STATE OF CALIFORNIA GAVIN NEWSDM, Governor PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SUE VAN HESS AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102?3293 October 8. EU I 9 Mr. Don Skopec Vice President. Regulatory Affairs 8330 Century Park Court, CP33A San Diego. CA 92123 Laura Genao Managing Director, Regulatory Affairs Southern California Edison Company 3631 Rush St. Post Office lion 800 Rosemead. CA 91770 Laura.(ienaotifjsceeom Michael Lewis Paeilie (his and Electric Company 7? Beale 51.. 32?? Floor San Francisco. CA 94105 111 7 l5 iijpge . om Subject: Providing medical baseline euslmner information to local first responders To Paci?c Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas Electric: The ali?li'irnia Public Utilities Commission is concerned about the health and welfare of the residents oi" California when a utility initiates a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) protocol and tit-ants to ensure that regulated utilities provide medical baseline information to county and tribal got-eminent emergency response personnel. By this letter I am directing Pacific Gas and Electric Company {Pt Southern Calitiornia litlison Company (SCH). and San Diego Gas Electric Company to provide medical baseline information to county and tribal government emergency response personnel when a PSPH protocol is initiated until further notice. The Commission has already stated, ?It is essential to identity customers dependent upon life sustaining medical equipment that requires electricity so that the electric investor owned utilities and puhlie safety partners can assist those customers in advance of and during a de-energization and re?energixation event." I-?inding ol?l?act l4.) While in the ordinary course of business. a utility would share this information with county and tribal government emergency response personnel pursuant to a memorandum of understanding or non?disclosure agreement. the imminenee ot? PSPS events and the large number of residents that will be impacted. call for an immediate order to share this potentially lifesaving information. PG??eli. SUE and should provide necessary medical baseline information on a con?dential basis to emergency response personnel ot?eounty and tribal governments who are anticipated to be impacted by PSPS events tor the sole purpose of protecting the safety and tvellitre oli those customers. This data shall not be used for any other purpose and the utilities shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the data is shared con?dentially. am issuing this directive, under the authority granted by ('ommission Policy which states: ?it is the (L'ommission?s policy that: 4. The lisecutive Director shall have authority to act expeditiously and in coordination with other agencies of the State ol? 'ali lornia in endangering the public health. safety and the environment." intend to obtain rati?cation by the full (jnannission ot' the actions directed by this letter at a future Commission meeting. Thank you tor your efforts to ensure the health. safety. and tvellbeing of the residents of Cali lornia. Sincerely. (mm Alice Executive Director cc: l'ilixaveta :?x?lalashenko. Deputy Executive Director