CITY OF MITCHELL City Council Meeting Agenda Item Request The deadline for agenda items is Wednesday at noon, prior to the City Council Meeting Meeting Date Requested: 10/21/2019 Requested By: Desired Action of City Council: ☐ Authorization ☐ Ordinance Amount Budgeted in current fiscal year for this item (if applicable): n/a ($150,000 expense) Agenda Item: Action to Approve Agreement #A2019-46, 223 North Main Redevelopment Agreement Explanation/Background of Agenda Item Requested: Much like the situation at 301 N Main, the City is looking to use Mitchell Area Development Corporation to handle the nuisance abatement and redevelopment of the 223 North Main property. ☒ Approval ☐ Citizen Request Justin Johnson ☐ Resolution ☐ Discussion The City acquired the 223 N Main property as part of a settlement agreement relating to the nuisance conditions of the structure. This redevelopment agreement will require MADC to abate the nuisance conditions within a given timeframe. This will be replacement of windows by June 1, 2020 and tuckpointing by August 1, 2020. Although these timelines are expected to be met well in advance, MADC will have to ensure that their projects go through the appropriate historic review channels and get necessary approvals. In addition, parts of the work are not suitable to be completed over the winter. The City would transfer the property to MADC as soon as possible and MADC can then begin their work. MADC will be paid $150,000 to abate all nuisance conditions and pursue redevelopment opportunities.