samuel A. Irbady [sAA - 2242) cavid lt. tqair IDI,IM - 8883] ABADY Li.,TTATI iL\iSER SAURBORN 666 Third Avenue, 29tln Floor New York, New York 10017 & MAI.R., P.C. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COI'R.T SOI.IIHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK 96 Clv. 3393 MARY ANN OLSZSWSKT (R.pp) Pl-aintlf f , - agal::sc BLOCMBERG A}fBTDED COMPIJAI}IT L. -D. and BRYA-N LEWIS (,.Tury Trj-a'l Oenranded) DefenCants. r, Mary -Ann Olszewski, by her at,Eorneys, - bad.y L,uEtaEi Kaiser Saurborn & Mai=, P.C., as anC for her amenced conrpla:-nt against Ehe,s, al-leges as f cll-cws : PLainE,if .]T,RISDTCTION, \TENUE AAd PARTTES l. At, ali cimes herein relevanE, plaint,iff was and is a resiCenc of che Count.)r, Cit.y and StaE,e of New York. 2. -u-5:on informauion and belief , dE ai1 cinres herein relevant, dereniant Floomberg L.P. ("Blocmberg") was a limitec -oartnership cuiy establ j-sheo unCer the larvs oi the St,;it,e of Delaware, wiEh crf:-ces, inEer alia, a;r t,he CounE,y, C!-t,y and SEat,e of New York. 3. I.r-pon inf ormacion anc belief , dE all E,imes herein relevant,, Cef eniant, Bryan Lewis was and is a resid.enL, of New Jersey, who workec ac Blocmberg's offices in E,he counE,y, city anc SEace of New york. 4- pursuanE to 2g U.S.C. S 1331, Ehis CourC has federal question jurisdiction over Ehis accion, 3s a claim herein ari-ses under 42 lJ.S.C. S2OO0(e), as amendeC, including buE, not limiE,ed, E,o, che Civi). Right,s Act of L99L, and 42 U.S.C. 51988. 5. This act,ion was f iled wiE,hin nineEy days of plalncif f 's receipc of a Nouice of Righc Eo Sue f rom t,he EcruaL Employment, opportrunicy Cornmission 6. . venue is properly laic in chis oistrict. pursuant to 28 lJ.S.C. 51391 (b) (2), in Ehat, a subscahE,ial par-u of Ehe evenE,s or omissions giving rise to E,he claj-ms herein occurred. in Ehis discrict. BACSGROUND 7 . PIai ntif f was enqoloyec at, Bloomberg in iEs wew York Cit,y of f ice f rom ApriJ- 5, 1993, unEal AugusE, 9 , !995, as a sales represenE,at,ive 1n rt,s Tracing syst,ems sales Leam. 8. Throughout, Ehe perigc plaj-nc!-f f was enrplolred aE Bloomberg, Cefencant Lewis also workei atr Bloomberg's New Yor.k CiE,y office. Pr:cr Eo Sept.ember L993, Lewis was employed as an Applicacions Specralist,. From Sept,ernber l-993 onwards, Lewis was em-oloyed as Ehe SaLes ManaEer of Ehe Trading SysEenxs sales Eeam. 9. During t,he pe.ricd Lewis was Sales Manager of the Trading SysEenns sales Eeam, he wai piaineif f 's d.irect manager and concrolled Ehe Eerms and condicions of her employmenE,, including buc noE l-imiE,eo E,o the work she was assigned and E,he performance reviews she receiwed- PERVAST'\TESE)GIATJEARASS}IEN:T]\TBLOO}IBERG 10. AE, aII Cimes herein relevanc, BloomberE maintaineo a hoseiLe environmenE of 5lerslsE,enE, sexuaL harassment, and E,he general cegrad,acion of women, which was perrasive Ehroughout Ehe cornpany. 11. AE, all CimeS herein relevanE, Bloomberg, Ehrough iEs male managers and employees frcm Chief ExecuEive Officer MichaeL Bloomberg on Cown, engageC in a patt,ern and pract'ice of sexual harassment, and. sexual oegraCaEion of wdmen. Upon informat,ion and belief, plaint.iff is but, one of many women employeo by Bloomberg who has been vict,imized by Bloomberg and ies agenEs. t2. For example, Michael Bloomberg regularly makes se: