From: (membrane Sent: 4 Nov 2003 4150!] To: r4 Cc: Subject: H4: CDNCEHNED CITIZEN AND DAUGHTER UF ALLEGES HER MOTHER - HAS DONATED MONEY TD A GRUUP WHO INTENDS TU ASSASSINATE (HUME) LAB IS ATTEMPTING TD LDCATE INTERVIEW HEPDRTING AND SUBJECT. Dater'Time: 11i03f2006 03:56 PM Received By: (hit?iihli?tm Caller Title: SA Caller Name: {in?hthit?tcl Agencyr?ff: Name: Unknown Juili351351 NRID: NCIC Neg: TECS Neg: H: DOD Incident Title: Incident Details: on 11:03:03. at 1502 hours EST. Icontacled the PIDC to report the following: 0n 11ro3ros at 1223 hours EST for Senator Uhama's Campaign. Chicago. IL. contacted {snag report the following email which was sent to not - the campaign a we sI e: "My {byamm?tmi?m?l?}, Las Vegas. NV, is a staunch republican that believes all the rumors and she said she has donated to a group that is planning to assasinate Dbama. She says she "knows what will happen. so she's not entirely worried about the outcome of the election." She has made these comments several times to me and my family. I'm so worried about his safety that it has begun to consume my day. I don't know where else to go. but felt that I needed to say something. for fear that I didn't try to do anything. Please take this seriously. I am truly won'ied for him and his family. I am the mother of a one year old and I have great hope for what Dhama can do for this all of us. Please reassure me. if you can. Thank. you. Return Email Contact Info: {blit?iliblt?tc} [sic] 'nformed the PIDC he contacted earlier reference the above incident. He was a weed the Las Vegas Field Of?ce will not initiate any investigation at this time until they receive direction from PID. 0n 11i?3f?? at 1330 hours. the PIOC contacted (hitchibifrit?'i and informed him of the above information. SA hit?i: ms is incident will be assigned to the duty agent. SA (hM?kihHmC) measure] reveri?bimto SA Mister: he would instruct Setbit?mlgpo contact the concerned citizen. thit?mbit?tC} and fa contact the with the resu ts. This incident will be forwarded to Region 4 for follow up. QUERIES: [concerned citizen): No associable records. Wrec?ed subject}: No associable records. NOTIFICATIONS: Supervisor ATSAICI 151 CI hours WFD SA 2031 hours Beams-Notifications Via Email 2034 hours USCP SA 1641 hours LAB 1530 hours Source From: Sent: Roy 2003 03:00:55 +0000 To: jttfoos Cc: Subject: INRID) I5 ARRESTED FDLLOWING A TRAFFIC STOP AFTER WEAPONS WERE FUUND IN HIS A PDSSIELE INTEREST IN SENATDR DRAMA WAS WAS ADVISED AND INTERVIEWEDSUBJECT REMAINS IN DatefTime: 00:43 PM Receiyed By: Caller Title: 5 Caller Name: [bii?iihiimici Agencyf?ff: Area Code: rhlreubin- Phone Rpt#: IN - 4 Name: I NRID: 1t NCIC Neg: ill: TECS Meg: TECS Multiple Race: Sex: H: 000 Eyes: Unknown Hair: Unknown DUB: SEN: [bll?MlelHC] I Current Street #1 Current Street: Current City: Current State: IL Current Country: US Current Area Cede: Current Phone hnemhnm' Permanent Street Permanent Street: Permanent City: [bumibnmci Permanent State: IL Permanent Country: US Permanent Area Permanent Phone {hil?mhx?i Incident Title: Incident Photo: I SSF-1945 Refused: Date SSF-1045 Signed: 11f04f2008 Details: Cin 11fD4f?B, at 1905 hours EDT, [bil?iibiirilci noti?ed the PIDC of the following: Moments earlier, an unknown subject was arrested in Rosemont, IL following a routine traf?c stop. The subject was in possession of A search of the subject's vehicle revealed a laptop computer with videos of YouTube referencing 'Black Rioting iffwhen Dbama wins.I is responding to investigate. At 1910 hours, was noti?ed of the incident. SA Iadvised that thev are aware of the situation. SAFbli?Eblmiladvised that agents (NFI) from the Senator Obama rallv site in Chicago were called to respond to the Rosemont Police Station in an attempt to interview the subject. SA provided the PIDC with subject identi?ers. At 2045 hours EDT. SA (bli?iabli?tci {hii?hibimm I advised the PIOC of the results of the interview. The subject was interviewed at the Rosemont Police Department. The subject was cooperative and compliant throughout the interview. A signed ESP-1945 and photo were obtained by the subject. This report is forwarded to Region 2 for appropriate follow-up. QUERIES: No associable records found. NOTIFICATIONS: PIOC Supervisor ATSAIC {armaments} Ilslo hours WFO S?libii?mbii?tml 1940 hours USCP SA 1935 hours CHI SA 1910 hours ?hama Noti?cations Via Email 2005 hours DPR DAD Elias 2000 hours ASAIC 2000 hours DSAIC 2000 hours From: PIDC Alert Sent: 5 Nov 2008 02:43:53 +0000 To: Bcc: Subject: epaging - PIDC Notification Update #1 . 1 I If! v.3. SECRET Samuel; :4 mo ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS BRANCH - - . . What: Subject arrested outside Chicago with multiple weapons and Obamainterest. Call ?rigination: Where: Rosemont, IL When: 11f04f00 Who: {hii?iibliriifi .NRID) Summary: Subject arrested outside Chicago during routine traffic stop. mm. Subject has been interviewed by The PIDC will provide additional updates if deemed appropriate. Please contact the PIOC with anyF questinns, HQ tin-Call personnel must acknowledge receipt ef this message by sending a "reply?. From: Sent: 4 Nov EDDS 11:13:25 -DSDD TD: {hilt?iztb??t? [bit?mhiit?t?l I Subject: Protective Intelligence Noti?cations Attachments: PIOC Notification-epaging, EPaging - PIOC Noti?cation, PIOE Noti?cation-epaging, CAMPAIGN NOTIFICATION - UPDATE Obama Threat, PIOE Noti?cation - UPDATE Campaign Notification, EPaging - PIOC Notification Update 1, EPaging - PIOC Notification, EPaging - PIOC Noti?cation, EPaging - PIOC Notification, EPaging - PIOC Noti?cation, PIOC Notification, PIOE Notification - eoaging, PIOC NOTIFICATION, PIOC Noti?cation, FW: PIOC Notification, FW: SENATOR OBANIA STAFF FORWARD TO OBAMA OPS PHOTOS OF HALLOWEEN COSTUMES OF SENATOR OBAMA WITH A BULLET HOLE IN HIS SOLD AT KMART STORES IN PIOC Noti?cation, PIOC Noti?cation, PIDC Alert, PIDC NOTIFICATION {tilt FYI purposes. I am not sure if you receive these. These are internal documents. when you have a moment, could you print any of these noti?cations that are related to Senator -ama. Thanks, JRS From: PIGC Alert Sent: 1 Nov 2003 {8:36:11 To: Hill-Notifications Subject: EPaging - PIDE Noti?cation if. 1 US. SECRET Seance - INTELLIGENCE we ASSESSMENT Dmsxoa I ii i - ..