pl- ug .3le - \ialional interest Temporary Residrmt Pennits and Public Policy Temporary Page I of 4 a? if! ggmga} gm?ggnm: Garla? a Connexion Jul-3 dam: Mi] 0135) Operational Bulletin 463 August 28 2312 National lntere?st Temporary Resident Permits and Public Policy Temporary ReSident V1335 Effectwe date Exp-r7 date. if my Immedra?ely MB issue . . . - National Interest The purpose of thus Operadonal Sultana 15 to amalgamate the 03s ?258?an 1?0 the Temporary Resident Mm: and Nb?: policy Temoararv Rossdent Vtsa and changes related to the validly of the ?ao?rmal Interest Letters (Nils). 17115 03 replaces 085 ?39! 125, 245 and 274. Background Canada?s policy ls gmunseo an law and broad. This casts a} wide net that may create irritams mm our valued lntenmtlonal partners. The Govefoglmt of Canada ?rst that the entry of certain mg?n motile inadmissible persons all! be faolltated with the issuance of a distinctively coded counterfoll to intimate that the person concerned ls not to be referred for lmmigratlon secondary exomlnabon if the only reason for going so is to pgocess a temporary resident perm: This a gramme comment with the and Remgegv Protection Ad {mm} that enabled the va?emment :0 grant temporary admission to cezfcaln foxez'gn nationals who were o?venv?xse issued in fashion became known as the ?ational Inierest However, some foreign governments objected the use ofa alt-YR? rattle; than a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), partlcularly mun respect ?3 inadmisslb?lty under sections 34, 3S and 3? of EPA. In September 2010, the Minister introduced a public policy that enables certain folelgn nationals to be exempted from we prowl?Jon's for a temporary purpose whorl u: is in CanaQa?s national late-wast to do .50. linen applied, the policy allows for the issuance ?of a TRV 9:33;;an aim-mp, particularly with resped to untiel sections 34, 35 and 37"Of A TRV issued In this {35mm Datame Known as {he Publl'c Policy TRV {991329}, National Interest Le?er A Nationai intexest Letter (NIL) ?5 a message from a Canadian federal department that identa?es a foreign National and lends suppm to the of procedures by identifying key na?onal mterests. The mm rmalns the stan?am mechanism to fatilitate (entry for under 52030315 34, 35 and 3? of IRPAJ if the a of the public policy ls requested, the NH. must also ind care. implications that favour the issuance ofa va rather than a The N11. must be signed by me sponsoflng tellers! d?epaltmenta: the Assistant Deputy level. at; minimum; or by selected Departmeni of Foreign Affairs and international lode Heads of Mission {Horus}. Missions whoserlou already provides may annue to do sol 46" - Nali mg} 08 3 0 1mm? Resident Permits and Public f?oticy Temporary Page ?2 0? I I Eg?ifs?g??bg{w CIC of?cers 0r Immigration Pragmm Managef?s UPMS) at Vi? 031C135 t0 5 n6: feda O: departments. However, the IPM or use: of?cer may tonsult with the Co PO "9 departmentIHOM. either represanted at the missia? abroad or Canada, to make them aware 0- the national interest; process if the IPM believes there may be nationai interest. considerations in a potentia! refusai. Of?cets 531mm unde?ine that there Is no uarantee that a policy TRV or was be Issued. 9 C858 Management Breath (CHE) shomd be ken: informed of actions mm?atmg the process for a NIL. If the department declines to pmmde 5 MIL, ems shanks be advised, in addition to appropriate notation case notes, tn the event or representations. V153 of?ces shame aiso continue ?2 foncw nmcedums te noti?: CIC NHQ of hiQh?pfO?le, contenticrus and sensative cases as in GP 1, section 15. New Va?dity of a NH. The current process nurmai'iy requsres 3 ML to accompany gvery PREV and r?Quest; the same tetter canrsot Currently he used for a subsequent request. in order to further fadiit?ate the entry of ms when it is in Canada?s nirvana! interest to do so, and to better streamlme the process and make use, of hmited rescurces, the validity of the ML has been extended to 24 months and the ML win cover main! and subsequent visits for both personal and of?cial purposes during that 2?-m0nth penod where ESSA has derenmned that the riskidaanger to Canada is low5533ng entry, the subsequent National Interest TRPs or within the same 24-month wands-w of the ML wourd also be for singte entry. Therewi? be a new NIL required if the sponsoring depaxtment? :s requesting a when the o?gnnat NIL was for a TRP. CBSA wul continue In complete a risk assassmant {Or each visit and the aetegated d?dsion maker will make a new decision on each new apmication regardless of NIL validity. CH: resenres the to shorten the- vaiid'rty cf the NH. if so warrant; CH5 am he in contact with the am. assuar if questions arise or circumstances change (for exampze {f a previously low risk apphca?t Is subjed of a new high risk 833525517313? fr?m CBSA). If thewML issuers (the departments) have any questions er concerns related to speci?c cases when writing their NILs, they shouid contact CMB at Procedures for Considera?on of Rational Interest TRP or issuance Visa Of?ce These procedur?s apply to indiwduals where nationai mterest considerations have been identi?ed and who are madmls?ble Dumant to sewnns 34, 35 and 37 o?mi-?A, Visa offices can expect to receive animations for as well as occasiona: apptications in cases where the FN is aware of their Cases should be referred to Canada Border ServicesAgencv fur screening in accordaace with pmceziura the 3c: manual. The