POLICE CRIMINAL D?cltet Number I Date File . -- . i' i d' Number Demptalntl'lrictderit timber PAED1 5-12?! Defendant First: - - EITIE LISA Middi?f L351: ancHELLe The acts cemm' Itted bli the accused are described belbw With each Act at Assembly or statute alleg?f?tir violated, Whe . ten . hrtli'sumlr'y '5 "We than ene offense. each title nse should be numbered manner-1mm: Ill Vinth?lte - DEE. A?Empt Number at Victims Age cr Did-en ad? I 1 2593 Title 13 PA Crimes Cede '2 Murder 1 . ?tAi'ErElA - I mis?ts it Sectien Subsecticn Pit Statute Gaunt: crude HGIE ?Emmi? ?in? PEHHDUTDEH - Am?ant I {if Input-lite} Hurriber CI mm? smry :m ?It? Statute 'Descripticn ifinclude the name at statute er eminence)? Murder efthe ?rst degree Acts at the accused asseciated with this Offense: IN THAT, an en abeLrt said data, THE DEFENDANT did cemmit murder at the ?rst degree by an intenticinat hitting. Incheate I Attempt Saliettattbn Denspiracy I . I El . is?? 2 seen [all 1 gm, Title is an cnnins cone 1 F2 __2abraez Drl'tense at Secbbn Subseci'ibn PA Statute I'l'rtlel lit-cunts Gracie NDIC Dttanse Cede UCRJNIERS Ducts PerinDDT Data .. Accidcnt [IfapplIcahI-E-j Number Interstate Safety zone Wei-ii Inna Statute Descriptien {include the name at statute er crdinance}: Endangering Welfare bf Children .Acts cf the accused associated with this Offense: IN THAT, en er abcut said data. being a parent, guardian, er ether persen supervising the welfare cf VICTIM 1. a child under the age at 18 years at age. THE DEFENDANT did knawingly endangerthe welfare at said child by yielating a duty at care, pretectien dr support. namely, by yielating duty at care and pretecIicn by causing the . death at VICTIM 1. in yielatien bf Sectien elitists] at the PA Crimes Cede. A . . ADFC 412A - Rey. THE Page af__ *3 PDLICE COMPLAINT DUE-kit . - "min? ?at? Fll?di DTHiLlyeEcln Humbu- i i pmisiznm Defendant Name - La 1- mar . i HADJELLE - ?4 - he acts bit the accused are described belcw with each Act cf statute allegedly ablated. If aFDr?Driate When ther . - is mere than cne uld be numbered 'm'f'mr?rutmrm luff-dentin Wm! use. ytIu must tilt- main: arctic-its} Intl nub-lubrici- tutu-u mutt-[Ill tr an. - mp [j tit-Human campy-Er Number af?rm Age ED er 1'3 Stilt A 13 it3129 as. Title 1s as Crimes Cede 1 M2 1 Bastien - Eub?mim FA Sum [Title] Emu {aide NEH: can: mass but. Ame! . - . [It lppliclb'le] Hum; lm?u? were an: Statute Descripticn [include the name at statute cr crdinancef: I Sexual Intetccurse with an Animal Acts cf the accused asscciated with this foense: . IN THAT. an cur abcut said date+ THE DEFENDANT did engage in any farm of sexual Interccurse an .animal, in yiclaticn cf Secticnbiz? cf the PA Drimes Dede. _Incbcata Attempt Sensitive". Number DIV :I?rl'l? Age El] Di? Dld-Bl". D?anse is an a rs actLead? 5 I 4g1g - arm Title 13 PA Crimes Code errant: a season amiss PA same rate} ?aunts Grade Mcic errant: Dada ucarnrans Des-e Data Accident [if applicable} Number Intent!? Safety Ian: wm sum Statute Descripticn {include the name at statute er ordinance}: Tampering with cr Fabricating Physical Evidence Acts cf the accused asscciated with this Difense: lN THAT, cn cr about said date, THE DEFENDANT belieying that an c??rcial prcceeding er inyestigaticn is pending or abcui is be instituted. did alter. ccnceai Dl' remcye any reccrd, dccument cr thing with the intent tc impair its yerity cr ayailability in such preceeding cr inyestigaticn in yiclaticn cf Secticn 4910(1} cf the PA Crimes Dede ADPC 412A Hey. THE Page_af_ I . I I'llill {Enchi- Humbef; Date Filed- DT - -- POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT 1? . I . HiLiveEcan Number: - HlelJ'El' . I First: pagan I Defendant: Name. Lisa Middle: Last: Rachelle SNYDER AFFIDAVIT bf PROBABLE CAUSE Ydur afl? . . - pr. and Tilt. Daniel WUMER. are members at the State Felice math Traep L. Damn-El D'L?gmang future a 911 call was received at Berks Ceunty Cemmunicaticn. State Felicia am urg was 131'? Earth C?unty Cdmmunicatidn at a repert at twa juvenile VICTIMS. a fear year did female 1} and 3'9? year ?Id m?'e WICTIM El faund hanging and in the basement at 2442 Reute 1-43. Albany Earls Cnuntt. bv the DEFENDANT. Lisa aeehene saveae. The DEFENDANT was identi?ed id be the memer at the VIGTIMS . At appm?mat?tt 1641 haurs. twe Fire Department EMTE arrived nn scene. The VICTIMS were located in the beam ?f 2442 RWIE 143. Albany Bettie Cdunty. The 1 tilCTIlv'lS were abserved hart-gins EFFWIIWIEW feet apart hunt a Single Wired cable deg lead with vinyl casting and ends ccntaining swivel snap habits. The wire was wrapped around the main beam at the basement and each end at the wire wrapped areund the necks. In the area at the WGTIME ??13 wedden her height dining ream chairs ever an their sides. Elpth VICTIMS were airlilted by lvledevacte Lehigh Valley Haspitalr Cedar Great. The WCTIME were admitted ta the Pediabtc Intensive Care Unit an full life Pn'er tn arriving at the heapital bath were in full cardiac: arrest and were reeusertated. On DQEEH El. bath were prendunced deceased by Lehigh Ceunly Ecrcner's Of?ce. The residence was secured by members at the State Felice Hamburg Patrel Unit until a search warrant far the residence was by this athent. Dn DaiEEl'lE at apprazimetely ELISE heura a search warrant was issued. and the cache was searched fer physical evidence. he a result at the search, numercus items were seized tram the residence and taken Ints tar evidence retentidn. including the vinyl cavered wire tie but dag cable with twa pink plastic bindings at each and labeled super? and . lbs?. which is the wire that the VICTIMS were hanging tram. Additicnally. seized during the search was a Uh'bi Cellular telephdne which was lying en a table in the breezeway near the entrance tn the DEFENDANTE residence. A search at the phene revealed that telephpne number is assigned ta this phdne. The 911 call was made by telephehe number Apple iPad and a Laptep were else seized tram inside the residence. The DEFENDANT later related the iPad and Laptep were used by the VICTIMS. Centinue WE. IAN KECK and DElt'lIEl WOMER. BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEFOSE AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. WE THAT THIS FILING COMPLIES WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CASE RECORDS PUBLIC ACCECS POLICY OF THE UNIFIED JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF THAT REDUIRE FILING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS THAN NON-CONFIDE IAL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS. WE "h 1 Hr {Signature cf At?ant} Ewe he and subscribed afdre meth? Jr?lp?d . eat at ABIIEIMM QOI of 1919qu ,mlithlraha - My cammissian expires first Manday cf January. "tee: sit?c -Fiev. Eli'l'l? . PEI-9E1 Dfli 3 at - POLICE CRIMINAL something eat: a timber: Date Filed: . i . DTNiLiveScan Number: mmim?nddent . Fi . I ?feudal? Harrie. Li: Middle: - I Last: I Rachelle SNYDER AFFIDAVIT ef PRUBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION Members ef the Tree a eccasiens. the ur DEFENDANT related that she the schbel.? ?He is evenirieight. because he is fat. He has lest . Investig atiens Unit interviewed the DEFENDANT en twe eeca??t' 0" mass In die .Ieated that VICTIM 2 had been bullied and that he teld her en muilipi? cal id net knew much abeut VICTIM 2's bullying. 'He deesn't say beeause he that I has a speech delay. he needs the extra help. a little starter in grasp Wheat kid} fun ?f him Went? {25] peunds since scheel has started. because he was starving himself. DEFENDANT stated 'He tells me he hates I all he deesn?t wantte talk abeut scheet. I did net realty 53". any prebiems till he teld me sheet the kids en ?hdrbiisgug?ed?dgtted 2 has been having since ?ts! Elia?- IHE cemes heme and he is just angry?. DEFENDANT was asked again what happened. and she related that VICTIM 2 tried te kill himself. 