FILED Marilyn Burgess District Clerk NOV 2 0 2019 11mg: all: ?c7541 Mi rr I ounty. Tun CAUSE NOLiz,? .- apuly PATRICIA BIRD, KRISTIN BIRD, TRj-{mmh A 45. JENNIFER BLACK, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CAROLYN KEN NEY, LUIS MICHIELI, and ELIZABETH URQUIOLA Plaintiffs, V. HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TURKEY LEG HUT CO. LLC, d/b/a TURKEY LEG HUT, NAKIA PRICE, and LYNDELL PRICE 591*" Defendants. JUDICIAL DISTRICT ORDER GRANTING TEMPORARY RESTRAININ ORDER On November 20, 2019, the Court considered the Application of Plaintiffs Patricia Bird, Kristin Bird, Jennifer Black, Carolyn Kenney, Luis Michieli, and Elizabeth Urquiola for Temporary Restraining Order against Defendants Turkey Leg Hut 8; Company, LLC d/b/a ?Turkey Leg Hut,? Nakia Price, and Lyndell Price. Applicants announced ready and appeared by and through counsel. Defendants received notice of a hearing and had opportunity to appear through counsel. The Court, after considering Plaintiffs? Application, exhibits admitted into evidence and made part of the Application, arguments of counsel and any response is of the opinion that Plaintiffs? Application for Temporary Restraining Order should be granted for the reasons given by Applicants. The Court finds l. Defendants are operating and continue to operate the Turkey Leg Hut so as to produce smoke and odor that presents health hazards to Applicants and other neighbors to the properties at 4830 and 4902 Almeda Road. Further, the Defendants? operation of the Turkey Leg Hut involves presently illegal and unpermitted operations posing a risk of harm to the public, including unenclosed outdoor food preparation areas and use of smokers. 2. Applicants have pleaded that Defendants? actions violate Houston, Texas, Municipal Code 20-19, Tex. Civ. Prac. Rem. Code 125.0015(a) and constitute a nuisance per se, private nuisance, common nuisance, and have resulted in trespasses onto Applicants? properties. 3. Having presented evidence sufficient to raise a bona fide issue as to Applicants? right to ultimate relief, Applicants have established a probable right to the relief sought against Defendants for the allegations pertaining to the creation of smoke and odors and the illegal use of unenclosed outdoor food preparation areas, including smokers. 4. Having sought a temporary restraining order under Tex. Civ. Prac. 8: Rem. Code Applicants need not establish a probable, imminent, and irreparable injury. Nevertheless, if the relief requested is not granted, Applicants will suffer further imminent harm and irreparable injury and will have no adequate remedy at law. 5. This temporary restraining order will serve the public interest. The harm to Applicants if this Application is not granted outweighs any potential harm to Defendants by the issuance of the temporary restraining order. Accordingly, the Court GRANTS the Plaintiffs? Application for Temporary Restraining Order and makes the following order under Tex. R. Civ. P. 683: Defendants Turkey Leg Hut 8.: Company, LLC d/b/ a ?Turkey Leg Hut,? Nakia Price, and Lyndell Price and Defendants? members, agents, employees, successors, assigns, attorneys, and any person acting in concert or participation with them who receives actual notice of this Order by personal service or otherwise are PROHIBITED AND ENJOINED from: i. Producing smoke and Mgthe 4830 and 4902 Almeda Road 6mm haw 0?6 MA 6,1001% dm 77 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Applicants shall execute and file with the clerk of this Court a bond, or cash deposit in lieu of bond, in the amount stated below in conformity with Rule 684 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, payable to Defendants and conditioned that Plaintiffs will abide by the decision which may be made in the cause and that Plaintiffs will pay all sums of money and costs that may be adjudged against them if the Temporary Restraining Order shall be dissolved in whole or in part. The clerk shall, when so requested by Applicants and after they have ?led the bond described above, issue a writ of temporary restraining order in conformity with the law and the terms of this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, unless extended by agreement of the parties or changed by further order of this Court, this Order becomes effective only at such time as Applicants ?le with the clerk of this Court a bond in the amount of $196706? - IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Plaintiffs? Application for a Temporary Injunction will be heard before the Court on 2019 at ?97?'09 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order expires no later than fourteen days after issuance or When amended by order of this Court, Whichever occurs ?rst. Signed on ovemberE 2019 at M411. Honorable 6' LU, Judge, District Court {lamb/?tw (gl7w/\