orrectrons COMMUNITY CORRECTEONS M5 Department of Restitution Center Handbook 2010 Mississippi Department of Corrections Resident Handbook Table of Contents introduction 2 I. Personal Property Policy 3 ll. Restrictions on Personal Property 3 Employment and Payroll Policy 4 IV. Pass Eiigibility 5 I V. Visitation 5 Vi. Personal Appearance 6 Vii. Dormitory Rules 5 Weekly and Daily Evaluation 6 IX. Program Schedule 7 X. Rules and Disciplinary Measures 7 Xi. Disciplinary CommittceIChairperson 11 XII Appeals 12 Grievance Procedure 13 ?mlemProcedure 14 (Appeal 1? 7! Any tows) necessary for empioyment must be checked i-n with the slaII member on upon retuming {ram and obtained from sta? members pricro to leaving I?c'1r hesc Its ms we is be stored in a secure iocation Anknak; are permitte I in the facility No axe. essive acc; mutatson of newspapers. magazines. or books :5 atIc-I-Ied No penshahte feed as attowed In the dorm?I- :ory. at! .?ocd Items must be prepeIIy scaicd. a. wink: edavetoped by the Mississippi Department of Corrccuons. b. Menus are feiicwed untess substitutions are necessary. wii! be served in the dining rOOm Meats times are subjec! to change a: the discr efjon of the Deputy WardenICcmmaI-Ider or designee Breakfast 0500 to 0530 ({Deaendant on shaft schedute) Luna: 1200 to 1230 Hours (12:00 pm. :0 12 30 pm.) (D I. 0.5.nca..t on shift schedule} Sinner 1! "03 hou: 5 (Dec enc?ant on s'niI?i sr hcduie} AH resident departi: I19 center pnor to ?Inch wzi: he provided a sacf-I fr m. EMPLOYMENT AND PAYROLL POLICY: 3. Ni residen?? muse Each resident .viil be IeII'Ie-Ivea' 50h weekIy if an: playme ea! is obtained. Ihe res?: en: f?r .ust ntainiam cans: an: b. I'Iiusi be aaprov- byI as; I- V. II Ignei. c. ?119. resident and transportati. 1n wIii agnree .1?me .e ten-I3: of time for comm 91;. 9 39 a; :d {:om wotk c. The resident m: :st commute c'IIectIy :o Ii. pincer; :111110ymeni. c. Any change In a (eg. =9 hr. ange, ?ung. act-3n My 02!, termmw Iicn etc. 3 mus the reps-?ed E0 the s- mama. I19. at {are :.he Iesident a center. I Each res: :.?enI Ium "In the un-cashed payroil check and stub In "aw; 1:122?: smit? I'I?Iember (In the day they am.) 312116 93:: In .eIr?I, .zc- mini mt in?. a I Inmah a fIt-I I the cu- pIcyeI I: 1(1szqu II the c! he tars. :1 I1 mum! at payment "i?he Insider t?s wee-IE? check Is. 9.51999: Imam? 3} ?ha-I1". Int} i?mzrd 3. '93. Reagent"; hliownnoc Max 314. 2'1} 3) ?nes cameos! r2 am: I - '8 hotdmg CS) .-IIW&VCIommandcr or designee -..IIst approve aw oihec dis: nb utIsn of .-.7 cutside the Cent-er, each resideniz is my - tasks in and around the emuznity service programs. Below is a list of passes. available at the Cenler and the requirements for each; Passes will not be granted on the weekends of Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day Or boMeen and including the last weekend before Thanksgiving and the ?rst weekend of January 1. 12- Hours Pass: i. 30 days :esidency 2. To: eloi?z 200 poinls (560 weekly poinls) 3. No rule violations within the previous 30 days Romany 12 hours passes are taken from 7 AM -. 7 PM Sunday 52%: Pass: i. 60 days ressdency . 2. Tole! of 4400 points (525 weekly pomts) 3 No rule violations within the previous 30 days Normally 24 hour passes are taken lrorn 7 PM Saturday until 7 PM Sunday . 90 days residency 2. Total 0! 6000 poinis (550 weekly points) 3 No rule violations within the previous 30 days may 48 hour passes are taken from 17PM ridey until 7 PM Sunday that passes area privilege and are awarded WARDEMCOMMANDER or At no time is an. individual a' lowed We the Ste 28 of Resiuents will be released :0 immediate famiiv on days and times so! by {he Donut -y or desioneo i may have: Visitors. during; (he sggec sized lirni s; designing! by' re DCpiiE .. OI deSiglaeu Only (10} visitors are ailowed on {he qaw Sod at a l-me be alloweu lo 1risil.5pccial VtSliS ren .?iu'S poem izrrl It the AREAS llmier ago Agitation} areas. _Visr'.ers arr.- NOI allowed to leenear! and clean in appearance. All residents are required 4 is. arc in be My dressed including LONG PANTS, 8E1 T, V11- DORMITORY RULES: The dormitory {rcom31s to be Kept 1n the highest degree of cleanlinea. a! .59! times. The walls and 116015 are to 11?; mamtained in a senaary condition by 11111121113 of .2111 1g; buf?ng, and 1.1.1113th daily The 10015 we: to be waxed whenever necessah; Car: age can: trash. 19"eptacies 311.1 to be emptied a11=<1c canes at leas: once .1 11:11,. 1 Twig-21'. 5 11.2413 311.15 5.11011111313 are be mandated and cleaned (1211153 Beds are to be $1111 pg-de and-113511315 1.111111%, R123: cents 111.3190! chance beds 0r 1cckers once: 11". 1.11; are 22-15 1:111 .115 to . .em Beds are 10 be clean and 910921. 51 1111.11." .1: '1 .11 1111 times. A11 1111150113! e?ects exctuding footwear are to be kept 1r: 1113.11 1:11ch car are :c 3:1: 11621: 319.11 tunes. Each 3?61. 131116111! is 11153111113111.1111 11 01151111111935 of the: are: arts-.111: 1115:1112! has 011.11; 31:11:11 owned 11.111111111510115: 1111.1 211201-ch he 1.131111111111111 2191113 are to be kept an at times. 101 511-.- 1111111001113 31' .13 11111111 111112111 211011111: Res. when 1101 3:111:15 21111 to 211-1 in 121.11. (1011115 131; dusk '11! 111311.13 are :0 be out 21331111155110.00 p.111 3. . 111??- L110 we Sunday 1111611911 rriday. Ail res 511211.15 wcrkigm $111111 3111?: an: awakened Monday 1111011911 Friday at 0500 1101.115 {513.0 21:11.3 11613111511113 working; 81:13:11: :1 111ird shifts are 511501.1130' to remain up for one 1101.2 .111..- 1 1111:1121: 1n ahe cenlcr and they are 11.11-131.311: (8) 1101211.; 5113811. No yankingis wowed 111111111: the 11112111131 V111. WEEKLY AND ONLY EVALUATION: Once a week 16:51:18? .13 311-. 1.1.1'11L1'1111c1 on work ethic and 21111111118. 130101.11 a 3132 cf 11.31115 - 21-3; u-e CORSEd-?lfed a Coupe-111110111111: 11. P'uiicqmaon 111 group anti 11111111111111. 1 9.01111511111111 59:53.1 115. 11111311111111.1111 2121.11 (301111111111111; .1111111111: 1?111i1-1. 1" .15: c! e. Mhetmce 1111?. 12111111131 11011112111: 11111111911113.1111 :5 '3 14'! 55b 21111011111111.1311: 11:11:11,111 place:1111111111Enyn1en1. 11111111115111. 1:111:11! 11151111311111: . adiwenitc 1c- 11,1131 1; 3111, (2011131131: cw '4 .11' Iwkly point system is divided into thirteen {13} different 91011115 1 11.111 111: widen-ts receive {wa- (23poin151'or 11:11:11 hour :9 to. 1" 11:111.. 1:111 1:11:11 1111.1; - 1.11501 each' nour over 111111.: 11121311111111. 21311131115 .1. . 85111661811133! Iecciw. -.1 maximum 01' 51.110111115113131 1115.- :1 1.11 4111963111135 11 ave been 111111 ?31151151111111 may 1'1 11131::11111111 of 80 110111111. 1119.10." 1.1; 12915111211131.1111 receive 111121 11311115 for eac11110111111201.11n 11.11,- 1? 1:01:15 pm wank {1.112111111111111 is (-10 1111111131 f. Continued Education: Residents may receive a maximum 0150 points per week for participation in GEO or assigned detail. .3.Pass Compgion: Residents may receive ten points icr successfui compietion of a 12 hcur pass. twenty five points for a 24 how pass and thirty five points fora 48 hour pass i1.Pcrsonai 1411111131112: 21 points maximum each week ?gsigned Detaii: 49 points maximum each week 1 Maintenance: 70 points maximum 1:111:11 weu' k?ouse F?oing'= Maximum 35 points 11111111 313111111; Warden/Commander or designee discreiicn. 1.8011115 Points: Maximum 50 points each week at! 19 111321211011 01? the deputy WadenfCommander or deSIQnee. 111 Miscellaneous Points: May be earned and awarded a: :he discreiic of the Deputy WawcnICommandcr or designee. Each resident is evaiuated as an individual and not in scmparison with oiher residents Total weekly points depend on daily over-ail mogram perfonnance. ad! week. the Counscio?designee conducis a weekiy meeting so go over each intiividuai's a 1 points. if there are any questions. ?191/ 1119 answered at 313! time. 1 12.11111 SCHEDULE: days and times wili has by the {?19qu W21 .rdenICommander or desig nos {1 (1 services. ABEG EL) NA etc.) programs. exciuding ihe religious programs are ?madman; 91.1.. 2155191120 re 51:11:11: . i . a?kmci or program aiiendance poinis 1111.1 not be a we'd-ed. 17 YOU ?3?19 3 0? shim-1. ask a staff 1111311111131. 5 AND DISCIPLINARY MEASURES: are expected to rescive their problems 111:1 non- -vioicnt manner and will 3111111131131 or physically abuse another person. Residents; ab: (19 by am am. 1111. 1 a?ve umedures which are pi 1151111 ?01 {he F?es?iiui: on staff ?1 ate expected :0 2131:1231 11.3.1; icr 1?131! 1105 12111111 1111111111' 1 1115311 111-11111: :1 ?111in inc ?aws of 1111?- {11511111111111 (21:11:111 Misha-15111111 1111111111111? the cenie: 1.1111 Dias-1:111 1111! 1:1 awe?! rcavocalmn proceed 119 01 dismpimary 11111- 1111'111011111' fm 111111111 idenis may in {11311411111121}. 5.3111011911 1:121:11 1 1 3 base"! (111 Iii: manta, (,uidehnes [01' {ilistgmimat-g 11131311 1111?: arc dusts 1111-21} by {Jepuiy V1 or dcszigyme ?15; 1 Based 01": the rep ads and infurmaiion submit-i. ed 11 1:111:11 ?1011 may 91 -.- 1 by the ciass?yz'ng 11.151611111111111. of the cffe?sds. aiding anctI?Cf ccm1n1i any Of 1119. 1' to commit any of' he (Jifenses snail" considemd the same as a