lSCR·-10737 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY I ARRESTED DEFENDANT I Hunter Best 07/16/2018 -- -------,-- BAIL r::GE 25 c{) - - I \ . G.J. =JULY 2018 649 RETURNED: CAC ** INFORMATION INDICTMENT CA.SE NO. IR lBCR- 10737 GJ- 649 RETURN SHEET** DEFENDANT NO . ARRA IGNMENT DATE Hunter Best 001 08/13/2 0 18 FBI - 96VWVPPAN SEX : Male ISB - 361591 31 . Add : 46254 RACE : White DOB : Cherryhill Ct., Indianapolis, IN Municipal-18 - 1186497 CB-19674224 Arrest Agy : CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT RD/AR-JB280701 Arrest Unit: CPD , CENTRAL HOMICIDE EVALUATION AND SUPPORT UNIT Arrest Date:07/16/2018 DL State : DL# : Hgt : 50 6 Wgt :l4 5 Hair : Brown Eyes:Blue True Bill ASA : Nan cee A Hofheimer 001 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 1120000 Class: 1 002 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a ) 1120000 Class: 1 003 RES I DENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 1120000 Class : 1 004 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19 -3 (a ) 1120000 Class: 1 005 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 1120000 Class: 1 006 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 1120000 Cl ass: 1 007 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/ 19 -3 (a) 1120000 Class: 1 008 RESIDENTil\L BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/ 1 9-3(a) 1120000 Class: 1 009 RESI DENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19 -3 (a) 1120000 Class: 1 0010 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/ 19-3( a) 1120000 Class: 1 1 992 07/27/2018 0011 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 1120000 Class : 1 0012 RES I DENTIAL BURGLARY 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) 1120000 Class: 1 0013 ATTEMPT(AGG CRIM SEXUAL ABUSE/FELONY) 720 ILCS 5/8-4 (11-1 . 60 (a) (6)) A00 15823 Class : 3 0014 ATTEMPT(AGG CRIM SEXUAL ABUSE/FELONY) 720 ILCS 5/8-4(11-l.60(a) (6)) A00 15823 Cl ass : 3 0015 ATTEMPT AGG CRIM SX AB/>5 YR OLDER VIC 720 ILCS 5/8 - 4( 11 - 1.60(d) ) A0015830 Class: 3 0016 UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT ,720 ILCS 5/10-3 0775000 Class : 4 0017 CRIM TRES TO RES/PERS PRESENT 720 ILCS 5/19-4 (a) (2) 0012540 Class: 4 00 1 8 CRIM TRES TO RES/PERS PRESENT 720 ILCS 5/ 19 -4 (a) (2) 0012540 Class : 4 00 1 9 CRIM TRES TO RES/PERS PRESENT 720 ILCS 5/19-4 (a) (2) 0012540 Cl ass : 4 *** CAC STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. COUNTY OF COOK The JULY 2018 Grand Jury of the Circuit Court of Cook County, The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the Stat e of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 1 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE : 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name People of the State of Illinois, upon their about May 27, 20 1 8 at and within the County in and for the County of and by the authority of the oaths present that on or of Cook Hunter Best comm i tted the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY , ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 2 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10737 CHARGE ID COPE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, i n and f o r t h e County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths presen t that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity o f the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 3 CASE NUMBER lBCR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE : 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook , in the State of Illinois , in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and with i n the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 1 9-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMP I LED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 4 CASE NUMBER lSCR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors c h osen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook , in the State of Il l ino i s, in the name and by t he authority of the People of the S tate of Ill ino is , upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of' Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY , TO WIT: AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST I N VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and digni ty of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 5 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and s worn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at a nd within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offe n se of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in t h at HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CH I CAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT : AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statu te and against the peace a n d dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 6 CASE NUMBER lBCR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Il linois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in t hat HE , KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 1 9-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and aga i nst the peace and dignity of t he same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 7 CASE NUMBER lBCR - 10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand J urors chosen , selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authori t y of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present t ha t on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hun ter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19 - 3(a) OF THE ILLINO IS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of t h e same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 8 CASE NUMBER 18CR-107 