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BUFFETT FOUNDATION December 4, 2019 James. E. Getz Chief of Police Decatur Police Department 707 W. Southside Drive Decatur, 1L 62521 Dear Chief Getz: The Howard G. Buffett Foundation (HGBF) is planning to provide a grant in the amount of $500,000 to the Decatur Police Department (DPD). However, these funds will be provided only on the condition that DPD appoints a new dedicated Driving Under the In?uence/Drug Recognition Enforcement Officer for a period of four (4) years (2020 thru 2023). The HGBF will provide $500,000 requiring DPD to make up the estimated difference of $148,458. DPD can budget this difference, or it can be made up by using the funding option outlined below. These grant funds would be restricted for the salary and bene?ts for the Of?cer and must be applied only to the expenditures described in the attached budget submitted to the HGBF totaling $648,458. At the conclusion of this project or if the Of?cer is no longer assigned to this position, any unexpended funds must be returned to the HGBF. This Of?cer must be 100% committed to activity for ail four (4) years. This of?cer wiil be assigned to increase the local detection and enforcement of impaired drivers. The position provided by this grant should be in addition to the staf?ng that you have currently budgeted. If you have a total of 146 staff budgeted, the Officer would make a total of 147 staff.) This of?cer at no time in the future will be used to supplement regular DPD staf?ng or to supplant a DPD staffposition. As you are aware, we are budgeting an additional $500,000 for use by DPD upon the HGBF receiving proceeds from the sale of farmland which the Decatur Pubiic Building Commission returned to HGBF. A portion of the above?mentioned funds may be used to ?true-up? the final expenses in the fourth year (approximately $148,458) for the Of?cer position. Previously, we stipulated that these funds could not be used to fund salaries; however, if DPD is using them to ful?ll another HGBF grant that will be the only exception. 145 N. MERCHANT ST., DECATUR, ILLINOIS 62523 TELEPHONE: 217/423?9286 FAX: 2127/423-928? EMAIL: INFO Page 403 of 582 Chief James Getz December 4, 2019 Page 2 By accepting these funds, the DPD agrees to submit a report to the HGBF on an annual basis summarizing the financial expenditures for each year and the results of the grant (such as citations and DUUDRE arrests) through the conclusion ofthe project. In addition, the end of the year reporting should provide a summary ofthe disposition of each arrest as well as the Violation alcohol or drug (speci?c). Please send those reports directly to me at tac@hgbfoundation.0rg, with a copy to By signing and returning a copy of this letter, you agree to all of the conditions outlined in this letter. Once the signed letter is received, we will forward the grant check. Upon receipt of the funds, we require that you complete and return the enclosed Acknowledgement of Charitable Contribution form within five (5) business days. Please contact me directly with any questions. Best regards, Trisha A. Cook Vice President of Operations and Treasurer Enclosures cc: Julie Moore Woife Scot Wrighton Agreed and Acknowledged by: Chief James. E. Getz Date Decatur Police Department Page 404 of 582 THE HOWARD G. BUFFETT FOUNDATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 0F CHARITABLE As a representative of my organization, 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the charitable contribution made by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. I certify that no benefit was provided to the Foundation or any person associated with the Foundation in return for this contribution. Please print or type information, sign and promptiy return by fax, mail or scanned email attachment to: The Howard G. Buffett Foundation Vice President of Operations 145 N. Merchant St. Decatur, IL 62523 Fax: [217) 423?9287 tac@hebtoundation.org NAME: ROJ ECT OF PROJECT: AMOUNT OF CASH NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: TITLE OF REPRESENTATWE: SIGNATURE: DATE: Page 405 of 582 New Buffett Grant Expense Projections Officer estimate at Grade 7 Regular Pay Overtime Shift 3 Medicare Life Heahh Pension Prepared by: Date: 2020 2021 2022 2023 95,175 97,554 99,993 102,493 7,000 7,175 7,354 7,538 1,380 1,415 1,450 1,486 75 75 75 75 17,750 18,638 19,569 20,548 32,852 34,505 36,231 38,042 154,242 159,362 164,672 170,182 Office of City Treasurer 10/21/19 6418,7458 Page 406 of 582 ! " ! # $ % # " &$ $" & ' () ** * + !# * ( ! , !# & - ././0/1 ( 2 % , % !" ) 34 (% # $ % & $ " % ' % ( )%% % *# * $ +, ) - % # % & ( - . % 3DJH RI