UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -against- 19-cr-323 · (JSR) JOHANSI LOPEZ, ANGEL CRISPIN, ANTONIO BATISTA, KEVIN BRITO, WANDY DOMINGUEZ, AMAURYS HERNANDEZ, JERVIS CIRINO, OPINION AND ORDER ,-------~-, I 'SDC SDNY 1 DOCUMENJ' ' I < ELECTRONICALLY FILED II)OC #:--.-----,~r..-+-rfr- Defendants. 1 ' • OATFfTLED. JED S. RAKOFF, U.S.D.J. By their very nature, so-called "reverse sting" operations, in which the Government creates the illusion of qrimes in order to catch would-be criminals, are open to potential ~buse, since they are not cabined by the demands of reality, but on~y by the vagaries of imagination. In thi 9 case, the defendants ass:ert that there is enough suggestion that reverse stings executed :by the U.S. Enforcement Agency ("DEA") in this District are Drug aimed only at persons of color to warrant discovery on the issue of selective enforcement. informants While in this mindful of dangerous the area, need the to protect Court agrees agents that and some initial discovery is warranted here, and possibly more to follow. I. Background a. Reverse Sting Operations 1 The defendants in this case, I Johansi Lopez, Angel Crispin, Antonio Batista, Kevin Brito, Wandy Dominguez, l;\maurys Hernandez, I and Jervis Cirino, are accused of crimes commi~ted in the course of a reverse sting operation conducted by the DEA. Such reverse stings follow a Sellers, "common format." United States v. 906 F.3d 848, 850-51 (9th Cir. 2018). First, law enforcement agencies select targets based on recommendations ~rom confidential informants. Id. at 850; United States v. Davis, 793 F.3d 712, 714 (7th Cir. 2015) (en bane). An undercover agent or informant then poses as a drug courier and offers the target an opportunity to steal drugs that do not actually exist. Targets I in turn help plan and recruit other individuals to participate in, a robbery of the fictitious drugs. Just before the targets are apout to carry out their plan, they are arrested for conspiracy to ¢ommit the robbery and associated crimes. The reverse sting that generated this case 1 is of this kind. In early 2019, two DEA confidential sources,: CS-1 and CS-2, identified Johansi Lopez as one of an alleged group of individuals who specialize in robbing drug traffickers. Criminal Complaint at 4, ~ 8, ECF No. 1. At the direction of law enforcement, CS-1 met with Lopez to discuss a robbery opportunity. CS-1 told Lopez that he knew of a member of a drug trafficking organ'ization (actually CS-2) who could organization's drug provide inside delivery schedule. 2 information Over the about next the several months, CS-1 and CS-2 met with Lopez to devise a robbery of these fictitious drug shipments. During this time, Lqpez recruited his codefendants to assist with the robbery. Ultimately, in April 2019, Lopez and his codefendants traveled to the area of the planned robbery, where they were arrested by DEA agents; b. The Discovery Motion I Defendants, who are all men of color, allege that the DEA's use of a reverse sting against them was part of a! practice by which the DEA limits such operations in the Southerr:i District of New York to persons of color. Specifically, they assert that the DEA, by using reverse stings only against people of color, is engaging in selective enforcement in violation of the Fifth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause. Pls. Mem. of Law in Support of Support of Mots. To Dismiss and Discovery ("Pls. Mem.") at :10, ECF No. 36. ! To succeed on a selective enforcement claim, defendants will need to show (1) that they, "compared with others similarly situated, w[ere] selectively treated; and (2) that such selective treatment was based on impermissible considerations such as race." I Brown v. City of Syracuse, 673 F.3d 141, 151-52 (2d Cir. 2012). Because defendants are "unlikely to meet this ~emanding standard i without information that only the government h~s," Sellers, 906 F.3d at 850, defendants seek discovery into the D~A's reverse sting practices. II. Legal Framework 3 Whether the Court should grant discovery iri this case largely turns on which discovery standard the Court should apply. Despite defining the substantive requirements of a sel~ctive enforcement claim, the Second Circuit has not "articulate~ a evaluating the sufficiency of a motion for framework for . discovery on a selective enforcement claim." United States v. '.Garcia-Pena, 2018 WL 6 9 8 5 2 2 0 , * 4 ( S . D. N . Y . Dec . 19, 2018 ) . The Government would have the Court import the discovery standard for selective prosecution claims articulated in United States v. Armstrong, 517 U.S. 806 (1996). In Armstrong, the Supreme Court held that a defendant seeking discovery on a selective prosecution claim must provide "some evidence tending to show the existence of (1) discriminatory effect and J2) discriminatory intent." Id. 1207, 1211 at 4 68 (2d Cir. standard," Armstrong, ( quoting United States v. 'Berrios, 1974)). 517 U.S. This is at 468, an explicitly 501 F. 2d "rigorous that is "premised on the notion that the standard for discovery for a sel~ctive prosecution claim should be nearly as rigorous as proving the claim itself." Sellers, 906 F.3d at 852. The defense here argues that Armstrong's discovery standard should not apply in the selective enforcement context, but is less clear as to what standard should apply. III. Analysis a. The Unsuitability of the Armstrong Standard 4 "[A] stash house sting ' entails consid$rable government I involvement -- including direct solicitation of the target and total control over the parameters of the robbery, particularly the quantity of cocaine held in the fictitious stash house appears highly susceptible to abuse." United S~ates v. F.3d 93, 103-04 (4th Cir. 2016). -- and Hare, 820 This "potential for abuse and mischief that is endemic to fictitious stash-hquse stings" (i.e. ' reverse stings) necessarily includes profiling" and Washington, 869 F.3d 193, race-based 223 a greater risk of "racial enforcement. (McKee, J. States concu~ring in part and dissenting in part), cert. denied, 138 S. Ct. 7~3 Accordingly, as now recognized by v. at (2018). least three federal circuits, selective enforcement claims should be'open to discovery on a lesser showing than the very strict one requtred by Armstrong. See Sellers, 906 F.3d at 855 (9th Circuit); Washington, 869 F.3d at 219-21 (3rd Circuit); Davis, 793 F.3d at 720-21 (7th Circuit en I bane). These circuits have held that there are material differences between selective prosecution and selective enforcement claims that warrant subjecting selective enforcement claims to a lower evidentiary standard. For one thing, the policy considerations that motivated the Armstrong Court are less important in the selective enforcement context. was Armstrong explained that a warranted for selective 5 rigorous d~scovery standard prosecution claims because prosecutorial decisions regularity," Armstrong, are entitled 517 U.S. a i "presumption of (citat1ion omitted), and to at 464 because courts should defer to prosecutors in their exercise of a core executive power. Id. at 464. These considerations have less bearing here because law enforcement agents "ar~ not protected by a powerful privilege or covered by a presumption ' of constitutional behavior." Davis, 793 F.3d at 720. Indeed, courts frequently assess the credibility of law enforcement officers in suppression hearings and at trial and grant criminal defendants discovery into various law enforcement operations. Sellers, 906 'F.3d at 853. Given these differences, "the law supports greater flexibility when the discretionary decisions of law enforcement, rather than those of prosecutors, are targeted by a defendant's reque~t for discovery." Washington, 869 F.3d at 197. ' Furthermore, employing the Armstrong discovery standard would functionally preclude discovery in any selective'enforcement case. The Armstrong discovery standard requires defendants to make a threshold showing that been similarly available in similarly situated indi victuals prosecuted. the selective While such eviden~e prosecution context is have not ostensibly based on a comparison of arrest and prosecution data, this is not the case in the selective enforcement context. "Asking a defendant claiming selective enforcement to prove who could have been targeted by an informant, but was not, or who the [law enforcement agency] could 6 have investigated, but did not, is asking him to prove a negative." Sellers, 906 F. 3d at 853. Applying Armstrong's standard to a selective enforcement claim would thus function to make such a claim "impossible to prove." Id. at 854. This is, too high a bar. ' This Court distinctions is thus between persuaded selective that there ' 1 prosecution, are and important selective I enforcement claims that argue for a less demanding standard to be I applied before the defendants here can obtain discovery. b. Applying a Lower Standard However, while the aforementioned circuit courts have provided convincing reasons to reject the Armstrong approach in the selective enforcement context, they have not provided a clear alternative discovery standard. Nor have they b;een precise about how much discovery should be