a, owqmmawnDGVIS Miles cGUire Gardner 40 E1 Rio Salado Pkwy, Ste 425 Tempe, AZ 85281 Telephone: 480 733-6800 Facsimile: 480 733-3748 efile.dockets@davismiles.cum Douglas Gardner' (SBN 023653) Certified Family Law Specialist Attorney E-mail: DGardner@davismilesloom Attorneys for Petitioner JEFF FINE Clerk of the SuPer'mr Duurt By Uiment Dam Date 12/09/2019 Tue 12:10:12 Descrivtiml Aunt fU--D-im 129551 "12019-092247 DIVINE li/DilLl) 601 3449.00 $9.011 275511279 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARICOPA In re the Marriage of: RAQUEL PETERSEN, Petitioner, and PAUL PETERSEN, Respondent. CaseNa. PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION, WITH CHILDREN Petitiauer, Raquel Petersen, by and through her undersigned attorney, for her Petition for Disso1ution, sets forth the following: I. The name, address, date of birth, social security number and occupatian of the Petitioner are as Raquel Petersen 634 N. Mesa, AZ 85213 DOB: See Confidential Sensitive Data Form SSN: See Confidential Sensitive Data Form Occupation: Neighborhood Ventures, Designer The name, address, date of birth, social security number and occupation of the Respondent are as follows: Paul Petersen 634 N. Miramnr Mesa, AZ 85213 DOB: See Confidential Sensitive Data Form SSN: See Confidential Sensitive Data Form Occupation: Attorney The Petitioner bu been domiciled in Arizona for more than ninety (90) days prior to the filing of this action, and does now reside in the County of Marioopa, State of Arizona; this Court has jurisdiction, under A.KS. Section 25-311 to hear this matter because Arizona is the domicile of the parties. IV. The parties hereto were married in Mesa, Arizona on Friday, July 7, 2006. answer The parties did not enter into a covenant marriage and the provisions of A.R.S. 25-901 et seq. do not apply. Vii The marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken and without a reasonable prospect of reconciliation. Vll. Proceedings within the Court of Conciliation have not been filed and do not now apply. are four minor children common to the parties, namely Presley Petersen, born April 8, 2008; Brook Petersen, born Febniary 19, 2010; Paige Petersen, born February 1, 2014; and Pearl Petersen, born January 5, 2016. Further, Petitioner submits that she is not now pregnant. Petitioner requests that she be awarded the care and legal decision making authority of the parties' minor children, subject to the Respondent's reasonable rights of parenting time To the extent required, Petitioner shall comply with A.R.S. ?25-351, et seq., to attend parent education instruction and be educated about the effect of divorce on children Pursth to Petitioner provides the following information regarding the parties' minor children: A. The children presently reside at 634 No Miramar, Mesa, AZ 85213. B. Over the past five years, the diildren resided at all times with Petitioner and/or Respondent. C. Petitioner has not participated, as a party or witness or in any other capacity, in any other proceedings concerning the custody of or parenting time of the parties' children. D. Petitioner is not aware of any proceeding that could affect the current proceeding, including proceedings for enforcement and proceedings relating to domestic violence, protective orders, termination of parental rights and adoptions. E. Petitioner is not aware of any individuals who are not a party to this proceeding who have physical custody of the parties' children or who clnirn rights of legal custody or physical custody of, or visitation with, the parties' children. XI. The Petitioner requests that child support be established and ordered in accordance with the Arizona Statewide Child Support Guidelines; creamy-aun-- X11. The Petitioner requess that Respondent be ordered to pay spousal maintenance in an amount and for a duration to be determined by this Court. The parties have accumulated certain community, joint and/or common property during their marriage and request Ihat the Court make an equitable division of the same. parties have accumulated certain community, joint and/or common debts, liabilities, and obligations during their marriage and request that the Court make an equitable division of the same. XV. Petitioner requests that this Court reaffirm to each party any sole and separate property which he or she brought into the marriage. XVL Petitioner requests that Respondent be responsible for the payment of her attomey's fees and costs incurred in this matter. XVII. Petitioner does not wish to have her name changed at this time, augmefigeezaazae:a Petitioner alleges that during the marriage Respondent, without hu' knowledge and (mnSenI1 dissipated, wasted, encumbered, transferred, hid, and concealed community funds for his own personal benefit, committed and continues to commit waste, and upon information and belief has and continues to waste, dissipate. encumber, transfer, hide, and conceal assets. Petitioner should be fully compensated for the damage caused thereby. XIXfl'his Court has personal and subject matter jurisdiction to determine all of the issues alleged in this Petition. the Petitioner respectfully requests that this Court: A. Enter a Decree of Dissolution of the marriage presently existing between the parties; B. Award the Petitioner the care, custody and control of the parties' minor children, subject to Respondent's reasonable rights of parenting time; C. Enter an Order establishing child support pursuant to the Arizona Child Support Guidelines; D. Order that Respondent pay spousal maintenance in an mount and for a duration to be determined by this Court; E. Equitany divide the community property; wouummemu Equitany divide the community debts, obligations, and liabilities; G. Determine the property that in fact constitutes the sole and separate property of each party and confirm only such sole and separate asses to their respective owner; H. Enter an Order that Respondent has committed community waste and that Petitioner is entitled to one-half of the funds wasted; It Order that Respondent is required to pay Petitioner's attemeys' fees and costs incurred in this matter; I . Order such other relief as this Court deems just and proper. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED 0N DFJCEWER 6, 2019. DAVIS MILES MCGUIRE GARDNER. PLLC Attorneys for etitioner 1 DECLARATIQN I, Raquel Petersen am the Petitioner in the above and foregoing matter; I have read the foregoing Petltlou for Dissolution and pursuant to Rule I4 (B), Arimna Rules of Family Law Procedure, I declare under penalty of perjury that the belief, and as to those, I believe them to be true. Rugel Pfiemu 2 3 4 5 5 foregoing is true and wnect, except as to those statements made upon information and 7 8 9