/- lSCR-10736 HOJ\11E INVASION ~DEFEND) I ~NT - l ... - - -- -- st ARRESTED 07/16/2018 BAIL I AGE 25 c() -- \ \ G.J . =JULY 2018 650 RETURNED: CAC ** INFORMATION INDICTMENT RETURN SHEET** CASE NO. IR 18CR- 1 0736 GJ - 650 DEFENDANT NO . ARRAIGNMENT DATE Hunter Best 001 08 / 13 / 2018 FBI -96VWVPPAN SEX :Male I SB- 36159131 Add : 462 5 4 RACE : White DOB: Cherryhill Ct. , Indianapolis, IN Municipal - 18 - 1106132 CB - 196 7 4 2 2 4 Arrest Agy:CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT RD I AR - JB 2 810 8 4 Arrest Unit : CPD, CENTRAL HOMICIDE EVALUATION AND SUPPORT UNIT Arrest Date :0 7/16/2018 DL State : DL#: Hgt : 506 Wgt:145 Hair:Brown Eyes : Blue True Bil l ASA: Nancee A Hofheimer 07/27/2018 001 HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 720 ILCS 5/19-6 (a) (6) 0017287 Class: X 002 HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 720 ILCS 5/19 - 6 (a) (6) 0017287 Class : X 003 HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 720 ILCS 5/19-6 (a) (6) 0017287 Class : X 004 HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 720 ILCS 5/19 - 6 (a) (6) 0017287 Class : X 005 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 1120000 Class : 1 006 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19 - 3(a) 1120000 Class: 1 007 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 11 20000 Class: 1 008 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19 - 3(a) 1120000 Class: 1 009 AGG CRIM SEX ABUSE/VICTIM <13 720 I LCS 5/11 - 1 . 60(c) (1) (i) 0015826 Class: 2 CAC ** * 1992 STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. COUNTY OF COOK The JULY 20 18 Grand Jury of the Circuit Court of Cook County, The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn , in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27 , 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of HOME INVASION in that HE, NOT BEING A PEACE OFFICER ACTING IN THE LINE OF DUTY, WITHOUT AUTHORITY, KNOWINGLY ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF ANOTHER, TO WIT : THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT , IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND HUNTER BEST KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW THAT ONE OR MORE PERSONS WERE PRESENT AND HUNTER BEST COMMITTED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE, A VIOLATION OF AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19 - 6 (a) (6) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED, AND cont rary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinoi s . COUNT NUMBER 1 CASE NUMBER 1 8CR- 10 736 CHARGE ID CODE: 0017287 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the Coun ty of Cook, in the State of Il linois , i n the name and by the authority of t he People of the State o f Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 2 7, 2018 at and wi thin the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offen se of HOME INVASION in that HE, NOT BEING A PEACE OFFICER ACTING IN THE LINE OF DUTY, WITHOUT AUTHORITY, KNOWINGLY ENTERED THE DWE LLING PLACE OF ANOTHER, TO WIT: THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO , COOK COUNTY, ILLI NOIS, AND HUNTER BEST KNOWINGLY REMAINED IN THE DWELLING PLACE UNTIL HE KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW THAT ONE OR MORE PERSONS WERE PRESENT AND HUNTER BEST COMMITTED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE, A VIOLATION OF AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-6 (a) (6) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED, AND contrary to the Statute and against t he peace and dignity of the same People of t h e State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 2 CASE NUMBER 18 CR-1 0736 CHARGE ID CODE : 00 17 287 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of HOME INVASION in that HE, NOT BEING A PEACE OFFICER ACTING IN THE LINE OF DUTY, WITHOUT AUTHORITY, KNOWINGLY ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF ANOTHER, TO WIT: THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND HUNTER BEST KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW THAT ONE OR MORE PERSONS WERE PRESENT AND HUNTER BEST COMMITTED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE, A VIOLATION OF AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST I IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-6 (a) (6) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED, AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 3 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10736 CHARGE ID CODE: 0017287 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of HOME INVAS I ON in that HE, NOT BEING A PEACE OFFICER ACTING IN THE LINE OF DUTY, WITHOUT AUTHORITY, KNOWINGLY ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF ANOTHER, TO WIT: THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT , IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND HUNTER BEST KNOWINGLY REMAINED IN THE DWELLING PLACE UNTIL HE KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW THAT ONE OR MORE PERSONS WERE PRESENT AND HUNTER BEST COMMITTED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE, A VIOLATION OF AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19 - 6 (a) (6) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED, AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 4 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10736 CHARGE ID CODE: 0017287 The Grand Jurors chosen, se l ected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in t he State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in t ha t HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY , ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE, AGAINST , IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND cont rary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 5 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10736 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name a n d by t h e authority of the People of the State of Illinois , upon t heir oaths present that on or about May 27 , 2018 at a nd within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offen se of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY i n that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHOR ITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF ., LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO , COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS , WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WI T : CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE, AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 1 9-3 (a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1 992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 6 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10736 CHARGE ID CODE : 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths p r esent that on or about May 27, 2018 at and wi thin the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE, AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 7 CASE NUMBER 18CR - 10736 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the aut hor i ty of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present t hat on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE, AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and d i gn i ty of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 8 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10736 CHARGE ID CODE : 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn , in and for the County of Cook, i n the State of Illinois , i n the name and by the author i ty of the Peopl e of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or a bout May 27 , 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best commi tt ed the offense of AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE in that HE, WAS SEVENTEEN (1 7) YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AND KNOWINGLY COMMITTED AN ACT OF SEXUAL CONDUCT UPON TO WIT : HUNTER BEST TOUCHED HIS HAND TO SEX ORGAN OVER THE CLOTHES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE SEXUAL AROUSAL OR GRATIFICATION OF HUNTER BEST OR AND WAS UNDER THIRTEEN (13) YEARS OF AGE, I N VI OLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION ll-l . 60(c) (1) (i) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 9 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10736 CHARGE ID CODE : 0015826 Felony Minute Shee Form 101 JR Number Defendant(s)!Chg(s) A~ *~ /3 DOB Hunter E Best E 9th St, Bloom ington, IN 47408 OJ 720 ILCS 5/ 19-6(a)(6) HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 02 720 ILCS 5/ J9-6(a)(6) HOME INV AS ION/SEX OFFENSE 03 720 ILCS 5/19-6(a)(6) HOME INVAS ION/SEX OFFENSE 04 720 ILCS 5/ l 9-6(a)(6) HOME INVAS ION/SEX OFFENSE 05 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) RES IDEN T IAL B URGLARY 06 720 JLCS 5/19-3(a) RES IDENTIAL BURGLARY 07 720 ILCS 5/ J9-3(a) RES IDENTIAL BURGLARY 08 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) RESIDENTIAL BU RGLARY 09 720 ILCS 5/1 1- l.60(c)( J)(i) AGG CRIM SEX AB USE/VICTIM < 13 10 720 ILCS 5/1 1- I.60(c)( J)(i) AGG CRIM SEX ABUSE/VICTIM < 13 T HE FACTS BRIEFLY STAT ED ARE AS FOLLOWS: Inc ident Date: 05/27/20 18 D entered into On the above date at 2: I Sam at room. the 2-flat residence. D went to the top floor, into VVis 13 years o ld. Vparents sleep on the bottom fl oor in a separate bedroom. D began talki ng to Vaski ng his her w hat her name was and how o ld she was. D to ld Vfirst na me. Vtold D to leave. D left after about I 0-1 5 m inutes. D then went into Vand Vbedroom CVparents) where they we re sleeping. D approached Vand woke up and escorted woke her up, asking fo r a cigarette. Vand Vrealized that D D out of the apartment. Vroom. Vleft the apa1t ment to find D, had been in Vcontacted the poli ce later that but was uns uccessful. Ymorn ing, around 9:00am. O n above date at 2:20am, D went into the un locked apartment at . Y(1 1 years old) was sleep ing on the couch at 1992 {s her grandfather's house. Y- grandfather is W- Vstarted crying and whimpering and D fled the residence. Wheard Ycryi ng and went towards her room. Wsaw a man fleeing from the couch to the door, but was not able to et a good look at his face. WITN OFFICE OF THE STATE'S ATTORNEY COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Criminal Division 2650 South California A venue Chicago, Illinois 60608 10/25/2019 Kimberly M . Foxx State's Attorney DOB: /1992 LID: SID: 36159131 FBI: 96VWVPPAN Defendant: Best, Hunter AKA : Case No: l 8CR-l 0736 RD/AR: JB28 l 084 CB/DCN: 19674224 lcHARGE RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY lsENTENCE Plea Of Guilty Illinois Department of Corrections 8 Year( s) This sentence to be served concurrently with 18CR10737 (8 years IDOC on Residential Burglary) Judge: Erica L Reddick Date Sentenced: 10/24/2019 Sentence Attorney: State Recommendation: Complaining Witness: Arresting Officer: Arresting Officer: B HUH 6926 CHICAGO PD Sherry Kotlarz 16103 CHICAGO PD Assistant State's Attorney: Mary G Innes OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF FACTS ll't l'\...L. U C.::> l, llUlllCI AKA: Case No: I8CR- I0736 On the night of May 27, 2018, at approximately 2:20 am, the victim in this case (DOB ) was asleep on a couch at her grandfather's home at the location of in Chicago. The victim was an 11 year old female at the time. The victim was awoken by a strange man, the defendant Hunter Best, 92 standing above her. victim began crying and whimpering which awoke her grandfather who was asleep nearby. The victim's grandfather was awakened by his granddaughter, the victim, whimpering and crying. He awoke to see a silhouette moving from the couch in which his granddaughter was asleep to the door of the room. The grandfather arose and went to check on his grandson in another room. The grandson was asleep. The grandfather then discovered that his front door was open. Neither the grandfather, victim or grandson knew the defendant at the time. On the same night the defendant entered into anther nearby home and kissed and fondled an 13 year old girl that was asleep in her bed. On October 24, 2019, the defendant pleaded guilty to 8 years IDOC on count 5, Residential Burglary. This sentence is to be served concurrently with 18CR10737, 8 years IDOC (Residential Burglary). Kimberly M. Foxx State's Atta ey Cook County