DATE M. 7/23/75 T. :129/?5 TIME 12:36 12:3? 9:21 8:32 Lunch 12:37 11:56 11:53 pm pm at: ?101 pm an: an: Linteau calla Hoffa at home and aaka about Hoffa'a Wednesday plane. "Other - 25 - REMARKS 201-864?1133 (Local 560) -- 1min. 313-961-0068 (Local 24?. Detroit) ?201-864-0051 (Local 560) -- 1 min. 313-961-0063 (Local 249, Detroit) 201w864-0051 (Local 560) -- 1 min. 313-965-8750 (Local 299. Detroit) 313-?7h-2l?3 (T. Giacalone) min. 71?-729-9111 (La Coeta Country Club, Carlabad. California) 201?8?3-h378 (Briguglio'a Paramua Rea.) -- 11 min. 203-35:-34:7 (Capak'a CT Home) J.R.Hoffa, Linteau, a Cindy Green lunch at Beefeatera Rest. return to ASL. J.R. Hoffa leaves ASL to pick up wife at airport. 201-86h-0051 (Local 560. Newark) -- min. 313-965-9833 (IBT Local 33?. Detroit). (T. Giacalone) -- 2 min. 313-??4-21h3 (T. Giacalone) -- 2 min. T. Romano caches ?contractor's" check for $20,000. Diaburaement of $312,358 from the Fund for Req. than the meeting with the people at 2:00 pm nothing." The ?th draw on the Florida construction loan for $312,000. did not come through. 9:28 am 313-693-17?8 (J.R.Hoffa) -- 1 min. 215-627~6998 (John R. Lord, a/kfa Allen Cohen of Philadelphia). Linteau car is ticketed at Metropolitan Airport (Detroit) SOURCE 11?s 2? SR-ZD SR-ZD 26.2? 33-20 SR-ZO P-25 G-3/ll/76 3/11/?5 ails/7? H-S SR-12 205 291 18 18 3/11/?6 204