(0-2020-40 REV.) ORDINANCE NUMBER 0- 2.1,'.!L43 DATE OF FINAL PASSAGE (NEW SERIES) NOV 0.4 2019,, . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO SUBMITTING ONE CITIZENS' INITIATIVE MEASURE TITLED "FOR A BETTER SAN DIEGO" TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, AT THE MUNICIPAL SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 3, 2020. WHEREAS, on July 9, 2018, an initiative petition titled "For A Better San Diego" (the initiative petition) was filed with the City Clerk on behalf of the initiative petition's proponents; and WHEREAS, the initiative petition asks voters to approve an increase to the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) paid by visitors to the operators of hotels, campgrounds, and other sites in the City of San Diego (City), with revenues raised by the additional TOT reserved for San Diego . Convention Center purposes, including expansion and modernization; programs and services to reduce homelessness in the City; and street repairs, improvements, and maintenance in the City; and WHEREAS, the initiative petition also includes provisions regarding the City's issuance ofrelated bonds; and WHEREAS, upon completion of a prima facie review, the City Clerk accepted the initiative petition as filed, in compliance with San Diego Municipal Code (Municipal Code) section 2 7.1021; and -PAGE I OF7- (0-2020-40 REV.) WHEREAS, the City Clerk submitted the initiative petition to the San Diego County Registrar of Voters (Registrar of Voters) for signature verification; and WHEREAS, on August 8, 2018, the Registrar of Voters completed its verification of three percent of the signatures selected at random from the petition in accordance with Municipal Code section 27 .1022, and certified that the sample showed the projected number of valid signatures fell between 95 percent and 110 percent of the number of signatures needed to declare the petition sufficient; and WHEREAS, as a result of the random sample, the Registrar of Voters, following California Elections Code section 9115, then conducted a signature-by-signature examination and verification of the petition signatures; and WHEREAS, on September 20, 2018, the Registrar of Voters certified that the initiative petition contained the valid signatures of ten percent of the City's registered voters at the last general election, sufficient under Charter section 23 to qualify the initiative for direct submission to the voters; and WHEREAS, on September 20, 2018, the City Clerk certified that the signatures on the initiative petition were sufficient to qualify the initiative for consideration for adoption or submittal to the v_oters; and WHEREAS, on September 25, 2018, in compliance with Municipal Code section 27.1027, the City Clerk presented the initiative petition, with its certification attached, to the City Council (Council); and -PAGE 2 OF 7- (0-2020-40 REV.) WHEREAS, in compliance with Municipal Code section 27 .1034, if an initiative petition presented to the Council contains the signatures of ten percent or more of the voters, the Council shall, within ten business days of the date of presentation, adopt or reject the legislative act as presented, but niay not amend it; and WHEREAS, in compliance with Municipal Code sections 27.1034 and 27.1035, the Council shall consider a certified initiative petition and either (1) grant the initiative petition and adopt its provisions in full; or (2) adopt a resolution of intention to submit the matter to the voters at 'a special election, and direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance calling a special election to place the matter on the ballot; and WHEREAS, the initiative petition that is the subject of this ordinance seeks to increase the City's Transient Occupancy Tax, and the Council does not have legal authority under the California Constitution to increase a tax on its own vote; thus, the Council could not grant the . initiative petition and adopt its provisions in full; and WHEREAS, initiative measures that seek to increase a tax must be submitted to the voters for approval; and WHEREAS, Charter section 23 directs that initiated legislative acts that qualify for the ballot "shall be submitted to the electorate at a Municipal Special Election consolidated with the next City-wide Municipal General Election ballot on which the measures legally can be placed, or at a City-wide Municipal Special Election held prior to that general election"; and -PAGE 3 OF 7- (0-2020-40 REV.) WHEREAS, on October 8, 2018, the Council adopted San Diego Resolution No .. R-311981, declaring its intention to submit the initiative petition for the measure titled "For A Better San Diego Initiative" to the City's voters at a citywide election; and WHEREAS, the resolution directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance placing the initiative measure on the ballot at a Mnnicipal Special Election consolidated with the next citywide Municipal General Election ballot in November 2020, unless the Council decided to place the initiative measure on the ballot of a citywide Mnnicipal Special Election to be held prior to that general election; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2019, the Council adopted San Diego Resolution No. R-312349, superseding San Diego Resolution No. R-311981, and declaring its intention to submit the "For A Better San Diego Initiative" to t~e City's voters at the Mnnicipal Special Election to be held on March 3, 2020; and WHEREAS, on October 1, 2019, the Council adopted San Diego Ordinance No. 0-21139, calling a Municipal Special Election in the City for Tuesday, March 3, 2020, to submit one or more ballot measures to the City's qualified voters, and the Council now desires to submit the 'For A Better San Diego Initiative" measure to the City's qualified voters on that ballot; and WHEREAS; the. initiative measure seeks to increase the Transient Occupancy Tax, which is a special tax, and thus the initiative measure requires approval by a two-thirds majority of the local electorate to be adopted by the voters; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Charter section 295(b), the Council's adoption of an ordinance to submit a citizens' initiative measure to City voters at a Mnnicipal Special Election is not -PAGE4OF 7- (0-2020-40 REV.) subject to veto by the Mayor, and thus the date of the ordinance's passage by the Council shall be deemed the date of its final passage; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the City of San Diego, that: Section I. One citizens' initiative measure titled "For A Better San Diego" is submitted to the qualified voters of the City of San Diego at the Municipal Special Election to be held on March 3, 2020, with the measure to read as follows: MEASURE The complete text of the initiative measure is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A, and incorporated by reference here, and will be submitted to the San Diego County Registrar of Voters in a separate document. END OF MEASURE Section 2. The measure shall be presented and printed upon the ballot and submitted to the voters in the manner and form to be detennined by the Council by resolution, in compliance with the San Diego Municipal Code. Section 3. On the ballot to be used at this Municipal Special Election, in addition to any other matters required by law, there shall be printed substantially the following: -PAGE 5 OF 7- (0-2020-40 REV.) l\lIEASURE . INITIATIVE MEASURE - HOTEL VISITOR TAX INCREASE FOR CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION, HOl\lIELESSNESS PROGRAMS, STREET REPAIRS. Shall the measure be adopted to: increase the City of San Diego's 10.5% hotel visitor tax by 1.25 to 3.25 percentage points, depending on hotel location, through at least 2061, designated to fund convention center expansion, modernization, promotion and operations, homelessness services and programs, and street repairs; and authorize related bonds; with a citizens' oversight committee and audits by the independent City Auditor? YES NO . Section 4. An appropriate mark placed in the voting square after the word "Yes" shall be counted in favor of the adoption of this measure. An appropriate mark placed in the voting square after the word "No" shall be counted against the adoption of the measure. Section 5. Passage of this measure requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those qualified electors voting on the matter at the Municipal Special Election.. Section 6. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance or a. digest of this ordinance to be published once in the official newspaper following this ordinance's adoption by-the Council. Section 7. Pursuant to San Diego Municipal Code section 27.0402, this measure will be available for public examination for no fewer than ten calendar days prior to being submitted to the San Diego County Registrar of Voters under the deadline for publication of ballot materials. During the examination period, any voter registered in the City may seek a writ of mandate or an injunction requiring any or all of the measure to be amended or deleted. The examination period will end on the day that is 75 days prior to the date set for the election. The Clerk shall post notice of the specific dates that the examination period will run. -PAGE 6 OF 7- (0-2020-40 REV.) Section 8. A full reading of this ordinance is dispensed with prior to its passage, a written or printed copy having been available to the Council and the public prior to the day of its passage. Section 9. This ordinance placing a qualified initiative measure on the ballot is a ministerial act within the Council's purview and related to elections, and thus not subject to mayoral veto under Charter section 280(a)(l); as such, it maybe passed by the Council on the date of introduction pursuant to Charter sections 275(c), 295(b), and 295(d). APPROVED: MARA W. ELLIOTT, City Attorney By ~rvr.,1_01A-Ch, Kevin Reisch S.enior Chief Deputy City Attorney SBS:KJR:jdf 09/11/19 10/24/19 REV. Or.Dept: Mayor Document No.: 2043393 2 -PAGE 7 OF 7- Exhibit A to Ordinance (0-2020-40) INITIATIVE PETITION To the Honorable City Council of The City of San Diego: We, the undersigned registered voters of The City of San Diego, California, by this petition hereby respectfully propose the fqllowing legislative act be adopted by the City Council or submitted to the registered voters of1he City of San Diego for their adoption or rejection: NOTICE OF INTENT TO CIRCULATE PETITION Notice is hereby given of the intention of the persons whose names appear• hereon to circulate a petition within the City of San Dieg? for the purpose of increasing the overnight lodging tax paid by visitors to San Diego to generate hundreds of millions of dollars needed to address the leading problems affecting our status as a world class destination city, with revenues being raised by hotel vi~itors only. "FOR A BETTER SAN DIEGO" Be It ordained by the people of the City of San Diego: Section 1. Tltle. This measure Is a dtizen ·In1ttatlve measure and It shall be known, cited and referred to as the "Fcir a Better San Dle"gd' measure. Section 2, Findings and Purpose San Diego has long been considered a "world class destination city" for tourists and visitors, Our tourism industry Is one of the largest contributors to our local economy. And tourism revenues from visitor taxes, paid by overnight lodging guests- are the third largest source of revenue to the City of San Diego. However, today, our tourism economy and local community are facing unprecedented challenges. Tourism and lodging · leaders have Identified three major factors that are diminishing San Diego's status as a desirable world class destination for tourists and visitors, These factors are: a spiraling homelessness crisis, city streets full of potholes and In urgent need of repair, as well as outdated and !nadequate convention and tourist facllltles. Together, these factors are restricting the healthY expansion of the tourism economy which ·provide money for the local economy and funds for city servlces. Yet, whlle "America's Finest City~ today faces multiple 'challenges tO our status as a world-class desUnatlon clty, we have lncreaslngly limited flnahclal resources available to address those challenges. Taken together, these challenges threaten our City's reputation, quality of llfe,_the health of our local economy, and our attractiveness to mlllions of tourists and visitors. This measure, If adopted, vvtll provide significant new revenues to address these challenges and wm provide a•~urning point" that will restore and secure San Diego's status as a world-class destination c!ty for tourlsto and visitors for years to come, To accomplish th!s purpose, this measure will provide additional funding to: (1) reduce homelessness, (2) improve city streets, and (3) s!gnificantly expand v!sitor/tourlst faclUtles -with revenues being raised ~om I10tel visitors only. With this purpose I~ mind, San Diego's tourism and lodglng leaders have joined with homeless advocates, community activists, business leaders, and others who represent a broad cross-section of the San Diego community to sponsor "For A Better San Diego" to address these problems Which are diminishing San Diego's stature as an attractive destination for visitors and tourists. Tols cltrzen lnitiaUve measure wlll lncrease the overnight lodging tax paid by visitors to San Diego which will then generate hundreds of mflllons of dollars needed to address. the leading problems affecting our status as a world class destination city, Reducing Homelessness As mentloned before, San Diego's homeless crisis has been a major concern forv!sllors and residents alike. Yet, the crisis contlm1e$ to grow year by year. ~ecent counts suggas~ there are more than 5,000 homeless women and children, military veterans, lndlvlduals with mental health and physical challeriges, and other vulnerable populations, In. our City. Many of these lndlvlduals live on city streets, sidewalks, open space, canyons, beaches, parks, riverbeds and natural lands, which results In Impacts on tourists and visitors, and puts strain on those resources·. San D_iego's homeless crisis Is certainly a humanitarian crisis. But It Is ·also a publlc health threat, a publlc sr,1feiy issue, and an economic Issue alt of whlch detrimentally effects our status iis a world class destination city. The current situation is of grave concern to many San Diego residents, businesses, and visitors and requires Immediate action. The Regional Task Force on the Homeless (an Integrated arraY of stakeholders committed to preventing and a!levlatlng homelessness In San Diego} has determined that more funds are crltlcally needed for shelter and services tliat wlll help the homeless to get off the streets and to imp~6ve ihelr condition. This group has also c!ted the lack of affordable housing In San [?!ego as a inajor contributor to the homel~ss crisis; These needs must be addressed, Lodging and tourism bustljesses are especially concerned about the Impacts of the homeless crisis. If potentlal visitors worry about health, safety, or security Issues associated with rampant homelessness then they won't come to our city, Indeed, the HeP.atltls A outbreak ln late ·201 e has had aprofoundly negative Impact on tourisn:i. This negative Image, if it goes uncheclWI.Sgf5.0'1fll.egul)W!lcd,rm 10 A STATEMENT OF THE REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION AS CONTEMrLATED IN SAID PETITION IS AS FOLLOWS: San Diego has long been a ''world class destination city" for tourists and visitors. Tourism Is one of the largest contributors to our economy. Revenues from visitor taxes, paid by overnight lodging guests, are the lhlrd largest source of ~enue to the City. Today, our tourism eqonomy and local community are facing unprecedented challenges. Tourism and lodging leaders Identified three factors diminishing San Dlego's status as a desirable world class destination. They are; a spiral!ng homelessness crisis, city streets full of potholes and Infrastructure In urge.nt need of repair, and outdated/Inadequate convention and facilities, Together, theae factors·restrlct the he-a/thy expansion of the tourism economy and_City revenues. Yet, wh!le "AmericEl's Finest City" today faces multlple challenges to our status as a world-class d0stinalion city1 we have llmlted resources available to address these problems. -These challenges threaten our cays reputation, quality of life, the heslth of our local economy, and our attractiveness to m!lllons of visitors. · · This measure wm provide srgnlticant new revenues to·addressthese diallenges and secure San Diego's status as a worldclass destlnatjon city. 'fhls measure wll! provide addttlonal finding to: (1) reduce homelessness, (2) Improve city streets, and (3) significantly expand visitor/tourist facllltles-wlth revenues being raised from hotel visitors only, San Diego's tourism and lodglng leaders have thus Joined with homeless advocates, community, and business leaders, to sponsor "For A Better San Diego" to address problems which are diminishing San Diego's stature as an attractive destination. 'fhls measure will Increase the overnight lodging tax paid by visitors to San Diego hotels which w111 generate hundreds of millions of dollars needed to address the leading problems affecting our status as a world class destination city. Vote YES on this initiative to help San Diego secui'e Its place as a world olaSs destination city! INITIATIVE PROPONENTS' NAMES, SIGNATURES, ADDRESSES SIGNATURE, ( ~~ ~ DATE, I - f- /D Father Joe Carroll President Emeritus Father Joe's Village 33 161h Street San Diego, CA 92101 Sl~NATURE: ~. Jaymie Bradford /l,L(_r Executive VP & C 0 San Diego Regional Chamber of Com 402 West Broadway, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92101 SIGNATORE: / ------+---1---- DATE, I DATE, [-°/,-/3' DATE, I -9-IP Ilob McElroy 'j •'12 President & CEO Alpha Project 3737 Fifth Avenue, Suite 203 San Diego, CA 92103 SIGNATURE, ..#1,(lJmtf/ltJ. 1/deJJ I€ t, Namara Mercer Executive Director Hotel/lvfotel Association of San Diego 1915 Quivira Way ;;:z~-2 lr-'tBusiness Manager/Financial S retary 4545 V_ley11idge Avenue,'Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92123 ·' IL Passed by the Council of The City of San Diego on _ _ NO_V_0....;4::...2_0_19__~ by the following vote: Council members Yeas Nays [1 Jennifer Campbell □ 0 Chris Ward 0 0 Chris Cate □ □ 0 lZI Scott Sherman [J Vivian Moreno □ Barbara Bry Monica Montgomery Mark Kersey Georgette Gomez Date of final passage AUTHENTICATED BY: ,0 Not Present □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 0 □ Recused □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ NOV O4 2019 KEVIN L. FAULCONER Mayor of The City of San Diego, California. ZABETH S. MALAND he City of San Diego, California. (Seal) ~ . I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed on the day of its introduction, to wit, on NOV O4 2019 , said ordinance being of the kind and character authorized for passage on its introduction by Section 275 of the Charter. I FU.RTHER CERTIFY that said ordinance was read in full prior to passage or that such reading was dispensed with by a vote of five members of the Council, and that a written copy of the ordinance was made available to each member of the Council and the public prior to the day of its passage. (Seal) The City of San Diego, California. Office of the City Clerk, San Diego, California Ordinance Number 0-