Dear Chancellor Syyemd. Hundreds of Blacit and Latino alumni write today to express our dismay in the administration's handling oi the recent racists incidents and hate crimes on campus. We mite to emphasize: The EU administration's handling of recent racist incidents has been poorly executed. and reflectiye of past missteps by the SU administration: 2. We ran nest that the EU administration create a diversity and inclusion planrprogramsfeyenls to specifically address the culture of intolerance on campus. This plan could be launched asa yearlong series clworitshops. trainings and events to that end- We request that the sministration go bectt to renew past requests made by Ellactt students root-r for eira mptel and otherscn dive and we request that the EU administration includes alumni teed baclr on this project from Black. Latino. Asian. and others at color to create and build a better and more tolera at EU com munity: 3. this support the current BIa-clt student protesters. and their allies. including stall and faculty. are members of The Friends of EU. The EU Posse. The DC Grange ti. Blue Crew. and other alumni of color and our allies. We represent about 3.DlIt+ Eta-ctr and Latino alumni. Many of us hays children and Family that currently attend St]. and we are disappointed with Syracuse Uniyersity's initial response to the racist incidents. That the university was slow to publicly report the First incidenlls} is problematic. The salary of all students begins Iillritl't awareness. and eyeryo ne on campus should have been immediately noti?ed at the time of the ?rst incident. We also submit that the EU administration'sdecision to suspend all fraternin activities is a misstep and does not address the primary racism issues at hand- This action penalizes the majority of [rate mitias that are not involved in the despica ble behayio r. and unfortunately Bled-t and Latino fraternities are also penalized. This decision. we feel. is unfortunate and shortssided. Penaliaing all fraternities for the actions of a few is metro and minors tactic. The diversity training for fraternities recantiy announced by the administration is fine and noble to do. but also an immediate distraction regarding what the focus sl'toutd be right now. The primary action that EU administration should be undertaking at this time istc hold the perpetrators at all the recent crimes and incidents accountable. and to ampil?y Its commitment to a direrse and inclusive campus commuruty. ?u'lrie believe announcing training this weal: and a suspension of all iraternity is not the right action. It mud be rrelrrel that we at? our full amp-art lb lhe burr-rent Etude ten-dent protesters. use. tawny. allies and al the supper-ram of ma? Inblagainsu since the 19601 me ny at us have entries-bed kneluente err hate, title. and racist amen-e 50213"! f?tl? rep-arts DH ll'h le'? MERE. El'?p?th?f and desire in grated. future Hudentrr. thai dun-tea uste write tr: y'eu radar The clirr'rate er rrteleranrzre and ha1e has permea ted nur 5U campus fer detaches and l-l must step. The eulture breeds ?ee If beynnel ?re recent ?19 Heist amiens. ?feur send Ih?ll i'lt?l?ll'tm arr-d if! MI ?im?l?d Ul'rnl?hly campus. and ?u must metres r? an IMUME way. 'We knew the meet ellmete ef ireelere nee has not changed SCI-must green at 5U. end II em cent-true te true-Dre up In 1b: luture it there is net a mere crammed ether! to 319Sweeping merchants like these under the rug witheul and strung targeted and inclusive We request er? the lb but at the star: at nerrl eememer- a cane-year pten lb wares-51hr: culture at nba. bras. recur imbuerr and hate an Members at our grnuptt- are amiabra tb were with Tau bn tins prbjar: The ?rst timer e! memes: be the ether side of these rnertlente. must be Fer Syracuse Llnr'rerertr 1e- femera elm-rate of equity and Inclueren This is. the care of nur ask and we belretre it's pessibie. We. as. Black and Latrnb atumnl and allure. are amen-lg the unreersr'ty'e greatest bf funds. scholar-amps. and ether that bene?t Irra- currenl ntmlent papulau-nn. We also wart-t males-sty- retrurt tin-arse Su. We are eerteln that yeu unde retend that this be an Hubert-ant memenl fer The enrnr'rrl.mnt'r.I but for the alumni eemmumt'r' as well are the greater higher edueahen We as r?dwrduals are nur wrlir eur baby-ad alma mater and aTbrementiuned denatinn and recruiting efl'brta. We want In- lre preud of true trumrn henenl In: diversity We Ibbh: Ten-mm lb working truth you and loan tel-ward to your feedback. Frees-e bur-tract bur representabee. Bariamm I. Green '05. to directne- I'm-r we may engage with ?u funher run these rtanl insuee. and tub hetp aha nge 1hr: 5U trampusculure to one 1hal re mere Inlerent. We. meluewe and supreme [er ell Sincerely. Benjamin I. Green - F3u [Friends of AnIn-nny Elm - Murnni Writ er' ELI Amber Dee-tin - {Strange B1ue Grew Joe Cruz Andrew Manna Earn .I- Graver Weele'rr C. Dla?