37 CHARGE ID CODE: 11 20000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and fo r the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the au t hority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths presen t that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best commit ted the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT - IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, I LLINO I S, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT : UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE I LLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1 992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace a n d dign i ty of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 9 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMM IT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WIT: UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 10 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY i n that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, ENTERED THE DWELL ING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THERE I N A FELONY , TO WIT : UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT AGAINST I N VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 1 9-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND c o nt rary to the St atute and agai ns t the peace and dignity of the same People of the St a t e of I llinois . COUNT NUMBER 11 CASE NUMBER l BCR - 10737 CHARGE ID CODE : 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illi nois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY in that HE, KNOWINGLY AND WITHOUT AUTHORITY, REMAINED WITHIN THE DWELLING PLACE OF LOCATED AT IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THEREIN A FELONY, TO WI T: UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT AGAINST IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 12 CASE NUMBER 18CR- 10737 CHARGE I D CODE: 1120000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of ATTEMPT AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE in that HE, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THE OFFENSE OF AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE, ATTEMPTED AN ACT OF SEXUAL CONDUCT UPON , TO WIT : HUNTER BEST ENTERED INTO ' S BEDROOM, , BY THE USE OF FORCE OR THREAT OF FORCE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE SEXUAL GRATIFICATION OR AROUSAL OF HUNTER BEST OR AND THE ATTEMPTED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE WAS PERPETRATED DURING THE COURSE OF THE COMM I SSION OF ANY OTHER FELONY, TO WIT: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY, BY HUNTER BEST, IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 8 -4(11 -1 . 60(a) (6)) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of t he same People of the State of Illinois . COUNT NUMBER 13 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10 737 CHARGE ID CODE: A0015823 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present t hat on or about May 27, 2018 at and wi thin the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of ATTEMPT AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE in that HE, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THE OFFENSE OF AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE, ATTEMPTED AN ACT OF SEXUAL CONDUCT UPON TO WIT : 1 HUNTER BEST ENTERED INTO S BEDROOM, BY THE USE OF FORCE OR THREAT OF FORCE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE SEXUAL GRATIFICATION OR AROUSAL OF HUNTER BEST OR AND THE ATTEMPTED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE WAS PERPETRATED DURING THE COURSE OF THE COMMISSION OF ANY OTHER FELONY, TO WIT: CRIMINAL TRESPASS TO RESIDENCE, BY HUNTER BEST, IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 8-4(11-l.60(a) (6)) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 199 2 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the S tate of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 14 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: A0015823 The Grand Jurors chosen, se l ected and sworn, i n and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 a t and wi thin the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the o ffense of ATTEMPT AGGRAVATED CRI MI NAL SEXUAL ABUSE in that HE, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT THE OFFENSE OF AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE, ATTEMPTED AN ACT OF SEXUAL CONDUCT UPON S . P., TO WIT: HUNTER BEST ENTERED INTO ' S BEDROOM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE SEXUAL GRATIFICATION OR AROUSAL OF HUNTER BEST OR AND WAS AT LEAST THIRTEEN (13) YEARS OF AGE BUT UNDER SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS OF AGE, AND HUNTER BEST WAS AT LEAST FIVE (5) YEARS OLDER THAN I IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 8-4 (11-1 . 60 (a) (6)) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same Peopl e of the State o f I ll i nois. COUNT NUMBER 15 CASE NUMBER 18CR- 10737 CHARGE ID CODE : A0015830 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for t he County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the Peopl e of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2 018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT in that HE, KNOWINGLY WITHOUT LEGAL AUTHORITY DETAINED IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 10-3(a) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992, AS AMENDED AND, contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 16 CASE NUMBER 1 8CR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 0775000 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of CRIMINAL TRESPASS TO A RESIDENCE in that HE, WITHOUT AUTHORITY, KNOWINGLY ENTERED THE RESIDENCE OF LOCATED AT AVENUE IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE AFTER HE KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW THAT ONE OR MORE PERSONS WERE PRESENT, IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19 - 4(a) (2) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 17 CASE NUMBER 18CR-10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 0012540 The Grand Juro r s chosen, sel e cted a nd swor n, in and for the Coun t y of Cook, in the State of Il l inois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their o aths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best committed the offense of CRIMINAL TRESPASS TO A RESIDENCE in that HE, WITHOUT AUTHORITY, KNOWINGLY ENTERED THE RESIDENCE o'F LOCATED AT AVENUE IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE AFTER HE KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW THAT ONE OR MORE PERSONS WERE PRESENT, I IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19-4(a) (2) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same Peo ple of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 18 CASE NUMBER 18CR - 10737 CHARGE ID CODE: 001 2 540 The Grand Jurors chosen, selected and sworn, in and for the County of Cook, in the State of Illinois, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Illinois, upon their oaths present that on or about May 27, 2018 at and within the County of Cook Hunter Best c ommitted the o f fense of CRIMINAL TRESPASS TO A RESIDENCE in that HE, WITHOUT AUTHORITY, KNOWINGLY ENTERED THE RESIDENCE OF , LOCATED AT AVENUE IN CHICAGO, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE AFTER HE KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW THAT ONE OR MORE PERSONS WERE PRESENT, IN VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 720 ACT 5 SECTION 19 - 4(a) (2) OF THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES 1992 AS AMENDED AND contrary to the Statute and against the peace and dignity of the same People of the State of Illinois. COUNT NUMBER 19 CASE NUMBER 18CR- 10737 CHARGE I D CODE: 0012540 Felony Minute Shee Fo1·m 101 IR Number Defendant(s)/Chg(s) Hunter E Best E 9th St, Bloomington, IN 47408 720 ILCS 5/19-6(a)(6) 01 HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 02 720 ILCS 5/l 9-6(a)(6) HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 720 ILCS 5/l 9-6(a)(6) 03 HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 04 720 ILCS 5/19-6(a)(6) HOME INVASION/SEX OFFENSE 05 720 ILCS 5/ l 9-3(a) RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 06 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 07 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 08 720 ILCS 5/19-3(a) RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY 09 720 ILCS 5/1 1-1.60(c )( 1)(i) AGG CRIM SEX ABUSENICTIM < 13 10 720 ILCS 5111 -1.60(c )( 1)(i) AGG CRIM SEX ABUSENICTIM < 13 DOB THE FACTS BRIEFLY STATED ARE AS FOLLOWS: Inc ident Date: 05/27/2018 On the above date at 2: l 5am at D entered into the 2-flat residence. D went to the top floor, into Vroom. Vis 13 years old . Vparents sleep on the bottom floor in a separate bedroom. D began talking to Vasking her what her name was and how old she was. D told Vhis first name. Vtold D to leave. D left after about 10-15 minutes. and V's bedroom (VD then went into Vparents) where they were s leeping. D approac hed Vand woke her up, asking for a cigarette. Vwoke up and escorted D out of the apartment. Vand Vrealized that D had been in Vroom. Vleft the apartment to find D, but was unsuccessful. Vcontacted the police later that morning, around 9:00am. On above date at 2:20am, D went into the unlocked apartment at V(11 years old) was sleeping on the couch at 1992 95,2: ro? 84 .01her grandfather's house. V- grandfather is W- Vstarted crying and whimpering and D fled the residence. Wheard Vcrying and went towards her room. Wsaw a man fleeing from the couch to the doo r, but _ __.• .ww.....,...._ililll etl.ia-g ~o~o~ d look at his face. Page 1 (Court Branch) (Court Date) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS M -r----------------------------------------------------------<-s-_s.1)_c_c_M_c_-1_-2..1_9....,.(.1)_____ ""- STATE OF } THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY L INOI s SS. IL 1 .-.1) COUNTY OF COOK t COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT CJ:. Detective Daniel Schmit, #2018 1, of the Chicago Police Department, Complainant, now appears before the undersigned judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County and requests the issuance of a search warrant to search: Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Rd. Bedminster, NJ 07921 and the account attached to the Verizon phone number of And seize the following: a) All incoming and outgoing calls and all available toll records to include call detail, b) All subscriber and ownership information, c) All GPS data, d) All cellular tower hits including content, e) All available call detail records (CDRs) to include SMS detail/content, f) Data sessions, g) Per Call Measurement Data I Range To Tower Data , h) Cellular device information which includes ESN number, i) All the above for the dates and times of April 27th, 2018, at 0001 hours (CST) through present (CST). j) All voice mail content with access. which have been used in the commission of, which constitute evidence of, or which constitute the fruits of the offense of: Home Invasion 720 ILCS 5/19-6 Complainant Subscribed and sworn to before me on Judge Judge's No. Page 2 (Court Branch) - (Court Date) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS (8-81) CCMC-1-219 \ r-- STATEOF .__ \ ILLINOIS '-0 COUNTY OF (1) THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY } SS• COOK COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT Complainant says that he has probable cause to believe, based upon the following facts, that the above listed things to be seized are now located upon the premises set forth above: I, Detective Daniel Schmit,# 20181, your affiant, am employed by the Chicago Police Department. I have been so employed for approximately 6 years, and am currently assigned to the Area Central Detective Division as an investigator. Your Affiant has obtained the information contained in this affidavit from conversations with other law enforcement officers, witnesses involved in this investigation, from my personal knowledge, from my participation in this case, as well as from documents I have reviewed and my prior training and experience. The information contained in this affidavit is stated for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause and does not contain all facts and information regarding this investigation. Investigation J1 -& 0 ) 0 x \) ~. On May 27, 2018, at approximately 8:00am, victim called 911 to report an unknown male white had entered his apartment, located at and hugged who had been sleeping in her bedroom. and kissed his 13 year old daughter, stated the man had apparently entered the apartment through an unlocked front door at approx. 2:00am. escorted the man out of his apartment before learning of the incident with his daughter. described the male white as approx. 5'6-5'7, 160 lbs, with short brown or light brown hair. stated the man had told her his name was "Hunter". Later on May 27, 2018 at approximately 3:00pm, victim called 911 to through his unlocked report an unknown male had entered his house, located at who had been front door and sexually abused his 11 year old granddaughter, stated the man had been in his sleeping on a couch in Mr. bedroom. Mr. house at approx. 2:20am, before fl eeing on foot. Complainant Subscribed and sworn to before me on Judge Judge's No. Page 3 (Court Branch) 0_____ 1 1 -.SJ STATEOF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY } SS. ~COOK ~ COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT . and of the male due to darkness in the room. were unable to provide a physical description A canvass of the area of the two incidents, which are approximately 0.2 miles from each other, produced video surveillance footage . Upon viewing said footage, investigators learn that a male white, approximately 20-30 years old, with brown or light brown hair was captured walking westbound in the south alley of Belden Ave at approx. 2: l 3am from the direction of Ave towards Cleveland Ave (500W). -- Investigators created a Community Alert which included stills of the man seen in the alley around the time of the incidents. The alert and the footage were subsequently reported by the local media. The investigation is still open and on-going. Your Affiant was contacted by a subject who claimed to have seen the news reports of the incidents and recognized the person shown as his friend, Hunter E. BEST. The caller, who wished to remain anonymous, stated BEST was visiting the area from Indiana on the date of the incidents and was wearing the same clothing as pictured in the news reports. Caller, John DOE, provided the phone number for BEST as Based on this, your Affiant has found it necessary to identify the location of the phone belonging to BEST. Your Affiant conducted research on the phone number of service provider is Verizon. and learned the Being familiar with cellular phone technology, your Affiant is aware that cellular service providers keep records of subscriber infom1ation, calls placed and received, text message, multimedia and data transfer activity. In order for cellular phones to communicate in this fashion, service providers use cellular towers to connect with cellular devices. These cellular Complainant Subscribed and sworn to before me on Judge Judge's No. Page 4 (Court Branch) 0-o (Court Date) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS '\ 1---__________.........................................................................................................5 YR OLDER VIC 720 ILCS 5/8 - 4( ll - l . 60(d) ) A0015830 Class: 3 0016 UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT 720 ILCS 5/10-3 0775000 Class : 4 0017 CRIM TRES TO RES/PERS PRESENT 720 ILCS 5/19 - 4 (a) (2) 0012 540 Class : 4 0018 CRIM TRES TO RES/PERS PRESENT 720 ILCS 5/19-4 (a) (2) 0012540 Class : 4 0019 CRIM TRES TO RES/PERS PRESENT 720 ILCS 5/19 - 4 (a) (2) 0012540 Class: 4 *** CAC Pagc I or I (3-81) CCMC-1-220 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS The P..:ople or th..: Stat..: of Illinois lo all p..:a..:c otliccrs of lh<' stat<:: On th is day. Detective D. Schmit, #20 18 1, Chicago Police Department, Area Centra l Detecti ve Division, has subscribed and sworn to a complaint for search warran t before me. Upon examination of the complaint, I find that it states facts sutlicient to show probable cause. l therefore command that you sea rch : Hunter E BEST Male, White DOB: 1992 IR#: none SID#: IN2092688 FB I#: 96VWVPPAN and seize the following: Biologica l Samples by means of Buccal Swab which have been used in th e commission of, or which constitute evidence of th e offense of: 720 ILCS 19-6-A-6 Home Invas ion ~' ....., ........... ............. __ _. ........... __ _". I I further command that a return of anything so seized shall be made without necessary delay before me or before any court of -;)' competent jurisdiction Juage ~·\ .~0----:."'-\,/ \C\~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ......G.\>v~~ . . ....... ..... . . ....... . .. . .... ...L_)_ .. . . ........... JUDGE No. \\c"'~--.~~C J~ L((ci~ ······················································· ........................................................................... . Page I of 3 COU RT DAT £ COURT BRANC H DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE C IRCU IT COU RT OF COO K COUNTY, ILLINOIS (3-81) CCMC-1-219 STA TE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK THE CIRCUIT COU RT OF COOK COUNTY Det. D. Schmit, #20181, C hicago Police Department, Area Central Detective Divis ion, now appears before the undersigned judge of the Circuit Court of Coo k County and requests the issuance of a search warrant to search : Hunter E BEST Ma le. White DOB: 1992 IR#: none SID#: IN2092688 FBI#: 96VWV PPAN and seize th e following: Biologica l Samples by means of Bucca l Swab which have been used in the commission of, or which constitute evidence of th e offense of: 720 ILCS 19-6-A-6 Home Invasion Complainant says that he has probable cause to believe, based upon the followin g facts, that the above listed things to be seized are now located upon the person and premise.s set forth above: Detective Daniel Schmit, #20 181 , your affiant, is a Chicago Police Officer and has been for approximately 6 years. Your affiant is presently assigned to the Area Central Detective Division as an investigator. Your Affiant has obtained the information contained in this affidavit from conversations with other law enforcement officers, witnesses involved in this investigation, from my personal knowledge, from my participation in this case, as well as from documents I have reviewed and my prior training and experience. The information contained in this affidavit is stated for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause and does not contain all facts and information regarding this investigation. s. h____ t: STATE OF ILLINOIS ....Q COUNTY OF COOK \ ~ ~ ' ' } THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY SS • . C01\.1PLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT Complainant says that he has probable cause to believe, based upon the following facts, that the above listed things to be seized are now located upon the premises set forth above: I, Detective Daniel Schmit,# 20181, your affiant, am employed by the Chicago Police Department. I have been so employed for approximately 6 years, and am currently assigned to the Area Central Detective Division as an investigator. Your Affiant has obtained the information contained in this affidavit from conversations with other law enforcement officers, witnesses involved in this investigation, from my personal knowledge, from my participation in this case, as well as from documents I have reviewed and my prior training and experience. The information contained in this affidavit is stated for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause and does not contain all facts and information · regarding this investigation. Investigation On May 27, 2018, at approximately 8:00am, victim called 911 to report an unknown male white had entered his apartment, located at Ave #3, and hugged and kissed his 13 year old daughter, who had been sleeping in her bedroom. stated the man had apparently entered the apartment through an unlocked front door at approx. 2:00am.. escorted the man out of his apartment.before learning of the incident with his daughter. described the male white as approx. 5'6-5'7, 160 lbs, stated the man had told her his name with sho11 brown or light brown hair. was "Hunter". Later on May 27, 2018 at approximately 3:00pm, victim called 911 to through his unlocked report an unknown male had entered his house, located at front door and sexually abused his 11 year old granddaughter, who had been sleeping on a couch in Mr. bedroom. Mr. stated the man had been in his house at approx. 2:20am, before fleeing on foot. . . . . . u.2J.w4... 1,Q.ll/.................. . Subscribed and sworn to before me on Complainant .......... /.t.:'!:rfjj.../~................... .............{!.(.l~....:ef...~f Judge's No. Page 3 (Court Branch) ~ (Court Date) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS I f'--------------------------------------------------------------<-s_-s_1.)c_c_~_1c_-_1-_2_19___<.1>_____ \ STATE OF } ...s; ILLINOIS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY ss. COUNTY OF ~COOK ~ COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT and of the male due to darkness in the room. were unable to provide a physical description A canvass of the area of the two incidents, which are approximately 0.2 miles from each other, produced video surveillance footage. Upon viewing said footage, investigators learn that a male white, approximately 20-30 years old, with brown or light brown hair was captured walking westbound in the south alley of Belden Ave at approx. 2: 13am from the direction of Ave towards Cleveland Ave (500W). - Investigators created a Community Alert which included stills of the man seen in the alley around the time of the incidents. The alert and the footage were subsequently reported by the local media. The investigation is still open and on-going. Your Affiant was contacted by a subject who claimed to have seen the news reports of the incidents and recognized the person shown as his friend, Hunter E. BEST. The caller, who wished to remain anonymous, stated BEST was visiting the area from Indiana on the date of the incidents and was wearing the same clothing as pictured in the news reports. Caller, John DOE, provided the phone number for BEST as Based on this, your Affiant has found it ncccssa.ry to identify the location of the pho:1e belonging to BEST. Your Affiant conducted research on the phone number of service provider is Verizon. and learned the Being familiar with cellular phone technology, your Affiant is aware that cellular service providers keep records of subscriber information, calls placed and received, text message, multimedia and data transfer activity. In order for cellular phones to communicate in this fashion, service providers use cellular towers to connect with cellular devices. These cellular . . . . . . . CZJ..J..2.<.l~.l. . . . . . . . .. Complainant Subscribed and sworn to before me on ................ .1.1...~~l!.f ...!.f.:;i-)~ ................... f...t..~t.~........... ................ Judge Judge's No. Page 4 t><:> \ (Court Branch) (Court Date) CLERK OF THE CJRCUJT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLJNOIS ~------------------------------------------------------------•(•s-_s.1).c_c_M_c_-_1-_2_19....(1•)----.___. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY \ STATEOF SS. '--0 ILLINOIS COUNTY OF } ~COOK ~ ~ \::]' COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT towers are placed throughout the country to allow cellular devices uninterrupted service. Your Affiant is aware that cellular service providers keep records of which towers are used by e~ch cellular device along with the physical location of each cellular tower. Having the knowledge of what cellular tower was used by a cellular device can give investigators a general location of the cellular device's operator during use. Also, said records will show call patterns. These patterns can be used to locate witnesses or identify suspects. In order to identify patterns, investigators will need to analyze data stored prior to the incident in question. Based on the above facts, your Affiant has reason to believe that the Verizon account attached to the cellular phone number of may contain records of calls made and received, subscriber and ownership information, voice mails including voice content, GPS data, cellular tower hits including cell site sector information, per call measurement/range to tower data, text message and multimedia messages and other evidence that show a violation of the Illinois Complied Statutes Chapter 720 ILCS 5 Section 19-6 and asks this Honorable Court to issue this search warrant. · Based on my training, experience, and investigation of this case, your Affiant believes that there is probable cause to believe that there is evidence contained within this Verizon cellular phone account, and seek your authorization to search same. Also, due to the sensitive nature ofthis investigation, your Affiant requests that Verizon and their representatives, agents and employees shall not disclose in any manner, directly or indirectly, by any action or inaction, the existence ofthis search warrant, in full or redacted form . .. . .. ...®1lf. .?.,;,).'/,. .L.. ............ Subscribed and sworn to before me on Complainant . ... . .. . . . ../4. ~~f·····ji~ . .... . .. . . ...f..Lt.4A . o. · · . . . . :.. Judge Judge's No. Page 1 (Court Branch) (Court Date) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS ""l----------------------------------------------------------<-s-_s.1).c_c_M_c_-1_-2_.i_9.....<.1).____ \""'- STA TE OF 1 ILLINOIS .-J) COUNTY OF } THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY SS. COOK ~-Q.. COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT Detective Daniel Schmit, #20181, of the Chicago Police Department, Complainant, now appears before the undersigned judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County and requests the issuance of a search warrant to search: Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Rd. Bedminster, NJ 07921 and the account attached to the Verizon phone number of And seize the fo llowing: a) All incoming and outgoing calls and all available toll records to include call detail, b) All subscriber and ownership information, c) All GPS data, d) All cellular tower hits including content, e) All available call detail records (CDRs) to include SMS detaiVcontent, f) Data sessions, g) Per Call Measurement Data I Range To Tower Data , h) Cellular device information which includes ESN number, i) All the above for the dates and times of April 27th, 2018, at 0001 hours (CST) through present (CST). j) All voice mail content with access. which have been used in the commission of, which constitute evidence of, or which constitute the fruits of the offense of: Home Invasion 720 ILCS 5/19-6 Complainant Subscribed and sworn to before me on Judge Judge's No. Page 2 (Court Branch) (Court Date) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS -r--- {S-8 1) CCMC-1-219 \ -- STATE OF \ ILLINOIS ' ° COUNTY OF COOK {I} THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY } SS. COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT Complainant says that he has probable cause to believe, based upon the following facts, that the above listed things to be seized are now located upon the premises set forth above: I, Detective Daniel Schmit,# 20181 , your affiant, am employed by the Chicago Police Department. I have been so employed for approximately 6 years, and am currently assigned to the Area Central Detective Division as an investigator. Your Affiant has obtained the information contained in this affidavit from conversations with other law enforcement officers, witnesses involved in this investigation, from my personal knowledge, from my participation in this case, as well as from documents I have reviewed and my prior training and experience. The information contained in this affidavit is stated for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause and does not contain all facts and information regarding this investigation. Investigation J~ -, 0 . J On May 27, 2018, at approximately 8:00am, victim called 911 to report an unknown male white had entered his apartment, located at Ave #3, and hugged and kissed his 13 year old daughter, who had been sleeping in her bedroom. stated the man had apparently entered the apartment through an unlocked front door at approx. 2:00am. escorted the man out of his apartment before learning of the incident with his daughter. described the male white as approx. 5'6-5'7, 160 lbs, stated the man had told her his name with short brown or light brown hair. was "Hunter" . Later on May 27, 2018 at approximately 3:00pm, victim called 911 to through his unlocked report an unknown male had entered his house, located at front door and sexually abused his 11 year old granddaughter, who had been sleeping on a couch in Mr. bedroom. Mr. stated the man had been in his house at approx. 2:20am, before fleeing on foot. Complainant Subscribed and sworn to before me on Judge Judge's No. Page 3 (Court Branch) (Court Date) \)<:) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS lf".. __________________________________________________________..,.<.s-_s.1)_c_c_M_c_-_1-_21_9___<1.)_____ STA TE OF ILLIN 0 IS \ ...SJ } THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY SS. COUNTY OF ~COOK ~ COMPLAJNT FOR SEARCH WARRANT and of the male due to darkness in the room. were unable to provide a physical description A canvass of the area of the two incidents, which are approximately 0.2 miles from each other, produced video surveillance footage . Upon viewing said footage, investigators learn that a male white, approximately 20-30 years old, with brown or light brown hair was captured walking westbound in the south alley of Belden Ave at approx. 2: l 3am from the direction of Ave towards Cleveland Ave (500W). - Investigators created a Community Alert which included stills of the man seen in the alley around the time of the incidents. The alert and the footage were subsequently reported by the local media. The investigation is still open and on-going. 1./ 1 D __, ·') Your Affiant was contacted by a subject who claimed to have seen the news reports of the incidents and recognized the person shown as his friend, Hunter E. BEST. The caller, who wished to remain anonymous, stated BEST was visiting the area from Indiana on the date of the incidents and was wearing the same clothing as pictured in the news reports. Caller, John DOE, provided the phone number for BEST as Based on this, your Affiant has found it necessary to identify the location of the phone belonging to BEST. e Your Affiant conducted research on the phone number of service provider is Verizon. x Being familiar with cellular phone technology, your Affiant is aware that cellular service providers keep records of subscriber info1mation, calls placed and received, text message, multimedia and data transfer activity. In order for cellular phones to communicate in this fashion, service providers use cellular towers to connect with cellular devices. These cellular and learned the () ~ --- ~ Complainant Subscribed and sworn to before me on Judge Judge's No. Page 4 (Court Branch) (Court Date) (>a ..T CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS 1'"--------------------------------------------------------------•(s_-s_1_)_c_cM__c_-1_-~_1_9__<_1_)_____ \ STATE OF ---S) ILLINOIS COUNTY OF } THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY SS. &,cooK ~ \.0 COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT towers are placed throughout the country to allow cellular devices uninterrupted service. Your Affiant is aware that cellular service providers keep records of which towers are used by each cellular device along with the physical location of each cellular tower. Having the knowledge of what cellular tower was used by a cellular device can give investigators a general location of the cellular device's operator during use. Also, said records will show call patterns. These patterns can be used to locate witnesses or identify suspects. In order to identify patterns, investigators will need to analyze data stored prior to the incident in question. Based on the above facts, your Affiant has reason to believe that the Verizon account may contain records of calls made and attached to the cellular phone number of received, subscriber and ownership information, voice mails including voice content, GPS data, cellular tower hits including cell site sector information, per call measurement/range to tower data, text message and multimedia messages and other evidence that show a violation of the Illinois Complied Statutes Chapter 720 ILCS 5 Section 19-6 and asks this Honorable Court to issue this search warrant. Based on my training, experience, and investigation of this case, your Affiant believes that there is probable cause to believe that there is evidence contained within this Verizon cellular phone account, and seek your authorization to search same. Also, due to the sensitive nature of this investigation, your Affiant requests that Verizon and their representatives, agents and employees shall not disclose in any manner, directly or indirectly, by any action or inaction, the existence of this search warrant, in full or redacted form. Complainant / '-..- -~ ~ cL. () ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me on Judge Judge's No. (J-R I) CCi\ I C- 1-220 I N TllE C IRC U IT COll llT OF COOi..: COU NTY. ILI.INO I S On May '27. 20 11<. 11t 0 1· :20 18. :ti I :1ll'r n11 i\ l:l) '27 . 21)1 X at :1pp1\l:\i matcl; 3:UOp111 . ,·iciim ca lled 91 1 111 repllrl :111 u11k1Hl\\ ll 11w k lwd rn1 c rc..~d hi s hl1l1Sl', located al through hi s un locked 1·ront dnn r and so; u;il ly abu sL·d hi s 11 year \1lcl g rnmldanghtc r. \\·ho had hcrn s leeping o n a much in \ bc..·droo rn. :-.tated tIi..: 111a11 had been in hi s hou at approx . 2 :20am. hc!orc lleci ng n11 li'.1ot. and ph; s ical .:.::.._:: :-::::::::, dl' ~ni p1ic1 11 \\ c..·rc..· unah k to 1ml\' idc: a pf tilt· 111ak due to'ss in the room . .\ c m\ ass ot' thc area n l' thc twu i11cidc 11Ls. whic h arc :ipprn:-:imatcly 0. 2 mi les l'rorn L·ach other. pr11d ucnl ' idc..·o surn:il lancc fo1Hage. Upon \'iC\\ ing said footage. investigators learn that a 111nlc white. approx imate ly 20-.\ 0 ) L'ars old, wi th bro\\ 11 o r light brown hair ,,·as capturc..·d walking westbound in the south al Icy or Ikl den ;\ ve at approx. 2: I 3a111 rrom the dircctil)ll or /\ \IC towards Cleveland /\ve {500\V ). :rC> In vesti gato rs created a Community /\ lcrt which inc.;ludcd stills of the man seen in the alley around the time of the inc ide nts. The alert and the fr1otage were subsequently reported by the local med ia. The investigation is still open and on-goi ng. Yo ur /\ niant was contac ted by n subject who dai 1111.:d to have seen the news reports of the incidents and re\.'ogni 7ccl lhc person shown as his fri end. I luntcr I·.. BEST. The caller, who wished to remain ano nymo us. stated nl :ST was visiting the area from l 11diana 011 the dntc of' I he incidents and was wearing the -;amc clothing as pictured in the news reports. l 0',1-Qa-r;: . ~\c~~c~~.____-~/0 . 0~ IS ~~ .Jl ' l>CF .ludg~" ;-.., (J-Sll CCMC- 1-2211 I I'\ T ll E cmcurr COllln OF COO K COUNTY, I LLI NOIS fo1 IL' I lJ. :::'.0 I l\ :Ill :ll'l'L'Sl \\';1rra 111 \\ 11~ isSUL'd l(ir I lull ll' r 1: nLST lt ir thl' 1lffl'll SL' ll r I l\1111t• Il l\ as ioll. I lt1 1Hcr placcd i11 111 rns tndy on xx< . ( ) 11 ·11i c11 11ti11 uc tlii -.. ill\ l·st iga ti<111. ;our 1\flia11t ha ~ li.ntnd it lll'O.:l'SS<1ry (() colkct a biol1>~ ical sample fro111 S ll ) I : I. ] ()lJ.2<1~8 . and cp111 pan..· s;1 id s:i mpk lo lhL' pre\·i·ni sly 1m:11 til111ed co lkc tcd 1.'\ idL'IHX. I h1 11 kr I· 1 ~ 1-. S I . 1 Hasnl llll ~ 1 h11\ 1.' . :11u r :it'li;int hc lic \1.'S prnhuhk c;1usc cx is ts li.1r tile 1.·olkc1i1lll 1ii' hi11l11,:; ic:tl 1mlL' ri:tl. b: 111..::111:-- 11f Hucc; ii \\\al'. i't\1 111 l l11111<: r I . HI :s I'. ~ 11) :! : I1 ~ 09 2M~8 . .;-.::::.::-::> ., I •• ' ?"' (----'<.- ,. 1.--1 ~ - \\b \ {. ~ . lt> ·L.u_"-" . . l\~~~c:-rl;~--:-' I >c~. ~J '~-.s'( .ll ' l>CE!"· , '·" (J- 81) CC t\ IC-1-22(1 I N TllE cm curr COli HT OF COO K C Ol l,\TY . ILLI NOIS ( ln 1hi, d a ~ . Ik1,·,·1i' .: I). Sd 1111it. 1i20 Ill 1. Cl 1ica ~ cri lH:d and ' " urn 1\1 :t C1>111pl:ti1H for ~l'a n: h 11arr:i111 bdi•r..: lllC. Upn11 l'\ a11ti11a1ion of1 hc cn111pla i111. I lind 1h:i1 ii ~ lal 1'~ ra<.:IS ;.ul'lir i1·n1 IO '> hll\\ pn>hah k Cill" \' . thl'rcfort command that yo u :-;ca rch : 11t1111l'r E m·:s r ;\ lah:. \Vhik 1) () 1~ : 11) 1J2 11{11: 11(1JIC SllJrl : I 20926XX 1: m 11: %\1 \\ 'VP P.\ J\ :1 nd '. s eizC' I he followin g: \ which han· bl'Cn used i11 lhl' co m111i ssio11 or, or whkh co11 s lit11lc l' \ idcrH' l' or th e offt.·11st.' of: 7 20 II.CS 19- delay before me or he fo re any court of rn111pct\'11t _jurisdict ion .111ogc 'r\CL-~.'-\<.~ -~\·~~-:>. ...~:~;,~ \C\ ~-~ .l lJ DCE ~o. - --C- -- -- ----O LI lfl' lrn ·\ .\Cl I C'Ol 'lff 11.\TE l>OIHHllY BIW\V . Cl.El~K OF Tiit·: C IRC U IT C OU RT OF C OOK \ Ol lNTY . ILl .l i'\01 '; (J-81) CC MC'-1-219 TllE STATE OF ILLINOIS CO U:\TY OF c oo1..; cmc urr CO lJ RT OF COOK COU NTY Dl•t. D. Sch111 i1, 1120 181. C hirng o l'olil' t' lh'parllll l' lll, Arca C rntral D c tl'<' li\'C Divis ion , now appt•ars hl'l'on• lh l' 1111dt·r~ ig1H• d judgl' of !ht· C ircuil Cuurl of C ool\ Co11111 y and n ·q1a•s ts tht• i ~s 11:11u·c of ;1 Sl'ard1 warrant lo ' l' ard1 : -=r:. llunt..:r 1-. BI S I' ~ l : 1k . \\ 'hit(' DO B: 1992 !RI!: 110 11 ~· <...11)1!: 11'20n<>XX FI W i : % \' \\ V Pl'1\ N and Sl'izc the followin g: ( ,) which have hct·n t1SC' ) ., Page 4 (Court Branch) (Court Date) C>o CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS 1'-----------------------------------------------------------------<-s-_s.•).c_·c_,_1c_-_•_-~_,_o_.(.1)..._____ '--• \ STATE OF '--Q ILLI NOIS } T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK SS. COl..i~ TY COUNTY OF ~COOK ~ \.'\'- COMPLAI NT FOR SEARCH WAHRANT \:; to\vcrs are placed thro ughout the country to allow cellular devices uninten-uptcd service. Your Affiant is a\vare that cel lular service pro\·idcrs kee p records of w·hich tO\\·ers are used by each cellular device along \-vi th the physical location of each cellular tower. Having the knowleclge of \vhat cellul ar tower was used by a cellular device can give in vesti gators a general locat ion of the cellular dc\·icc's o perato r during use. Also, said records w ill sho w call patterns. These patte rns can be used to loca te witnesses or identify suspects. In order to identify patterns, inves tigators will m:cd to analyze da ta stored prior to the incident in qut:stion. I3ascd on the above facts. your Affiant has n::ason to belicvt: that the Veri zon account attac hed to the cellul ar phone number of may comain records of calls made and rccci\'cd, subscri ber and ownership information, voice mail s incl uding vo ice co ntent. G PS data. cellular tower hits includ ing cell site sector infonnation, per call measurement/range to towe r data, text message a nd multimedia messages and other evidence that show a violatio n of the Illinoi s Complied Statutes Ch apter 720 ILCS 5 Section 19-6 and as ks thi s Honorable Court to issue this se3rch warrant. Based o n my traini11g, experience. and investi gatio n of this case, your Artiant bclic ,·cs that there is probable cause to believe that there is evidence contained within th is Verizon cellular phone account, and seek) our authori zation to search same. /\(so, due to the sensitive nature of this im es tigatio n, your Affiant requests that V crizon and thei r representa tives, agents and employees sha ll no t· di sclose in any m anner, directly or indirectly, by any action or inaction. the existence of thi s searc h \VMrant. in full or redact eel form . . . . . . . .. f.lf. .