'vrre had a trttie art?dewn last Ida ?Eith- him. heney if yeu ever feel like hurting yeurself please eeme te me. He did salt in "1'3 "he" were talking. $1 Wash? already but I am scared te ge by myself.? DEFENDANT indicated that she believed that's why VICTIM 3 had with him. se that they eeuld ge tegether. During the eeurse ef the investigatien. Treepers ebtained videe feetage frem VICTIM 2:5 scheel bus security cameras. At approximately 1549 heurs VICTIM 2 is ebserved en the scheel bus security eemeras getting eff the scheel bus and ninning up te his residence. VICTIM 2 shewed ne signs ef distress. The DEFENDANT espi?in?d that "he" VICTIM 2 get heme schpel te play en his read but changed his mind that he wanted is play eh his tastes but weld mi the ?m5 duh?. a; mum when he eeuld net ?nd his charger and asked VICTIM 1 if she wanted te ge ?dewnstairs te build a fart. he leves burlgirtgk em; that's his thing'. The DEFENDANT stated. ?They play dewnstairs in the basement all the time. VICTIM 2 asked if he ecu kitchen chairs dewn and DEFENDANT related that she teld him enly if he takes them dewn himself and brings them back up. She was asked if he wanted te take anything else dewn and she stated "Yes. he asked If he eeuld use the deg lead I had an the table I test haught it teday'. meaning SIZES. She was asked what he did wr th the deg lead and she stated 'That's what they were hanging DEFENDANT indicated that she get the deg lead that day at the Hamburg Walmart and that she did the enline pitta up areund DSSD heurs. She placed the erder fer the deg lead enline the dayI hefere II VICTIM Stakin the chairs dewnstairs because they are heavy. He teek the chairs dewn separately. ene . stated. ?it tgek him awhile. but he get them dewn there? She described hearing the ?plump ef the chair en the step. then 'creek' ef the steps as it was a ?slew ge.? He came. right back up. get a drink and teek the seabed chair dewn and returned fer anether drink. DEFENDANT indicated that she was putting laundry away and alwaysplaees her heys laundry en the table fer them te put away. She then teek the deg eutside and te have a cigarette. DEFENDANT mentrened that she is usually eutside fer three re fgur minutes but was threwing the deg's tey and believes she was eutside fer apprerirmately ten (1 minutes. After eeming inside. she went dewnstairs te see if the kids wanted freaen pizza er Chef Seyardee fer dinner. She then ebserved beth hanging. DEFENDANT related that she tried in lift her ferty tutu] peund daughter. VICTIM 1. up hewever when her anxiety spikes she starts te sweat prefusely. and she was unable te get the latch eff. She then tried te lift VICTIM 2 whe weighed appreitimately ene hundred ?fty?ens [151] peunds but was unable te l'rh him. She then went upstairs and called 911 and never returned back to the basement. WITNESS S. whe lived in the heuse. was interviewed en twe eccasiens. WITNESS 3 related that it was net nennal fer the VICTIMS to play in the basement and that they weuld play in either VICTIM 2's reem er in the living reem. WITNESS 3 related he knew ef enly ehe time when the VICTIMS played in the basement. which waste ride their scepters last lChristmas. WITNESS 3 indicated that the VICTIMS usually built farts with the ceueh cushiens and chairs in the living reem. Gentinue ?its [Signature e'i Afiiant'] i sees?411:: . Rev: et'tta Pass its} futh?'t DatE' F: I - i' it ?Ed- iLiircScan Humble: AFFIDAVIT Dentpteirrtiincigdqt Humbll' I hi First: - fhndant Name. Lisa Middle: Last; Rachelle SNYDER AFFIDAVI If PROBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION WTNESS - . never Wii?g??fb??iim?i?g?? 3 being bullied or having problems at school. WITNESS 1:33:51 ?