conduct by the defendant, although motivated by something other than ill will toward any particular party, is so outrageous that malice toward a person injured as a result of that conduct can be implied.? Id. Implied malice cannot be found based merely on ?reckless disregard of the circumstances.? Id. There is no inconsistency between recovery of disgorgement and recovery of punitive damages: ?If the defendant?s conduct meets the applicable standard for additional liability, there is no intrinsic inconsistency in a judgment that reinforces disgorgement of wrongful gain with an explicitly punitive award.? Restatement (Third) of Restitution 51, cmt. k. The evidence shows Kevin acted with malice. He told Attorney Bell he would not provide Emile with information about the TCRG sale because he felt he was working a lot harder than Emile. (Tr. 11/23-24) His testimony and demeanor on the stand betrayed the same attitude. (Tr. 29). It is, of course, not true. He complained about Emile not being in the office, but the evidence showed Emile was out of the of?ce in support of new ventures the Homewood Park subdivision (which Kevio? kid he?s never been to (Tr. 235)) and their new lab company. It also had been spending winters?~- about 4 months out of every year Wiogst. And while Kevin complains he was busy chasing . ?tomers in an effort to hit Spark?s milestone. work, for reasons that were apparent to Ke Lilac effort, and Emile was actively chasing large 392:5;qu - {(1757-58) The Court can