Medi?catien requests I As yeu are likely aware, we haye receiyed requests frem ESELS and Clear Ballet te medify their yeting systems certi?cation. We haye new learned that E5815 dees net haye eneugh ef the certi?ed equipment te ful?ll ceunty centracts. lebbyists indicated te ceunsel that they haye enly reughly areund 1/5 ef the ameunt ef machines that will be needed by the ceunties based en the currently certi?ed yeting system. i We believe this is a serieus issue. 0 Sheuld the medi?catien request net be able te be appreyed in the neat menth er sey ceunties set te replace their DREs with Eapress?yetes weuld net be able te de se. This weuld leaye epen the questien ef whether the State Beard weuld need te censiderthe a hardship waiyer request te extend the use ef DHEs threugh the primary. 0 The enly alternatiye weuld be paper ballets, ceunted by hand! with ne accessible eptien. This weuld create litigatien risk fer the ceu nties regarding federal HAVA cempliance due te net having an eptiens feryeters with disabilities te yete independently. It alse peses signi?cant security and reliability cencerns.