ANNALS THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. THE DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS IN THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING IMPORTANT STATE PAPERS AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS: THE LAWS OF A PUBLIC WITH A COPIOUS INDEX. SECOND CONGRESS: COMPRISING THE PERIOD FROM OCTOBER 24, 1791, TO MARCH 2, 1793, INCLUSIVE. COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC MATERIALS. WASHINGTON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GALES AND SEATON- 493 HISTORY OF CONGRESS. 494 MARCH, 1792.] Defeat of the?Army under General St. Clair. or R. case. He said the House ought to deliberate well, before they requested the President to do a thing which he had it not in his power to do. It was evident that the object ofa Court Martial or Court of Inquiry must be to elucidate facts which would require the presence of o?icers, who could not possibly give their attendance in season to meet the object of the resolution. He made some further remarks, and then the question on the re? solution was put, when? A division of the said motion was called for; and the quastion being put, that the House do agree to the ?rst clause thereof, in the words fol? lowing: Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to institute an inquiry into the causes of the late defeat of the Army under the command of Ma- jor General St. Clair It passed in the negative?yeas 21, nays 35, as follows: Yeas?John Baptist Ashe, Elias Boudinot, Abraham Clark, William Findley, William B. Giles, Benjamin Goodhue, Daniel Heister, Aaron Kitchell, Richard Bland Lee, Nathaniel Macon, John Page, Josiah Parker, Cor- nelius C. Schoonmaker, Joshua Seney, Thomas Sump- ter, Peter Sylvester, George Thatcher, Thomas Tred- Well, Abraham Venable, Artemas Ward, and Francis Willis. Nara?Fisher Ames, Abraham Baldwin, Robert Barnwell, Egbert Benson, Shearjashub Bourne, Benja- min Bourne, John Brown, Thomas Fitzsirnons, icho- las Gilman, James Gordon, Andrew Gregg, Samuel Grif?n, William Barr)r Grove, Thomas Hartley, James Hillhouse, Daniel Huger, Philip Key, Amasa Learned, Samuel Livermore, James Madison, John Francis Mer- cer, Andrew Moore, Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, William Vans Murray, Nathaniel Niles, Theodore Sedg? wick, Jeremiah Smith, Israel Smith, William Smith, John Steele, Samuel Sterrett, Jonathan Sturges, John Vining, Alexander White, and Hugh Williamson. And so the said motion was rejected. Another motion was then made and seconded, that the House do come to the following resolu- tion: Resolved, That a committee be appointed to in- quire into the causes of the failure of the late expedi- tion under Major General St. Clair; and that the said committee be empowered to call for such persons, pa- pers, and records, as may be necessary to assist their mqulrles.? And the question being put that the House do agree to the same, it was resolved in the af?rma- tive?yeas 44, nays 10, as follows: Yeas?John Baptist Ashe, Abraham Baldwin, Shear- jashub Bourne, Benjamin Bourne, John Brown, Abra- ham Clark, Findley, Thomas Fitzsimons, Wil- liam B. Giles, Nicholas Gilman, James Gordon, An- drew Gregg, Samuel Gri?in, William Barry Grove, Thomas Hartley, Daniel Holster, Daniel Huger, Philip Key, Aaron John W. Kittera, Richard Bland Lee, Samuel Livermore, Nathaniel Macon, James Madi- son, John Francis Mercer, Andrew Moore, Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, William Vans Murray, Natha- niel Niles, Josiah Parker, Theodore Sedgwick, Joshua Seney, Jeremiah Smith, John Steele, Samuel Sterrett, Jonathan Sturges, Peter Sylvester, Thomas Tredwell, Thomas Tudor Tucker, John Vining, Artemas Ward, Alexander White, Hugh Williamson, and Francis Willis. Nara?Fisher Ames, Robert Barnwall, Egbert Ben- son, Benjamin Goodhue, James Hillhouse, John Page, Cornelius C. Schoonmaker, Israel Smith, William Smith, and Thomas Sumpter. Ordered, That Mr. FITZSIMONS, Mr. GILES, Mr. STEELE, Mr. MERCER, Mr. VINING, Mr. CLARK, and Mr. SEDGWICK, be appointed the said com- mittee. Ordered, That the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of War return the petitions presented to this House by invalids and others, whose cases are comprehended in the provision of any act of the present session, with the papers accompanying the said petitions, which have been referred to them, and are now in their respective of?ces 5 and that the several petitioners have leave to withdraw their petitions. The House proceeded to consider the report of the committee to whom was referred the petition of the of?cers of the levies late in the service of the United States. Whereupon, That part of the said report 111 the words fol- lowing: That the said of?cers are entitled to a similar boun- ty allowed to the of?cers of the regiments, for each re- cruit by them enlisted; and that a special provision be made therefor,? being read, was, on the question put thereupon, dlsagreed to by the House. Resolved, That the said petition be rejected. WEDNESDAY, March 28. Mr. FITZSIMONS, from the committee to whom were referred the Treasurer?s accounts of receipts and expenditures of the public moneys, from the 1st October to the 31st December, 1791, inclusive, made a report; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table. The SPEAKER laid before the House a Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompany- ing the returns of duties arising on imports and tonnage for one year, ending the 30th September last, and a return of exports to the same period; which was read, and ordered to be committed to Mr. PARKER, Mr. KEY, and Mr. GILMAN. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House on the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury respecting the Public Debt; and, after some time spent therein, the Committee reported progress, and had leave to sit again. A message from the Senate informed the House that the Senate have passed the bill entitled ?An act for ?nishing the light-house on Baldhead, at the mouth of Cape Fear river, in the State of North Carolina.? THURSDAY, March 29. Mr. SEDGWICK, frorn the Committee appomted, presented a bill authorizing a grant and convey? ance of certain lands to the Ohio Company of