THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON DC 20350-1000 MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: Direction for Naval University System Funding Reference: Secretary of the Navy Memorandum, February 5, 2019 The Department of the Navy?s Education for Seapower report of December 2018 found that ?education is even more Vital than before to ensure we are prepared for the future by producing leaders highly pro?cient in strategic thinking and analysis, the technologies they will employ, as well as professional war?ghting competence.? With respect to education resources, the report concluded that ?(there is) no effective unity of command in its resourcing, policy, and programming for education; nor correct prioritization for education?s vital role in balancing the character and nature of war.? In response to these ?ndings, the DON issued the reference With a decision to ?identify resources? in order to ?ensure immediate educational enterprise wholeness.? Since this decision was announced, the DON Chief Learning Of?cer (CLO), John R. Kroger, has worked with the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for War?ghting Development (OPNAV N7), and the Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration (DC CD1), to create a budget that would ful?ll the direction of the reference, as well as my personal order to fully fund the Naval University System and Naval Education Strategy to the maximum extent possible, with immediate effect. With their ?ndings in mind, I hereby direct the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) (ASN to work with the Chief of Naval Operations, Commandant of the Marine Corps, and DON CLO to raise educational spending levels from the current level of $1.61 billion to $1.95 billion in FY25. This investment in education will begin with a $109.1 million increase in FY20 and grow to $349.6 million by FY25. This represents my desire to increase the investment in naval education in order to achieve our educational goals, which include a new Naval Community College for enlisted Marines and Sailors, an increase in the number of naval of?cers pursuing advanced degrees in strategy and management, the development of a new war?ghting curriculum for our of?cer corps, and a focus on making sure that our Naval University System institutions are world-class centers for teaching, learning, and research. This investment represents an overall 22 percent increase in education spending from current levels. It will fully fund our Naval Education Strategy, increase our war?ghting advantage, invest long term in our human capital, ?illy leverage our existing investment in educational infrastructure, and ?ll high-risk gaps in current educational institution budgets. The DON CLO holds the details for this budgetary direction, as set forth in his budget memorandum dated December 4, 2019. I expect that the Navy and Marine Corps team will work with the ASN and DON CLO in order to immediately execute for FY20 and beyond. SUBJECT: Direction for Naval University System Funding Thomas B. Modly Acting DistributionVCNO ACMC DUSN DIR OCMO DALO DNS DMCS DC (CD1) JAG DON CIO CHINFO OPNAV 6 DC (I) CLA CNP SECNAV FRONT OFFICE SECNAV PA SECNAV SAL SECNAV AA