GIFT QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Question 1 Who is offering the gift? I 6? I I Usually prohibited. regardless of May be allowed,dependingonthe Usually allowed,dependingonthe the 1.ralue ofthegift circumstances ofthegift 1uralueofthegiftand City purpose lfthe giftgiyeris a person or Ifthe giftgiyerisa non?profit lfthegiftgiyeris: businessthat Is: organization or trade association: a foundation or government regulated lay my agency these gifts are allowable under agency that 1uyants to support City permitwith my some circumstancesand employeesworkingin myfield agency pmh'b'tEd underothers. - a family member or long-time irwolyedina contestedcase with Contact us foradyice: friendwhodoesn?t do any my a businessWIth my agency [usually UK unlessyou were a contractor, consultant, or ethics?ihon olulu.go1ur given the gift because 0f your City we? dor of agen postion} a lopp ist Question 2: Does the gift benefit the City? free lunch and program} No. it only benefits the personally. I could conduct business in my Yes, it benefits the City. The lunch and program are related to office, and attending this event is not the best way to serve the my City Fill, and I can use whatl learn at the event to help me public. I should not accept the gift of free lunch and program. do a better job for the City. I can accept this gift. i? cc". 2 cc'. ethics