--, A. Basset! What: Headless Dummy Made to Resemble Senator I{Iit'iama Found inF'arking Lot Call Origination: Where: Stone Mountain, GA When: 10KB 1,!03 Who: Subject (RID) Summary: Subject [blistthitriit?] left a dummv in a parking lot made to resemble Senator Dbama, with racist flvers containing threatening verbiage and derogatoryr comments in place of the head. Subject was interviewed and stated that he meant the dummv to be received as an expression of art: Subject has a historv of making political artwork depicting violence towards political ?gures to raise awareness to his conspiracv theories. The PIDC will provide additional updates if deemed appropriate. Please contact the PIDC with anv questions, HQ Un-Call personnel must acknowledge receipt of this message bv sending a "replv". Fram: maxmem llPIDi Sent: 4 NOV ZEUS {1500 Tu: jttfaps Cc: Subject: (hii?iibitrii?i Imam: IS ARRESTED IN FOLLOWING A TRAFFIC STOP AFTER WEAPONS WERE IN HIS A PDSSIBLE INTEREST IN SENATDR UBAMA WAS WAS ADVISED AND INTERVIEWEDSUBJECT REMAINS IN DatefTime: llf?df20?8 08:43 PM Received By: (bit?mbiirli?i Caller Title: SA Caller Name: AQEHCWOH: Area Code: (When Phane {enmmbanm INC-00043230 TECS Neg: TECS Multiple Race: 5E3: {hil?mb??t? H: DUO Eves: Unknawn Hair: Unknewn DOB: {hii?idbiirii? SSN: {hif?idb?r Current Street Current Street: [bil?iibiiril? Current City: Current State: IL Current Country: US Current Area Cede: {hif?kibii?il Current Phone Permanent Street [hil?lzibitrii? Permanent Street: Permanent City: Permanent State: IL Permanent Ceuntry: US Permanent Area Cede: Permanent Phane Incident Title: Incident Photo: a: SSF-1945 Refused: Date SSF-1945 Signed: 11,!0412008 0n 11f?4f?B, at 1905 hours EDT, SH (bit?idbllirit?l I noti?ed the PIDC of the following: Moments earlier, an unknown subject was arrested in Rosemont, IL following a routine traf?c stop. The subject was in possession oil {bitriiEZI A search of the subject's vehicle revealed a laptop computer with videos of YouTube referencing 'Black Rioting iffwhen Dbama wins.I is responding to investigate. At 1910 hours, was noti?ed of the incident. SA {bil?inibi?'iici advised that they are aware of the situation. that agents (NFI) from the Senator Obama rallv site in Chicago were called to respond to the Rosemont Police Station in an attempt to interview the subject. SA the PIDC with subject identi?ers. At 2045 hours EDT, SA {hiisidbnrit? {bli?idbiiritci I advised the PIOC of the results of the interview. The subject was interviewed at the Rosemont Police Department. The subject was cooperative and compliant throughout the interview. A signed ESP-1045 and photo were obtained by the subject. This report is forwarded to Region 2 for appropriate follow-up. QUERIES: (HUME) No associable records found. NUTI FICATIDNS: PIDC Supervisor AT I bii?mmioml 1910 hours Him So {hii?liibiir'?cl 1940 hours USCP SA 1935 hours CHI 5 1010 hours Dhama Notifications Via Email 2005 hours OPR DAD Elias 2000 hours PID ASAIC bii?mbitrii 2000 hours PID DSAIC 2000 hours From: Sent: 4 Nov ZOOB 14:33 :23 -OSOO To: BIL Cc: Bullies: enoq XIPRIORITYJI IOLIA will be notified via unofficial mail FROM: Headquarters 4} FILE: TO: Billings RA INFO: Seattle Chicago Liaison SUBJECT I escrow: Region 4. I cess IRS: Iss [b??hfbH?EC] OFFICIAL MAIL: Reference is made to the l?f?lf?? telfcon between the PIOC agent and SA Further reference is made to the telfcon between and also regarding the subject. IDENTITY OF THE SUBJECT: Name: Race: Sex: H: W: Eyes: Hair: DOB: SSN: Current Address: Permanent Phone: INCIDENT SUMMARY: On lOf3lfOE. FBIfCleveland notified of a threatening message towards Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama left on a voicemail at the United Church of Christ. Cleveland, OH. A church employee reported the subject left a message stating, ?Senator Barack Obama will be assassinated? and that he was a member of the Faith Chapel congregation in Billings, MT. The phone number was captured and a search revealed that the phone number was registered to the subject. Please advise the local office of the FBI of this matter and the fact that you are conducting an investigation. If the FBI intends to take any action, please coordinate your investigation with them. Please refer to pages 9-11Ir regarding the PID Classification Systems and the requirements for each classification evaluation. This case contains a threat against Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Dhama and should be presented to the U.S. Attorney for prosecutive opinion. Please note the Investigative Manual requirement for presentation to the U.S. Attorney for prosecutive opinion as outlines in pages 7-9, and the subsequent submission of either a declination letter or a copy of the case report. outlined in INF-34, to the Intelligence Division. A report is requested on or before llfl?f?B. IDD ACTION: Protective Intelligence Division Liaison is requested to make appropriate notification to FBI headquarters. ATTACHMENTS: Please send the subject's photographIr to include the date of the photo. as soon as it is obtained via mail or unofficial email to Fingerprint and palm print cards should be forwarded directly to Forensic Services Division. all other attachments such as handwriting exemplarsIr SSF 1945. SSF 1753Ir SSF 4010, etc.. are to be forwarded to this Division at the close of the investigation. Headquarters From: (brewers: lPIn] Sent: 31 LEEDS 15:42:15 Tc: r1 Cc: r2;a55essment;idc 5;id5aic5;PlCIC;ird Subject: WHEEUJENRID) TD CAMPAIGN SDLICITATIDN BY THE SEN. DRAMA CAMPAIGN WITH THREAT DIRECTED AT THE SENATOR. HYFD INTERVIEWS gig?ilEI?/HD WAS AND REALIZES HDW STUPID HIS ACTIDN WAS. 50W DatefTime: 12:39 PM Received Er: Caller Title: ATSAIC Ca 1 Name AgencyICff: Ops Area 9113119 #1 INC-00048159 Name: {hlf?mbH?tC-ZI NRID: NCIC Neg: TECS Neg: Race: See: IfbH?In?b?I-f?f H: [bli?mb w: Eyes: Hair: DDE: SSH: Current Street II Current Street: Current Ci P: Current State: NY Current Country: US Current Area Cede: Current Pncne II: Permanent Street Permanent 315159913: I Permanent City: Permanent State: HY Permanent Country: US Permanent Area Cede: Permanent Pnene II: Itbli?l?bj?xc Incident Title: Incident Phete: ESP-1945 Refused: Date ESP-1945 Signed: Details: on 102313118 at [1812 hours, ATEAIC I ops. contacted the PIDC and advised that the text message "That Arab nigger should die" [sic] was sent to the Senator Dbama Campaign ?text message" number 62262 from numberI ATSAIC subsequently forwarded an email to the PICIC which he received from {Dbama Campaign staff}- The PIDC reviewed this email and noted that the above?referenced threat wassent on at 1523 hours. The PIDC immediatelyF contacted 151) and requested queries Of (bluf?l?blf At 0905 hours. the PIDC received and reviewed the results of ISD queries for the number . As a result, ISD ueries "35 determined that number at {sternum Chicago: 11? At 0930 hours. the contacted 5A USESICHI, and advised him of this incident. replied that he would contact a PI a ent and advise them of is in ormation. The PIUC instructed SA {bli?li?l to contact the PIOC with any updates on the attempt to locate and identify the subject who sent the message. A Lexus Nexus querI revealed the following possible identifier information for At 1100 hours, this information was relayed to Sfb?f?jb] via email. At 1140 hours. SAI contacted the PIGC and advised he responded to both addresses in Chicago and nothing of investigative value was developed. SAIbH?lifbM dvised he called the cell phone number, and spoke with a subject identifving himself as Istated he is a {bli?hfb??ifq I Wstated he would be more than willing to speak with agents about this incident. Salfb??kfbn?informed-that agents from NYC would be contacting him. At 1145 hours. the PIDC contacted SA b} and informed him of the above reported information. SA advised he would contact the subject and update the FIDC with the results. QUERIES: ISD: Queries conducted by ISD for telephone number I (b??kfb??icl I determined the number to be issued to T-Mobile USA. and currentlL assigned . at. memento {steering I No associable records- NOTIFICATIONS: PIDC Supervisor ATSAIC hours Dbama Notifications Via Email 1325 hours CHI 3h . 7 D93U hours uses as 143:: hours WFD 5h 1205 hours NYC I 1145 hours Source BY DH Dn l?f3lf08. the PIDC with the following information: Dn the subject agreed to come to the NEED to be interviewed by SAI The subject stated that he was anI {bli?libl??icl I 1?3}in I The subject also advised that he was previously employed atl I I The subject admitted to sending the above text message. The subject was very remorseful and apologetic. The subject stated that early in the campaign, he subscribed to receive text messages from the Sen. Dbama campaign but during the campaign, the subject decided to switch his support to Sen. McCain. The subject stated that he tried to cancel the subscription to the text messages but he continued receiving them. The subject stated that he continually sent text messages to the Sec. Gbama campaign that he didn?t want any more test messages but received no response. The subject stated that at this point. he got upset and sent the above text message to see if he could get a reaction from Sen. Obama's campaign. The subject stated that he had no ill will towards Sen. obama or any other USES protectee. The subject answered negative to the following protective intelligence questions: 7 The subject stated that he lived in?bk?h??tfrom 1993 until 2003 when he moved back to New York. The subject stated that he only travels to Chicago one or two times each year to visit friends. sh that the subject lives with hisI I his land his (someone) es stated that the subject supplied him with his friend's name 11 (hlti?liblmm I I: stated that a photo of the subject was obtained. The subject signed a 1945 and a New York Mental Health form. Continuing on this same clate.r stated that this case 1was net presented tn the US foiee because there was no direct threat and there is a lack of criminal intent. NOTIFICATIONS: PIDC SUPERVISOR ATSAICI 1500 HDURS NYC 3n (stamens) I senses From: Sent: 4 Nov EDGE -DSDD To: internet Cc: r4 Sub?ect: FW: R4: CDNCEHNED CITIZEN AND DAUGHTER DF SUBJECT, ALLEGES HER MOTHER [blit?libilt?tc] HA5 DONATED MONEY TD A GROUP WHO INTENDS TD ASSASSINATEI (HERE) ILAS l5 TD LDCATE AND INTERVIEW HEPDRTING AND Frem: (bilt?mbit?tci (PID) Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 5:09 AM To: r4 Cc: assessment; idsaics; idops; ird; PIDC Subject: R4: CDNCERNED CITIZEN AND DAUGHTER DF SUBJECT ALLEGES HER MOTHER WHEN HA5 DONATED MDNEY TD A GRDUP (NFI) WHD INTEN D5 TD ASSASSINATE (HUME) LAS IS TD LOCATE AND REPDRTING PARTY AND SUBJECT. Datei?Time: 11iD3i2lZlD? 03:56 PM Received Ely: {billemh??t? Caller Title: SA Caller Name: (bite?bit?t? Agencyl?ff: Area Codezlthif?'MEI Phone Rpt#: INC-00043205 Name: Unknown Aliases: (biteIinJUHiZi NRID: NCIC Neg: TECS Neg: H: Incident Title: Incident Photo: Refused: Details: On ?reside, at 1502 hours EST. SAI thH?ihHr-HC] I (bit??iIlemC) Icontacted the PIDC to report the following: Dn ?reside at 1223 hours EST: (bitmainitril? HD Manager fer Senator Dbama's Campaign, Chicago. contacted SAEbite?to report the following email which was sent to the campaign's web site: "My Las Vegas, NV. is a staunch republican that believes all the rumors and she said she has donated to a group that is planning to assasinate Dbama. She says she ?knows what will happen: so she's not entirely: worried about the outcome of the election.? She has made these cemments several times te me and my family. I'm se werried about his safety that it has begun te censume my day. I den?t knew where else te ge. but felt that I needed te say semething. fer fear that I didn't try te de anything. Please take this serieusly. I am truly werried fer him and his family. I am the mether ef a ene year eld and I have great hepe fer what Deama can de fer this all ef us. Please reassure me. if yeu can. Thank yeu. Return Email: Centact Infe: [sic] SAlih3(53 infermed the PIDC he centacted earlier reference the abeye incident. He was a weed the Las IIt'egas Field Eifiice will net initiate any investigatien at this time until they receive directien frem PID. Uh 11resres at 1530 heurs. the PIDC centacted (bit?iztbit?f?l and infen'ned him cf the above infermatien. He]; advised this incident will be assigned te the duty a 3 Sen-stated he would bit?ii centact the cencemed citizen. and te centact the PIOC with the results. This incident will be ferwarded te Regien 4 fer up. QUERIES: [cencerned citizen}: Ne asseciable recerds. [receded subject): Ne asseciahle recerds. NDTIFICATIONS: PIOC Superviser ATSAIC 151D heurs WFD SA 2031 heurs Ubama-Neti?catiens Via Email 2034 heurs USCP - tit-519:1 1641 neural-'20? heurs LAS 153i} heurs CHI SA Seurce From: Alert Sent: 4 Nov 21:43:53 To: Subject: epaging - PIUC Notification - Update #1 AND ASSESSMENT 911.13?on OPERATIONS Beatrice tut-WES. 1 - x? a, SECRET SERVICE . +74 1 ?r . What: Subject arrested outside Chicago with multiple weapons and Dbamainterest. Call ?rigination: Where: Rosemont, IL When: 11f?4j?S Who: Summary: Subject arrested outside Chicago during routine traf?c stop. Subject in possession of {bii'iEEi [bjiT'HE] and a laptop with Toutube videos depicting rioting should Senator Dbama win. and responding. Subject has been interviewed bv Subject claims he owns an executive securitv service that transports large amounts of cash for a taxi companv which has been confirmed bv TECS. Subject explained he carries numerous weapons clue to the risks involved in transporting large amounts of cash. Subject explained that he was ?sur?ng the net" after hearing about alleged riots if Senator Ubama wins and failed to close out the video. Subject will remain in custody until INSIDE until gun registrations can be veri?ed. The PIOC will provide additional updates if deemed appropriate. Please contact the PIOC with any questions, (blt?liibimt? HQ Uri-Call personnel must acknowledge receipt of this message by sending a "reply!? FrDm: IPIDI Sent: 4 New 2003 09:23:11 -0500 TD: rd;internet Subject: Fw: R4: CCINCERNED CITIZEN AND DAUGHTER CIF ALLEGES HER NIDTHE INRIDI HAS DDNATED TD A GROUP INFII WHO INTEN05 TCI ASSASSINATE (me-HE) LAS l5 TD LDCATE AND INTERVIEW REPCIFITING PART: AND sue: Thie is fer R4 - emeiler alleges her mem knees greup planning ED aeeaseinate ebama. I From: (P10) Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2000 ?:52 AM TD: intemet Cc: r4 Subject: Fw: R4: CDNCERNED CITIZEN AND DAUGHTER 0F SUBJECT, (NRIEI) ALLEGES HER MUTHEFII (NRID) HAS DONATED TCI A GROUP (NET) WHD INTENDS TD ASSASSINATE 0:5 15 ATTEMPTING TD LDCATE AND INTERVIEW REPDRTING PARTY AND 500.] From: Sent: Tuesday, NDuember 04, 2003 5:09 AM To: r4 Cc: assessment; idsaics; ideps: ird: PIOC Subject: R4: CDNCERNED CITIZEN AND DAUGHTER 0F SUBJECT, (NRID) ALLEGES HER MOTHERI NR10) HAS DONATED MONEY TD A GROUP (NFI) WHD INTEN 05 TD ASSASSINATE LAS IS ATTEMPTING TD LDCATE AND INTERVIEW REPDRTING PARTY AND SUBJECT. DeteITime: 11I03I2000 00:50 PM Received Eycl Caller Title: SA Caller Name: AgencyICIff: I HI Area Cede: Phone thIt?Hbimtl Name: Unknown Aliases: mm NRID: NCIC Neg: TEES Neg: H: 000 Incident Title: Incident Details: Dn musics. at 1502 hours EST. SAI ccntacted the PIUC to report the following: On 11f03i?? at 1228 hours EST. (bit?mbitt'tt Manager for Senator Dbama's Campaign, Chicago. IL, oontacted SA to report the following email which was sent to the campaign's web site: "My mother. (NRID). Las Vegas. NV. is a staunch republican that believes all the rumors and she said she has donated to a group that is planning to assasinate Dbama. She says she "knows what will happen, so she's not entirely won'ied about the outcome of the election.? She has made these comments several times to me and my family. I'm so worried about his safety that it has begun to consume my day. I don't know where else to go. but felt that I needed to say something, for fear that I didn?t try to do anything. Please take this seriously. I am truly won'ied for him and his family. I am the mother of a one year old and I have great hope for what Dbama can do for this all of us. Please reassure me, if you can. Thank you. Return Email: Contact Info: {hit?hfbH?IiC} [sic] . WEE 'nformed the Picc be contacted earlier reference the above incident. He was a - vised the Las ltiegas Field I.Btt'fice will not initiate any investigation at this time until they receive direction from PID. 0n 11t?3t?? at 1630 hours. the PIDC contacts attC} thit?iitblt?tC} I and informed him of the above information. Siam dvised this incident will be assigned to the duty agent. {unwitting-MC) SA. {hit?litlstaled he would instruct SA to contact the concerned citizen, tb?if?Hb?IfT?IrC?I land to contact the PIUC with the results. This incident will be forwarded to Region 4 for follow up. {Wt?lifblt?tC} (concerned citizen}: No associable records. Wreponed subject}: No associable records. NOTIFICATIONS: PIOC Supervisor ATSAIC {blgol-lgbgim] 1510 hours WFO Seltbit?ifblt?tcl 2031 hours Ubama-Noti?cations Via Email 2034 hours USCP 5A 1641 heurs?m hours LAS SA a - 1530 hours CHI Source From: [bltolzthimt? Sent: 4 Nov 2003 11:13:25 41500 To: (bit?lmnia (GPAII Subject: Protective Intelligence Noti?cations Attachments: PIDC Notification-epaging, EPaging - PIOC Noti?cation, PIOC Noti?cation-epaging, CAMPAIGN NUTIFICATIDN - UPDATE Dbama Threat, Noti?cation - UPDATE Campaign Notification, EPaging - PIDC Notification Update 1, EPaging - PIOC Notification, EPaging - PIDC Notification, EPaging - PICIC Notification, EPaging - PIDC Noti?cation, PIDC Notification, PIDC Notification - epaging, PIDC NUTIFICATIDN, PIUC Notification, FW: PIDC Notification, FW: SENATOR DBAMA STAFF FURWARD TD UBAMA 0P5 PHUTGS OF HALLDWEEN CDSTUMES CIF DBAMA WITH A BULLET HDLE IN HIS SOLD AT KMART STDHES IN PIDC Noti?cation, PIDC Noti?cation, PIDE Alert, PIDC NDTIFICATIDN - Arrest of local fi re chief FYI purposes. I am not sure if you receive these. These are internal documeoLs. when you have a moment. could you print any of these noti?cations that are related to Senator Ohama. Thanks, JRS Frem: Sent: 1 Nev 2003 13:16:05 Te: I Subject: Fw: Dbama visit [n?arrnatien regarding pessihle pretest at temnrrew's rally. [blt?] Sgt. [bll?lih??l?ib? Celumbus, l[Ilhiev Divisien at" Feliee Hemeland Seeurity Seetien Terrerism Early Warning Unit [bili?lih?? Uriginal meI (131(6); I Te: {13] I (bli?libh?icl CC: (hlt?MbM?tC) Sent: Sat Nev [ll 12:58:53 ZHUS Subjeet: visit ward that there are a handful elf Prn-Iif'e demonstraters who are planning to attend the Senator Dhama event an Sunday. They were indicating that the west side at" the Statehouse is where they want te leeate themselves and were inquiring about any different ?rules" than what they usually fellow here Ideally. The senree that previded me the info has net been arrested hefere. but has asseeiatiens with several that have pushed the limit en previeus neeasiens. I am not esaetly sure whe will be present within the handful. We have met had any arrests here in lawn regarding the anti-abertian mavement. Based en the eemments. I would espeet at the least a miner pro-life denianstratien to be present alengI the S. High Street sidewalk het'ere and during the vent. Thanks - Detective {h??HhH?l?C} Celumhus Divisian af Faliee Strategic Response Bureau Criminal Information Unit Iof?ce cellular 645-4111 fax NDTIC E: This communication, along with an},r ?les or attachments transmitted with it, contains sensitive, confidential andfor legally privileged information and should be considered an of?cial Columbus, Ohio - Division of Police communication. The is intended soler for use of the intended recipient{s}, Unauthorized interception, review, use, dissemination or disclosure, without the expressed written permission of the sender, is prohibited and ma}.r violate applicable State 3: Federal laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy,?r Act and subject the violator to disciplinary action andr'or criminal prosecution. lfvou are not the intended recipient, and have received the email in error, please contact the sender immediater and all copies of the communication. From: (bitasbitnto Sent: 31 Oct 19:05:50 To: [truest-Jenn {hummus} [bii?liibii?icl H?idbii? Subject: Fw: Scheduled events leading to election day ?riginal Message Fron?i To: Ll:? (armaments) Sent: ri?ctfil 18:m3 Subject: Re: Scheduled events leading to election day Thanks for the info{ Original Messag mel (bit?in?b?it??tm Sent: Fri Get 3l 13:47:33 2W3 Subject: FW: Scheduled events leading to election day current radar conditions are in the email below we have no group who plans to protest Monday or Tuesday, the liberal groups most likely to protest McCain I Palin indicate to us that they will be attending Democratic or Dbama events Monday and Tuesday instead of protesting. I believe Tuesday evening you may see a small group supporters gather near 24th and Missouri, outside of the Biltmore. The most signi?cant concern I have regarding McCain! Palin is the Ron Paul supporters attending Tuesday night's event and possibly supporters at 24th and Missouri getting excited and running into the roadway. l[hi inal From Sent: Friday. October 31. 2:49 PM {bit?ibii?i?i Subject: Scheduled events leading to election day Importance: High have underlined the new or changed infonnatinn Wednesday Uctober 29 5:30pm: Rally by 1v'otc No on [02. Approximately 400 people participated in this event. There were no incidents however. one fellow who was very intoxicated was contacted. found to have misdemeanor warrants and was booked: This concluded at 3:00pm. Friday Detober 31 4:30pm to IVoiccs for Change is sponsoring a rally. originally planned for Camclback. has moved to the south west comer of 3rd Avenue and McDowell Road. The purpose of this event is to get out the vote. We expect approximately people to participate. We will monitor this activity but do not expect and issues. Saturday November I 11:00am to 2:00pm: Progressive Democrats of Arizona have organised an ?Arizona Divorces McCain? rally. They have leased the parking lot of Madison School. 5525 lath Street which is across the street from McCainls two of?ces at 5353 l?th Street. We are still expecting son to one people for this event. They will have speakers in the school parking lot from I 1:00am to l:30prn. At they will cross Missouri and deliver a divorce decree. the Community Response Squad liaison to the McCain offices has renamed for a representative to meet the activist on the sidewalk and receive this ?decree" [excl-{E} members of the Community Response Squad will be supported by Sgt. NET ot iccrs from the Cactus Park Precinct. This group has staged events before and is cooperative police and is peaceful. There are no national level ?lr'lPs expected for this event. Saturday November 1 to l:00pm: The election office for Sen. McCain is sponsoring an event at Desert Storm Park, Colter Street. An estimated IN to 201] people are expected. Drganizers have made arrangements for parking at a nearby charter school in order to avoid the group at Senator McCain?s of?ces. 1'v'IP's expected for this event include Senator Kyle and Congressmen Shadegg. Flake. and Franks. This will occur during the same time as the rally described officers from the Squaw Peak Precinct an ommunity Response Squad detectives will monitor his event. 1 Monday November 3 time TBA: The local Sen. Dbama staff has advised they are trying to arrange for an ?intemational? ?gure to come to Phoenix to participate in some sort of rally or get out the vote affair. This may not occur. however if it does it will be arranged on very short notice. No details were provided but I anticipate a celebrity making an appearance on the senator?s behalf. _is working with the staff and will provide information when it becomes available. No new info available. Tuesday November 4: Senator McCain will attend an event at the Biltmore. Mayor lCordon is having an event at Wrigley Mansion, and Senator Dbamals campaign as well as the Democratic Party are having separate events at the Del. is the liaison for the Dbama campaign and will participate in a security walk through on Monday November 3rd at I The only activism that we are aware ofas of today for these events is Ron Paul supporters have posted information about the McCain event on their web site and suggested that members who attend wear appropriate attire. We have no information that any of them are actually planning to attend. There was a similar posting last week by this group in reference to an event attended by Congressmen Shadegg and 13 of the Ron Paul people showed up. We will monitor this event. No new information here. Anyone with questions or concerns my contact me on my cell at lhll?liihl?l? i have underlined the new or changed information Wednesday Dctober 29 5:30pm: Rally by Vote No on 102. Approximately 400 people participated in this event. There were no incidents however. one fellow who was very intoxicated was contacted. found to have misdemeanor warrants and was booked. This concluded at 3:00pm. Friday Dctober 31 4:30pm to Voices for Change is sponsoring a rally, originally planned for Camelhack, has moved to the south west corner of 3rd Avenue and McDowell Road. The purpose of this event is to get out the vote. We expect approximately 100 people to participate. We will monitor this activity but do not expect and issues. Saturday November 1 11:00am to 2:00pm: Progressive Democrats of Arizona have organized an ?Arizona Divorces McCain" rally. They have leased the parking lot of Madison School. 5525 ltith Street which is across the street from McCain?s two offices at 5353 16th Street. We are still expecting Still} to can people for this event. They will have speakers in the school parkin lot from I to I??pnt. At 1 :3?pm they will cross Missouri and deliver a divorce decreel thit?iib?ritci Ithe Community Response Squad liaison to the Met: . in ft?: - has anaged for a representative to meet the activist on the sidewalk and receive this ?decree"r embers of the Community Response Squad will be supported by Sgt. NET of?cers from the Cactus Park Precinct. This group has staged events before and is cooperative with police and is peaceful. There are no national level VIPs expected for this event. Saturday November 1 to l:0[lpm: The election of?ce for Sen. McCain is sponsoring an event at Desert Storm Park. lColter Street. An estimated IOU to Ell-? people are expected. Organizers have made arrangements for parking at a nearby charter school in order to avoid the group at Senator McCain?s of?ces. VIPs expected for this event include Senator Kyle and and Franks. This will occur during the same time as the rally described above. Sgt. Ifb??mlt?tclibm of?cers from the Squaw Peak Precinct Response Squad detectives will monitor his event. Monday