"as I I I: IN TWO VOLUMES. 'I?ranlawd from the trench of DE SECONDAT, I BARON DE MONTESQIIEU. L. vommn THE Fstr. ?--?-Prolem ?ne In!? cum. THE TENTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed for s.c;ownn, c. WARS, and T. Pun. I.DCC.LKIHI. .1 1; on THE SPIRIT Ebofkm. would. no longer ?peat-any. lam out of coorfe they would either becomedefperate, or fall; into [late of indolence.. The legi?ntire body lhouid one ailimble of itl'el? For a body is 'fnppofed'to-have no will'but when 'itil alfembled; were it not to a?emble unai- nimou?y, it would be impo?ible to determine which was really the legi?ztive body, the part all'embled. or the Oth?l?.? And if it had a-right to- pmogue- itfel?. it might happennever to be proro ued; which would he extremely it! ould ever attempt to incroach on the executive power. Bo?des, there: are feafons, fame of which are more proper that others for alliembling the legi?ative body: It is El: thereme that the executive power ?muld re late the time of convening, alt-well as the duration 0 thorn] alfemhlies, according to the andexiv- gencies of [late known to itfelf. - Were the: executive power not to-hare alright of: tting {lap to the incroachmente oF-the legi?atiee y, the latter would become defpotic; for ate-eit- might arrogate to-r-itfelf.what authority. it pleafed, it. would-foot: defiroy all the-other powers. But it isnot proper,- on the other hand, that the. ieki?ative pewu -?1ould have a right to ?oor the ere-- active. For- 15 the execution has its natural limits, it is ufelefs toeon?neit; be?dee, the executive power is. generally employed in momentary operationl. The wet thereforeof' the Raoman tribunes was faulty, net put a flop not only to-the Iegi?ation, but likewife-to - the execution itfelf which was attended with in?nite- mifchiefe. I . But if- the legillntive power ine. free government ought to have. no right to ?op- the executive, it has. right, and ought to have - the means of examining In what manner its laws hare-been executed"; an ad:- -'I'antt?tge which this government has over that of Crete Ind Sparta, where the-Cofrni and the Epherigave no- It'connt of their admini?ration. But whatever may beithe-ill'ue of that Will?), .h