From: Suzanne Subject: Hear-19 to Blooms Troopys in Mal?u Data: Hmrday, Deon-?bar 2d, 2013 1:193? PM Mr- Moosey, The Eoyernor's Chief of Staff aslted to meet with you regarding a conversation you had with l[Boyernor Dunleayy, prior to the election, about the MatSu Borough possibly funding 50% for additional troopers in the MatSu. I will be leaving forJuneau toward the end of the first lJll'eel: of January, so I was hoping to begin this conye rsation prior to the legislative session. Please contact John Espindola in the Eoyernor's of?ce to arrange the meeting should you want to furtherthis discussion- John may be reached at 259??45?- Thank you, Amy Demboski Deputy Chief D?ice of Governor Mich oei? J. Dunieovy