Unknown mm: Friedman Sent: Wednesday, October 23'. 1996 3:50 PM To: AIfOnso Subject: Re[2]: Phase IV OxyComin Team - Minutes when we get the report, have someone check the before and after calls to these docs. Reply Separator Subject: Re: Phase Iv OxyContin Team Minutes Author: Alfonso at NORWALK Date: 10/23/96 2:07 PM interesting comments from Dr. Richard. I also wonder if there was a bias in the form of reprEBentathES increasing calls to the selected physicians. Would we get the same ROI in as a result of the representatives increasing the call rate to this selected group, regardless of dinners? I don't have the list . therefore I don't know if there was a selected preference towards this group in the part of the reps. It?s reasonable that these core doctors were already receiving special attention which would have generated an increase in Rxs. If this is the case the cost of the dinners would unnecessarily increase the cost per RX. . Forward Header Wed: Re: Phase IV OxyContin rream Minutes Author: Dr'Richerd Sackler at NORWALK Date: l0/23/96 11:04 AM Michael. The oxyminl2 said: "Results showed the following: physicians who attended the dinner programs or the weekend meetings wrote more than double the number of new for OxyContin compared to the control group, and this was sustained over the 3?month post?meeting evaluation period. Weekend meetings had the greatest impact, increasing new prescriptions for OxyContln by a factor between 2.16 and 2.62. These results will be presented in more detail at a later date." This is very encouraging, although I must allow that a porportion or a without the associated absolute numbers is inherently meaningless. Was the number of increased Rx's commercially significant? If so, what would the cost per increased Rx be assuming that the absolute difference persisted? When will a more complete report be available? Reply Separator Subject: Phase IV OxyContin Team Minutes? Author: Linda Harrison at Norwalk2 Date: 10~l7~96 3:45 PM 9 Attached are the Phase IV OxyContin Team Meeting Minutes. 1 7000132742 ?1 CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, EX REL. JACK CONWAY, ATTORNEY GENERAL V, PURDUE PHARMA L.P., ET AL., CIVIL ACTION NO. (PIKE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT)