Family Name:? Plan Date: lonuary17, 2019 Corrective Action Plan Plan Ending Date: April 17, 2019 This is to proVide you with a formal carrective Action Plan in order to correct performance expectation de?ciencies. To attain satisfactory perfonnance, you must improve performance in the speci?c areas noted below within the period indicated above. .A-eatobeaddreesed'ancbeemie . - . Camille?en n; . - . (or code) 7 - De?ciency Corrective Action who is?coou?table; one Expected Gimme, A ?ow-030(3) (I). (hi. it!) will . . A. . Standardsfor Licensee Out-of-Home . . Wining, speci?c to age appropriate . mile. This both Discipline Poil?cv Am, and no) ?mien? in ?mm License? ?Pf??lm W?emm" miningtoiie completed online through discipline Childl?E? with Wm, Fo'ster Parent ?"9393 consistencv,and understanding. and We child Meantime hours total) develop responsibility and self-control. Model-"standing Behavior in Paste? Children (4 . hours) 1 Licensed out-of-l'lome whiskers shall eNonoonmlianoe ambia?anoe (2 hours) use positive methods eidiscipllne. Theonllne portion oftralnm Wilbe- eumpleted herere mom can hemmed in licensed cut-of~home caregiversslian ?ii ?we held a mm by mm .0 be completed in pm; "au?rmweohtto forcibly lemma cell The?will participate in a Nurturing . . phone'fmm her person a?er'the child refined to Parenting Assessment and follow mezgdezrt?fomm?zsm ?mummy it tothem. recommendations for additional training This kind helnlnewm Nurturing - um um, d, . d" parenting Coach in the home ofthe news. will be them as?; "in ?nu-:03: Kids Central able to effectively discipline ?m caregivers 5'13" a a mu ?will communicate Licensing Specialist children with not threaten a dilld?wi?i removal as ?mm 3? ?the" with their neensingspecialisiebout skills respomible for consistency. and consequences for unacceptable hme- acquired and implementation ?ofthose skills undemnm through behavior. after the assigned training ls-complete?d. communications positi?e N??f?fmm regarding acquired skills. April 17, 2019 Will provide oerti?mtes ofcompletion-tc specialist. The- re-slgn Kids Central. Inc?s Discipline Policy and the Fiorida Department of Children Families Partnership Plan for Children in vOuteof-l-iome Care. will utilixe tin.l parenting techniques learned from the trainings. They Will demonstrate their ability to discipline children by observations 9cm licensing and case management visits. 469.1755) 13 Id] to safeguard the legal rights at children served a licensed foster parent if there is a reasonable suspldon that he or she ls using [illegal drugs. The ?m abus?e?invest?idbm 2018-7115311, who refused to submit toa drugscreen for tileDepamnentat Initial contact in the lamination and again during . the initial institutional staf?ng: will submit to 4 random dhgmeens'immediateiy upon requestbv their specialist. Alliests mist be negative for all substances 4 nagm??re drug scr?ent'are needed before children can bepiacadlln?iis home. taint/la Nuance Berry will suhmittc additionalfahdoln drug period of 60 dm-mdnidren are placed in this home. April 17, 2019- will NOTE: litensin'g Will conduct unannounced humezvisits to review this CAP and to?detennine if the home is ln?complionce with the CAP or ifrevi?siuns/?zrthe?r actions are needed. Licensing Specialist Signature: Date: l9 Licensing Manager's Signature: i?i l] Q, Date: {52 El l?l This is to acknowledge that hava. on the date indicated below. discussed the performance de?ciencies and the correcEiVe?aciion to be taken by the agenty as indicated above. The Licensing Specialist and i agree-to work together to enable the ageniiy?to linp'iovo in performance to a satisfactory level; Signamrc Date: Emmi!? Outcome of PCAP This is to acknowledge that I have. on the date Indicated below, discussed the outcome of the- performanoe oorrectivaac?on p1an and efforts to improve tha?family?s performance. Agency-Director's Slgnaturezi Date: Comments: Family Name:? Corrective Action Plan Location?In Plan Beginning Date: May 31, 2019 Plan Ending Date: August 31, 2019 This is to provide you with a formal Corrective Action Plan in order to correct performance expectation deficiencies. To attain satisfactory performance, you must improve performance in the speci?c areas noted below within the period indicated above. and Standards for Licensed Out-of?l-lome Caregivers Kids Central, Inc. Discipline Policy A (1), (6), and (10) Licensed out-of?home caregivers shall discipline children with kindness, consistency, and understanding, and with the purpose of helping the child develop reSponsibility and self-control. Licensed out-ofehome caregivers shall use positive methods of discipline. Licensed out-of-home caregivers shall not subject children to cruel, severe, or unusual forms of discipline. ?admitted to locking Jocelyn B. outside of her home and telling Jocelyn she could not come back in until she calmed down. -also admitted to