permitted. Rather, these courts have left district courts to determine whether and how much discovery is warranted on a case-by-case basis. See, e.g., Washington, F.3d at 220 869 ("[W]e decline to mandate a precise system or order that a district court must follow. As we have often said, matters of docket control and discovery are committed to broad discretion of the district court."). To this Court, however, the appropriate stan'dard is that where a defendant who is a member of a protected group can show that that group has been singled out for reverse sting operations to a statistically significant extent in comparison with other groups, 7 this is sufficient to warrant further inquiry and discovery. Here, defendants have presented evidence that not a single one of the 179 individuals targeted in DEA reverse sting operations in SONY in the past ten years was white, and that all bu~ two were AfricanAmerican or Hispanic. Pls. Mem. at 16-17. This is in stark contrast to the racial makeup of New York and Bronx Counties, which are 20.5% African-American, 39.7% Hispanic, and 29.5% White. 1 This is also in contrast to NYPD crime and enforcement data for felony drug arrests (42. 7% African-American, 40. 8% Hispanic, and 12. 7% White), firearms arrests (65.1% African-America0, 24.3% Hispanic, 9.7% White), and robbery arrests (60.6% African-American, 31.1% Hispanic, 5.1% White) . 2 Furthermore, analysis demonstrating significant. Crystal S. defendants that According to a Yang, highly unlikely, a have these provided numbers ~ompelling are expert statistically j rigorous analysis conducted by Dr. Harvard law and economics professor, to the point of statistical ~ignificance, it is that the racially disparate impact of the DEA' s revers:e sting operations See U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates: Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race, Table B03002, https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/prod uctview.xhtml?pid=ACS_17_1YR_B03002&prodType=table. 1 See New York City Police Dep't, Crime and Enforcement Activity in-- New York: City (Jan 1 Dec 31, 2017), https://wwwl.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/~nalysis_and_plan ning/year-end-2017-enforcement-report.pdf. 2 8 is simply random. Christopher Flood Aff., Exh. I', ECF No. 38. (Dr. Yang's analysis is attached to the Opinion as Appendix A.) The combination of raw data and statistical analysis is sufficient to I meet the aforesaid standard and thus warrant discovery. c. Scope of the Discovery In granting discovery in this case, the Court emphasizes that it must proceed in incremental steps. Courts adopting a discovery standard lower than Armstrong have confirmed the for importance selective prosecution claims of granting discovery only in "measured steps." See Davis, 793 F.3d at 722 (faulting the district court for granting a "blunderbuss order" allowing too much discovery too soon). The Court finds that an incremental approach is a prudent means of preventing fishing expeditions into what is, ' after all, a sensitive area involving law enfoicement operations that places the very lives of agents and informants in danger. Accordingly, and for now, discovery will be limited to the I Government providing to the defendants, by no later than November 22, 2019, (1) all DEA manuals, circulars, protocols, and the like I that provide guidelines for how and when reverse stings should be originated; and (2) all notes, memoranda, or other investigative material showing how defendants were identified and evaluated as targets category in this particular reverse sting operation. can include such appropriate redactdons The second as, in the Government's opinion, are necessary to protect ~he safety of any 9 I agent or informant, but unredacted copies must be provided, on an ex parte basis, to the Court. hearing on Tuesday, The Court will then hold another November 26, I 2019 at 4:00 pm to assess what next steps, if any, are appropriate. SO ORDERED. Dated: New York, NY November /3, I JED S. RAKOFF, U.S.D.J. 2019 10 APPENDIX A UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------x United States of America, DECLARATION OF PROFESSOR CRYSTALS. YXNG -v- J ohansi Lopez, Angel Crispin, Antonio Batista, Kevin Brito, Wandy Dominguez, Amaurys Hernandez, Jervis Cirino 19-cr-323 (JSR) Defendants. -----------------------------------------------------x Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1746, I, CRYSTALS. YANG, J.D., Ph.D., declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct: 1. I am a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. My primary research areas are in criminal law and criminal procedure, with a focus on testing for and quantifying racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Before joining the Harvard Law Sc~ool faculty, I was an Olin Fellow and Instructor in Law at The University of Chicago,Law School. I am admitted to the New York State Bar and previously worked as al Special Assistant United States Attorney in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of~assachusetts. 2. I received a B.A. in economics summa cum laude from Harvard University in 2008, an A.M. in statistics from Harvard University in 2008, a J.D. magn'a cum laude from Harvard Law School in 2013, and a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University in 2013. My undergraduate and graduate training involved substantial coursework in quantitative methods. 3. I have published in peer-reviewed journals such as the American Economic Review, The Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, and have work represented in many other peer-reviewed journals and outlets. 4. I make this Declaration in support of a motion being submitted by the defendants to compel the government to provide discovery in this case. Statistical Analyses Pertinent to Motion · 5. I was retained by the Federal Defenders of New York to provid~ various statistical analyses relevant to the defendants' motion in this case. Specifically, I was asked to evaluate whether the observed racial composition of targets in reverse-sting operations in the Southern District of New York could be due to random cha:¢.ce. 6. To undertake this statistical analysis, I first had to obtain the racial composition of targeted individuals in DEA reverse-sting stash house cases brought in the Southern District of New York for the ten-year period beginning on August 5, 2009 and ending on August 5, 2019. Based on the materials in Lamar and Garcia-Pena, as well as additional searches conducted by the Federal Defenders of New York, I Ul).derstand that there have been 46 fake stash house reverse-sting operations conducted by the DEA during this time period. These 46 operations targeted 179 individuals of whom zero are White, two are Asian, and 177 are Latino or Black-the "sample." 1 Given these counts, this means that of the targeted individuals, 98.9% are Latino or Black (and 100% are non-White). Thus, the relevant question at hand is whether the observed racial composition of the sample could be due to random chance alone if the DEA sampled from 'a population of similarly situated individuals. · · -· ' I I 7. Second, I had to define what the underlying population of similarly situated individuals is. In other words, what is the possible pool of all similarly situated individuals who could have been targeted by the DEA in a reverse-sting operati~n? Because the DEA's criteria for being a target in these reverse-sting cases is unknowp., my statistical analysis will assume a variety of hypothetical benchmark populations. ff the government provides its selection criteria for being a target in these reverse-sting cases, a more definitive statistical analysis may be possible. Based on materials from Garcia-Pena and Lamar, I have identified eight hypothetical benchmark populations. Below, I present the hypothesized populations and the racial composition (% Latino :or Black) in each population in order ofleast conservative (i.e. smallest share of J:-,atino or Black) to most conservative (i.e. highest share of Latino or Black): a. 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates on counties in the SDNY (from Garcia-Pena): 48.1 % Latino or Black b. 2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates on:Bronx and New York Counties (from Garcia-Pena): 60.2% Latino or Black : c. New York Police Department (NYPD) data from January 1 -December 31, 2017, on felony drug arrests in New York City (from Garcia-Pena): 83.5% Latino or Black I d. Estimates by Prof. Kohler-Hausmann on men aged 16-49 living in New York City who have prior New York State (NYS) violent felony convictions (from Lamar): 87.1 % Latino or Black · 1 In consultation with the Federal Defenders of New York, this sample is obtained by taking the 33 cases and 144 defendants identified in Garcia-Pena or Lamar, excluding two cases and five defendants that are either not DEA cases or reverse-sting cases, and including an additional 15 cases and 40 defendants that were not covered by the time frames included in the Lamar or Garcia-Pena analysis. e. Estimates by Prof. Kohler-Hausmann on men aged 16-49 living in New York City who have prior NYS