name: Address: Birlh dale: Social Securiiy ii: BASIC SERVICES WANTED El Membership Savings Amounl ($10 minimum balance) 13 Checking (choose one): Free Progressivre El Free?zBU?" Pedigipalion Checking?: Boiler Than Free C1 lnlerest Reward SIarIing Check ll: Debit Card . 13 Free Overdrall Proleclion andlor line of credll? "mac Is no annual I90 hr an ine 01min. Iniucsl chalgus will apply. I would Illre more iniormallon on ihe Ioilowing New CHECKING Accoum Have you had a Iranseclion aocuunl at Ihis or enolhur ?nancial Insiiluiion wilhin the last ?12 monlhs? {3 Yes N0 . Have you had a Iransaclion encounl closed by a ?nancial instiluiiun willmuiyour consenl In lhr: Iasl 12 munihs? 1:1 Yes 1:1 No Have you been convlcied of a criminal oilense because 0! I110 use of a check or olher similarilom with Iho I051 24 monihs? Yes No Have you ?ver! in anniharsiaie within Ihe Iasi live years? [3 Yes N0 Taxpayer Certi?cation And Backup Withholding info By si ning below, I warlil in ambulance with rm: IRS W-S insiruclions provided by In: men union 0an un?t pundgos 01 poring, the] 0 Social SHUIHI Number Mambo: show I: myth: conecl Idenlii'mlon number and MI I 40!. 011105: des?gnmd balm. whim Ia backup mirthuir?nn becausol have noI been mliicn mu! I am :00qu lo back up minimising as a row? ul a 13901qu rayon ail dirldunds or Interest or banana IN: as has noIBna-rnc mm am onion er simian IO backup withholding. and um I :01 man Unsignaiud below. 0 no person [Including 0 U.S.rclidunl 01qu 1 Im 001 0 United Slain: 00m w-e 101m) Ulomsuhjo: .u hholding 1011512013 1 1m Slannluro Dal: By wbmi?n 0115 application. I ccnily on I war be receiving my 9011ch Maternal?; clownn'toiy through Mm: Plus (mine I: no.1 undusland Hull 1.11 00 suppiod a use: aaruormni within Ilia Term: and 0i Iha acwunI that com min [110 E-Siun MI I win continue In locum papa; slammunis unu I hm nucessluly logged lnIo Amen lus Unlinn Earning. Upon con?rmation of ecceuibifl . I begin rocuiving my raglan-c siaiomcm: memory Imaywimdnw mycomni Ior :Iccifonla :lnlemzrnu )1 :unlouEngAI?eiy aIunr Irma. By signing hem. lundnruand I inn applying for membership In Af?nity Plus Fedora: Cru?l Union end am Insimciina 1hr: 01061100100 10 open In my now: [he mums checked ?0111me I110 lnlomaiiun provisions on this agiecmm [a 1m 0an tome: and um um mm on I111: 3ng a! monk. I eerily Security Number I: med. I wil reach: and I uudasm 3131i: shoal and Ian lulu-mean: 09100 to lira mics and punk: oi Molly Pins Federal Credil Union am! np?'tabln 1000001 Imus and candr?lions as amended Irom Hum 10 [med 1101310111: Nani}; Plus Federal Cll?i'l Union in yciily um 3:10 minor Ir; any necessary mam lrziuqing pigyam?w? of a credll rape! by autoimmune agency. 100::ch urc?on solo! my and niliaiilikes (In iridium iuinll the annual ownu[s)mnv have the man unboil aI all)I Em! {ha ucdli union. In (1006157131, believes the [he l?mbll?ilesls In I Iunru 0! Ion! uhh?rhmy 0031000150 in Iheue?l onion?? Illa ieqwnd dopuslls for any other annuals I or Ionpnn?lli 0pm uhuklnn account I one: 50111101115100: oi checks. in visa. Dab/Ii Card and For as ml 05 a llama nus PM I undersized mar loans aw subicci to u: approval. Prim lagoon Signature %/8f4 1011512013 Dale 1 011 5(2013 Mnmbor 5501131010 Gale USA Pmlul MI 1: help Br. 5 gamma In; looting cl (mum and money 1311061253, ledera?. lemurs?: 0081211611 imraluimr I: oh! 0 1; and record Womtm mama-16m each 011ml a! mum} elm-J1 as your name. address. ml dries? muse. go new you A?n'ry Hus Emmi: Irma my one a terminal early, phase to mum w: he and In no: 11111213195qu More 1" :6 #3 . 1:0" "cg no. lag orrlcergeeien} $119021: Ferrari - 10011403320391: 5:, A {?beif-R??gzk- ?f 91531;.? ?iraiinH?rEE?iziis??ylg'gc 129mm? 6? 1111?" ?fm?a' 310011 9/18/2015 10:22:58 AM Hennepin County, MN 10/21/2019 CONFIDENTIAL AP00075