Statement from Charter Schools USA on IPS recommendation to not review Emma Donnan Elemeneryary School innovation contract: We were shocked and dismayed by the disingenuous actions taken today by IPS to attempt to hurt the students and staff at Emma Donnan. Today, after coming to the school under false pretenses, they announced this extreme decision and promised to work with us to prepare messaging to staff and parents. They also claimed that they would not share this publicly until after the board meeting, however, they immediately sent messages to staff and news media as soon as they stepped out the door. While we have been working hard to bring Emma Donnan students to a place where they can be successful, it appears that IPS has been planning to disrupt this success all along. IPS clearly has decided that parents do not deserve high quality educational options while their own schools are in decline. It’s no wonder they want to bring back high performing students and they are willing to disrupt students’ and teachers’ lives for political gain. How incredibly sad for our community. IPS has voiced concerns about local control without recognizing that local parents making a choice for their child’s education is the ultimate local control. Parents, students and our teachers need not fear the future though because we have already applied for Emma Donnan to become a charter school which will be governed by ReThink Forward – Indiana and managed by Noble Education Initiative. These actions do not deter us from our mission. We have a proven track record showing tremendous improvement at all three schools over which we have managed and will continue to do so. We continue to engender more and more student success at Emma Donnan, evidenced at a minimum by our state assessment results which continue to annually exceed the IPS performance as a whole and dramatically more when doing an apples to apples comparison between Free and/or Reduced Lunch students only. IPS is seeking to disrupt this success because it is a threat to their future since their educational approach is less successful; they care about student enrollments and we care about student success and honoring parental choice. We have a long-term commitment to service families, staff, teachers and community partners for many years. We are confident that the State Board of Education will recognize the work we’ve done and will deny IPS’s attempt to take back a school over which their proven track record was chronic failure for seven years prior to when CSUSA and NEI became involved. Colleen Reynolds, APR Edge Communications of Southwest Florida