telling the other children to step on Jocelyn as a way to make Jocelyn get off the ground during a tantrum. The other children in the home con?rmed the allegations in a report received March 24, 2019 and although-stated she kept an on Jocelyn while she was locked outside, the children stated? went to the kitchen to start making dinner. The children further admitted to recording Jocelyn while she was locked out of the home. One of those -will complete relevant Wed?c to age appropriate discipline. This training will be completed both online and in person. Training to be completed online through Foster Parent College: -Social 8: Physical Aggression (6 hours) ?Understanding Noncompliance (6 hours) -Trauma informed Parenting (2 hours) Training to be completed in person: - will participate in a Nurturing Parenting Assessment and follow all recommendations for additional training. This training will be facilitated by a Nurturing Parenting Coach in the home of Mrs. Cole. ?will be able to effectively discipline children with kindness, consistency, and understanding through Licensed out-of?home videos was posted to YouTube without ?will communicate with positivie ?caregiversshallnotuse. knowledge and later August?31, reinforcement. corporal punishment of any dEiEtEd- acquired and implementation of 2019 kind. Licensed out-of?home caregivers shall not threaten a child with removal as consequences for . unacceptable behavior. NOTE: licensing will conduct unannounced home visits to review this CAP and to determine if the home is in compliance with the CAP or if revisions/further actions are needed. Licensing Specialist Signature: Licensing Manager?s Signature: This is to acknowledge that have, on the date indicated below, discussed the performance de?ciencies and the corrective action to be taken by the agency as indicated above. The Licensing Specialist and I agree to work together to enable the agency to improve in performance to a satisfactory level. ?nature: those skills after the assigned training is completed. ?will provide certi?cates of completion to the licensing specialist. I will re-sign Kids Central, incfs Discipline Policy and the Florida Department of Children Families Partnership Plan for Children in Out-of-Home Care. will utilize the parenting techniques learned from the trainings. She will demonstrate her ability to discipline children appropriately by observations from licensing and case management visits. Date: 061/3?! Pel?: Date: Date: Signature: Date: Outcome of PCAP This is to acknowledge that have, on the date indicated below, discussed the outcome of the performance corrective action plan and efforts to improve the family?s performance. Agency Director?s Signature: Date: 2/20,? Comments: promo-rm 45% W1. b?m Wld-M .A $01: -- PLAN ?Illicit?k Notion- I tot?- Purpose To document the series of steps needed to ensure child safety and quality parenting. Related Documents Admmi' ti Cod 65C- 13 Dmcripi?mn Develop an action plan to implement new strategies or to implement existing strategies stra more effectively. Tim: December 2015- April 1 5. 2016. Directions: your reform effort. 1. Using this form as a template, develop a work plan for each goal identi?ed 2- Distribute copies of each work plan to the members of the collaboration. 3. Keep Copies handy to bring to meetings to review and through the needs assessment process. Goa E: To ensure that all children being caredfar in the home receive optimal care, medication maintenance and quality parenting. ResultsIAccomplishments: ilfcdimtinn legs will be completed timeb: children participate in an army Action Items update regularly. You may decide to develop new work plans for. new phases of and in entirety for each ch ild receiving medication. Faster parents will ensure afextmcurriculor activities as requested within reason. ?Responsibilities Timeline Resources Communications Plan What Will Be Done? Who Will Do It? By When? mgr/Month) Resources Available Who is involved? mar memoir? How alien? Task 1: Foster parents will Licensing Counselor The Ito?licensing Specialist in conjunction Training may-be online (QPI Licensing Specialist Supervisor will track and complete 20 hours a: licensing with KCI Training Depart. Will devise and Just in Time Training, monitor for compliance. The Licensing (each) of relevant Supervisor mining plan fer the foster parents by RELIAS, Poster Club), or in Specialist will notice weekly visits the ?rst 60 training, speci?c to 9506111be 30. 