IDRAFT] Communication on the European Green Deal Although the von der Leyen Commission has yet to take office, the Commission's DGs are atready working on a draft Communication on the European Green Deatwhich is expected ta be published on 11 December. Below is a summary of the early draft of this Communication, for internal use only. Please keep in mind that the information below is from a working document, and the content could change before becoming official Commission poticy. Missing information is indicated by brackets. Designing a set of deeply transformative policies Putting 2050 climate neutrality into law and increasing our climate ambition for 2030 o The Commission will propose the first European 'Climate Law' enshrining the 2050 climate neutrality objective into law by March 2020 o The Commission will present a comprehensive plan on how to increase the EU's greenhouse gas emission reduction target for 2030 to at least 50% and towards 55% in a responsible way by October 2020 o The Commission will review and potentially revise all relevant legislative measures to deliver on this renewed ambition by [XX] Supplying clean, affordable and secure energy The Commission will [ ] the energy efficiency and renewable energy Directives by [ ] The Commission will assess the final national energy and climate plans and consider developing additional EU-wide instruments to close a potentialambition gap The Commission will develop measures facilitating the smart integration of electricity, gas, heating, transport and industry sectors by [XX] IENER will need to substantiate o o o thisl A sustainable industry for a circular and climate neutral economy o o o o o The Commission will ... an EU industrialstrategy by March 2020 The Commission will ... the ÊU ETS lnnovation Fund as a matter of priority The Commission will ... a new circular economy action plan by March 2020, including a sustainable products initiative targeting the sustainable performance of non-energy related products' value chain The Commission will ... a new ecodesign working plan by 120201 The Commission will ... a series of initiatives for greening the ICT sector Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way The Commission will propose a'renovation wave' initiative [Specify timetine / as of the first hatf of 2021 ctimate package or before?l The Commission will review the construction products Regulation [additional details on GROW initiative could be added] o paft ¡ o ShiftÌng to smañ and safe zero-emission nobility o The Commission will adopt a comprehensive strategy for sustainable and smart mobility by [2A2$ addressing all sources of emissions from the transport sector 1 a a The Commission will propose to extend the EU ETS to incorporate the maritime sector and reduce the free allowances allocated to airlines The Commission willwithdraw and resubmit ambitious proposals on the Eurovignette and Combined Mobility Directives to give fresh impetus to effective road pricing in the EU a a a The Commission will assess the possibility of including road transport emissions in the Emission Trading System to complement existing and future strengthened CO2 emission performance standards for vehicles The Commission will propose a new set of air pollutant emissions standards for combustion engines- these will be the last such standards before the full switch to zero-emission mobility The Commission will adopt a comprehensive strategy for sustainable and smart mobility by 12020{, addressing all sources of emissions from the transport sector. The strategy will include concrete measures to: Ensure that prices reflect the true impact on environment and health of the different transport services, Support the shift from road (and aviation) to rail l75o/o of rtrad transport must be moved from road to rail and inland waterwaysl Develop and deploy alternative infrastructure and fuels The Commission will adopt an EU instrument establishing sustainability criteria for batteries in the circular economy o o o a Promoting nature-based solutions while preseruing and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity The Commission will adapt a new EU Strategy on Adaptation by Climate Change by I o o o o o o 1 The Commission will review all existing legislation affecting agriculture and forestry to ensure it is in line with renewed climate and biodiversity ambition The Commission will launch a forest restoration plan for Europe The Commission will prepare regulatory and non-regulatory measures to support deforestation-free value chains Adopt a strategic vision paper by March 2020 outlining its ambition on a global biodiversity framework to be adopted at the 15th Conference if the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, including proposed commitments from the EU to be presented ahead of the Conference The Commission will follow-up with concrete measures in 2021to address the main drivers of biodiversity loss "From farm to fork": designing a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system The Commission will seek to ensure high environmental and climate ambition in the o o reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, with particular focus on the Member States' strategic plans The Commission will present a'Farm to Fork'White paper in spring 2020,in view of rolling-out a comprehensive set of initiatives from the end of 2020, including: Adoption of a toolbox for alternatives to pesticides Addressing the Court's ruling on new breeding techniques Reform the food information rules to improve consumers' information Actions to reduce food loss and food waste o o o o 2 Eliminating a// sources of pollution The Commission will adopt concrete measures to address air pollution, such as: Achieving greater convergence between EU air quality legislation and WHO guidelines, strengthening requirements on monitoring and modelling of air pollution in o o o o o o o cities, using the Multiannual Financial Framework to support clean public transport, specific actions in poft cities to clean-up emissions from the shipping sector The Commission will concrete measures to address water pollution, such as: improved levels of funding to provide adequate treatment capacity, development of test methods and measures targeting the sources of emerging pollution, such as microplastics, enhancing use of new monitoring opportunities offered by digitalisation The Commission will adopt a strategy on sustainable chemicals accompanied with a package of regulatory measures taken by 2021 Íl o o o Mainstreaming sustainability with all our ways and means A green oath: 'do no harm' o The Commission willwork with stakeholders to identiñ7 and remedy incoherent legislation that reduces the effectiveness in delivering the Green Deal Mainstreaming finance and investment and ensuring the just transition The Commission will continue to push for high climate and environmental ambition as part of the negotiations on the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) The Commission will screen and benchmark green budgeting practices of the Member States, as well as on its own The Commission will present an action plan on green fìnancing in June 2020 The Commission will support the EIB's efforts to transform part of its activities into Europe's climate bank The Commission will facilitate the identification of a robust pipeline of projects o o o ' . ¡ Sending the right price signals through the right tax and suós¡dres policies fDGs fo reflect on other competition tools that could support this transitionl The Commission will present a proposalto revise the Energy Taxation Directive to align it with our climate ambitions The Commission will pursue efforts to move towards full co-decision power for the European parliament and away from unanimity for taxation policies Review the state aid guidelines for environment and energy, as well as other ... related guidelines, to bring them in line with the Green Deal. . o o Mobilising research and fostering innovation The Commission will prioritise the launch of at least two Green Deal Missions with the launch of Horizon Europe, with an estimated budget of EUR 2 billion by [January] 2021 Already within the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework launch an extra call for proposals for collaborative research projects dedicated to the Green Dealwith a budget of EUR 0,5 billion by [March] 2020 o o 3 o Ensure that at least 35% of the budget of Horizon Europe will fund new solutions for implementing the Green Deal Activating the potential of education for empowering citizens The Commission will integrate the concept of 'green mobility' into its Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme Prepare a European competence framework on climate change and sustainability education by [XX] Aim [How?]to leverage EUR 3 billion in new investment in school infrastructure during the first year of the new Commission's mandate o o o Digitalisation as a driver of greater sustainability [DGs to complement with concrete initiatives developing fhe use of digitalisation to promote the green transitionl Building a fairer society: A just transition initiative tI A European Climate Pact involving allstakeholders IDG CLIMA should review this section and provide concise description for the Climate Pactl o The Commission willadopt a European Climate Pact by March 2020.ltwill primarily o consist of: [TBD] The Commission will propose to revise the EU's Aarhus Regulation by 2020 A new partnership between EU institutions and with Member States o The Commission will better integrate the Sustainable Development Goals in the o o o o European Semester The Commission will include into the European Semester process a stronger focus on environmental challenges of macro-economic relevance, such as climate change The Commisêion will present a proposalfor an 8th Environment Action Programme The Commission will revamp its environmental implementation review process, to ensure better and more effective implementation and enforcement of existing environmental legislation [initiatives on green public procurement, both at EU and national level] Empowering citizens [DGs to reflect on.additional measures, beyond consumers] Responsible business conduct and corporate social responsibility . The Commission will evaluate the Non-Financial Reporting Directive to maximise the transparency towards the public o The Commission will assess the need to adopt a legislative proposal on sustainable corporate governance by [June 2021] Cities, rural areas and outermost regions o The Commission will promote sustainable mobility in urban areas through sharing of best practices and investment support 4 The EU as a globaltrailblazer o The Commission will ensure that the EU continues to lead the international climate negotiations, but also intensifiT our efforts on the bilateral front to induce partners to act and to ensure comparability of action and policíes by 2021 o The Commission will ensure that every future trade agreement includes an ambitious dedicated chapter on sustainable development o The Commission will pursue its Green Agenda for the Western Balkans o Adopt geographical strategies to support tailor-made solutions toward a climate neutral development, sustainable management of natural resources and the green , economy 5