felony convictions (from Lamar): 87.5% Latino or Black f. NYPD data from January 1 - December 31, 201 7 on firearms seizures arrests in New Yark City (from Garcia-Pena): 89.4% Latino or Black g. Reverse-sting operation defendants in the Northern District of Illinois (from Garcia-Pena): 87.7-90.7% Latino or Black2 h. NYPD data from January 1 -December 31, 2017 on robbery arrests in New York City (from Garcia-Pena): 91.7% Latino or Black 8. For each of these eight hypothesized populations, I then conduct an exact hypothesis test for binomial random variables. This is the standard statistical test used for calculating the exact probability of observing x "successes" out of n "draws" when the underlying probability of success is p and the underlying probability of failure is 1-p. Here, each defendant represents an independent draw and a success occurs' when the defendant is Latino or Black. Using the exact hypothesis test, I test whether the observed proportion of Latinos or Blacks observed in the sample (x = 177, n = 179) is equal to the hypothesized population probability/proportion p. Under this test, the null hypothesis is that the observed proportion is not statistically different from the hypothesized population proportion. The alternative hypothesis is that the observed proportion is statistically different from the hypothesized population proportion, a two-sided test. 3 Each exact hypothesis test produces a corresponding p-value, which is the probability of observing a proportion as extreme or more extreme than the observed proportion assuming that the null hypothesis is true. A small p-value implies that the observed proportion is highly unlikely under the null hypothesis, favoring the rejection of the null hypothesis. 9. The following Table 1 presents each of the eight hypothesized population proportions, the null hypothesis under each population, the alternative hypo(hesis under each population, and the correspondingp-value using the observed proportion of Latinos or Blacks in the sample assuming 179 independent draws: · Table 1 (x = 177, n = 179) 2 Hypothesized Population Proportion Ho Null Hypothesis a. 48.1 % Latino or Black b. 60.2% Latino or Black c. 83.5% Latino or Black d. 87.1 % Latino or Black e. 87.5% Latino or Black f. 89.4% Latino or Black g. 90. 7% Latino or Black Ho:p = 0.481 Ho:p = 0.602 Ho:p = 0.835 Ho: p = 0.871 Ho:p = 0.875 Ho:p = 0.894 Ho:p = 0.907 Ha Alternative Hypothesis Ha:p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p != 0A81 != 0.602 != 0.835 != 0.~71 != 0.875 != 0.894 != 0.907 p-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 I choose 90.7% (the upper end of the range) as the relevant proportion given that it yields the most conservative estimates. , 3 This two-sided test takes the most conservative approach (in contrast to a one-sided test) because it allows for the possibility of both an over-representation and under-representation of Latinos or Bla,cks relative to the hypothesized population proportion. h. 91. 7% Latino or Black Ho:p = 0.917 Ha: p != 0.917 0.0001 10. The above statistical calculations in Table 1 show that regardle~s of which of the eight hypothesized population proportions is chosen, one could reject the null hypothesis at conventional levels of statistical significance. For example, one could reject the null hypothesis at the standard 5% significance level which requires that the p-value be less than 0.05. All eight p-values are substantially smaller than 0.0~ and would lead to a rejection of the null hypothesis even using more conservative 1%, 0.5%, or 0.1 % significance levels. In other words, it is extremely unlikely that random sampling from any of the hypothetical populations could yield a sample of 179 targeted individuals where 177 or more individuals are Latino or Black. 11. Alternatively, one may be interested in the reverse question of what the underlying population proportion would have to be such that the observed proportion could be due to random chance alone assuming there are 179 independent draws. Using the standard 5% significance level, I have calculated that the hypothesized population would have to be composed of at least 96.0% Latinos or Blacks in order for one to not be able to reject the null hypothesis. In other words, unless the pool of similarly situated individuals is .·comprised of at least 96.0% Latinos or Bhcks~ it" is highly unlikely that one could get a sample of 179 targeted individuals where 177 or more individuiils are Latino or Black. 12. One potential question with the statistical analyses in Table 1 is whether the assumption that each of the 179 targeted individuals is an independent dravy is reasonable. For example, what if the race/ethnicity of individuals in each rever~e-sting operation is correlated, such that if one individual targeted in an operation is Latino or Black, the other individuals are also more likely to be Latino or Black? This correlation within operations could result if there is homophily, or "the principle that a contact between similar people occurs at a higher rate than among dissimilar people." Miller McPherson et al., Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks, 27 Ahn. Rev. Soc. 315, at 416 (2001). It is impossible to know the true degree ofhomophily or correlation among individuals targeted in reverse-sting operations, particularly when the DEA's selection criteria is unknown. But suppose that we took the most conservative approach and assumed that there is perfect homophily (i.e. a perfect correlatipn of 1) such that if one individual targeted in the operation is Latino or Black, all othet individuals in that same operation are also Latino or Black. Under this conservative assumption, we can then treat 4 the observed sample as if there were only 46 independent draws (rather than 179 draws). To observe a racial composition of 98.9% Latino or Black WOl\ld thus require that at least 5 45 out of 46 draws resulted in a Latino or Black individual beu:ig targeted. 13. For each of the eight hypothesized benchmark populations, I then test whether the observed proportion of Latinos or Blacks observed in this alterpative sample (x = 45, n = 46) is equal to the hypothesized proportion from an underlyin~ population assuming that ' I make the simplifying assumption that each of the 46 operations targeted the average number of codefendants, 3.89 = 179/46. ' 5 Technically, 45.494 draws would need to be of Latino or Black individuals but I conservatively round down to the nearest integer. 4 there are only 46 independent draws. The following Table 2 presents each of the eight hypothesized population proportions, the null hypothesis under each population, the alternative hypothesis under each population, and the correspo~dingp-value using the observed proportion of Latinos or Blacks in the sample assuming 46 independent draws: Table 2 (x = 45, n = 46) Hypothesized Population Proportion Ho Null Hypothesis a. 48.1 % Latino or Black b. 60.2% Latino or Black c. 83.5% Latino or Black d. 87.1 % Latino or Black e. 87.5% Latino or Black f. 89.4% Latino or Black g. 90. 7% Latino or Black h. 91.7% Latino or Black Ho:p = 0.481 Ho:p = 0.602 Ho:p = 0.835 Ho:p = 0.871 Ho:p = 0.875 Ho:p = 0.894 Ho:p = 0.907 Ho:p = 0.917 Ha Alternative Hypothesis Ha:p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p Ha: p != 0.481 != 0.li02 != 0.835 != 0.871 != 0.875 != 0.894 != 0.907 != 0.917 p-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0045 0.0255 0.0257 0.0871 0.1240 0.1795 14. Under this conservative assumption of perfect homophily, the above statistical calculations in Table 2 show that under the first five hypothesized population proportions (a-e ), one could reject the null hypothesis at the standard 5% significance level. In other words, even if the hypothesized population proportion of Latinos or Blacks is as high as 87.5%, it is highly unlikely that random sampling could yield a sample of 46 individuals where 45 or more individuals are Latino or Black. One, however, cannot reject the null hypothesis for the next three hypothesized population proportions (f-h). Again, because I have no knowledge of the DEA's selection criteria of potentia(targets, it is impossible to know which of the hypothesized populations captures the relevant pool of similarly 1 situated individuals. A more definitive statistical analysis may be possible if the government provides the requested selection criteria. ' I I 15. As before, I also ask the reverse question of what the underlying population proportion would have to be such that the observed proportion could be due to random chance alone assuming that there are only 46 independent draws. Using the standard 5% significance level, I have calculated that the hypothesized population would have to be composed of at least 88.5% Latinos or Blacks in order for one to not be able to reject the null hypothesis. In other words, unless the pool of similarly situated individuals is comprised of at least 88.5% Latinos or Blacks, it is highly unlikely that one could get a sample of 46 targeted individuals where 45 or more individuals are Latino or Black. Dated: Cambridge, Massachusetts September 13, 2019 Isl Crystal S. Yang Crystal S. Yang