2015. person. days and subsequently make visits managing behaviors, until June 30, 2016. Supervisor will provide parenting and Specialist with documentation of pmding visits providing life skills. to more compliance. A domestic violence assessment will be 12 of the 20 hours must be completed Devcreox Nurturing The Licensing Specialist will monitor training includgd within 60 days of receiving the training Parenting Frog. completion compliance and have dialogue with training to plan. Themainings hours are tube foster parents about skills acquired and ?aming if follow completed by April I, 2016. Devcreux DV Assessment implementation of skills. up services are needed. Foster Parents were referred to Nurturing Parenting Program in December 2015. To date. Foster Parents have completed 7 sessions with the facilitator who is reporting engagement. by hothpacentcioihemcetinge-A?DSL ?35. completed on Febrile ry 23. 2016 to which is was determined by the Devereux Community Facilitator, Melissa Amst, that there was no DV occurring in the home. Task 2: The Family Will not - Ongoing Training may be online (QPI Licensing Specialist Supenrisor will track and engage in what Just in Time Training, monitor for compliance. The Licensing could be perceived RELIAS, Foster Club), or in Specialist will make weekly visits'the ?rst 60 as ?family violence" perstm. days; and subsequently melee visits with each other be it - - nnti June 30, 2016. Supewisor will provide their words or Specialist with of pending visits I actions. Supervisor to ensure cempllance. i The Licensing Specialist will monitor training completion compliance-and have dialogue with i. fosterperenls about skills acquired and implementation of skills. 1 Evidence 0f Success (How will you Imow {baryon are making progress? What are your benchmarks?) will success/Mb: camplare 20 [mars qftrainiug by April 15, 2016. W4 iLLf 29?? De te Licensing Specialist Date 355/50 Date Lice/using Supervi?et? in" KIDS CENTRAL AND FOSTER CARE Because Childhood Won 7 Walt Corrective Action Plan in accordance with of Florida Administrative Code the foster home is being placed on a corrective action plan to address the following de?ciencies/concerns in the home: Begglrement: SSE-13.030 Discipline Partnership plan signed by fosg? parents on 512014 4. face/lent parenting is a reasonable expectation of caregivers. Caregivers will provide and DCF, CBC and agency staff will support excellent parenting. This requires a loving commitment to the child and the child?s safety and well being, appropriate supervision and positive methods of discipline, encouragement of the child?s respect for the child?s individuality and likes and dislikes, providing opportunities to develop the child's interests and skills, awareness of the impact of trauma on behavior, equal participation of the child in family life, involvement of the child with the community and a commitment to enable the child to lead a normal life. De?ciengleoncern: 03/04/2014 a FSFN intake was received in regards to a child residing in the? home. According to the report the child has a bruise on her left side, close to her hip, from "Mimi" beating/hitting her for wetting the bed. The faster pa rents? would tell the child?s older brother that there is so something mentally wrong with him and he needed counseling. This would terrify the child. CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING MALTREATMENT: The faster mother, "Mimi", would beat the child for wetting the bed. The child also has a "faint" white line/scar on her right shoulder that's about 2 inches long. The foster parents' would tell the older brother "nasty things". They (foster parents) did not want the older brother in their foster home because of his age. On one occasion, the foster father took the older brother to the mother's friend's house to see the friend's son, the mother was there so he saw her, and the foster parents were yelling and screaming at him because he saw his mother. The mother already had the paperwork stating that she could have the children back in her care/custody, but was waiting for transport to take them (children) to her. FOSTER GENERAL: The children were placed in foster care because the mother went to jail for VOP, and the father failed a drug test. The children were placed in foster care on 1/10/14. FOSTER DISCIPLINE: The foster parents? would send the older brother to his room, and "Mimi" would hit the youngest child. OUTCOME OF DCF INVESTIGATION: The DCF report closed on 3/25/2014 There was evidence to support physical injury by the foster mother - 3 yoa CV was spanked while in her care and upon returning to the mother was observed with a bruise on her right thigh area brownish in color. There was no substantiated evidence to support mental injury to Curtis. Curtis has behavinral concerns and has been seeing a therapist due to these concerns. Task: The?will ensure all classes are completed. The Licensing Specialist will continue to inspect the class log. Time frame for Action Requested: Compliance will begin immediately and remain ongoing. Reguirement: Licensed out-of?hame caregivers shall accept the direction and supervision given by the department or supervising agency in caring for the children. ?annershio plan signed by foster parents on was 5. Children will be placed only with caregivers who have the ability and are willing to accept responsibility for the care of a child in light of the child?s culture, religion and ethnicity, special physical or needs, unique situation including sexual orientation and family relationships. DCF, CBC and agency staff will provide caregivers with all available information to assist them in determining whether they are able to appropriately care for a child. Caregivers must be willing and able to learn about and be respectful of the ch ild?s religion, culture and ethnicity, and any Special circumstances affecting the child's care. DCF, CBC and agency sto?' will assist them in gaining the support, training and skills necessary for the care of the child. 