AO 'lU iKcv. IMI) Arrjs: Wid^i'i Unitkd States District Court "1 I for the GtG Z 7 ZOia tasrern District of New York United Staler ol'America V. Case No. Qing Fu Zeng 19-M-1142 ARREST WARRAM To: Any {uiihorizcd law enlbrcenicnl oflker YOi: AUK C:OMiMAM>Ki)to arrest and hring helbre a United States magistrate judge widiout unnecessary delay /Hrwji- ojpiTsoii to ih' iinv.iicti/ Qing Fu Zeng who is accused of an offense or violation bn.scd on the following document filed with ilic emin:" 3 indiclineni n Superseding Indictmem H Information 1 Superseding Inlbnnalion iS'Cornpiaitu 3 Probation Violation Petition 3 Supervised Release Violation Pciiiion 3Violation Notice □ Order of llie Conn '[ his olfensc is briclly described as follows: Violation of 18 U.S.C. 545 Date: 12/06/2019 iirfkvr's si^iultiiv Cil\ jind state: Brooklyn, NY Hon. Sanket J. Bulsara fniu.-.i lumw aiul title Return at I his war^ was received on nixit,-' ]joV^ / /2 arrested on uhti,; ^ /z/z(^2o /9 Daw; In-j Zlj 2jsl^ •sj/>n: oiiiiyr ^ tj.- it-jtuirure ^ylcL-. fniti'ji/itiuih' oiul iiiA- A >