nusruu stMustuM one - mo 5w. wASNleoN luau . 202 779a Hon. Mark R. wamer Vice Chairman United States Senate Select Committee on intelligence Washington, o.c. 205m Hon. Dlanne Feinsteln Member united States Senate Select nn Intelligence DC. 20510 Dear Vice Challman Warner and Senator Felnsteln; We are writing in response to your joint letter ol May 14, 2019 related to the international Spy Museum's Interrogation exhibit. As a museum dedicated to educating the public about intelligence, the concerns you raise in your letter regarding the historical accuracy lo2 CIA's detention and interrogation program are very important to us. Underlying the decision to include the interrogation exhibit was a conscious and deliberate to ensure that the new Museum invites our visitors to confront cimicult and thought-provoking questions related to intelligence and espionage: why do we spy? How and why do intelligence iailures happen? can there be too much securltv? And afcourse, what are the moral dimensions at intelligence actions and methodsiincluding the Enhanced interrogation program? We organized the exhibit around three questions: what is torture? Does it work? and is it (compatible with our ethics and values)? The goal ior this exhibit was to provide tactual, balanced, and respectful content to help our visitors engage with these challenging issues. To do so, we consulted experts and reviewed much of the literature on the subject, including your Committee's important study of the Central intelligence Agency's Detention and lnierrogotron Program. We very much appreciate your otter to have your statis engage with the Museum on your concerns regarding the interrogation exhibit. However, due to the importance and sensitivity of this exhibit, we would be pleased to extend an invitation tor a personal tour to you and your staii. Arrangements can be made through chris Costa-- P. Cnsla, USA (net) Milton Maltx Executive Director chairman and Founder