6. Caregivers will have access to and take advantage of all training they need to improve their skills in parenting children who have experienced trauma due to neglect, abuse or separation from home, to meet these children ?5 special needs and to work e??ectively with child welfare agencies, the courts, the schools and other community and governmental agencies. Deficiengilgoncern: it has been brought to our attention that the foster parent is having difficulty managing the behaviors of the younger children in their care. These events have put into question the quality of the foster parent?s supervision of the children and concern that they need/would benefit from additional skills/training to help them in their care of children. Task: The ?Will actively participate in additional trainings offered by New Generations located 134 E. Fort Dade Ave, Fl 34601 (352) 544-0911 which offers Parenting classes, and Anger Management Classes or Western Judicial Services and Growing Center Counseling in Hernando. Upon completion of trainings, certi?cates will be provided to the licensing Specialist by the in addition, they will be receptive to suggestions and recommendations made by the Program and Kids Central Licensing. The -will work in conjunction with the Relicensing Specialist to develoo a set of house hold rules appropriate for the children. updates, from Relicensing Specialist and/or Trainer will reflect positive feedback; feedback Should include, but is not limited to, appropriate interaction from the foster parents, reduced calls for service to law enforcement, documented demonstration of skills learned in training through interactions with the foster parents and children. Time frame for Action Requested: will participate in Parenting Training, facilitated by New Generations, or Western Judicial Services and Growing Center Counseling in Hernando as well as Online a class which is through Foster Parent College, the classes are as following: complete 3 Mental Health Evaluation on June 6, 2014 during the initial evaluation the?were open, forthcoming and cmperative according to Kevin Patterson LMl-ic. A treatment plan and treatment goal was developed. The processed their treatment objectives and methods to resolve their referral recommendations. They processed the history of providing foster care and the impact of all the allegations of child abuse. The _were assigned several assignments addressing their treatment plan objectives and successfully completed them as scheduled. The have successfully completed their treatment as of 08/20/2014. Child Development Explores typical child development. developmental domains and stages. temperament and gmdness oi and the effects of abuse and neglect on a ch?d's health and behavior. Viewers learn how to use cooperation. tracking behavior. and encouragement as parenting techniques. completed the training on 0711112014 H. 2 This course dismisses setting limits and behavior contracts as positive parenting techniques. completed the training on 08l08/2014 mm Strategies tor using time-out. privilege removal, and assignment of extra chores to manage diliicolt behavior are diswssed completed the training on 0010712014 During that time. a new set of rules can be explored and developed. The current posted rules will be removed immediately and replaced when a revised set has been developed Training to Begin no later than July 1, 2014 and 2 quarterly visits will be completed by RLS until January 2015. Kids Central. Inc. as a Licensing Agent will: 1. Conduct unannounced quarterly visits until January 2015 to ensure the above compliance requires are met. Compliance will commence immediately and the Corrective Action Plan will be successfully completed by latest December, 2014. 2. In conjunction with DCF, only children placed into the home has to be verbal, in school and should be no younger than 8 years old. No younger children can be placed in the home until a formal assessment is made to evaluate the home in regards to continuous ?censure/utilization of the home as traditional or therapeutic placement. 3. Licensing will request feedback and updates from until the all the Training Classes has been completed. On 08/27/2014 RLS received the Summary of completed from Kevin Patterson LMHC with the La Porta Center and informed Joy Foreman to change the childrens age group in the OCR from Mr. and Mrs. Vosburghs age prefers which was 4.6 years of age to 8 years and older preferred male. Fami'v Name? teatim? Plan Beginning Date: June 20, 2019 Corrective Action Plan Plan Ending Date: July 22, 2019 This is to provide you with a formal Corrective Action Plan in order to correct performance expectation de?ciencies. To attain satisfactory performance. you must improve performance in the speci?c areas noted below within the period indicated above. Area to be addressed (include rule granule) Deficiencv Plan ?Licensed caregivers or their designees will participate fully in the child's medical, and dental care as they would for their biological child. Agency staff will support and facilitate this participation. itiareglwirsi DCF, CBC, and residential child caring agencies will share information with each other about?the child's health and well-being.? A foster child that was placed with -home injured himself on the school playground. Instructed ?w take the child to the doctor. -dld notmk?medl-l attention for the child, she only provided the child llvith'pain medication. The child was taken to the hospital hythe case manager and itwasdetermined that the child had 2 fractured bones. ?made a statement to the child am not going to make It easy on you if he wasn't telling the truth?I This was inappropriate. The department found Verified ?ndings of Medial Neglect. some; relevant training. speci?cto medial neglect. This training will tie-completed online. Training to he completed online through Foster Parent College: .fost - Otild Development (4 hours) - Child Abuse and Neglect (4 hours) Children Entering Care: Physical Health Issues [2 hoursl will re~sl?n the Florida Department of Children a. Families Partnership Pian for Children in Out-of-Home Care. will utilize the parenting tedtniquesiearned from the trainings. She will ensure all children medical needs are met. m" complete relevant training, speci?c to medical healed. This training will be millimeter! online. Ms. Ma??'s will also communicate with her Licansing Specialist about skills acquired and implementation of those skills after the assigned training is I completed. Completion Minimum-intake Ball?s mashed Out-mm August 31,2019 will be able to ensure the children's safety and wellbeing by ensuring all the children's medical needs are being addressed in a timely manner. Training to be completed online through Foster Parent College: . -First Aid (.5 hours} . -4 NOTE: KCI licensing will conduct unannounced home visits to review this CAP and to determine if the home is in compliance with the CAP or if revisions/further actions are needed. Licensing Specialist 907? Date: "l Licensing Manager's WV Date: 1 [it This is to acimoiwiedge that have, on the date indicated below. discussed the performance de?aencies and the corrective action to be taken by the agency as indicated above. The Licensing Specialist and i agree to work together to enable the agency to improve in performance to a satisfactory level. - Signatur- Date: 7'7? Outcome of PCAP This is to acknowledge that have. an the date indicated below. discussed the outcome of the performance corrective action pian and efforts to improve the family's performance. Agency Director's Signature: 4% Date: Comments: Provider Notes Provider Name Provider ID: Note 86774 Version Number: 1 Date Entered:07/2 7/2019 02:00 AM i Worker Creating Worker Making I KATHERINE KATHERINE Note Information Contact Begin date:07/24/2019 03:30 PM Contact End date:07/24/2019 03:30 PM Category:0ut of Home TypezHome Visit Safety: Safety Resolved:N Safe! date: Safety Resolution: SFN: FSFN Resolved: SFN date: FSFN Resolution: Admin: Admin Resolved: Admin date: Admin Resolution: No Request For Action: Narrative Re-Licensing Specialist (RLS) Katherine Chuquillanqui completed a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) visit with was on CAP for veri?ed ?nding of Medical Neglect. was required to complete relevant training speci?c to medical neglect. completed 3 online trainings Child Development (4 hrs.), Child Abuse and Neglect (4 hrs.) and Children Entering Care: Physical Health Issues (2 hrs.). After completing the online training informed RLS she learn and gain knowledge on better care for the child(ren) who will be placed in her home. mentioned she will have the child(ren) checked with a Medical provider if injured or if a child mentions they are not feeling well or in pain. learned she has a 4 hour window to take the child(ren) to seek medical attention. mentioned she learned the importance of seeking medical attention for any child(ren) placed in her home. RLS informed she will be taking placements from 13 17 years old. . -agreed and would prefer teenage boys.