process for the Nationa! int?rest and the is very si?m?ar, The main difference is the documeqt that is ?naliv issued. Case Management Branch Once the NIL has been received either from the visa of?ce or the supporting department directiy and {he inadmissim?ty recommendation with a risk assessment has been?received from {348 will mine?: a recommendation on the Issuance of a Nat-Iona! Interest or a The recommen?a?o? was be prcvided E0 the deiegated authonty (the A . Decision ?aking 21;" hupnficicinmncigcwah atxonal lntercs: Temporary Resident Permits and Pub?c P?ijcy Ki Pages of 4 2:23: (ADM) of Operations and the Associate Assistant Degutv Minister (MOM) a to if?? deiggated authorities for the Issuance of Nationa: Interest TRPs and Overcome ??a?m?s'bmw undar semons 34, 35 and 37 of IRPA Where the use of a Nationai Interest or WTRV is declined, the message wil: be conveyed by CMB to the visa Of?ce for issuance of a refusal letter based on the angina? appiication. Wham the use of the '5 d?dinEd. the decision-maker can use their discretion ta issue a Nationa! I?t?erest TRP. i?iease note the fOIIOwing: Normal processmg fees and exemptions to fees apply If the individuai invited is attending a meeting hosted by the Government of Canada. 2. Far National Interew: TRPs, the ma of?ce will af?x a councerfoil (imi 1346 coded This i type of visa counterfmk, mm 1346, is oniy Issued at wsa offices abraad. When a as issued, coding on the munterfoii shown appear as any ether regulady issued Visa. 3? can be ?ssued for smgia far mumple entries depending on what 15 requested in the rm or at discretion. an Enforcement Information Index exists. a request from CHE to CBSA will be sent to remave the for the duration 0? the appiicant's Natmnai fntereSt?TR? or validity. S. For CMB wm enter a NewComputer Based Entry (NCB) 12 {General information) In the Field Operatipnal Supper? System (FOSS) indicating FROM PROVISIONS FOR A TEMPORARY PURPOSE PURSUANT TO 08 the event that the applicant :3 referred to Secondary. The NCB shank: be valid for 6 1110212115 foiiowing the stated parted of the mat. ma NCB wm be entered FOSS for Mariana! interest TRPs. However, as outlined in GB 322; the Dsrector and Samar Director of Case Review and the D.rez;tor Generaf of Case Management? Branch. atong with, the Area Directors k: the International Region, are deiegated to ?pass" in GEMS on behatf of the de1egazed decision maker. . 6. a travel innerary is requested, the visa of?ce win ask the travel itinerary from the citent and if prOvixded, the vase of?ce mu forward this information to the National! Sacu?ty Saeening Resident Assessments and Intemgence Section of CBSA at W, who win then advise the appropriate For: of?ntry (POE) in advance or the expecreci arrive! o! the chant. If an rtinerary is received and sent after regular working hourg (Ottawa time) and the FM is- sc?edmed to Have? before the next business day, the visa cf?ce should may the N385) Duty emaii at NH I an If" or provide the itinerary over the phone at so that: the duty of?cer can go?fy the 90E. When the :tinerant is sent, CMB must be mpied at - i - Visa of?cers shoutd advise c?ents that this information mt! be used to fadiitate their examination at the POE. As such, it is bigmy recommended and in the best interest of the client to notify the ?ssion 9f their {Java pians, In the case where a muitipia entry has been issuea, the dient should be counse?ad af the beae?ts cf notifying the misseon 9f subsequent trips. 7, Na letter is ta be issued to the apa?wnt Indicating that a or has: been Issugd. Furthermore, rm ia?er af intmductian is to be Issued to these cue-?ts to present at. the P05. 8? Veri?cation of departure is not: required for giients Issued NI- TRPs or instructions: Port of Entry Eatxy to Canada and referral to Xmmigra?o?hi??iv an?" omw? (350), . -.A hitpzi/cicintianemi. 93 46.3 - Valium} Interest Temporm? Resitient Permits and i?ub?c Parity ?empomry Page 4 of 4 If?gevent that persons Ppmve? for a Him-15> are referred to Immigrevon Satoradaw, the 850 ml! Godmg 6* the and the mass in FOSS and anow . . the person to proceed as res FOSS mifficate the details for the aui?mrizatmn of the WP, mainiy that no v. be to the sumea {it the P05, and that the homer ofa max-mp counterfoii issued by ?53? 03 ?095 ?9t reQuinta referral. to Immigza-?on Secondary at? me FOE for the sole purpose of Drocessn mg the TRP. in the event that persons appmved for a 9: note the spade! coding of the are referred to Immigration Secondary, the- BSO will normal. ant? {he notes in FOSS gins anew the person to proceed as 99550? for a be referred :0 Immigration Secondary, the 850 wii! note ?aat the pubilc {>03er has been appiied From the NCB in F055 and a?ow the persan, to proceed as max-ma}. However, CBSA Of?cers retain the disc-wan to refer sud: persons to a secondary exam natgon if other suf?cient indicators e'x?st. If a homer of a or is referred to Immigration Secondary; an e-ma? message; should be Sent to CNS and the issuing visa office abroad. Contacts For further infur'ma?cn on the. pmcedufes outlined in {his dOcument. please contact Operationai Manag?me? and Cam?d?nation Branch at damn: ratmni? c. Case Management Branch at CIC NHQ can be contacted at?apgg??gvigw?gcic QC . CBSA Temporary Resident Assessments and Intangance Secgion can? be contacted at'm - Manual chapte?s} to be updaied nfa NHQ Contact Edited by Oma?oaa! Information Management 13 vls?on. pate modi?ed 291240911