November 3 time TBA: The local Sen. Dbama staff has advised they are trying to arrange for an ?international" figure to come to Phoenix to participate in some sort of rally or get out the vote affair. This may not occur. however if it does it will be arranged on very short notice. No details were provided but anticipate a celebrity making an appearance on the senator's working with the staff and will provide information when it becomes available. No new info available. Tuesday November 4: Senator McCain will attend an event at the Biltmore. Mayor Gordon is having an event at Wrigley Mansion. and Senator Obama*s campaign as well as the Democratic Party are having separate events at the the liaison for the Dbama campaign and will participate in a security walk through on Monday November 3rd at I 1:00am. The only activism that we are aware of as of today for these events is Ron Paul supporters have posted information about the McCain event on their web site and suggested that members who attend wear appropriate attire. We have no information that any of them are actually planning to attend. There was a similar posting last week by this group in reference to an event attended by Congressmen Shadegg and 13 of the Ron Paul people showed up. We will monitor this event. No new information here. Anyunc with qucstiuns 0r my :untact nu: an my call all From: Sent: 4 Nov 2MB 03:02:21 own To: jttfops Subject: FW: ILLINDIS STATE FUSIDN CENTER THEFT DF SDI FEDEX TRAILERS FRDM PARK, IL. For jttl' Original Fromi Sent: Monday. November [13, ZDDS 12:40 PM To: r2 Cc: irtl; Subject: ILLINOIS STATE FUSIDN CENTER REPORTS THEFT OF SIX FEDEX TRAILERS FROM PARK. IL. Dater?Tirne: lx??Jfl??S 11:45 AM Reply To Attn Elf: Subject: Stolen FedEx Trailers To: SAIC - PRDTECTWE INTELLIGENCE AND ASSESSMENT DIVISIDN Details: on mosses at ease hours, sa Imttayibmnq contacted the to report the following information: 0n the Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center Illinois State Police received information that on ll]:f TIDE, sia FedEx ground trailers were stolen [root the Chicago lGround Hub located in Bedford Park, IL (NFI). The following are the speci?c identi?ers for the stolen trailers: (MITRE) No further information regarding the theft of the above mentioned trailers was available at the time of this report. It should be noted that Sen. Dhama has a rally scheduled in lGrant Park, Chicago, IL on I IMIDB, Details noti?ed see below. NDTIFICATIDNS: PIDC Supervisor hours Uharna Noti?cations via page IZIH hours Biden Noti?cations via page [Stunt hours HQ Noti?cations via page 12114 hours GPA Notifications via pa 1204 hours assume-J IE I 5 hours WFD SA {h?tfo l2l4 hours PDL 12 3 hours Frum: Sent: 3 New 213103 12:39:43 Te: r2 Cc: PIDC;PIDCSUP5;1rd;assessment Subject: ILLINOIS STATE FUSIDN CENTER THEFT 0F 51! FEDEX TRAILERS FROM BEDFUHK PARK, IL. DatelTime: ?11131213118 11:45 AM Reply Te Attn Of: I I Subject: Stelen FedEx Trailers Te: SAIC - INTELLIGENCE AND ASSESSMENT Details: 6 . Cm waves at esee bears, SA 3&4? centaeted the PIG-E repert the Fellewing On I 1102103: the Statewide Terrerisrn and Intelligence Center Illinois State Felice received infennatien that en 1111171113, sis FedEx greund trailers were stelen frem the Chicage Ground Hub lecated in Bedferd Park. IL The fellewing are the speci?c identi?ers fer the stelen trailers: He infennatien regarding the theft cf the above mentiened trailers was available at the time of this report. It sheuld be neted that Sen. I{lebanta has a rally scheduled in Grant Park: Chicago. IL an I 114MB. Details neti?ed see belew. NDTIFICATIDNS: PIDC Supervise-r hears ?bama Neti?catiens via page 12114 hears Eiden Neti?eatiens via page 121214 hears HQ Heti?catiens via page 12114 hears GPA Neti?catiens via page 1204 hears CH1 SA 1215 hears WFU SM {b?IIEEfbtt?-f? 1214 heurs PDL SAI 1213 heurs From: PICIC Alert Sent: 4 Nov 2003 23:30:22 43500 To: Subject: E-Paging PIDC Notification US. SECRET Seance PROTECTIVE INTELLIGENCE AND ASSESSMENT DIVISION ?ercest loss BRANCH What: Subject Claims To Be Enroute To Chicago To Use A Mortar To Attach Senator Obama At Grant Park Call Drigination: usms Where: Chicago, IL When: 11;e4;oa 1930 hours Who: Subject thit?iifbit?tc) tpossible match RID) Summary: US Marshal Service received a call from concerned citizen, radio host {bit?ittbitrit? reporting he had received a phone call from asubject who identi?ed himself as tbii?iibitrit claimed the subject stated he was going to travel to hicago, IL, bring a mortar to Grant Park and attack Senator Dbama tonight. In additio --. tated that the subject claimed to be a white supremacist and took over this unientified group fron?l thit?i?t?it? stated the subject sounded verv drunk and was possiblv in his Bile-could not provide anv addition identi?ers for the subject. The PIOC inquires on the above subject name revealed a possible subject #1 with the following information: thii?mbitrit?} Local police made contact with subject at his residence who was an elderlv man that was asleep in bed. The conducted a PRISM inguirv on the above subject and developed the following possible match for subject #2 information: reported as high ranking member ot'white supremacist group World [?hurch ot'the Creator. An [SDinquires on the subject provided an address of {hit?iibltfit? Chicago. IL. Attempts to locate subject #2 are being made by The PIOC will provide additional updates ifdeemed appropriate. Please contact the PIDC with any questions, {bii?iztbiirim HQ [in-Call personnel must acknowledge receipt of this message by sending a "reply". From: (Hermione Sent: 31 on zoos 12:32:53 -o4oo To: (bit?mblt?t?) Cc: teen}; hue}; liLlAu {bli?htbit?tcl Subject: RE: Election Night Liaison Division Coverage Done. I'll let you know who is coming this afternoon. We are planning to coordinate their logistios for the trip with we hear differently from you. Thank. You. I enormous) From! (CHI) sent: Friday. October 31. zoos 12:25 PM To: {monotone tun) cc: roan}; (?rmness: LIA (LIA) {Hormone} CHI (bumpers: Subj on ight Liaison Division Coverage blt?]; bil?i I am requesting an agent from LIA to facilitate VIP acoess to the Grant Park site on Tuesday. November 2003. We have identi?ed at least seven governors and anticipate Lt. Governors attending this function. Below is a list of Governors who have been identi?ed as attending this function. My concern is that our post standers andr'or police will prohibit them access to the site. Thank you for your consideration. President Jimmy Carter Governor John Corrine Governor Chet Culver Governor Jim Doyle Governor C. Brad Henry Governor Ruth Ann Minner Governor Deval Patrick Governor Bill Richardson {broom-MC) From: threshiom Sent: Thursday. October 30.. 2008 12:54 PM Tol [Hormone FCHI) Cc: [UAltl foremost) (bit?thUHC) (LIA Subject: Election Night Liaison Division Coverage E: Reference is made to your telephone conversation with DA I Iconceming this subject. We have consulted with our contacts on Capitol Hill. Both Sergeant at Arms Of?ces (House and Senate} have not heard of members of Congress planning to attend any post election festivities outside of Washington. DC. They advised that many members will be in their own respective districts representing their own election efforts. Especially those members that are competing to be reelected. They did mention a party in Washington. DC for the group that takes over the majority of the House and Senate. which may have Members of Congress attend. They did not rule out the possibility of the Speaker of House or the Majority Leader travelling to a party outside of Washington. DC, post election. As for Chicago. at this time. we can only speculate that the Illinois delegation and perhaps a number of state governors who supported Senator Cbama may attend election night festivities in your district Since your agents are participating in the advance for the post election party in Chicago. please let us know what they are hearing as to who might be attending. I would appreciate you or a member of your staff giving me a call to discuss this issue. My direct number is {bit?ldb??t? Thank You, {Hemmer} Special Agent in Charge Liaison Division From: (blt?itibit?tcl Sent: 5 Nov 2003 02:44:11 +00% To: {bitmahitnm Subject: Fte: PIDC Notification I please respond. ?ri -inai Message me (bit?mbif?im Sent: Tue Nov {i4 Subject: FW: PIUC Noti?cation More info on this. PIUC just called to notifyf us thal in Chicago. me Sent: uesday, November {14. 2003 7:53 PM To: thii?ittbit?iC) CHIPI Subject: PIDC Noti?cation PIUC called to notify us th?qrt?f 51111.1( 71b?ilcd in and stated 3' (bit?iithit?tm Pourim IL stated ht: would travel to Chicago's Grant Park with a mortar and attack Ubama. Caller apparently soundcd intoxicated. Spring?eld duty SA is going out to tr}.F to contact {bit?mbili?tC} Frum: lMl?ilMU-?chl Sent: 4 Nov 2003 21:45:21? -0500 Tm Subject: e: Icatldn Ruger wcrking already an it with the district - Uriginal Message Frum: {hl?l l} {hlt?MmeCJ Scnt: Tue Nov 04 il:44:ll Rc: thi?catidn please respand. Brigitta] Message (bll?li'lbll?lcl ICHH Tu: (hummus) Sent: Tuc: Hat: 2l13T:42 FW: thillcatiun Marc infc ran this, just callcd to ?ratify us that has a ldcal address of Chisasu- From: [can Sent: Tuesday, chember H4. EEHJS 7'53 PM TD: CHIFI PIDC Nuti?catien PIDC called to ndtit?y us in and stated :21 stated he wnuld travel to Chicaga?s Grant Park with a mortar and attack ?barna. Caller apparently.r sounded intdsicated. Spring?eld duty SA is gning out to try td E?nl?t?b?jf?jihu?fq {htt?tihtt?tm Frnm: Sent: 5 Nov 2003 01:53:13 +0000 To: [bit?iihltrit? ken-n} Suhloet: He: PIDC Notification Uriginal Message Fromj To: [hit?iibit?tCi Sent: Tue 04 20:53:00 2003 Subject: Noti?cation PIDC called to notifyr us thatltb??hibitrlcalled in and stated 54 stated he would travel to Chicago?s Grant Park with a mortar and attaek Dbania. Caller apparently.r sounded intoxicated. Spring?eld duty SA is going out to tr},r to eontaeW From: {Minimum kcnu Sent: 3 Nov 2003 1?:23:02 +0000 To: Subject: RE: PIDC Notification-epaging Understood. Thanks. From: (PID) Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 11:11Ir AM Tu= ICHI) Subject: RE: PIG-C No??cation-epaging We got it from DHSIHDC and decided to put it out to our new paging groups. From: (browser's) Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:16 PM To KPID) Subject: RE: PIUC Noti?cation-ensuing Did you get that from usIr or from the We found out about it last evening and transmitted the intel locally. From: (Hormone FIB) Sent: ondar, November 2003 11:12 AM To: HQ-Noti?cations; ?bama-Noti?cations; Ewen-Noti?cations; GPA-Noti?cations Subject: RE: PIOC Noti?cation-epaging All, The previous page was provided for situational awareness due to Senator Ohama's upcoming election night activities scheduled for Grant Park, located in Chicago, Illinois. Thanks, From: PIOC Alert Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:04 PM To: HQ-Noti?cations; Dbama-Noti?cations; Ewen-Noti?cations; GPA-Noti?cations Subject: PIG-C Noti?cation-epaging