RCEMEH RELIEF ?2019, DESIG NE A message from: ma?a/Emir On behalf of the Law Enforcement Community, we would like to thanlc. you for your continued support. .ennually, we put together a golf assic to benefit the Law Enforcement lef'cers Relief Fund. W?e?re hosting this year's event at the beautiful Sarasota National in Venice, Florida. The Fund was created to assist Law Enforcement Officers and their families when faced with tragedy, such as violence or natural disaster. It can sometimes talte weeks to put together the necessary paperwork to collect the benefits officers and their fami ies have earned and deserve. The Law Enforcement leficers Relief Fund is there immediately to support our public safety officers in their greatest time of need. The Fund is a non?prof't charitable corporation and donations are tax deductib e. Thank: you once again for your support of this important cause. Sincere y, WW