Case 2:15-cv-00102-RSM Document 146-46 Filed 10/12/16 Page 1 of 2 Redacted by counsel for the United States Aficrosott• RovJew Fann Content 1 FYOO RMultsAc,,.,.,·edAgoinst Commtmcr,IS 2006 A Reviewer. :-~~~Nam~•;=~IR=e=d=ac=te=d:-==---:-:=---~-! 1- !!,Mall Nam,: Tltle: FY06 Contributioo Ranl de/Ner VI metrics by June 06 ta m81lsu,e Ops ettectl.leness iltegrating scqund companies. S,nce we have~ m"ture pl.iyhnnk fnr inll!(lrahnn in In Ofl';, I had thi~ t1111m fcx:u~ th