$5nm that ?iiI'iCTliv'i a was being bullied. mm? he WW 2 'f was 93mg mm mm i taxi message Dn oceans. Trooper Jared erviewe - ti WITNESS 1 related on she recEWE 3 stating that VICTIM is uicidal and that kids are bulling him. WITNESS 1 indicatetti that she pmk?d Ltilt" VICTIM that day and he was totally ?ne She. mentioned that he was iaughing and sitting with his intimid- 5i?? Wed pr 2 never said anything about being - Ilied or about hurting himself. Three weeks pridi't? inc-?3?" DEFENDANT came ove arid WTNESS 1 and her m?ihat?. Emu 5'13 i5 dBpr'E-Eed END. Ilia-"Hat ?Ut ?f bad DEFENDANT 3 stat?fnen'i that she does not care anymore about her it a. net therapist anti iti?i?ita. 2 rs interviewed by six. WITNESS a is a oerti?ed competitor ed with VIGTINI 2 during the EtiiEi-Etit sci-tool year as assistant and contracted through Kulxtown ohool District. WITNESS 2 work . #5 '3'?an the school year. CTINI 2 recsitied occupational therapy due to below averdElE motor Ehii?t 35' well as. his percectual vision. a had I- -ye-Itend coordination and with his dexterity. using his index ?nger and thumb Plt?id'iEii Weather. WITNESS 2 was shown replica of the dog lead and asked it she believed VICTIM 2 would have been able to Upstate the deep. WITNESS 2 related VII: lid 2 would have had diitiouity operating the ciasp due to his poor dexterity. WITNESS 2 was shown a crime scene photograph of th- dog lead wrapped around the beam in the basement and asked ifshe believed 2 formed that it would require 2 to stand on a could have cornpleted the task. In addition i the photograph. she was else- In . xtremely tor VIGTINI to complete the task. as it takes him chair. WIWESS 2 indicated she believed it mid have been a twice as long to do things compared to chit his age. VIC-TIM 2 has dif?culty with motor planning skills and has pocrbaiaricd . because of his weight and strength. WITN- 2 was asked about 2?s skills with a string or rope- WITNESS 2 I?dl??i?dti ViGTIt-it 2 were to tie a string one and wont -=Iways be substantiallyr longer because VICTIM 2 would have dii?licdlt'ir ?ndlt'iEi the middle or center of the string. WITNESS 2 offered opinion that the lead around the beam was too equal in length and VICTIM it would have had a dif?cutt time finding the middle have the en ds at a similar height as observed in the photograph. WITNESS 2 indicated that when she observed VICTIM 2 move a - air in a classroom from to another he was clumsyr and Witt-?d bump ?it? those- Multiple oti'icials and family mem be . with close association with VIGTIIVI 2 were inte suicidal and each individual indicated that TINI 2 never expressed he was bullied or suicidal. The only individual that VICTIM 2 was bullied or suicidal is the about her cellphone which the DEFENDANT did not have on her person and was left at the residence- is was the UNIX cell phone that was seized during the initial search. The DEFENDANT . 19. the DEFENDANT had a new phone and provided this airiant with the phone number one place wiewed about 2 being bullied and who has indicated investigations. it was learne' hat the DEFENDANT owned a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 cellular phone. Dn t?i?dita a 'th any other electronic com mu nicationa devices found at Edit? search warrant was obtained for the Samsu .5 Galaxy Note along wi DEFENDANT. DEFENDANT indicated that she lost the Route tea Albany Township. Upon serving a search warrant on the Samsung Galaxy Note the day of the Inoide with her children and had no idea where it is. As a result of the search warrant, ?ve cellular devices were seized. which did not i - ude a Samsung Galaxy Note 9. During the investigation. Troopers Iearne hat the contact number provided for the online order placed to Wetlvtari on SEEDS was phone number ?-H-Eidta. Continue ii its/DJ [Signature of A?ianti - aoac d11t: - Rev. tithe - Pages. of L.- POLICE CRIMINAL SO ?at-FE! ?umber. Fi .