Digital Report - 2019 Campaign 300 N. Main Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Phone: 605.275.3742 Email: Overall Takeaways • The main goal of our campaign was to generate awareness and engagement around the dangers of Meth.
 • We ran Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Spotify ads from February through May.
 • In total, our ads had over 6.5 million impressions and reached over 240,000 people. Most of our ads targeted South Dakotans from ages 15 to 65+ with the exception of Facebook video ads (South Dakotans 15-18). • In addition to ads, we also published organic content. The organic content did very well, especially considering content hadn’t been published since 2017. 300 N. Main Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Phone: 605.275.3742 Email: Website Performance Traffic Traffic Sources • Under traffic sources, “(Other)” refers to any traffic from paid social channels. 
 • The initial spike in sessions (website visits) occurred on February 5th and was entirely from Facebook. It came from a single un-boosted social post, likely because it was the first post made since June of 2017.
 • Once ads started running, traffic remained at a consistent level throughout the campaign.
 • Facebook ads were the biggest driver of traffic to the website, accounting for 80% of the 6,786 sessions from February through May. 
 • Interestingly, Spotify ads accounted for more traffic than Instagram ads (13% vs 7% respectively). The audiences weren’t significantly different, so Spotify proved to be the N. Main Sioux Falls, SD 57104 better platform at converting300 users toAvenue the website. Phone: 605.275.3742 Email: Facebook Organic Posts • The above post was the best performing post from the campaign, reaching over 14,000 people and generating significant engagement and over 200 shares.
 • February was our best month for organic performance, reaching 42,258 people and 5,608 engagements.
 • February was the first month of content since June of 2017. The large timespan of inactivity and high initial engagement (Facebook gives highly engaged content priority in newsfeeds) likely contributed to the heightened attention to our content. Feb - May Post Metrics:
 • Page likes gained - 236 • Reach - 105,272 • Engagement - 11,473 (reactions, comments, shares, post clicks)
 • Due to timeframe limitations within Facebook, screenshots of each metric were not 300 N. Main Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 available. Phone: 605.275.3742 Email: Paid Social Instagram - Brand Awareness Facebook - Brand Awareness Facebook - Video Views 300 N. Main Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 **Best performers from each campaign are boxed in red. Phone: 605.275.3742 Email: Paid Social Facebook/Instagram Takeaways:
 • Ads starting running on February 14th and ended on May 31st.
 • As these campaigns went on, we noticed ads getting rejected for being too scary. In future campaigns, creative will need to be toned down for Facebook and Instagram.
 • The ads racked up 3,804,701 impressions, 17,908 clicks and reached over 200,000 people. Snapchat • Snapchat Ads ran from February through May, with an audience change in March. The audience change expanded our audience beyond high-schoolers.
 • Snapchat did very well. With only five ads, it gained over 2.7 million impressions.
 • The impressive aspect of our Snapchat ads was the completion rate. 31% of views were done to completion. For comparison, the Facebook Video Views campaign had 5% of of views reached 100% completion. 300 N. Main Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Phone: 605.275.3742 Email: Spotify Ads Ads served Ads reached • Spotify ads ran from February 14th through May 31st.
 • Spotify doesn’t have the most in-depth reporting, so data is only available cumulatively.
 • We’ve reached over 450,000 ads served, with users hearing the ads about 12 times each.
 • Spotify ads have reached nearly 40,000 users. We reached about 50% of our audience.
 • While a high frequency can lead to more impressions, over time it can lead to less traffic, as the audience gets over-saturated. 300 N. Main Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Phone: 605.275.3742 Email: