12/10/2019 The Lens Mail - Request for interview Marta Jewson Request for interview Dall, Tania To: Marta Jewson , "LaRose, Greg" Cc: OPSB Communication Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 9:54 AM Good Morning Marta & Greg, In response to The Lens’ and WDSU’s joint media request, the NOLA Public Schools’ Administra on is providing the following statement. Please a ribute NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) in any published content or broadcast: The Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) and NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) are fully commi ed to compliance with the terms of the consent judgment. As part of that commitment, we engage in ac vi es consistent with the Louisiana Department of Educa on’s monitoring and the recommenda ons of the consent judgment’s independent monitor. The monitoring assists OPSB and NOLA-PS in its ongoing review of schools, including accountability for compliance with federal and state laws and regula ons pertaining to students with disabili es. Schools iden fied through monitoring have been diligent in working coopera vely with the independent monitor and OPSB and NOLA-PS, as evidenced by successful implementa on of and exit from correc ve ac ons. We remain responsive to parents’ concerns, as well as those which arise via monitoring. Regardless of the presence of the consent judgment, OPSB and NOLA-PS shall con nue to meet the needs of all students and be responsive to the concerns of our vibrant community. [Quoted text hidden] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1?ik=d437206bce&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1649559041852767847&simpl=msg-f%3A1649559041852767847 1/1