- lid: . . DTHl?LlueScan "timber: AFFIDAVIT C??gim Defendant ll?Aime: First: ?53 i Middle: Last: SNYDER AFFIDAVIT Of PROBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION The Ph?nes tha - farensieaily were sent tc the State Felice Central Canal-Ila Brine Unit! and that Dhane was after phenes seized had the pitcher number sue-dated wi?'l it. but 1'13 Dn 1 19. a search warrant asscciated with the 3? well ENDANT was signed and serued cn Beagle and Facet-pelt. F?mb??k records were received. During a reuiew ct DEFENDANTS Facehcdt fwdi in": will? i? a sexual}! explicit message exchange abcut her deg pericrming sexual acts cn her. Dn DEIDEHQ at 0303 hcurs DEFENDANT messages 'He's eating my Pit-?ll ?Adi-115 At D305 hcurs: DEFENDANT messages 'He sews mcuing every-time the ?ash gees DW- At 1128 hcurs: DEFENDANT sends a within that is a picture at a hlaclt and while deg P?'bm?il'l? en DEFENDANT. Dn DEIDSHE at 2123 hcurs DEFENDANT messages 'He did gccd. Up until he started biting my libi?' Dn DBi?l at 2325i hcurs. DEFENDANT messages At 233D hcurs. DEFENDANT messages 'Majcr lrid cn seems at apprcatimately crat hcurs. DEFENDANT messages ?Things age had. Bulls He?s 3. Last 25th:. in the ?rst Eweelts cf Breaks my heart. ljust wanna cry same good pics ycu.? ng issues it tells me he wants tc At 1114 hcurs, DEFENDANT messages ?Dh curs DEFENDANT sends three Dn DDH ENE at 231D . . a hand laying cn tap cf the dog penis. A picture cf a black and white deg ch his back. an A picture at a hand spreading the DEFENDANTS vagina area and a black and white deg pericrrnihg cral sex an the DEFENDANT. same message is a cf DEFENDANT with a hall gag is her mcuth wearing black lingerie. a A third picture within th in her left hand. nipple clip and held a cellular phcne At 232? hcurs. DEFENDANT messages 'He actually went far it all an underwear and he started licking sc lwent with it" At 232? hcurs. DEFENDANT messages "Laying? 2124 hcurs DEFENDANT messages "l?cu'll hcpetully see Sunday" his this time Was lashing 'But ljust fcund cut" 'dces and is an all day jch. Sc gcnna try cpticn At 2125 hcurs. DEFENDANT messages when it ccmes tc babysitting' which is my sc dch't get ycur hcpes up she's a bi Dc ntinue . MAM {SignaturecfA?isntl I Pa EL tit. 93 POLICE CRIMINAL AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION fleet Number: - Des Filed: Number: -- Cm?ainmn??g? Number . . First' pAseIeterrAI I. Defendant Name: Lise. ?1:,de - Last: - - Rachelle SNYDER AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION MIMI 19- Goose reserds bf aseeunt were received by this af?ant: the feliewin? ?Ewes ?m mm en the at 2221 heuts ?barben meneIride in a ear hew lung to die' 9 at 1553 heurs 'almest get away with it" aimest get away with it best episndF-?' UQIEEHQ at 1119 heurs I'hanging yburseli" ebs leading..+' Based en rayiewing me At1115iheurs' . etAiiHe :Their-r melted the websrte shert I L5 93 ert drop! simple suspen?l?n. eantent frern the website. the narratiye describes an effective way ef hanging 3 ?5mg 3 5 at 112? heurs - ?de a hybrid sar pmduse earben meneaide' At 1123 heurs ?dees a hybrid car preduse sarben manner-tide while idii?Ei'r uter A ferensie dewnlead of the eledrenis deyiees that were seized was sendueted by Fennsyiyanla State in the Crime Unit. The ferensie dewnlead ef the desires did net reveal any sear-eh hIsIs-ry eguwalent tn the sea ry Beagle reabrds ass-aunt. ed en 1 by Dr. Dr. Jehnsen rferrn Us September 3D. 2019 at appremmateiy amt an autopsy W35 PE Ceranefa Uf?se determined the manner gr death te be detesnined the reuse of death was a resuil of hanging. The Lehigh Ceunty Hemieide. 11 am, an autepsy was perfumed en by Dr. Michael Jehnsen- Dr. tei Uri SEpten?IbEI' 3D. 2019 at If {hanging The LEhigh Gaunt? CDITIHEEIJE dEtEnTlinEd the man-?Er Of death tn be determined the cause at death was a resutt Humieide. ntiate the charges eentained within this criminal ased an the abeye facts. I submlt that suf?erent prebable sause exists In substa . . seaplaint. ?bur Athant reseaetfuily wishes a warrant be issued fer the DEFENDANT ts answer tn the aferementrened charges whleh were against the peace and dignity at the and the Cemmenwaalth. Tel. Arie?a {Dy - [Signature ef At?ant} r. .u AGPE 411C - Ftey. Page 51 of J: