WAYNE COUNTY CLERK 3/20/2019 11:33 AM Carlita IVICMiller 19?003980-02 FILED IN MY OFFICE Cathy M. Garrett STATE OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAYNE SHARON MCPHAIL, Plaintifi; MICHIGAN DEPMTMENT OF BAY MELLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE, VENES SA A LEAH BREENE CHAD BEPETRO, i?dividually, INC, WILLIAM COLEMAN individually, and Befendams. Case No, 2019- MAYER MORGANROTH (P179663) DANIEL E. I-IAROLD (P61841) MORGANROTH MORGANROTE PLLC Attamays fer Plaintiff 344 N. Old Woodward Ava, Suite 200 Bim?nghm, Michigan 48009 Phage: (248) 8644000 Fax: (248) 864m4091 ELLIOTT S. HALL (P14546) Attemey far Plaintiff 344 N. Old Wmdwarai Ave., Suite 200 Bimi?ghm, Michigan 48009 Phene: (248) 8644000 Fax: (248) 8644001 9@vahm.wm A civil actien betwmn th?se parties at ether pai?tim arigixig Gift of the transactian er {immense alleged in the wmplaim hag 1363631311 previeugiy filed in this Cami Where it was given dacket number ?lld waS a?sigmd 1:0 Jacig?: Craig S. Simng. That 3,3601} is {if} la?gei pendi?g. COMPLAINT AND FOR TRIAL BY JURY NOW COMES Piaintiff, Sharon Mthaii (?MePhaiPL by and threngh he}: attemeysg Metganmth Metganteth? PLLC and Elliott S. Hall; and; for he: Ceniplaint against Mieltigati Eepartment ef Education? Bay Miila Cemmnnity College, Veneeaa A. Keeslen Leah Breen, Chad DePetro, MMI, Ina, Wiiliani Coleman, and Fattieia Pennies, hexeey states as feilewa, PARTIES, JURISDICTION, VENUE 1. Plaintiffi McPhaili in a maiden?: ef the Ceanty ef Wayne? State at Michigan. 2. Defendant, Michigan Department of Edneation eendneta baaineaa in the Cennty ef lil/?ayttea State of Michigan. 3, Defendant, Bay Miila Community Cellege (?Bay Milia?); eendneta business in the Connty ef Wayne, State ef Miehigan. 4* Defendant, A. Keealer (?Keealer?), is an employee of the MBE who eendneta basineaa in the Ceenty ef Wayne; State ef Michigan. 5. Befendant, Leah Bieen (?Brazen?), is an empleyee of the MDE who eendneta baaineea in the Cennty 0f Wayne State ef Michigan. 6. Eefendanti Chad DeFetm (?Delf?etre?), serves as general eennaei fer Bay Mills and eondnets business in the Cennty ef Wayne? State (23f Wehigan. 7. Defendant, Inc. is a Michigan eerpei?atien that eondneta bnaineea in the Cennty ef Wayne} State ef Michigan. 8. t>efendant, William Coleman (?Coleman?), is an employee ef W1 Whe eendneta bnaineaa in the Ceenty at Wayne? State of Michigan. 9. Defendant? Panicia Peeplea (?Penman?)? is an employee ef W1 Wh? eendnets business in the County 0f Wayne, State of Michigan. 10, The nnderlying eventa in this matter tank place in the Cennty ef Wayne, State of Michigan 11. The damages and harm suffered by MePhaii and eena?aae t0 in the Ceaaty ef Wayne? State ef Michigan. 12. The amount in. eeatreversy is: in ef $25900, exelaaive of iatereae caste and attorney fees. GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 13. getter: Cemaaity Seheeia is a kindergarten threagh high aehoei public aeheol academy leeared in the City of Detreii. 14? Ia raid~8ep?ember ef 20121, the DCS Beard ef Bireeiers hired MePhazil t0 serve aa arr administrative: leader ef the sehealr 15.. McPhail brought with her appreairaately 40 yeara ef serviee ae an a?emey in beth the pablie and private sectors, as well ae years ef pablie service, which made her a aataral ?t a) serve as an administrative leader 4:0 rare. BCS amend. 16. At the time that MePhail begaa werking at DCS, the eeheel was; phyeiealiy ia aharablea with gang members and drug dealers brazenly walking amend the campus aad staff routinely eel: showing ap te week. DCS was in violatieza atatae era meat echelastie eempliarxee Smderrt pre?eierrey in the major academic categeriea was reeghly and DCS was ranked ?fiha-?ea?ruthenbet?iem statewide. The MDE labeled DCS with ?priority? status, meaning the scheel was failing, arid the MSE was threatening ta the echeel unleas student prefieieney rose ?e 80% ii: ten years by 2022). 17. Me?hail?e ?eb at DCS was a) allow fer the eeheel re physically aperate. 18. In performing her jab at BCS ta allew fer the aeheel to phyeieally epere?ter MePhail?a reapeeaibili?tiea iecleded {he felleafirrg? wither}: limiiatieri and ameag ether duties as assigned by the BCS Beard of Sireetere: making sure that the acheei was staffed at all from principals tn enetediarta; making aere that the seheel staff was present and their jebe; finding staff tn ?ll vacanciee; making snre the aeheel buildings were eperatierrai and that repairs and inan'rtenarree were perferrneci; making rare that the aeheel eqiripinertt was eperatienal and that the necessary repairs and maintenanee were perferrned; handling Title I and genernntent pregranr matters; meetteg with eareets and students; handiing legal matters; preparing and reviewing all written decentente that DCS sent eat; meeting with eensultains and ptineipala regarding matters; preparing reperts and transmitting infennatien freer the DCS eenenltaete; aseiettng staff with disciplinary issues with students in the hallways and elassreeina; anti making aura that the aeheel were preperly maintaining their offices (erg, intervening when the scheel cafeteria had net erdered errengh feed, preparing; the ef enderetartding fer a new eliriie, making snre security were where they were to be leeatedg etc). 19. MePhatl?s job at 1308 had never been the adn?niatratien ef the aetnal aeheelwerk. 20. Te be clear, McPhail?a jeb and responsibilities at 308 had never been to create er acin?nister inatruetienal pregranre aueh as the fer eaeh at any ef the grade levels, the classmate wart: fer any of the elasses, or the lessen plans for any principal, teaeher, er Glasereernl net had McPhaiPS 30b and reapertaibilities at DCS ever been in evaluate the curricula, iessens, eiasswerki principalsg teachers, er any of the staff Wilt?) adminiatered inatreettenal pregrame. In other wares, MePhail?s job and responsibilities at DCS had never been the administration ef instructienal pregrarnst let alene ea McPhaii?a primary 21. Since McPhailis employment at the administratiert 0f instruetienal pregranre at DCS had been the responsibility of staff and consultants who were hired to perfernt all {if the duties related tn the delivery ef inetrnetienal pregrairne. In other words, it was the etaff and eoneultante, not McPheiL whe were in eheige ef the teaehing and teachingmreleted activities. The eiaff end eenenltante inelnded personnel such as Chief Aeedeinie Officer (who wee certi?ed), principals (whe were eertifiedL inetmeiional eensultents (who were certified}: teem (3f rnaeter and the Seheei Wide Aeedeinie Tearn kneten as (all of whorn maintained the requisite certi?cations). 22. Over the eeuree ef her employment at DCS, MePheil undiSpetedly turned the echeoi around eneh that, prior tn the events at ieeneg DCS wee weli en its way to achieving the MDE benchmark of 30% prefieieney by 2022. The grednetien rate ef high eeheel eeniers was in the high nineties. Standardized tent had been en an npwerci trajeetery and, fer the 2817? 2018 scholastic year, DCS was number two en the lint of the SAT ina?tenieties feet for schools in the City {if Deireit, behind enly High and ahead of the esteemeei Case Teehnieal High Seheel. DCS was also number three en the SAT enreng peblie sebee] academies in the City ef Betreit in both math and English. 23. the Mackinac Center for Pnblie Policy ieened ?The Michigan Centent end Perfernranee Repert Cerd - High Seheele hereinafter referred to as the ?2018 High Seheel Repnrt Card,? 3. eepy ef whieh is attached herete an Exhibii A. In evaluating the 6% qnali?/ing peblie nigh aehoole in Michigan, the Mackinac Center for Pnblie Peliey found that. frein 2012 through 2018., high eeheei bad a euninlatiee ef more than 8i% ?which was the secondnhigheet in the State of Michigan. Exh. A at 12. In feet, high sehooi improved freni a 4.56% pereentiie rank in the fall ef 2012 to an percentile rank from the in the spring ef 2018. In other words; high school experieneed an 81.56% irnprevernent and the impreneruent in the State 0f Miehigen dating the very Sixwyeae' period ef MePhailge empleyment at DCS priet? t0 the events underiyiug this aetieir. 24, The Meeidnee Center for Publie Peltey 21130 gave high echeni grade ef 84.87% the the 2015 threugh 2018 threewyeer petied end a ranking ef 103 Out ef the qneiifyiug 674 public high eeheele, thue pleeing high seheel in the tep 15%, Exh. A at 20. In other ven'dea high eeheel freer the bettetn tea a top] 5% high seheel in the State ef Michigan during the very perked ef MePhail?e empleyreent at DCS ptinr to the events underlying this aetieni 25. In additien t0 the feregeing facts demnnetreting turnemund during MePheilis empleyndentg DCS had eleeu audit every year fer the fenr sehelastie years with fund balance that exceeded $400,009 grin}: te the events that treuepired hefere the 2018? 2019 sehelaetie year. 26. In diseaseing it must be stressed that students live in poverty, enreng ether disadvantages. A substantial unn?tbet ef students (completely dieprepertiettete to my ?average? fer seheel) were from broken hemes g, uegleet??, ebnsive) and have been ebendeued in ene way In anethet by their relatives. 27. McPhail was feteed to deal with these studente? in ways that are ineenceivabie t0 meet people? Fer instance, MePhe? routinely purchased feed and fer BCS students ent ef the meney em her own peekete because these students were unfed. Mel?heti even had DCS purchase laundry machines genie emdente retitinely arrived at eeheel in filthy elething, 28. The Emerevenient at DCS under McPheti?e leedetehip was truly a remarkable feat, eepeeially whet; eenetdeting the fact that Vhtuelly all ef students wet'e signi?eently behind their reepeetive gradeuleveis? expected pre?eiency upon MePhailia arrival 3., stuciem reading, vvritirrgg and math skille were erre to many years behind their respeetive grade levels). 29? Werking beers a week, MePheil?e ciaye ?were filled with {lining the ederirrierrative werk fer DCS to stay open and ?merieairrg, aerre ef which wee adminiereriag irra?rrnerierrai let: alerre as a primary responsibility, 30. Cerrnnerreirrg with the 20143015 eehelaetie year,? DCS wee eha?ered by Defendeara Bay Mille. 31. Bespite the snbeterrtial success of DCS nnder McPharl?s leaderehie arrd deepite praise for McPhail and freer Within Bey Mine, beth verbally and irr writing, Defendants engaged in imprerrer seheme te have MePheil frern DCS simply beeaese, arnerrg ether things, they de mi like her; namely; MePheil is are edeeatedr streeg? willed} deiernrirred, are} persisterrt perserr which, ironically? are enrorrg the very traits that errabled MePhail re D08. 32. Whien during the letter pertierr ef the 2915.. 2016 seneiaetie year, involved attacking MePheil end DCS by that McPharl required 3 certi?earierr even thengh MePnaii had never edmieistered irretruetierrel pregrernea let alone as 3 primary reeperreibility ef her jeb at DOS. 33. MCL 380.1246 errd MCL 388.1536 are the Michigan statutes governing eerti?eetien. They were amended with an effective date ef Jaauary 4, 2010* 34, The amended etetutes previde that eehee] snperintendente, prieeipala, erirreipals, er chief business ?Whose primary reeperreibility is administering inarmctierral pregrerae? require eerti?cetienr 35. The arnerrdeci etetutee regulred in queetiene and nneerrainty from eeheei seperirrteadeatsg prirretpals, assistant prieeipalsr administrators amt chief basiaess ef?eials aeress Mehigarr who, like MePhaii, were ace: primarily respeasible fer iasrreetteitai arid lacked eerii?ea?riarr. 36. Orr March 8, 2018,, Keesler and the WE released a merrierartdarrt (the te preside guidarree err whether ee?i?eatierr is required fer seheel arid chief business ef?eiais. A eepy ef the Merrieraadera is attaehed herete as Exl?btt Br 37. The Merrierartduat reiterates the: law that only saperirrtearieats, principals? assistant principals, or chief business ef?eiais ?whese primary resperrsibilrw a?ministeriag iastruetteaal require The Memeraadam ?uther presides that, te 3188,1246 arrd MCL 38015361. seheel administraters and ehief business ef?eials whese primary responsibility is rret admirristeriag pregraras are rret required he held a eeheel administrater eerii?eatierr er a; satisfy sentirrairrg eduearierr requirements. E1111. The further states that the Seheel Admirastrater Certi?cation Cede (MDE Rules 380.101 er all) re?eets the law arid iaterpretattert ef the Eater 38* Defendants? against Mel?hail invelved Celemarrg i?eepies, and ether empleyees making false aeeusatierts that McPhail was perferrnirrg activities requiring eertifreatierr as: that M315, Brass: sad Keesler eerrld fare DCS While Bay Mills arrd DePetre eeuiti theta use sash ?nes is try aad take riser DCS and thereby remove Mel?hailr 39. Coleman? Feeples, and ether earpleyees made the false aeeasatieris that McPhail was perferrairrg activities requirirrg eeriifieariea in ercier ?to advarree their ewe careers at 9C8 arid garner fever freer Bay Mills and MDE. In Coleman and Feeples made their false aesasa?rierrs against: in erder t0 earpley frterrds ef theirs at DCS and/er t0 promote friends (if theirs Within DCS. 40* As part of Defendaiitsi Beheme from Del?etre?s and Bay Milla? end, DePetre, and others eu his behalf at Bay Mills, reetiuely infeunatieu and documen?satieu free: DCS and McPhail concerning McPhail?s title aud jub reapeusibilitiee evea thuugh there wee ue beeie fer reques?is puxsuunt Eu the eeutraet betweeii DCS and Bay Mills, and Bay Milis knew er eheuld have knewu that McPhail was; no? administering pregame, let aleue as a primary respeusibility. Ever; after the iequeeted infemetien end deeumeutatieul DePetre, and others ea his behalf at Bay Millsg would continue to press ECS and MePhail fer the very same infeeae?aieu aud deemeutatien 21nd,, in some cages; meug?iily ECS and MePhail of net sending the hifeituiatiea aud despite having received it. 41. AS part ef Defeudeute? scheme freui eucij Bree}: issued a deeisieu that McPhail aumehew required a eerti?eatiuu ea 01' abeut August 13 2016, The MDE ultimately upheld that deeisien and levied ?nes againat DCS. 42. Contrary tu the Breeu?sj aud peaitieii that ?MePhail required a many ecimieistte?ve leadeiu ef seheele acreas the state lacked ee?ifieatiuu. Muieeverg t0 the applicable law, prineipala, assistant urineipals, and ehief ef?ciala, such as McPhail, whuee primary respeusibilities did eat inela?e inatmetiuual pregrems net required to be certi?ed. 43a Defeudeuta were in eeateet with each ether ihreugheu?: their scheme te feree MePhaii eut ef DCS, 44. Each and every {hat McPhail ami DCS previded requested infermatieu and re the M1313 eud Bay Mills confirming that Mei?iiail ?was 139?: ina?ue?eaai pregraraa, let aiene as a primary responsibility, that iaferrnatierr arid decanienta?ciea was completely disregarded by MDE and Bay Mills in radar to matinee holdirrg that MePhail required certi?cation, levying frees agairrat BCS, and enabliag a heatile takeever of DOS by Bay Milia 45. Althengh DCS Changed McPhail?s title in erder to satisfy Bay Mills 3315. the MDE and ?mher confirm that MePhail was net adn?aisterirrg irratraetienai programs at DCS, let alone as a primary responsibility, MDE and Bay Mills just disregarded aad ignored DCS and MePhail. 46. McPharl repeatedly inviied MDE, ineladnig Breea, te MePharl arenrid DCS on any aeheel day, with er withent aetieeg ae that MDE ooald observe firstharrd that MePhail was not admiraatering instructional pregrarns, Iet alerre as; a primary reapeiisibility. MDE and Breeri, heweverr never reek Mei?hai} up on her effer ner die they properly investigate the false accusations as ta whether McPhail required eerti?eatien. 47. In very relling instaaeeg Breen mferrired a member (if the DCS Board of Bireetera that MDE wenld waive the ?nes against 908 if DCS tired MePhaii getting rid of Meg?hail was all that MDE eareri aboatr 48? In an attempt re resolve purperted issuer ever her ee?i?eatinng Mel?hai] appiied and paid fer a aehool administrator eeriifieatien threagh the Miehigan Onlirre Bdneatier}. Certi?cation System (MOECS) at point betweea August 18, 2018 and August 20, 2018. After previdirrg McPhail with a Seheol Administrater Permit fer the 201 $2019 sehelastie year: WE iaeapiieably reveked McPhail?a Permit aithont any dire process, 49. McPhail again applied and paid $2,545.00 fer a aeheei ariminiatrater certi?cation threagh the Michigan Unline Edneation Certi?eatiea System (MOECS) an or abeat Aaguet 20r 2018 for the 2018~2919 sehelaetie year. This tirae, MDE accepted MePhail?s pamem and 10 appreved Me?hatl?s Scheel Admitaiatrater 0:11 September 33, 2918? 50.; 011 ea: abau?t Oeteber 53 2018, Bay Mills appointed a we}: DCS witlmat my eight er autherizatiee te take each aetiea. 5L or about October S, 2018, the purperted ta teammate the DCS Beard af Direetete aa well as McPhail. 52. Bay Mills? aettee in appeimiag a created the sitaatiea Where Bay Mills: the authorize: ef SOS, had its empleyee meiag 1a ether words; Bay Mills? aetien created an inhet?eat con?iet of htterest because it was essentially eperetiag a seheel that? it was alae autherizieg. 53. Interestiegly, the by Bay Mills We: DCS had previeusly (befet?e taking her eoettiea as censervater) aekaewledged ?31 ?text meeaagea t0 McPhail that DePetre wee a ?make? was teeming against MePhatl. 7?54. 03:1 Oeteber 19., 2018, the ?led a lawsuit agaitist McPhail in the Wayne County Circait Gem} Case Ne. 18403231432 (the ?Aettext?jg at with a metiea for yrelimittary ia?taetienftemperary restraix?ag erder seeking in peeved: MePhail free; tetaming to ECS. 55* AS part of the Aetiea, the eenaewater alleged that MePhail was ?atterii?ed and required eerti?eatien, add that McPhail had semehew treepaesed apex; $011001 peeperty aetd eenverted eeheel preperty, ineladieg funde. 56. After the ?ling ef the Aetten, Bay Mills issued a preea releaae ea Oeteber 12, 2018 falser Mennieg the media that a tempeeary restrainiiftg erdee had been issued against McPha? i? eemeetiea with the Aetiea in eerie! 1:0 give the falae appearance 311d t0 the media and publie that the allegatieaa aad claims against Me?hai1 were true. 11 57. The Bay Mills press ielease did feet i?eaiilt a multitude (if media repdris arid pablieatieas ?which pe?rayed McPhail a iiegative light despiie all that McPhaii had deae t0 tum DCS amend and despite the fact that the aliegatieiis and claims McPhaii were false, diatme} and ?Nithm? basis as set faith belewi 58. MePhail responded to the Amide ea Oetebei? 153 2018 highlighting the facts that: (1) MePhail held as appie?sed MBE Seheel Administrator Permit; (2) McPhail was net required id be certi?ed event pursues? ta MCL 3803246 aiid MCL 380.1536, and as further by die Memei?aiidam; and (3) the ailega?tieiis McPhail were false and entree 59? The very next day after McPhail respended to {he Aetiea (Oeiebei? 161, 2018); Keeslei? issued a letter (the ?Letter?? McPhail?s appresed Selma} Administratdi: which was designed t0 fuiihei the Aetieii McPhaiI 3:113) any event, hither Defendants? meiiva?easj and impreper geal 6f ousting MePhail from DCS. The Letter lisied Breed as the paint ef ceetaei fer any questieiis and was ieilingly eepied it} DePeti'e and the PfeSiCi?fit of Bay Mills. 60. Keesler and cited Seheel Certi?eatiea Cede 380.116(4) her Letter as the legal basis fer tweaking McPhail?s appieved Seheel Administrator Permit pursuant te MCL 380.1246, MCL 380.1536, Scheol Certi?catieii Cede (MDE Raies 380.101 at 511.), amid Keesleif?s ewe Memei?aadiimg MePhail did eat eves require certi?catiea. Keesler?s revocatieii was taker: Witheiit yrevidiag any factual explanatieii te suppert such aetieii. 61. In a disingeiiamis a?empt id amid the applicable law, ta avaid due process issues, and ?t0 a defeiise ?0 a due process ehalleiige i0 Keesiei?s sudden reveeatiea ef McPhail?s aepreved Sehoel Administrater Permit; Keeslei siated in 12 her Letter the?: DCS eed MePheii had met timely to letter by en July 16, 2018 seeking doemneetetien and tnfeerxretiert regetdieg MePheil?s empleymeet in with Ira face MePheil had timeiy responded te Breerr?e letter and. this was yet instance ef ECS 331d MePherll being asked t0 previde iefermetiert end documentation with MDE, end Keesler feilirtg to eeknew?ledge their receipt (if same. 62. Letter else netted that MePheil?e Scheel Admiejstretez? Permit had reveked err Aeguet 30? 2018 even iheegh BCS and MePheil had timely eppealed that eempieteE yet egeie, with deemee?ratiee and infometiert regarding McPheil?e empleyment in with BCS, ee September 4: 2018. In other weeds, Keeslerg Breerarg erad the MDE knew end sheuld have known as ef Oeteber 16} 2018 that McPhaii did net requiee eeriifieetietr as matte: ef law errd that there was 130 meriteriees beeie irr arty event fer the ef McPhail?s eppreved Seheel Adu?eietreter Permit. 63. Upetr infermetiee and belief, McPheil?e eppeeved Seheei Admieistretee Permit were the (rely such permit iesued te entellees ii: the eerti?eetietr reveked by Breert, er the MDE fer the 2018-3019 eeheleetie year. 64? Orr October 22, 2018, MePheil*e attemeye filed er; shew eetrse metiee to held the re ef eem't ii: the Acting. MePheii?s further eeppexted the metier: with en Oetebee 25, 2018 :eply brief etetirrg that the emeeg ether thirtgs, heel filed the Aetietr metheet a legaily permissible beets the were in shoes Witheet eerti?eetiera While arid eertteridirig that McPheil eeqeieed eerti?eetien. 65. Orr February 153 2019,, McPheil end DCS reselved the Aetieze. Ae ear: of that the eempleim in the Aetiert wee withdrawn eeci dismissed with prejudiee? 513161 the 13 false allegatiens and claims agaipst McPhail were fully and memdi?enally retracted. 66. Unfertunately for McPhail, her employment at 3308 came tea 2111 end as a direct result of Defeedeets? eetiexxe. McPheil has since leaped that, feliowieg her respepse to the Aetien on Oeieber 155 2018 amd he: shew cease metim and briefs 0e, Getebex 221, 2018 and Octeber 25, 2018} Bay Mills and W1 hired semeene a Bay Millswautherized scheel te serve as the suppesed ?sape?n?tende? ef DOS. It was; Bay Mills? reed plan 1:0 portray this persen, whe is ee?i?eda 3S serving in McPhailas capacity if.) supper: the begpe allegaiiens in the Action that MePheil required Bey Mills? and W1 ?3 plea: was merely a raise? and essentially weuld have beep. a fraud 011 the Ceurt? because ihe perms was hired for a sham maiden and eepservater} Bay Mills, MMI Coleme?, and Peoples; telliugly never allowed the perse? :0 act as Superintendem ef DCS. Mereevera they tellingly sensed the perspex id be fired en the Same day that the Amiga: reselved, In ether weede, thei; hate 0f McPha?l was 3:2: streng, they hurt dumber persm?s career and life is gee rid ef Mel?he?l by hiring that parsed for a sham positien 30 that they ceeld ?use a ?piece 0f paper? the persenk ee?i?ee?den m- as a sham and ?eedelem defense $9 the Ceurt: that MePheil requieed certi?cai?en. 68. In Shem Defendants aged their dielike ef Mel?hail it) take mwarrapted sexism againet Mcthidl and DCS fer the sole pmpose ef driving Mel?ha? eat ef DCS despite the amaziug 11111133.de at ECS that MePhail had spearheaded 331d despite the best fluterests ef smdep?is Wile were grewipg 331d respendi?g udder McPheil?e admimistrative leadership. 14 COUNT I BECLARATORY JUDGMENT (McPhail ME) 69. Plaintiff, McPhail, hereby by refereace 211161 reaileges the allegati?ns centaimd Paragraphs 1 thrmigh 69 3,1130% as if fully restaied harem. 7?0. A3 an admiaigtra?ve ieader at DCS, McPhail admi?istared insimctienal programs, let alom as her primary regpe?gibility, 7L Pmmant i0 MCL 380.1246 and MCL 389.1536 513:. well a3 the (3m Admiiaigtramr Carti?catimi (Jada (MDE Rules 380.101 er 213161 guidama mermaids}: in varioug memoimda, includi?g Kewler?a Memeraxidmn, 39mm principals, assistant principals, aciminisimters, and chief busimss officials (.10 mt require: certi?catim unless their ?pi"iiziaxy is admiuistsriag 72. MDE has initial that MePiaail requires a3; adnai?igtrater?s aerti?caiion and ?nes ageing DCSQ. 73. mlii?ig that M?Phail reclaims an 831d accempmying ?rms are sqsaxely incmisis?iem with MCL 380.1246, MCL 380.1536, Ceriificaiian Cede (MBE Rulits 389.101 er al.) aad gaidfmca theremder i1?: varieus; mamarmda imluding Keasier?3 Memomndum. 76;. mli?g that McPhail reclaims an amninistxami?s carti?cation? accompanying fines, arid rwecaiimi of McPhailis schocal administramx?s permit axe incongistem with the inacti?ns {3f MDE as it) ether principals, asgistemt principals, adn?iaisti?amis? am?! chief busimss ef?eiais whey like?: d9 mt bear primary respomibility for admiaiisieiing insixuctioml magmas. 75. that MsPhail requims an admiiaistramr?g {serti??atian and 15 accompanying ?ees are unteaseneble 333d edtheut er adjds?nent with reference te- prieeiplee, eiremstaneesg or signi?cance ieaemech es they are eqeerely with MCL 380.1246} MCL 380t1536, Sehoei Administrator Certi?eatiee Cede (MDE Rules 380.101 e: at) end in various memeieede, Memereedem. As each, reiieg that McPheil requiree 3e eeriifieetieii mid fmee are arbitrary. 76. rulieg that McPheiI requires an administratei?s eerti?cetien and eceempanyieg ?nes are e. meeg?il 311d eeddee depai?tei?e ?ee: the law, freakish whimsical, end weeg?zl as ?tey are squarely with MCL 330.12463 MCL 380.1536, Sehoel Admieietieter Cede (MEE Rules 380.161 et ed.) and guidance thereuedet in various memeraiida, ieeluding As sueh, ruling that MePheil requiem an administrater?s eerti?eetiee mid fines are 7?7. ruling that MePheil requires an edmieistrater?e certi?catien and ?ees ere based epexi prejedieei aniime, end impreper metivee against MePheil 33 they ate squarely ineeneieteet with MCL 380i1246, MCL 380.1536, Seheel Administretei Certi?eatiee Cede (MDE Rules; 380.101 62? at) aed thereunder in veriees memeraede, incindieg Keeslei?e Memerexidem. As such, ruling that MePheil requires; an edmiziietreter?e eeriifieatiee and aceempaeyieg ?ees axe arbitrary and In fact, Breed even directly te DCS that MDE had issue eely with MePheii eed net DCS and that, if 1308 temieeted McPhaiL MDE weeid remove the fines against D08. 78. McPhail has beet: dmeged by virtue 0f the exbitrery 331d ruling that Mc?he:il requires e13, ede?nietretei?e eerti?eetien. 79. Even when Me?heil applied fer aed eppeeved Scheei 16 Pemits, the MDE revoked the Pem?ts Withetu my basis i171 law er feet, 8011601 edmiuistxeters, iuelueive (if seperinteudeu'ts, pitiueipels, prieeipale, administraiersg and chief business Officials; ebiaiu their yeneiee by signing up fee ee?i?eetiee enlirie threugh the M1313 which is exeetly whet MePheil did to ebteiu he: appreved Seheel Admir?stmter Pemit. 89. The {if McPheii?s eppieved Scheei Admieietraiee Permits by MEE was umeeseuable and Witheut eeusideretieu or adjestmeut with referenue te priueiplee, eireumstexiees, (33? eigei?cauee inasmuch as they are equerely wieh MCL 3380,1246? MCL 388.1536? Scheel Administreier Certi?eetieu Cede (MEDE Rules 380i101 e? at) am! guidance thereunder in various memerzmdeg iueludiug Memeraudem, and enliee epplicetiee syetem. A3 sueh? MDEE revueetieu ef MePheil?s eppruve? Schuel Adminisereter Pemiits was arbitrary. Fu?heunere, failure tea provide a faciuei basis for the ?ef MePheil?s eppieved Seheel Administreter Pemits deuied McPhail clue 81. The 0f Mephail?s appmved Seheel A?ministraier Pemits by WE was a sudden departure ?em the law ?ealdeh, Whimeiual, and wroug?xl masmueli as it was equarely with MCL 380.1246; MCL 380.1536, Seheel Certificatiee Cede (MDE Rules 380.101 62? a1.) and guidance thereunder in various memormdeg iueleciieg Keesler?s Memoraudum} end eeliee appiieetien system, AS such, revecetiee ef McPheil?s appreved Sehuel Administratei? Pere?m was eepuciuus. 82. The ef McPhail?e Seheei Admiiusuater Pemits by MDE was based upee prejudice, eeimeeg end impiepei' meiiveg against MePheil ieesmueh as it was eqeei?ely with MCL 380.1246, MCL 380.1536, Seheel Administieter Cerii?eetiuu Cede (MDE Rules 38(1101 er al) aud guidance thereunder iu vai?ieus memerauda, inelnding Keenler?s and enline applieatien system. As Streh, 0f McPhaii?s appreved Seheni Adminiatreter Permits wee arbitrary anti eeprieiens. 83a The arbitrary and eaprieiens naiure of the reveeatien 0f McPheil?e Seheel Adminieirater Fermite in further highlighted by the edditienai substantive and due Vieiatiens against MePheil which include: net are net iirnited in, the felieering: A, Failing in apprise MePhail {if the specific activities: that she were performing for whieh MDE alleged eertifieetien wee reqnired; B. Failing t0 previde Me?hail er DCS with specific baees for the ?nes er requiring McPhail in be certified; C. Failing to require eerii?earien fer ether aeheel administratere? enperintendents, prineipaln assistant principals, er chief ef?ciale Wile, like Me?hai1, heel ne erirnary reapeneibility fer adrr?niatering instmetienai progrania; I). Refusing in alle?w MePhail a hearing with the MDE superintendent unless the press attend in a transparent and dieingenneur; attempt in publicly denigrate} shame, humiliate? and negatively pertray McPheii; El Failing in reepend te MePhaii?s/DCS?S appeais 0f the revocation 0f McPhailis appreved Sehoel Administrater F. Failing to eencinet any genuine, preper, and independent inventigatien en te Whether McPheii was; administering any inetrneriena] pregrainsj let aiene as her primary reepeneibility; G. Ignering affidavits and statements from DCS staff whe were the ones aerually e?mirrisiering instructienal pregrarne as their primary respeneibilitiee; 18 H. Vieiatiug M1313 iu fining Allewiug the situatieu new where Bay Miils, es autherizer, is else effectively eperating DCS a censervaier which presents a enn?iet of interest in that the antheriser is effeetively menitering itself fer with all applicable sehelastic and legal standards; and . Even admiring re DCS that the ?nes were immaterial arid weuid be withdrawn inesiuneh as MDE inst teamed MePhaiI eut of DOS. 84. MePhail has been damaged by virtue of the arbitrary anti reveeatieu {if her Selim] Acirniuistretnr i?errnits. 85. As a direct, natural, prexirnate and fereseeabie eenseqneuee of the feregeing, McPhaii has suffered damages fer which she is entitled t0 equitable relief? inelnding bin: net linrited a deelsratery jncigmeu?r against MDE. WHEREFORE i?iainiif?? Me?hsil, respeet?iily reqnests that a deelaretery judgment be entered ageiust Befeudauti that: (1) the ruling that Mir?Phail requires au administratefs eertifieetieu is arbitrary and capricious; (2) ralirrg that MePhail requires an admiuisirater?s certifieatieu is set aside; (3) the nf aepresed Scheel Administrater Permits was arbitrary and eaprieiens; (4) the revecatieu {if McPhailis eppreveai Seheel Adanuistrater Permits is set aside; (5) McPhail receive an appreved Seheni Aduiinis?rater Permit; and (6) McPhail receive sneh ether equitable reiief as is deemed warranted and apprepriate. 19 COUNT II TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE (Mel?hail a Breea, Keesier, Bay Mills? BePetre, W1, Calearan, and Peeplee) 86. Plaintiff, McPhail, hereby iaeerperates by refereaee and reallegea the allegatieea ceetaiaed a: Paragraphs 1 through 85 abeve as if fail}! restated herein. McPharl had a valid aed eegeieg relaaenahip and expeeraaey with BCS where she aa meal salary 331d re exehaege fer her employment aa aa leader. 88. Breeze, Keealeer Bay l?v??lisa DePetrer MML Colemaa, and f?eeples each knew ef MePhail?s besieess relatierrship arrd expectancy with DOS. 89. Coleman?s, and ??eeples? false that MePhail wee pregrama aa a primary reapeaaibility aad required eerti?eatiea iateefered with, aad were designed ta interfere with, MePhaiPs relationship and expectancy with DCSL 90. Ml, Ceiemaa, aed Peeples also made false that MePhail was perferaaieg peerly at 9C8 in erder ta maeufaetare a ease against MePhail ie the Aetiea and in erder a) iaterfere with MePhail?s bee?rreea relarreaship aad expeeraaey with DOS. W1, in eoajanetiea with Bay Midis, even. went se far as a; hire a peraee fer a sheer peai?iier} te manufacture Claims against McPha? ia the Aetiea. 92, Bay Mills? and DePerre?a aetieae agairret McPhaii and plaeiag ef a ever DCS ir?erfered with, and were designed a) iaterfere with, MePharlaa and expectancy with 93. Ereea?a ae?eae re. rulrag agajeet MePhari aad deayiag he}: ee?i?ea?riee, and Keealer?e actieas in revekiag Mel?hail?a Seheel Ada?nia?aater Permits aed deayiag McPhail ee?i?eatrea iaterfered with? errd were deeigeed a) reterfere with, McPhaii?e reiatieaahip 20 aad eapectaaey "with DCS. 94. Defeadaata? aetieaa directly, preaixaateiy, and knowingly ceased, and were designed :0 cause, the termiaatien 0f McPhail?e business relatieaahip and expectancy with DCS. 95. Breea?a, Keesler?s, Bay Mills?, EePetre?a, MMI Celemaa?a, and E?eeples? actions have damaged McPhail, 96. Keeslerle, Bay Mills?, EePetre?s, MMl?a, Celemaa?a, aad Peeples? aetiem were iateatieaally and in bad faith, with malice, and withota justi?catiea. Ae aaeh, Breea, Keealei, Bay Mills, De?etre, MMI, Celemaa, and Peoples tertieaaly mterfered with MePhajl?s business aela?eaahip aad expeetaacy eat}: DOS, 97, Beam, Keealer, Bay Mills, DePetre, W1, Colemae, and Peoples; iateatieaally, weateely, ad in bad faith tertieaely interfered with McPhail?a angering business relatieaahip and expectancy math DCS in cemplete deregatiea ef Mei?hail?e rights each that McPhail is, entitled te exemplary damages. 98. a As a direct, natural, prexmate and fereseeable of the feregeing, McPhail has suffered damages for which ahe ie eat?tled te iaeladiag but not limited ta, damages, damages, exemplary damages, interest, eeate and attemey fees. WHEREFORE, Piaiatiff, McPhail, respectfully reqaeata that judgment be eatered aga?aet Defendants, Bream, Keeslejr, Bay Mills, DePetre, Celemaza, and Peeplea, as fellows: A. Cempeaeatery damages it} aa meant ta of $25,000; I3 Ceasequeatial damages i311 aa ameaat ta exeeaa ef $25,000; C, Exemplary damages it: an ameaat in exeese 0f $25,000; Interesi, eeats aad attemey fees; and 21 E. Seeh ether and ?rrther relief as is warranted and eppreprieter COUNT FALSE LIGHT INVASION OF PRIVACY (Mel?hail Bay Mills) 99. Pleieti?, McPheil, hereby irreeiperetes by refereriee arid realleges the allegariees eerrteirred in Paragraphs 1 threugh 98 as if fully restated herein. Felleerirrg the of the Aetierr, Bey Mills issued a press release err Oeteber 12, 2018, 101. Bay Mills speci?eelly released its press release the media permeate] arid eetietsi 102. Bay Mills? press release falsely stated that a temporary order had been entered against McPheil in the Aetierr. 103, falsely stating that a temporary restraining order had beer: entered ageiriet MePheil the Aetierr, Bey Millsi press release was irrieetierrally designed to give the improper eepeerenee that the ellegetierrs and claims in the Aetierr were true all respects arid that Mel?hail had eerrirriitted all {if the allegecl meegful sets everi theegh this was riet tree as eenfirmed by, arrierig the facts themselves; the full and erreericiitiesai retreetiee arid withdrawal ef all ef the ellegetierie and claims in the Aetieri. 104* Bay Mills? press release falsely primary/?ed MePheil es being erreerti?edl requiring eerrifieetierir arid being witheut a valid seheel ednmiistrater?s permit. 105. Bey Mills? press release faleely pereeyed MePheil are a thief, embezzleri trespasser, anti wrengdeer with DCS. 106. Bay Mills abeeltitely knew arid should here knewri that the in its press release were false and. that the false statements eeritairied therein and the natural infereriees drawn therefrom falsely pertreyecl Mel?heil as being meerti?ed, requiring eetti?eatieel and being Witheet a valid seheel admim Water?s petemt. 107. Bay Mills absolutely knew aed should have knewe that the infermatiea it} its peess release was false and that the false statements eentaleed therein and the natural inferences drama therefrem falsely pe?eayed Mel?hail as a thief, embezzlen trespasser, aacl wrangdeer a eenaeetiee with 1308? 108. Bay Mills? false press eelease a false light invasien of privaey agaiast Mel?hatl. 109. MePhail has suffered damages as a dime: and preaimate aeselt ef Bay Mills? false light invasion of privacy against her. 110? Bay Mills issued the false press release aad targeted the media knowingly, intentieaally, and maliciously in eernplete deregatiea ef McPhaills tights such that MePhail is eatitled t0 exemplary damages. 111. As a direct, namt?al, prextmate and 0f the feregeieg, MePhail has euffered damages fer whieh she is eatitled a; including but net limited eempeesatery damages? damages, exemplary damages, interest, eeats aed attet?aey feesl WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Mel?hail, respectfully reqaests that judgment be entered against Defendant, Bay Mills; as fellews: A. Cempeeaatery damages in an amesat in exeess of $23000; I3. Ceaseqaeet?al damages la an meant is: excess of $25,009; C. Exemplary damages la an ameeat in exeese ef $253000; Bl Iaterest, eeats and afterney fees; and E. Saeh other: and further relief as is; warrantecl and apprepriate. 23 COUNT IV CIVIL CONSPIRACY (McPhail Bream Keesler, Bay Milis, Dei?etm, Calm: am, and Peapies) 112. Plaintiff, McPhail, 113mb}: immpmates by reference and manages {he allegatims wntained it; Paragraphs 1 thromgh 111 above as if ?illy msmted herein. 113. Bream Keesler} Bay Ming} DeP?tmj MMI, Coiamaa, and P6913163 cambimd 132:: e?gage a scheme tee form McPhail oat 6f 1308* 1141 Coleman: anal Pmpleg engaged in falge acmsatiens McPhaii ii: ?fd?il? to ma?ufacture a 1331315; fax: MDE arid Bay Mills 10 force Mei?ail out 3081 115. Mi, (36161311331, mid Peeplegl who were to staff 1308,, {wk actimg in viaiatian (3f their duties DCS 1:0 farce M?sPhail eat {if DCS we}; theagh that was met in the hast iiltemsts {3f DCS. 116. W1, i113 with Bay Mills} ever: want 30 far as 120 hire 2; {3617363311 fear a sham pesitimi 1:0 manufacm? claims against McPhail it; the Astim. 11?. Bay 11/1ng and Swami) engaged in a hast?e takeaway (3f DCS Witheut any right 91* authaiizaiim under that: shatter can?act in aide: t9 farce McPhail gut 6f DOS. 118. Bay Millg isgaed its faise prirss relea?a the Actioii is} portray McPhaii it} a false, lighi. 119. Bram fendaxed 3, {160131011 that McPhail reqixii?ed certi?satim eve}; theugh ??1113 was (sanitary ?10 all applicable laws, cadets, and MDE gaicimae, Bream 313:3 mvaked (me of McPhail?s 85311001 Adminiatrami Permiig awn though such actim was incmgigtmt with actims taker; by MDE against 011131? 8811661 adu?nisti?atiim, principals, agsistant and chief basimss ef?cials. 120. Keesim? ravekad MePhai?S Selma] Admimis?ator Pm?mi?: which was apgmved f6}? 24 the 2013-2019 sehelnstie year even theugn eneh aetion was contrary ?56) all eppiieable laws, codes, and WE including her (awn Memeran?nm, as well as ineensistexn; with actiene taken by MDE against ether eeheel edmnlieeretem snperintendentsg prineipaieg eesis?en?: pneeipnle, and chief bueiness ef?eials. 121. Breen?s, Keesler?e} Bay Mille?, DePenn?s, Ceiexnen?e, 53.11621 Peeples" eetiens were inken as part ef effert by Breen.) Keeslerg Bey Mike; and DePetre against Me?hei1 in feree MePheil cant a: BCS. 322. Bay Mille?j DePetro?e, MMl?s, Coleman?s, end Peeple? conceneci acnene against censtitu?te civil cenepneey. 123. McPhail has been damaged by ?rtue ef Bxeen?n, Rey Mills"; DePetre?sj Wl?e, (Telemann? end I?eepies? civil 124. Breen, Keeslen Bey Mine, DePetre? MMI, Coiemen, and Peeplen knewingly? ?nentienally, and malieiensiy eegaged $11 a eivil eenepneey designed to fnree out ef ?308 in: complete deyegatien ef MePhnil?s ?ghts each that Me?hejl is; entitled {e exemplary damages. 125* As a direct, natural, prexixnete anci nf the feregeing? has suffereti darneges fee which she is eniitleci to ieelnding bni' net Innited Eng compensatory damages, conseqneminl (Images, exempiary damages, interest, cents and meme}; feese ?aintiff, McPheil, respeet??ly requests that judgment be entered against Defendants, Breeze, Keesler, Bey Milleg DePetre, W15 Celernen, enci Peeplee, as fellows: A. Cempensaiery damages in an memt in exeese ef $25,000; B. Censeqnemial damages; in en mean: in excess sf $325,000; 25 C. Exemplary damages in an aQOt in amass Of $255000; D. Iatereat, mats; and a?tmmey fees; and E. Sash when: aad ?lrthar relief as, is warraatad and COUNT CONCERT OF ACTION (McPhail Brew, Keasler, Bay Mills, DePeim, Coleman, and Peoples) 126. Pla?atiffg McPhaiL hereby iacarparaiaa by rafamnca and manages the allegaiians comaiaa? in Paragraphs 1 thra?agh 125 abeve as if fully reataied harem 127? Bream Kaaslar, Bay Mills, DaPm?e, W1, Calamari}? aad Peaplas eugaged in 0633961166 aeti?as designed ta farce: McPhail eat 0f DCS. 128. MMI, Calamaa, aac?: Peaplas engaged in false against McPhail in (larder ta ma??afaatura a baaia {01* MDE arid Bay Mills ta farm MaPhail out if 129, W1, (1013:3213, 3x161 Peaplea, Whi} were amplayad 1:0 staff BCS, teak astiaas in violating: 0f thalr duties in BCS t0 farce MezPhail Gut 0f ECS emu thaagh that was 110?: a: ?116: beat iatayeata af 13G. ma i3} waj?umtioxi with Bay Mills, aver: waat SQ far as hire a parsga f0}: a 31mm gasitian at; manafaemra claims agajaa?t MePhail if; the Aetionl 131. Bay Mills and DaPatm {engaged in a hastile takaawr of DOS withaut any right aatharizatioa 1111616}: their charter watraat ta farce McPhail 0a: af DCS. 132* Bay Mina issaad its false prass :eleaae @1an {he Aatim t0 partray McPhail ii} a falaa light. 133. Bream readare? a that McPhail required carti?catiaa awn thaagh this was cankary ta all apgalicabia laws, males, and MDE guigiaace. Bream alaa revakad ma af MaPhail?s Sahael Adnanistratay Permits ever; ihmgh small aciion was inconsistent with actiaas 26 takeia, by MDE ether achael sapetieteedeiita, assistant and chief business effieials. 134i reveked Mel?hail?s Seheol Administrator Pamii which was appieved fer the 2018?2019 aehoiaatie yea}: eve}; theegh each aetiea was; eeatrai?y a) all applicabia laws, eedes, and MDE her ewa Memei?aadem, as well as with actieiis faker; by MDE against ether admiaistiateis, sapeiiateadeiitag assistant aad chief ef?eialsi 335. Breeii?s, Keasler?s, Bay Mills?, DePetre?e, Coleman?s, and Peeples? aetieaa agaiaet McPhail eenatitate a ef aetieii against McPhail. 136. MePhail has been damaged by Vilma of Keaalei?s, Bay Milla?g ?ePeae?s, and Peeplea? eeneert aetiea. 137? Brew, Keesler, Bay Mills, ?ePeiie, W1, C?l?m??g aiid Peepiea i?t??ti?i?ialiyg and maliciously engaged in conceited aetians designed a) fame McPhaii eat Gf DCS eompleta Of MePhailis rights each that Mef?hail is entitled t0 exempiary damages. 138. A3 a direct} mama, preximate and foreseeable {if the Me9hail has suffered damages fer which she is eatitled t0 recover, bat net limited to, eempeesatery damages, damages, exemplary damages, interest}, costs aad attemey fees, WEREFORE, Plaintiff; MePhail, requests that judgment be eetered against Defeademe, Bream, Keeslera Bay De?etm, MIMI, Colemaa, aiid Peepleag aa feilewa: A. damages an meant in excess of $251,000; damages 33 meant excess (13f $25,000; 27 Exempiaty damagas in an meant ix} $316333 0f $25,000; D, Interest: arid attemey ?eas; and E. Such ather 311d further reliaf ag is wmant?d Reggaesi?x?y aubmit?aeda Data: March 20, 2019 By: Maxie! Margameth MAYER MORGANROTH (P17966) DANIEL E. MOLD (1361841) MORGANROTH MORGANROTHB PLLC Attameys far Plaintiff 343% N. 01d Waedwai?d Ave.,, 81.3%: 200 Birminghm, Miehiga? 48009 magmath?mergm0thiawmm dhamid@m0rgam0thlaw.mm ELLIOTT S. HALL 6314546) Amway fer Plaintiff 344 N. (3163 Wmdward Ave., Suite: 200 Bimaiaghamg Michiga? 48099 28 DEMAND FOR TRIAL BY JURY NOW COMES Plein?aif? Sheree McPha?, by am} threegh he}: e?emeye, Mergmeth Morgam?eth; PLLC and Elliott S. Hall, and hereby respeet??iy requests a trial by jury ?11 ?ehe abeveneeti?ed matter. submitted, By: Mayer Morgameth MAYER MORGANROTH (P17966) DANIEL E. HAROLD (P61841) MORGANROTEI MORGANROTH: PLLC Aftemeys fer Plaintiff 344 Ne Old Weedward Ave, Suite 200 Birmingham, Midligae 48009 mergameth?gmergamethiawieem ELLIOTT S. HALL (P145546) A?emey fer E?leintiff 344 N. 01d Weedward Ave, Suite 290 Biminghem, Michigan 48009 Date: Mereh 203 2019 29 EXHIBIT A 3M Aw WA 1 in?) 11w? ?7 ?gm {4 '9 31%, 5:1? .WM Mum q? 4n. ?g??fi The ?ask?aac Samar far Fub?c @olicy ?3 a aongar?sar: {aseamh am! educatiar?ai irgmimte (?e?imte? t4} ?mgurav?n? the qaaiity {2f iifa for 23% Mishigan reaide?m by Qfemati?g 30mg miu?em to skate argzl Rwai gnofigy {guesiims? The Mackiaac: Cea?ger aasism gaiicymakars, ac?aiam, h?si?asapwgiet the media amt ?313 gminlis by objeaiive anaiygis 0f Michigza? imam, The gm! Qf ati 59.90%, aammaa?ariea am} pfagrams is to 92?qu ??ici'aigan {mi?anm arg? (Rhee? deci?icsn {?akera to baker emmaie pe?c?y aptiem. E?he Maskiaac Center for gut-Es Faiiay i3 ?xaarianireg iha debaie {3:1 imam {mt have far many years ham dominate? bytke baiief 3m? gevamman: iniewam?or: mania tim stan?ar? solt?ian. {tamer pubiicatiena an? pragrams, in"; {:w?ast. an integrat?d am? agpmach {hag con?i?am: AH Emtimtiam. ?fhia Qaaier exammaa tine; imgmr?ar?t malt-3 <3f wimmry assnciai?a?s, huaimeams and 33 wail 33 gevammeni. Pempie. Mackinac: Sewer researah {ewg?izes ?he diversity 9? ?ichigar: mai?enm and $3335 3mm 33 i??ividuafs wiih uniqaeg circumsianmg am? 523mm A33 {Ea?tar rematch inwmamteg W3 has: am?amtwdiag ?33? acar?emicg, aciemw. iaw, yaychologg hi??wi?y am? maratity, moving mechanicai coagwhma?i anaiy?s. A33 Times. Genie? msearc? evaiuates to?gwi?em cemequeuma, {mi simpiy im?a?. Co?mi?eci t5: gm indeaendenm, {he Macki?m Caster for @ubiia ?39an neither seeks {my ascepm as}; gavemment furac?iag. 'fhe Santa? an?eyfs ti?m suppaft 0f faun?a?em, in?iv?duals anti ?usimaama ihat gham a gamma; 11m~ Mich?ga??s {Laura mmgr??ze tha impartam rate 6f i?eaa. "?le (team? is 3 nonpro?t taxwexerggai organ?mtiw ma?a? Sactiaa 3f 93% imemal ?awma (366$. 92}! mam imfor?mation or; program& ma? pabiica?em of tha ?acki?ae Seam? fag Fairlie Pe?sy, cantmt: ?ackir?ac {water for" Wink $30563; ?49 W?st area 90? Bax 568 Midlarz?, ?ic?igar?; 4364?} ixax: Q8?w63?~??64 Mackimmxg; mcgp??mackimcmg (?33 2w by ?53 Ex?acizinaa {Sea iar 9:1 E?lEa F??licy, mama, Michigan i??hi; 9%}4 I SZMEMK 9&1 1653 Was! Maia ?ime? 37333. $03: 565? Mi?ia?d, Miah??gar: 48349 gssw?samgse Fax Mack?nac?srg mapp?mas?1 "xi-953 (.33: My? 1?35 W333 Mmki?a? ?33?3rf3r E33353 P315332 The 20} 8 Mfz??ga? Pubi?a: 35%093 Cagt?xt mid Pajamance Reyorf Gang Tap 25 Bistrict?m High Schaals Graphic 5 reveals the trap 25 Michgm disiricbmn maventienal public: big}: sahaeis, Fiftaen cf {31am retmm ?1:0 ?1162: 1:0? 25 ?st {ram rim 2,916 regard? card, hasluding this yeafs 12 highes?o xated schesisg As in 263.6; three (3f the top :0 are 1063M in Ann Axber. That: city?s Hamn and High Schoals, aiong M?l Ok?ma?; High Schacal, make ?neir thirc?: canseca?va appearanca? an the if) ?st 9f districi high $119313. Gra?hic 5: T933 28 ?istrici-run Eigh Echooh B33916 er: 2615m29?8 {Weraii ?care ?i farmer"; High Swami (my: ?ma? A 2 Eogemw imiigh 86:19:32 Digtrict ermas Rama: Fr?r?ge 11536 A 3 Ecreatwoaed i-Eigh D?st?et Girestmaad Subam: iai?ga 115331 9?.33% A 4 Eii?iomer High Sahaol D??trict Ana Arizmr {Sig}: A??sim 1 15.13} @1311 8% A 5 ?al?w?n Sigma}: High Sch?c? [31311181 E?ai?win Rmal: Remete 114.93 A 6 i?amiramck High Sahgx? Digtr?ct Euburh: image ?$36 95.aa% A 3" 81mm High Schoai Biatriat Arm Ci?ry: A?icisim 114133 A 8 SAeiby High 3mm: Qisiriai She?by Egret: ?ia?ant $3.83 A a Kiwi. Draw $1911 Schema mark": A?iciiarzaf City: Email ?$13.65: A $Ky?ine 31gb $13100! Distr?ct Arm Am: city: A?idsim 113,43 A $1 ?wyl?wg; High Schaml Qisiria? Cram?ord Area Qwai: g?nge 113.43 95.93% A Echeoi Disirist Owed Ram: ?i$$ant A 13 Jn?Sr HS $58113: $12136: Remam 112.89 A 14 Heughten ?enirai i??iggh {game}; {Biair?si Quasi: Mme: ?12.44 A 15 Waa?wamr Pirh?c 8913993 aisiria: Featwam: Rumi: ?istani $1.96 $338123 A 16 833% {ansmg imiigh Sch?ai ?isic?c?: Easi Lagging ?31131: 3:11:33 1% 1.9 A Biaamingdale Mi?dia?? gigging: ?iammingdala Rum? {Eigta?t 1 ??353 345? ?33 A 18 Troy High Schaai {?iai?c? "fray ?ity: 3mm: 111.343 A 1% Navi 36:10:}; ?igtrici Ravi Sky: 591% 1 .58 3&2? A 28 L39: Higi?: 831330: $133115? Sky: Smaii 33.92% A 21 Waiemiiet Se?ior i-Eigh $0?10?3? {)iskict Wa?erviiet grime 1 H.132 A 22 Eflmr??em High Sshaof Bisgta'iat Dearbam Giiy. Sma? 11123 83.45%; A 23 East {Ema? Rapids High Saws}: District East Grand Rapids Subufb: $.33ng 11321 93.32% A 24 Rmssemmor: H?gir: Schaol Qi?kict Rnscursmm: Mira]: D?gtarst 1 113$ E1311 8% A 23 53:1 Ciaire High Enema}: Distfizzt Em: {Bake Rural: Fringe: 1163?: 5&2}3% A Mackinac: Cmterfar ?32432}: P?i?ay 2818 Michigao Fuhiz'c High 56319:}? Confess? am? meermams Repsri Corgi Bottom 25 Districbm High Schools Graphic 6 lists the state?s 3.5 lowesiwsco??g districbmn yoblic high schools, which Mgh?ghts a strong geographic aiisparity. Sixty gamut ofthe schools can this list epexate in large cities, namely Detroii; bat large city schools comprise less than 4 person? ofaJE coavon?io?a}, ?i?fricbmn schools gigowi?o? ?raphlc: 6: ?ottom 25 momma-mo iniigh Schools Baaeci on {EveraEI Score '3 8ag?aaw High Same; Bioiriot? Saginaw C?iy: Szoail W538 {115% 2 Boot Engiioh Village Proparatmy $?s?r?st Baiwit Sity: Lame 3 Bonior?; Fiaz?bog High Schooi ?lsirici 563101?? Harbor City: 5ma ? m2? 4 Taylor Vir?u?i Learning Academy 8io??io? ?fayio? City: Small mos; 5 Dean}! High Sohool Qiairicit 363%! City: Largo ?39?63 6 Qsijom H?gh Sohool $35?5ic? {Estroit Cily: Large ?i ?omoiog Piigh Sohool ?iaii?ic? ?etwit City: [gage 88.8? 9% 5 westweod Cy?ar Righ Sahool glows}: Wootwood Subwb: Largo 31.3% 348% 3 gauglms Academy fa: Young Meg lei?t? ?etmit ngo 81.32 $6395. 19 Foal Filgh 8o??oo? motile: ?etmii City: Large 8? 1% ?E'l {39d}? Aca?ogzy of Pa ol?o Loa?orshio ?iotrir? ?otroii Gity: Large 8% .52 i: 12 Sohool motifs: Rural: i3is?ao? 8% .Q 2,08% is Momford High 8mm; Dismal. meta-oi: Sky: {ergo 3253 2.23% i3 $4 Conirai ?lgh School Digtrist Detroi: Ewarge 83.14 $3 Wal?roo Area $nhools* Diotriot Woioroo Rural: Remote 83.34 2.63% ?33 {Benoit los?tuie a? ?echaologgy a? (Zacly Distriat [363mg (lily: iargo 33m 2.82% 1? Soomoastom High Sohooi Diotriot Deiro?: ?ity: iarge 84.32 *3 8 Swariz Crook Virtual: Loor?oiog Sontag? Bistriot ?wa?z Greek ?ubwi): wage 84,21 19 Sextoo High Scone): Bis?grict Loosing Qty: Midsizo $4.66 3.41% :26 De?roii Soheol of farm Siairim illekoil City: Largo 8433 2% Klog Fligh ?iatriet {3335a City: Large l3 22 Deiroii Colieglam 13mg}. Nor?hwootom gigolo: {Eoifoit City: Lafge $5458: 5% 23 Cody Higi'? ?ahool Qisiri?t City: Largo 38.98 4.43% 24? Liich?oio lwiigl?: School iwlich?eld Rural: Diatanf 4.33% 25 Flower "fach Nigi? School 9mm: ?am?tom Rmai: Fringe 816? 435?33. SEQ 43:; 393? ?513?? EQMM mam Mo dame Centarfar Pi; 235i; Policy The 25,: 8 Miakiggn Pubiis: ??gk 85?: 0:33 {36%fo sins? Paij?man as Repar? Card 9 Tap 10 Charter High 86319915 Graphic 1? identi?as Ma?gm?s tap 16 yub?c charter high scheels, Eight 9f the 30 repeat {hair appaamnce from the 2616 repay: card} {0111? tin? have aamesi ants 9f the 1:913 16 ?11336}: scams in wary a?iticsn 0f this {?59911 carci: Star international Aca?emy (ihree-{ime samba: I ?nisher), Riserside Academy Wags, Cesar Chavez Bigh Schesxl Univarsal Academy. Graphic Tap Charter Eigh Schm?s ?aws: or: 29154913 ?vera? CAP 8mm Miahigan Matmmai?as and Sciersw wily Lasge mar? laiematicsrsai Academy He?gi?s Range Rivassidss . 591a? 93.4??5; Leamiag Aaa?emy" wages Fras?ier iasematissaai Academy . Large 93.52% {thaw}: Righ Sweat . Large 333.22% Univesaai Asa?ssmy . Lasgs Acaciamy . Mi?sim 9?.63% E?lack Riva!? 9vblk: 36mm 96.29% 13 Park Aca?amys-sf? Large 95.35% ?mm a PM ?7 ssz??a?y ?r'?mfw? ?if arm's: Batman 1 8 Charter High Schaais Qraphic 8 dispiays {ha bettam 16 public chaste}: high schoeis in Mcbigan, Six 0f these alga ?nished in this betwm If} far 2816, thaagh am: has repeated the feat in fans: editia?s: Creative Tecimolegieg Academy. ?raphia 8: Emma: sa ?har?ar High 36:??3933 Baw? on Gasman 3mm 3 Fiat Riser Aca?amy-s?i??laf?? {imam Quasi: Fringa 23836 {159% 2 Higss Sahoei Chaser Ssightan $abusb?. Mds?m 81.03 134% f: 3 Hes?ghm Assassins; ?ha?er Quakegen Subsidy Midsize 83.33 2.82% i3? 4 ?ex?l?ech High $c?snoi-Novi Charter kiwi Sky: ?mafi @499?; 332% 5 Forstiaa Academy far Charms Pssmim?: Sky; Emmi: 85.45 3.2% i: 6 Sahsmi of Michigals {kaiser taming Sabusb: Marge 85.43 3.33% Creative Tec?ngissgim Awdamy Charms Cassia? Swings Yawrsi Fringe sans/a {1 a isake?ide Charier Sasha-sol Charter Kaiamazm Sky: Smaii 83.82 6.53% ?7 9 Amdamy ft}? gimmeas arid Tears, RS Charter Metsirsdate $ubusb: iargss is? ?3 6 ?36th Pubiir; Asademy Gimmes Destmii (my: Large 8315 35% $451395: saws as: gas?; sass af sass; Mackinac Center?ss P??cy The 20} 8 Mia?igerr Fe??e ?igh 5.2319 :33 Ceetext mid Ferfe?eenw Report: Card 16 Charter Perferrnance by Authorizing Ageecy Nearly three-feurthr ef the 79 Charger high scheels that reserved :1 CAP Scare are eutharieed by {me ef eight ?iffeteet puta?c eniversities mest premirren?}? Central Mchigen University and Gran? Vailey State ?niversity. ?I?he yerfermaece 9f the 6C3 umversity-eutherized charter eeheois me the gamut, theugh the mean CAP Scare far these schoois stands at 14:} 1,6 1, the avera? average. Finishing even higher is the ce?ee?en 0f 1 1 charter scheeie autherieed 33y cemmenity ce?eges (mine by Bey M1115 Cemurrity Ce?ege)g with an average CAP Scare ef 3.64.61. The remeirring charter echeels aet eutherieed by a cemmenity ee?ege er gui?ie urriversity registered much peerer perfermenee er: average. The ?ve chertere eutherize?i by intermediate scheel districts heel err average at 94.98 and the three aurherize? by" lace} seheel districts seere? an average 0f just 93.24?. Ameng the eight eherterieg agencies that eethe?ee We er mere wheels err the Bee, Qekland University the highest average ef $2i.2i. The lewest average CAP Scare fer an aetherieer beierrge ?0 Eastern Mchigen University at 89.09. Seleeti'ee High 86110318 This reyert irecerperetes 14? scheels frem the 2916 repay: care} with selective adrr?esiens criteria, in eight: ethere, mesa}! eariy ce?ege arid middle ee?ege pregame 9&1 0f the scheels identi?e? are distrieewrem ache 015, sin ce Mchigae 13w grehihits chareer eels from rising eteeciercis t9 limit eme?mem?f If; is net sure?eing, given the selective nature ef their Peliciee} that mest ef these high sehoels Irate highly en the reaper: card. Eieveri ef?m 22 received it gre?es (ineiuding err; efthe tee scheels everall), and! seven received grades. Eeepite its selectiVe standards, {me Flint scheel ?eished with CAP beIew the expecte? rate 0? 106. Maekinec Ceeterfer Peeiic ?nite}: The 2m 8 M?cizfgen P113936 $711331 sachet}? (?lemme em? menrmame Repem? Card ?rephie 9: SeEeetive High saboeie ?anketi Base? on 2615-2?1? Gveraif CAP Score i1 1 City Middlei?igh Seneo? Selective {3de Regide (3113;: Mieeim 131.85; 99.?0% A 2 mtemmiorzai Academy ?elective Sublet}: Large 131191} 99.55% ?x 3 international; madam}; o1 Memmb 5ekeative {Shippewe Valiey $3133.31}: Levee 1 ease $9.1 1% A 4 E21 :13; Cetiege 8e?eetive ?eweew?ieewedh Subaru: Large 123.31 11838134; A 3 Hear): R3111 ?ariy ?oiiege Se?eetive Deerbem Sky: Smeii 123.18 93.$1% A Segieaw Arte we Aged. ?eiee?ive $e??new 6113;: Steeil 1233? 98,68% A leiemetiorzei RS ?eieciive Ypsilanti Large 122.1 1) 118.3?% A a Anaeemy? Aerien Rural: Binge 11 1?54 13?,532% A 9 11m $1311); {Leiiege musing; {:13 (3113!: Mideize 111319 A 19 Genet}; Middle ee?iege Seiee?ve Menree Rerei: wedge 1113.86 {-12.88% A 1 1 Early {leiiege Seiee?ve Qxford ?uburi}: Large 139.42 @3313 A 1 2 E?Za?y Celiege Seleei?ve Ypeiiemi Santeria: verge 198.1313 838311: 13 High $011991 $elect?ve ?etreii City: Leege 157.99 1 4 Early Cotiege e1 Menicele?s CC seleeiive s?dney Remit ??eteet 1%.46 83.53% 3 '15 Wei-?end {Zeilege Selee?ve Wee: E?loem?eid City: Smaki 1&2? 83.23% 8 16 Case "i?ecimicei H1911 $021931 Selective metmi? City: Lefge 165.53 80.5??ie 8 1? Univefeity High ScheoE Acacias-I3; 3eie?tive Seu?hfieie (Bier: Smeii 161243 33319.19 18 Greet Lakes E1213: ?eriy Col?ege ?eEeetive Bey ?eeniy where: 16:15.32 1 13% 13 19 Yeeileet? 811211111111 Mideie Cetiege 8e?ectiue Yee?enti 31:131.:sz Large 1133.38 21} 1n?ova?an Qeai?rai Righ 38:10:31 geieetive ?er?ee ?31131: ieideim 10135 $335111: 13 21 111131;: e?iedie Caiiege High Sebeei Seieetive Ce?een-Ainemrte {Sii'yi Smeil 1613.85 $313143 13 22 Seuahweeiem Seiec?iive F?r?t {31131: 831311 e1 Bee. {3 ,4 a .. 1.4 cgi'l??i?e 5313?: (>323? ??3st ffizztr?v Meet: Impreved and Largest ?ec?nes The previous edition ef the High Scheei Context and Performmce Repert Cami intre?ucec} 3:1 eddeti dimensian (3f lengwterm cemgarisen. It can be instrec?ive 1x; see which scheels have sigm?cen?y raised at reduce& their CAP Scares er have maintained censistentiy sireng er week beg?{emit performance. In all; 526 efthe 674 high scheels agapea?eg on this repert card else were mted in the ?mt edi?ee i1?: 29:12. An. eeaiysis eeables a cemparieen 0f relative {Jerfemance 01" these 526 high wheels {he time frame {315' 21388-21311 1:53 the newest: CAP Senate from EGISWZGEB detef That grenp mcie?ee 563 cee?veetienal disti?ici scheele; 17 charter scheele anti seiective wheels. T0 make the campex?een these Ewe time peeiode, We sees efperceetile rankings were that inciude?i thie $121 ef 526 quali?ring wheels, E11233: the purpeaes (3f making the eemperison} i113 more helg?? 129 See haw the same greup ef scheels pe?em relative 16 ene ?xer 211 2 emetic gee Eeien 1mm We eefee feceireazi?ee meme seem 1e make 1% the 2311"?; Maskinaa Ceeterfer P1212115 $311315}: This 23} 8 Miak?gau: Pubfa?c High 3531qu Context um?? Card I 2 anurher, raiher thug it) a larger set 9f Merenr 36110615, suture ufwhiah may not haw been inclmied err but}; 1&3 fur Most schauls? CAP Sutures remainec?: steaciy ever abuut 42 percent af?x: 52,6 quali??ng high schuais' CAP Smite?:3 ix: 2018 ware within 16 pamig (9r ruugI?y 16 percentage 991m) 6f {hair Scare 33:} 33,012. As in Graishic 18, 18 schu uls dramatica?y improved by ?uegr?ng their ranking by 50 purcunt?e yoiuts ur mom ?rum 2612 it) 2618. We rural schuaig ma?u rug 39 parcent afrhe 526 rahuuis, {hay cumizrise half 0f thssa Shomg the greater? imymvement, That inclucies Staphmsar: Md?iufl?Iigh Scheul near the Upper Penjmula?s Wiscensin barrier, the 9111}? sahuul to rise frum an New} tu an Awievel grade wi??n {that ramyiu. Dutruit Commuuity Schouls, Cane uf three: c?ar?ter high 13:: make the list, joined rural E311 Claire and Kingsrun} 33 the grim: high schauis increaue their ranking by mere than 89 garcem?e 190mm, Rum} ackuals}. which terr? :0 have smailer numbers 0f enru?aai rest-takers, are mum likitl?j? it} have fluctuating scores, arm 9f the 10 largest high uaheuiu analyzad, A?lai Stevensen High Sahara} ir: Mucumb Cuunty, registered an incmase 0f rrearly 58 gercrm?e guitars 311d ueariy made the: ta? 16 fur must Lakeviaw High Schaui and Allen Park High 56110013113 We) Iargar merru Darrei?t area Schuuis that aim marriages? their ranking by 58 mere percentiie: pointa. Grapiaic i??gh saheeia humming $34? Paints in CAP Percentile Ranking, 2612 vs* 2933 Siaphumau Middluii-?gh Schoui Diutrict ?arui: 13:9me 8238 2 (Scrumuuiry Samaria HS ?hur?er ?etrui: City: Large 8156 3 Ciairu High Subaru: Distr?ct Ear; Cia?ru Kara}: Fringe gram. 952.68% 8&612 4 Kiugurou H?gi? Suhuui Dia?rist Kiugumu Rural: Merriam $2,558}; 9,2459% sum 5 Quloma Mgr: 8mm! D?$tr?at {Zuluma ?fawn: ?rir?lgu 84.22% 6 iuake Feutun imiigh $ah00l ??sir?ct Lake Feutun Rural: Friuge 66.16 7 @raut High 36mm Siarrict Gram Rural: Disw?t 10.8:4953 62.7% 3 Cirrusu?iug ?uiun i-Egh Sshuul {Eisiriru Elms-swing Rumt: ?irtuut 13.23% 8?.18% .98 :3 Ken: City mgr: Scum}: Warrior Kasai: City Run-at {?aunt 3.23% $321 ?r 38 1a Tuylur High Schuoi @33qu ?Vendor City: Smail 59.53% Etuvunsau Higi?w Suhuu? $iu?riu? mica Suburb: Large?. 25*86?239 3365?; 51m Er?dguzan i?igh ?a?ool {Eisirici ?ridgmun Suburb: Sinai: 38.64% 3&48 13 Mariou High SuhugE Eisrricr Marital?; Raw: Run-mm 3.94% 65,531 14 Summi: Acur?urny $3th High Samol Sham: imiurun Yuwusuip Kauai: Fringe 4.18% 543.56 South ?33m High 8mm: Diutrici South mks: $ui?mri3: iurge 8.236% $2348 16 Lukuview ?igh $uhuul Dirtricr iakuview {Mammu} Suburb: iurge 39.5% ?14: 3&8 ?iiun guru ?igh $9huo? mutust Aiiert Park Suburb: iurge razu ?313 rams; ?ail?: ?igh Samar Diutriat 823%: Suburb: iurga Maskinac Caufrrfar Pukh?r Pugz?cy 131a 2318 Migkigam Fai?i; 231$ng Ca?tsxf a?d Report Card 13 {311 the mile: hami, 2,2 of the 526 scheels tumbied 50 mare percentile 99mm 311 their ranking ?rearm 2612 $0 2618. As in the 23316 regeri: care! campaigen, the largest dearmsa was rawrde? 33y Penman Acaciemy far Exce?enae, a charter high 3611091 in Oakland Ceanty mm {mm the my? 2 gamma: t9 the bettgm 3 percent. Twe urban canventienai ciistrict scheols, Ottawa "?1315 High Schacal is (Emmi Rapids anal Davis A?rosyam High 86:11:36} De?cit, made: draps magi)? as state? High 56130013 located in bath tame. and auburban amas are signi?ca??y ancierreprese??ga? ameng the 22 largast {Iaclinag Graphic 11: ??gh Schaois Decreaaing 413+ Faint? in Ranking, 2&2 vs, 2833 Paniiac Aca?emy ?213? Ghana: il?omiac Giiy: Smaki 2,28% $5.20 2 O?awa Hi?i3 H?gi? Saahaol Sis??a: (Emmi Rapi?? ?iiy: Mi?sim 5.32% ~~532.4113 3 ?avis Aafaspace High Sakai?; $3310: $e?w?t ?iiy: Large $333338 8.65% ?8326 4 Arthur Righ Se?eai ?igi?ci Saginaw Ciiy: Sinai: awaa?; 351% 435.55 5 Westefr: In?ema?anai H?ggiw Sahm? Saim?t City: Larga ?9.69% 235% 36:34 8 Aca?emy f9? Einsiness ?43216 Tech. H8 Charter Meivin?aie: $913311}: Large #4123'1 Mama? Baaci?; ?ammanity H8 mimic: 83:13:13? Eeeacis Ra?rzal: Ramote 88.53% #432 a Je?em ?~Ei?h ?chsa? gems: A?am? "i?wp. Rwal: Bisiarit 91d4?% 1831?; 325:3 9 Rah?shau? 5elzier i-{igin mm?: ?istrici Westwoad 39:35:45: Maw 18 @anmfiaid Swim H?gh Sahar? ?istrict Peenfie?d Rurai: ?ing? 3.4% 1 gamma H?gi? 89.11901 {Bi?trict Famsst Rigs City: Midsize 13.31% 433.823 ?32 Wes? Sank}: ?w?i?h Diatr?ct Tramrsa City Ruraf: image 83,84% 24.52% $9,132 13 Eagle Graek Ce?tral High Schooi Dist?ct Eagle {?feek City: 3333? 9,53% 14 wig?! 86mm Distrist Bia'idgegol? Sahara k?i?sixe 4.312313% ?353:; ?35 ?dontaw?a Juniarff?m?ior Righ Distr?ct Maritaiaelta RwaE: Rel-ma?a 311.45% 32.89% @155 ?i 6 Mamas: Coamii?ata? High Schaai Diairriat Magma Rami: ?ismm '3?314?123 231951; @4118 1? gamewiile High Sahml Dis?iriat ?enewille Rafa? gringe 84.26% 11.03% ?$3.23 ?33 $151?an Miaidlaing?1 Diatr?at @1169? Ram? ?emaie ?3$.23 ?39 Holia?? High D?atr?at H?iia?? mfg: Smali $31 30 2t: Vamaizaufg; Qamezlzaity i-iigh Sahmi [Bia?riat Ve$tahur? Qumi: Remam ?3624?; ?33 Emma ?arbsr High 3511901 ?isirici Easier: Harts: Sky: Smaii $1.52% {3.38% w?51.14 22 Hwy-aria High ??haai ?isirim Rum? Diataa: 214824;. $6.19 Langu?l'em I?exfarmance Same schaels merit remgnitien far saccasg?i?y saryassmg pra?icted gerfarmmce camistently f6}? mam that} a daca?ie, {acorparated in this analysis are the 511 Mcmgan high 3611:3913 with CAP Smre data, far 11 censsecuiive years and that appear 0n ail fear reyaxt cards. The: cambi?ad mares average the i 1 annual CAP Scams; mvering s?ate tests taken 36:11 2,088 ta 2918. A high avamga 8mm re?actg a masistent mead 9f high achievement base??: (3:1 emailed smdent demagaphic& M??ki? an: Cenfarfar 91:53:}: F0 5:13! 24318 Mishigaa P?biig ?igk Sahara} am? Parfarmaaca Repari? Cara The tags 15 le?gmtama parfemners Shawn in Graphic represeat all the same schaais that: appeared {an this list in 26116, with a few natabia changes. Grand Rapigif salaciiva City Md?iaXRigh Schema} ascended {rem fGarth {10 5:359:36, Whiie Gkamos High 8611091 ec?pse? Caveat as the ?ghestwranketi ?istricizwrun gearbem Partisan and Am Arbcr Enron aim debuiad in the {?09 If); as Batreit?a Renaissa?ca High 8:21:09} dipyed Ema} tea 14th Graghia ?32: ?Rap Pahiia High Schaols ?amed an Average avara? scares Siar Aca?agay Sham? ?aaraam mama 8133mm Lama 133% 2 ?wa a?iadiafi-iigh ?ahaal $a?a1 District Alma Town: Distan?; .28 453 Aimaai High ?chocsl mistr?ct Almen: Rana? Fringe 32.3?% (3 15% Aigena High Diatriat ?lgena 3?9wn: 523mm 184.?2 1983694; 8 5&3 Ar?alg}: Bay Higi? Salami Uiairiat Aaahaf Bay ?urai: Fringe $5.34 25.52% i} Aeaapelis High Sahaal Disiris: ?aarinora Suburb: mrge $335 ?3 Arbor Fragarainry High ?chmi Charter Ypsiiaa? Quasi: Fringe ?33133 353$ "sf: <3 69% Arma?a High {imam ma?a: ?sm'lada Rurat Distan? {$1.33 @1.13% {3 $33 Arti?ar HIE: High Salami ?lskict sagiriaw {Ziiyi Smali E33283 523 Arts ir"; the?: Weo?g Charla: Fraser i iarga 3&05 22.55% 491 A?hiey High 3mm ?isiric? Ashiey Finral: Di?stam $8.23 {3 94?? A?zems High ?ahemf ?iairiei 'frmy {12131: Smart: $63?5i? 33203;!3 El: 49:; Mi?imm ?um??a?gemr High Sigma; ?Ei$tfic? Athens karat: ?igtam 93.99 2345?; E3 398 A?ierimrz fSr. High Scixx? ?3i$td?i Atherior: 31mm: Lagg? 93%? 42.28% {2 518 Aliama Commuriity Sch?aig Qiatrici Atiama Rural: gamma 93.19 23.29% 5% Au Greg-Sims High 863103 Qistr?at (Bras, Rafa? gamma QSrz? 23.8%; ll} 34% Ava?dalra High $ch?sa? Q?stiiat Avendale $ubar?s: Larg? $19.36 43.3?% 226 Bad Am Higi? Sakai}; Diata?iat Bad Axe T933331: [Stigmata 102.23 86.62% 21 Bai?wia gang}? High Schwi Diat?at Bair?wia Rama? ?amam H438 $303959 A 229 Bangor High School Di?il?i?t Banger (Vela Saree) Rum? $3223: 182% 3853??;? 83:39:; 83mg Diat?st garage Rum? Hermon?? ?35.3i} 243% 8% E) Bark giver-Harris Jrf?r High Schaol Distrist am award-laws: Rum-1i: Ramoie Qg?? 44.88% 238 Bath High ?shml Diairiat Seth ?ubuzi}: mw 64.34% C: 532 Eat?? {Smek C?nimi High ?ci'mai Dis?ric?i ?ai?e Creek Sky: Small ?lfa?? @3?80?593 Maskimc Car: rarfcr? 393135 c: $313 ROI 8 Miakigai; Public Higii Sakai): Swami." ami Regaff Card 333: swim; 36mm Distriai Bay {Siiy (Siiy: Sinai: iti?i .43 59.94% 458 Bay {tit}; Wmsierii High Schagi Distrigt Bay {Siiy Sistitiib: Siziaiil 36.59 354 Kiwi {tit}: Sshoal Diatrigt Beat {Siiy ?nial: Eligtaiai {-19.48 553% ?92 Bear Laiw Sign Scimai [Distriist Baa? Lair?e ?nial: Miriam 103.3? Ti a 452 Beaveriscia High Schaei Digtrict ?ami: Uigtani 91% 33.{i9% 548 Be?far? Senior High Digiriist ?lil??i: Wage 94.42 13.84% 5) 6i? Mischa: High Schaol Diairigt Swami? Eumrb: Large 8935 365 Balding Higi?u Schmi ?iairist ?fawn: Distani 19am {3 2?3? Beliaim Middiefi-iigh Sahaei {iisirict ?aiizaim Rural: Ramate $2.61 Ei?.95% 5% ?eliavilia Sigh ?isirim Vain Email Sahuria: Laige 92.6? 522 ?elievue Jif?i High {iigii?ici ?eiiawm Rurah Qiaiarit 9532 22.?8% a2 Beri?ie High Sghgol ?eriiziie Suhgri}: Wage 93.95% A $32 Games: 8: Mm?ciim ?istiici ?eti'caii city: marge $336 Ei.3?i% i" 554 Seatiey 563%}? High Qigtiici Bentley Suburb: Merge 5%.29 E3 Bai'ig?l'i Barber High Swami ?igtiici Remain iiarbar aiiy; 8maii m2? ?.ii5% i? 123 aegzie {Semi-3i Si. Sahaai migtii?i ?a?zia {Jamar Ruiai: Rem?ie $36.0? 33 8 ??95 Beikley High $621001 mimic: ?aikiay await}; iiarge 103.3% 22% 8 74 genial Spririgs High Semis! Ui?ti?i?t Ei?'til?i?i?i igwn: Fringe 1mm? 8 635 gig; Bay {33 Mix: Sahami Digtrict Eiig Bay de Net: Quail: QGEAL 8 135 Big Rapiris Schaai District Eiig; Rapicia mired: Fringe 183.32 ?5 42$ Birch ?lm Disiriat Birgii Ran Rural: Fiitigai $158 36.94% 25 #a?lic Schaizii Mi?dief?ig? Cilat'ier Hgiiand {:iiy: $r?i?l?i 1 13% $6.29?ii. A 337 Biissiield High Blim?eid ?aim: Fringe 98.43 41.25% 328 Bionmfiaii? Higi?: SerieGi Eiisirict Bloomfieiizi auiniriat Laiga $838 $148% {3 38 Bloomingdale Middia and High Same] Bloarriiligdaie Rgrai: $i$iam @1158 Q?i??ii??i A 3% Blue Waiar S?iiegig Academy? Cha?er iT?ori Sugaria: Smaii 32.82% 16? Bowie?; Ciiy Echoai ?isi?ct 8031135 Ciiy Toma: @62me 8 594 Emdior? A?a??i?i?iy Qhai?tei ?outhfieid (Sity: Sim? 91.36 iai?ii? II) 286 ?mgdmi Simona] Erandnri Rama @6128 53mg}; (3 388 Sm?dywim Swim High Schoai ?istiici Siandywiim a Q?f?ii 98.84 425%; 4139 Emmi gistiici Emma-Bridge $3.33? Distani 95m 110 ?mtinmn Sciami {Distiiei Kaievg Ruiz}? Remote 83.83% 8 $29 ?iidgapa? High 813196! Sistiiei Biidgiagei?t Snbuib: iviidaiza 38535 6.82% 18*! Eiidgrriaii High Selma; Districi laiidgman Salaam: 106$}? amass 8 214 Qiightan Stimaei Distrigt Brigiitgri Suburb: imidaizai 88.46% 148 Q?i??iay Aim": Sakai): Diatiici Bitinley Rumi: Di?ai? 8 83?! ??iiori Deariiald Schaeiawi?rittgn Bliildii'lg District Rural: 88.63 249 i?iimrimn Ji?fSi? High 813%in Distrigt Brunsmri Rural: Eii?t??ii?i? 16$ 633E394: <3 38? City High Distriat Brawn ?3iiy Rural: {3 264 313$i?i3i?13ri High 33mm Diairigt Bughaiiari Suburb: Laige 1?i31 {3 Pubiic Pa?ay 133:3 26} 8 Mfahiga? f?g? Swims-:1 Canfwf 5mg? Par??ma? cg R?y?rt ?8 355 Encklezy Commaniiy Schools Digiriat ?uckley Rumi; ?istahi 4343??) 13'? Eulimh Greek High Schwi Bahia: Bullock {Swath Qurai: Firinga 1 8 424 8m? {Bah High Emmi Bisirici 31.21? {Shah Rum}: Di?tai?li 1&6? 3?.24?323 <3 54? Area High Ssheci ?is?fici ?aral: Friaga Q?xl? {3 333 83mm (Beater Chattar ?ahaol Chaim? ?ymh Clarita: 3 Qumlz Fi'i?ga 3&3? 56.86% 3 ?3 $99 Caster Sigh Schoal ?ishiui Cehtar Rum: ?f3~62% 13 $85 Swim? High 86mg: ?3is?ric? "$23er ?amsia $13422 El 235 {taiedmriizi High Sahaai {?shing {Saiedonia Saharh: Largh mama 56,3821; 85 ?alumet High achahi gigihci Gaitsmet "fawn Ramate i [38.2% 88.28% 53? GamdehmFraniiar High Same? Simzici {Zam?eri-F?wh?ier Rami: {Eisiar?t 9231?! [3 "1?8 Gamer: High $$hl3?3? Sisthc? 9iymvuth-Carzisr: Suharh: Large 10%.84 3:332:59; 3'35 {Bantam Pfepas?aiasy High Scheai" {333mm Samar?; Suharh: image 9835 561 {Zapata Sigh Shhaol Digtrict {33pm thai: mam: 25.82% 263 Carmah?Ainawa?h i??igh Sahaai Di?triazt Carmanm?ingwe?h Suburh: harge 18% 35 613394: (I a 423 Garheyvhiasieaa 53mm! Ui?st??t ?ameywhiadaau Rurai: Ramo?ie 91% 3?.83% (3 Cara High Sehoei Digtrict Cam E39331: ?irgant 18432 wage/=3 8 2:36 Cazzailian Sigh ?ahehi Digirict Cmm?mr; sigma: Midsize 1&34}? 89.58% $16 Cagsah City-?rystai High $chaei Distriht Camah City Rams: Ra?wta 9932 392 Camehviile-Phrt $aniiac HE. Bimriei Camahvi?e Rtmi: Diatahi $9,?xi 55.34% (I: 253 Case?i?ie Sch??i K4 2 Bisiric?i Caseviile Rafa}: Ramete $1.62 62,83 {2 155 (33% {my anti High Sahara! ?is?iria?i (33133 {Eity Rami: Hermie {3 ??32 (3333 wiechhiaai High Sahwi Seleciive Qaimit Large i8$53 83.58% 248 Cedar Springs High {iisi?r? Ezedar $pr??lg$ Emir; thge ?$613? $3.55% {3 ?ag ?ohmi hm Cheriealgx Rurai: Remote 92.34 I3 215 Gamer Line High Emmi Qistfici Sea-tier him Sauhurh: may: i?z?i {3 {39:1in Academy Cha?er mm mm: City: Midaize '5 $3.36 A 58 (Swim: High 83%ch 533$;in Fazaat Suhurh: Large: 1 $13.13 {vii A 239 (whim: High ??istfict E?rzaverse City Town: Ramate 1f)? .39 {13 ESE Swim; High Schwi Siatfici $9.th City: Large: 3314: 568 Swim: Lam. ii?ai?ic 8choeis Qiatziat ?enirai Maize Rurai: Fiamnie ?35.32? 24?3% E1) visa Sanka: Moramalm High Same; ?iatriat {Death-.33 Moatsalm Qua-ah 333mg}: 383% ii: (3 18f Cammvilia .ir. High S?hoai Distriht Qufai: Distahi: 1333.31 8 13 {26mm Chavez: High 83:10:15! Gizarier Deiroi: City: Larga 11938 A 29 Chandiar hank Amdm?y - High Sshoal {Sharia Hargaer Waads; $513513: Large 313.4% 93.88% A 222 Charia?mix Middihf High Schoei Diatriat Qhal?ievaix await F??rzga $2416} 6?.2i?3? 433 Charihh?a Sank}; High ach?ei Diafrist Chariahe "i?wrz: hrihga $3145 54 Charitar?; Hasior?: acadamy? Sharia; Sair?t Seieh gurai: Ram?m ?$18.33 A 432 Chary: Siockweli Madam}: High Schaai Chariar Brigham fiaburbz Midsim @146 33.95% 11% Cha?seli K42 Schm? Diairiht iwp. $31,393]: Phage 333.813 ??15 Chebaygar: Area High 3mm}? Disirict Chebayga? "fawn: Rawhm Masha/2 at: Poiiay Wm 26,: 8 Michigan Pigtails: ?fgh 5:}1903 Cmfmiz arid Card 19 {Shaisea mgr: Same: Diatr?at Chebea Tcwa: Ffiag$ ?S?53?i 8135;3253 134 {Shma?i?g U?ior: High Schoczl Distr?at Cheaaning Rafa? imam $5135 $8.2??x3 324 {thippawa Riga Hig? Schaol Dimriat Chiggnewa H315 Rumi: Remaia $98.21 32.68% 48$ Chi?pewa Valley Sigh Disiric: ChigagaeWa Vaiiey ?uburb: iarge 96.28 233.93% t) {Zhumhig Higi? ?shaol Di?rim ij?maia Ciiryz Emaii @3435 ?8.34% 3 Sky Mid?iefl-Eigh Scheal aeleu?ve 55mm Rapi?g {Sign Ex?i?sim $31.38 993% A 22% {Islam imiigh Schorzi ma?a: {?are ?fawn: Qiszan?? $82.26 6&32?3?2} 3 449 {liara?ceviile High aahmi Bisi?? Clarenwv?ltia wiry: $ma? 9126 {:Earicstaa High Sc?zaai Dismal: ?a?mmrz Sabuyb: Marga $5.26 23.44% 536 {:anma High Saheai E3i$?ric? Suburb: Lai?g? ?32.22 E.) $24 SEimax?za?2?a Sigh Sahoai magic? {El?maX-Sm?s ?gml: ?35.85 ?a?gafg 5} 3% {3&an High Schaoi $398131: Cl?mm ?i?wwr?r {??stai? 9&3? 4?.29% 322 Siinton?a?e Rig}: $c?1m? gisiyici Cli?i??d?l? guburin: Lagge: ?$9.26 i3 48%? ?gs: Afaa ?igh Schmai Suhurij: Larga 96.2 2834533; 5} 3&2 Staci}; Acadarsy {2f inabiic Leadersi?siga gistgict ?etmit Gity?. Large ?52 1.83% {3063: High Saham {Eisti'ici 113mm: iarge 3638 313 Soldwaaier {Miigh $?hmel {Emmet Cnl?watag" ?Fatwa: [D?atam 535'? 249 {Salama? Jmior?mim High 3mm {i?gt?at Salamm} Rumi: mm: $9 64.54% Gamma imiigh Sehcml Q?gtr?ct Gamma Tawa: Ffi?ge 196.14 32.94% 375 {Emmi Migi? 3mm; Qigmct Omar: Rum: D??taa?: 9932 {3 451 Catumbia Centmi H?gi? Schecl {D?at?ct Colurabia Rami: Fringe Qi?? 33.23% {3 Cammaaiw?on am? M6613 Arm HS District $83335. Qity: mags: ?$33.33 35!} Camaimzk High Saksai D??trict Comstaaic ?zibwl}: Midaize 98.5% 4322??) {5 254 C?msioak Park ?igh ?chaai Dis?ric: Caws?ack Payk Sabwb: aarga ?$81.61 {3 3% 693mm Am?aemy Emma Chane? ?eyme City Rama: Hinge: 9532 46.95% 33? (39:19am Acaciamy .. pateskay" Charter @etaskey Quasi: F?age ?$13837 58%} Migh ?chmi Diatrici (Samara ?uraiz Fri?ge 92.63 382 (Samar Cmazk Amdemy Easiim?i So??giate Chane! W353i} Mi?aiza $33.34 338 C?mmntim ?igh Sahoai Disificx (Zen?ar?ina A ??wrz: irringa 139.09 53.1% 464 C?agamv?ia in?gh Samoa; Emma? {i?agaemviile Rural: Fringe 3:31 519 Camamiom ?aatii? and Tac?n?ogy So?aei Charm: ?atfa? La rge $13.1 9 23.1?% 338 {Zemrwa High Sch?ai Waging Qaz'urzaa Rural: griaga 99.56 438.32% 34 Caug?ryai?a Mammy MEddlefH?gh Schaa? (Shade? Harbor Rurat: g?nga 1 $2.24 A 58? Stamina?; Swim Righ $i$t?i0? Warfea ?ity: MidSiza Q??s 163.92% 30 {Swami Higi? ?chaai ?iazfici {Leased Raml: ?isQant 3? A 846 {?raafiva Tachrzeiagiag Acaciamy Cha?er Cedar Springs Tawa: Fringe: 36.3% '19 Srasiwwd Hig?n Scheai ?ist?r? {Jrassawo? Subarh: Large 1 ?15.83 A 142 {Irassmads charm? Aca?emy Charger Big; Ragim Tom's: Distant 193.19 8 211 Ssaswali?wxmgim? High 83mm itaistrict Gwaweiiwi?exingmr: Rarai: Fri?ge 192.53 468 {Jakom Kigh Schmi {Eistriet thppewa Valiey Samaria: [mange 96.53:? {3 Mammals Fa}: 2:1: Poiiay Tiw 2618 Mz?chiga? P233232: Hag}; $533052 (Tammi? am? Peaj'grmame Reps? Cara? 2Q $99 Qagsvi?e High ?ghgol Bistrict ?anzwilig Rural: Di?tagi ?38% (512 ?avis Rampage High Sakai): {??sir?ai ?aira?t Lama 99?49 9.35% i: 235 ?avima High ?sizggi gig-Erin? ?aviser; English: Marga 19$ (3 155 ?eai?bem High $15393: 3&2:me {3ng Smaii 93.4?% A 238 ?ewtur ?r Sr High Sahanl ?isit?c: {Samar Rurai: gistant 193 69.68% ?Eat: ?eckem?liie {?gmmunity iw?gl': 86912213! gigging ?agkewiile Karat: giszant $35.93 :7 a 385 High Schoot giggle: 3:9:th Rara?: ?is?ar?t 9534 6&9 ?er?gy High $ch?ml ii??mt 3mg Ci?yz imarge EEK-33 (3.89% 188 $61133!? imiigh ?ch?nl?? i??i??ci ?33 Egg; Viliage Rea-lute $33? 8 Setm?z Cg?gg?ata 9&9. H8 at ?ar?hwaswm {?is?rici ?etmii City: marge 85.58 4.15% 133 Qatm?i ?cmgis ?igh Sci/1m! Sharia ?etrgii City: Marge $5.93 84.33721; 8 43:: mum: ?eita Wag. Acaa?emy Sada] ?tssticf Sham: Getz?gii City: Marge $313? 38.?8?ir23 1:33 {De?cit ?dimg Pagii? 53%:th Aca?emy?y Charger Detroi? ?5 City: image $133.33 ?35 i3 856 ?airait lm?itgie a? T?cgnai?gy a: Casi}! Distz'ict Detroi: ?33551: 83.531 2.82% 593 ?eeim?t Igmmatigmi A036. fer Yea; ?g Wameg Diatrigt metre-JR Sign La {gs 8? .38 3 453 Daimit im?amhip Aca?emy Mid?lafH?gif Cha?er Detroii City: Large 9?.81 32-94% a 626 Dmmit 9ubf?c Safaty Agader?y Gha?er Detroii: City: Large $9.15 in Deirgit 0f A335 Distrigt Detrgg my: Largg 8:11.83 3.58% it 346 DeWi? ??gh 8:211:39? Distrigt DeWiit Salaam: Large 9335?; 33.98% 92 Data; High Smack Diatrizzt Bexier Rmral: F?rirzgg 554 De?ar Bay?amarack ?iiy Area K12 ?ahegi Digtrigt Dutiar Bay-?famaraak "E?gwr?z Remake 194.83 664 mgugla?s Agaciemy far ?s?gurtg Mag Distrigt Emmi! (my: Largg a: ?32 i: 448 Brycier: High ?ghgot Diatrigt Dm?eg ?ural: Distant: 914:3 33.68% {3 53'? Quali?es: ?nmmunity High Sghgoi Gigirisi ng?aa Yam: Fringe gl?? $3.95% 562 ?ufargd Ages: High Bisirigi ?ufagd Karat: $8.66 166 gamma Marsg?al Qis??ric? ?gum Mgrr?? Rurai: ixii?gg $439 8 83 ?ariy Cgiiege Aliiaace ?eiec?va ngilami 89mm: 183.6% 8?.83% 8 ?i ?32 ?ariy (Engage at MoetsaEm Gammggiiy {Sgiiegg Seleciive warm}! Rum? {Ei?ant 3133.46 83.53% 8 ?as? Eagiish ?scadamy gigging City: marge mm 46 ?asi; Gram-i Rapids $chug? gigging? Em: Gram Ragids Suggrg: Mags} 93.32% A 481 ?213: Jagkma Sewndary 3:310:33 Siagic? Jacimim Suburb: Smgii 2833??) aim 5mg Jggdai'l Middief?igh ?chogi ?i$?rici ?33: Jurdar?; Rum? {Mstant $3.63 $5 ?122 ?gs? Kentwoed High 361%! ?ig?ici Karztwogd Sugar?a: Lama @8332 82.35% ?6 3&5 Em: gaming High Same] ?iaiyioi ?2332 ianvsirzg City: Email; 94.8913 A 23?! Eastam i-Eigh ?ghoel ?Z?is??ic2? yams: Hiils Rama Fringe @6286 65,8834: (3 $59 ?astam ?igh $ghgol {Eiszric? ?rming Sky: Midsim 93.98 113.2? $3 635 Eg?tggin?e High Sghgol Sis-39in: Qa?goigm 8mm: iarge $8.32 533% 32$ gages Rapids High Sahgai {?stzict 6mm?; Rapi?s "fawn: Ffi?ge QGGAQ 533895 {3 $6 Em: Claire High Schogi mama Esau Ciairez Rafa? Fringg $823 A $133 Ecerse Qammgaity Sigh Soho? Distr?at Ecgrse 8:333:13: iarga ?36533 Maski?aa Ce?iarfsr Qa??a The 26} 8 Mic??gan Pui??i? High 5:310:33 {3mm ?rst? Peff?rmarica 35pm? Cars? 21 WNW 99 553%; Farr} High Behoei Diatrist [Marinara Qiiy: Bmaii ?3 (3?.12 BM a E?was?cisburg High Same? Dista'iat Edwar?sburg; Bubu?a: Large 166.99 32.6% 255: Eisenhower High 309035;! District Suburb: Large 1131.61 82.31% 185 [Bk Regaids High $5.th Diafriat Efii Rapids Rarai: Bis?iant 106.78 84.42% 233 Bilswwih Cummuaigy Some] District Etiswerish Rarat: Biaiant 162.22 {56.32% 423 Engaging Bahama; District Engac?ine Rural: gamma 91%? 221 [imam W. 3aah9?m i??igh Bahmol Dis??riat Bimingham Subur?: Laiga 102.33? $13.39;; 28? Eamarzaha ?raa ?l?biia High $173109? Distrist gawnaba Remake 191.325 89-33% 333 Eva?: High Same] Dig?riat Ever: Ram? gamma ?34.69 28.33% 11} $19 Everett High ?s?eai Disirict Larwirzg City: Midaim f? 221: Ewen-Trout {Ema}: Cgasmi?aie? Digtrict Ewesz?mm Creek Rumi: ?amaw 182.32 68.9? ".33 Faiwiew Schoehl Diair?st ixa?gviaw Banzai: gamma 1 113.113 A 233 Farmiagma Bigi? 3:213:30: maria: i gag'm?ngm? Baham: {arga $1.21 383611. (3 145 Farswil iw?gh ?ahml Diairiat A Famalf mem: [33:33:11 195.12% 191 ?rmnv?lti? 93:12:: Higiz Swami Digiriai 9am":va gawk 3mm 1133.41} 8 3'15 iramtgm Swim imiigh 8mm ?ssirict ganmm Sahara iarge 53.41% 159 gemdalrsa High 8:31:3{31 manic: gamma Baham: Large $64.83 13 $1 ?mgamid High Schaet Bisi?ci; gi?g?mi? {31:32: Mi??m 91.10% .9. $31: Acadamy - M??diei?igh 89.1103?" (Sharia? Greanv?le Rum? Fringa $3.33 13.59% 83'? ?at Rack Acadamic Am?emy 154 2* Bisi?ci ?at Rack 81313313: Largza 91.45 11.5?% i} 869 R21: Rack Community Sigh Schvol magic: Fiat Rank Salami}: Barge $3.46 a; 666 Fiax?fech High Same: Shame? Bz?igl?ztm Bubusz Midsize B13318 mam $54 giex?feah High Schaaiwi??wi Ghana #10in Cify: Sma? 84.1119 3.12% 22? High Sshoal Bigit?ai ?ashimg Salami}: Barge $32.2? 663 8191's $611091 Bis??ci {Eatmit Ciiy: [gage 81.45 ?$3892; 16 Sardassn High Schema Biggie: ?eafbam Sky: Bma? ?$15.91 913% A 2f?! izafest Ame: Righ Bsheol Biaifirx F?fe?t As?ea Rare]: Distarlt ?133.21} 398 R3931 Bark Baheoi Biggie? Fweat Park Rural: Remate 951.35 {i Fewier i-E?gh Bahaol Fawler algal: [3&3th 95.43 533 Fabwiewi?e Sigh 80:1ch Biggie? Fawlewilfe 'E'ewr?; Fri?ge 94.253 ?18.1 93 ankeaf?uth Sigh 33mm Fraekeamwth Friage $73.5? Higia Bahaai Biggie: Frar?kfas?tw?fberta Rural: Regime $9.329 88.33% #33 anklia High Same}: mam; aivaaia Bma? 974.29 35.1%; {2 558 $133431? i-?gh 8Gh0?>3 ?i5?ric$ Framer Buhurb: Image: 94.32 [23 $36 Free?aad Mi?dia Bahoolii-?igh 5.3mm Freeiand Buiaufb: Bmaii 9B.13 39.91% {3 36 Fremom High Behaai asking Fremam Rm?al: Ffirige 1137.3? ?34; 1% mmfna?a?ai Asmara}! (31:51:15? 1:16:me Sky: Large wax 98.52% A 32? Fmi?peri High Bchmi i3i$1?i0? Fruiigmri Suburb: Mi?aize 1613.19 5Q Fuitam Higi? Scheai ?iaifici Fu?an Rural: Biatant BBQO 32.34% 113 Qateaburgw?mgasta High Swag; i3istric? ?aiea?urgm?ugu?a Rural: Rig?age 103.65 Mackinac Cenfarfar Fub?c Pom}! 331.2 25138 Miahiga? ?igk 3531;) r3} Context anti Care? 22 365 63mm High Scheai Bisi?c?i gssaw?tawkiamg?cn Suhurix amail 99.3%} 413 Gar?tw {my H?g?1 Schaal Siam? Gamer?; {my 3 Sumria: garge 823535; 38.8?% {2 83 Qayiard ?igh Scheei?fac. Eic?g: Sia?iricg Qayiar? ?uyai: Friage magi; $1.28% A Gamma Early Qaiiege ?elaciiva {Sargzzaan?inawarih Suburb: aarge $3.31 $8.96% a 432 Ganesee High aerial; gi?ii?ici Samma Submit}: iarge 9622 28.84% 13 331 Gla?aiarza Area High Sahanl ?ists?ici: Gla?stana Ruraiz Fringe 42%?2: if? Glatiw?ra High Selma} {Bistric? Glac?win Yawn: I 83.68% #63 Gian Lake Schmi {?strizzt Glen iak?s Rural: Ramada 95.8? 31.?5% {3 3&4 Gobies High Salami Sagas Rural: Diatant 1619.82 33.34% (3 63 Ga?wia Saigh??s Saniaf High 5:3?1001 ?i?t?ct Ge?wi? Heights Gity: Swag 10335 8931?}: $3 333 Goadfish Sigh Sshaei maria Gimmick; Raral: 98.4% 43 151 Grand Elam: ?ammani?y High Emmi [??rim Gfai'i? 3:39;: Subur?u: Larga $3 $45 (3de {Eyher Qm?aai" Disirict afaa? Haven Sahurh: M?cis?m Qd?? 19.2%; 233 Grand i??awa Higi? ?c?wi Disi?ci; Gfand Haven a?i?ssim @9253 85:58% 0 5?33 @{and wage High Sahml mama: Gran-ti Lecige Samaria: Large $5.21? 24.64% 59? Qfand Ragis?? Snivarsity giragnamiary Am?amy i3ls??ic? ?fand Rapit? City: Midi-3m: $5.43 24.93% 59 wand River inregmraiary High Sahaag Charter (3mm Rapi?s Suburb: iarga ?x me ?rarszi "??ravarm mama}! Charmer Traveme City ?fawn: R?mam 24?! {Branaivifia imiigl?: 86:19:}? $33k}: amndv?ile Suburb: Large $31.88 6439929 c; ??83 ?rarzt High gahaal amid; {Brant Quasi: Dimm @333 3.93% a 53% $rass Lake 3::th Qiskiat areas mice Rem]: F??nga 9434 28.82% 23 meiimg Righ 83mm aiatiiat Cr?v?ar? Awe: j: Raml: Fringa ?3.43 95.99% A 1&2 {35mm Lakas 83y anty Caiiaga ?aiec?ve Bay awaits; auimzm: Mi?sim 1??.32 "36.1 1 91% 8 $91 meat Lakas S3433: Aca?emy {Shatter Okemas Ram: 953? 2mm; 4514 Greariviil? ?eaiar ?cmgi Diatriat ?i?awr?: D?atam 96:38 29322:; if) 294 Gimme?: Ba imiigh Emma? Diairist Graszse ile Tug}. Submb: Large 19% $0 5653?; C: :88 Gamma Fatima Marti: High School Dismal (Emma palette Su?smio: Large 1935'] 7236?; 52 Gregg?; Fairlie $aa$h High 536mg}? Dis??rimt {ma?a 9mm Samaria: Large 310365 92.43% A 349 Gal: Lake High Disiricf {3:13 {am Suharil: ?v?ic?5?ze 9932 {3 384 (Swim; MiddEafl-ligii Sc?aai ma?a? {Swim ?umi: ?emoia 38}? 8% 25 39w Higi?: Sahami mafia? Midfan? City: gawk 86:44% A 196 83% High Schaol Kala Rami: ?amate @3335; 48? ?amady Cammunity i-?igiw Sakai}: ?iatrit? Wasmm?? ?elghm Salami}: marge 95:63 38.86% 351 Mgr: ?shed {?aking Hamiitgn ?umi: Fringe 98:55: 22 High 89mm Sistric: Ham?mmak 8313mm aarge 9:333:34; A 34?? ?anaock ?l?di?f?igh Sci?ocii wattle: Haawck A Rumi: F?nga 99.58 4:38 Han?vmml??mm ?~?igh ?ahmai ibistrict ?ural: 3:53am 9&12 39.31% 5&8 Harm: {Dammur'?ty High aehool Sist?at Mariam 8:33:21?: Rural: Remote $3.54 ?3.55% E3 ??39 Marisa? Migh 3:31:30! {)ista'ict Harbor $pr?ng$ Rural: ?atamt 105.36 3?353?}; 3 6% Mama? (2?.er Emmi? Qiatriat Creek Rural: wage 9&15 Maskimg ?enfarfw P?biz?d 13:32:13: The 28}. 3 Miahigmi ?nb?ixs f?g? 812319 of and? Pavffiirm time Rae}; art Card 23 61:1 iiai?peii" Scriaai Diatriat Haggai? Womig 8abilib?. imarge 5.134% 418 iieirrismi Sakai}: Distriat ?kiwi: giisiarit 8194? 3833921) 269 iiziirimri Piigii gchaol Bis?ri?t gamingim ?iiy: Smaii 181.432 {2 iiairi High ?iatriaf Mart i i'ewri: Qisiiarit 38.58% 1913 i?figh 86333 {Bia?irici 'fiiWI'i: Friage 163.1133 245 Hariiai?ri High 530th i3?$iriai Suburiaz Laige ?lili 39 {33.86% (3 ?aai-aii High Sahaai ?iairiai iiasiatt Suburb: Image 1%.33 Rim 1 8 292 High Schaai i3i$irici TOW: 13%83 5&82% (3 356 Hazet Faric l-iigli 5ci10izii gi?i??i 83:13: 93:1: Ssubuiria: Large 9am 4?.33% 548 Hemlack High Scimei ?igtiici Hamigck Rival: $riag$ 2133334: i) Sigh ?33in Early iuiicirile Goltage {iimiiet Hemiack Emmi: {?ringe $392 8?.24% i3 336 Henry Harri Aaader?y {lizarier Daarimriw Smali 98:69 12% Hairy Mad; Sahaei fa: Creative Studiim {Simmer meirait City: Large: iti?.??8 8i {$616 8 9 Remy Ford gait}: {mileage Sigiiviciive Qearbram {:iiy: amafi ??23.18 A 23? Remy Fara ii High Siahoot Eiatriat Uiisa Submits: Large: 113134 {5439132. {3 412 i-iigfi Eiistrict ?ag?tiaw Twp. suburb: Midsim {181%} 519 i-iewaiia High ?chsiai ?i?iriisi i-iaapeiia Rural: Qisiai?li 93.3% 21348113 [3 495 ?ri$i High Qiriiriai i-iifimaii RLiral: Ramcim 2631 299 i-iEii-ii?c?iey High Sahaal iviuritmse Rnrai: i??iigisi 55395;; 223 High Saka?l ?i?irici Transmit DistaiiE 1023f} $733611; 0 Hollami Higi? Sahaut aiisi?ei Halfami City: Simil 99.42 431634; 3m HolEy High Schaat ?isi?ci Hairy Tamra: Fiirige ??6952 543.33% 45$ Holi Seminar ?chaai {Jiatiitzi Heli Slibijri): iatga?i 9836 3i.15% {2 343 Holiori Higi? ?shed {Distiici Holimi Remit 9414i 18?9?3?: 3 12$ Hawaii Cammuniiy High ?cmeii 123131331 Home: Rniai: {)iatarit i?i?iSQ 8% 315% 13 Hague {if Waist Miahigaiw Chai?ier (Bread Rapiria Siiy: Miriaizei ?64.34 542 Hagki?s Higii Sehanl Diatz?iat Hagakim Rum? 94,65 193311. 9 33 Ha?ghtiim C?i?iiml ifigi?: Seam! Distiiat Hagg?imi-i?or?taga Twin Rural: Fiirige 1i2/i4 95.25% A a? Lam High School Diatrict H??ghm? Lake mis?t Fiirigxe 109535 {39.21% A 5?56 Samurai Bi?triat iiawail Suburb: Midaize 95.21 23,59% $62 iiudsan New High Saheol Disirici i-iudma Rural: Eiisi?iwi 331i High Sahaol ?isiriaf iiudsa?viila Euialiris: Laige 99196 23 iilimri Higii Selim: $15315: Aim Arias! Ciiy: i?id?ize 114.33 A 513?! iiLimri High Selim: ?isiricii iiumri swim: Laiga 93.91} i6.?1% 515 iCariaimy airmail (Imam: Zeaiand Su?sm: Smaii 95,212 2334314: 3 3w ida High 3am: aisiimi ida Fringe @952 54.15% c; an lmiay Siiy Samai linlay {3123! men: matani 3&2? 29.13813 i} 53? Iniaiwd Laim ?acoridary Scheni ?istiict lniaaci Lexi-(as Ruiai: Remnte 9.5333 29.4?% 243 liwovaiiori Ceritiai High Scha?ii Seiesti??e ?raaii Rapic?is {Ziiyt Miaisiza ?$81555 $3.35% it $343 lasight $$heoi of Michigan Chai?ier [wagging 8:333:13: iairgei 3345 3.35% Mackinaa Cenferfcir Kiwis Paiisy The 29} 8 Miahiga? FuEaiz?c High 3:139:33 was? Pegfonmmta Raparr Carri? ?24 4 Entamaticanal ?sademy Seissztive Blmm?el? Hiil? 312mb: Lagga ?36.96 A :54 interaa?anai Raedemy {if im {Zha?er Flint City: Small H1 .29 93.62% 2% 3" Entewa?onai ?aedemy af Mammb Seies?ve VaEiey ma?a: 126.06 99,1 1% A 2&3 ionia High 39:10:31 Distr?st lama Rum? Fringe 10% 184 m: Mountaia i-iigh School Disirist imsz Mountaia ?Fawn: gamma 1033? 2&2 i?hpemiagg High Swami Di?irict isisp?mi?g ?fawn: Ramate 183316 321.18% 3 289 ithaca High 50?10?3? Dis?r?ct imam Rum? matani 1023?! 69.14% 632 J.W. aexiora High Ss?aaei Dis?rici Langirig Gilly: Midalze $4,536 3432 Jackms High ?chwi l3?s?r?c? Magma {Zityt Small; 99.6? @9491; 322 Jac?ma ?reg?aratsxy 3: Earfy {Soliagw Charla? Jacksem ?umi: Fringe 39.52 186% 2E1 Jaia? Ease Lea?emhigm Aca?amy Charm?? {Eatw? {Ziiyi Lafgge 1%.55 (32.93% ?3 15 Aca?arny: Rag?wal Midc?a Solbaga? Eelacilw A?rian Rural: Fi'ir?ge A 52? Jaguars Migh Sahara ?3isiric$ Adama 'pr. Rural: i?steni 5&99 21.96% $83 39:363an Higi"! {Emma ?e?ersaa [gamma] Suburb: Small easy} {3 21$ .Eenism'z High Same: {Ei?gir? Jan?aan Swami): Lafge $6142 358 Sammy?: tnieai?naiimai Am??my ?istrici Je?igea Siuinwia: Lafga 89.39 {3 ??52 3&hanaes?mrgLawisim Elgi?: ?cimasi mafia: Jaharzaegimrgwimewsmn Rahal: ?iaiant 463 3am: Kama?y High Sahel}! Qiatriai 'mylor City: Swag 933.19 {3 1 61 3am: Glam?: Rig? 33mm ??atds? Baagaa? Twp. $L??3?Jr?x ?maii 236.26% $39 Glam?; Righ Ech??t Diatr?at Wayaewl?e??am? SLsi'Rer: Larg? 98$? 26.1 1% II) 513 ?csnesviile Migh Schoal mistrial Jenesvilia Rum? gringe $328 15.13% :363 Kaiamazaa Cantrai High $13109] Diatr?at Kama-lama; i?x?ic?sim 9829 (3 $6 Kaikagka S?haaf Disatriat Kaikaaka Town: Ramata 101?? 88.85% 8 ?6 Kaar?iay HEgi?m Echaei Diatriat Keamley iargra: 18354 A 234 Kailaggw?m Kigh School Diairict Kelloggsvilie: Qiiy: ?nial: 18$ ?1 8 3&8? '34; 433 Keamwa Hiila H?gh Selma}; Diairiat KenQWa ??lfs $Bbui?b.? iarge 38.35% 813 Kemingian Wood$ $ch90?s Charla: Lakaiand ?abuyb: Midsim 89.83 8.48% 235 Ken? City H?gis Salami Diaa?ct Ken? {Bit}; ngai: Digtam ?958 85.28% (3 363 Kiag High ?chggai Disirict ?aim? City: Lag?ga 85,54 $3 293 K?agsfaf? i-iigi: Sakai}; gis?ici Ere?tuagg ngn. ?amom 4:303:92 3&8 Kimgsley Ama Higi? 8:310:53 Slavic: K?ngsiey R5131: Distani $9.33 5&45?53 (3 ea Kingmaa i-?igh 8$hool magic? Xi?gs?on Rural: Ramata $923 A at}? imairzg?mrg i-?igh school ?igsric?? Rural: ?atam Q?m m?g?xa ma i?ake City High School ?3i$?ric? iake City Rem: 33mm mass; 83.98% imam Renters High Egalzewi ibisttici Lake Perrier: Raraf: 86.85% 366 imake imiaciemi?Euhheil Schema ?3i$?fi0? ?ake Lindarz??ubheii ?Fawn: Remam $9.36 45.85% 1&3 Lake {Skim Commuaity i-?gl: ?aheai i3i$t?ic? imam Gria? Rarai: Wage El 564$- mm 55mm i-Eigh animal Qistriai: Lake Shara {Mammbj S?mrb: Larga $3.86 16.4?% E) 539 L?kf?i?il?td Righ Sachem {Eistfic?? Hume Vatisy $ubari?): Larga 94% 2&1a% 4% iaker Migh ?shed Distric?? Eikian?Pigesn Hurai: itmmota 98?3"? Magkinac Cent?rfar ?3uE2?i? Pcfigz 2.618 Miahigan FizMir: High Sdmag (3mm? mid Ferfwma?cs Repart Card 2S Laimsi?lom ?choisi 1 3t} mistriict Lakeshore Rural: Wage?: $64.48 ?6.41 *ii?i [ii E31 Laimsiei? C?ar?t?si Schaei {Ziaarier Kaiamamz; Ciiy: 33:31 88.82 6.53% i7 268 Laziwviaw Higia Schaei Diatrist Lakeview {Mammb} SuinLiYi): Large $1.43 a?i?gif?i 335 Lakaview Higi?i Salami Biz-atria hakaview {Caihauii} (City: Sma? $8.135 34% 536 Lakevim: High ?chagii Diairisi La?eview (isiimtmim) Rarai: {iisiarit ?34.?4 213.62% E) 5% Lake?u?iile i-Iigi?. Scheei Di?irisi mice?v?iile Riirai: ?iaiarit i?i?a?i?s 38% Lakawead Sigh Bisi?si iaksWaiid Rumi: 332333! 93534 42?43% 62?? Lamphaie High 53mm! Bisiri?i iampham 33mm: iarge 9152 3&836?1?9 3% Landmark $1336er Chaim? Kimbaii Suburi}: Swazi: 99.65 44am 3 L?Ansa i'Arigez Arim Ruiai: Ramaie 8.31% 4272 im'?irzsia Grease High 55mm! i3i$?iici {Mimi {traum Suburb: 95.44% 393294. *3 $31 i'Ariae amuse High i'?srigei {imam Submit}: aarge 94.8% 21.36% {3 495 imapeer Some)! Sisii?irzi iapiwr Yawn: Wage 883:3 479 ia?aile Higi? Sshiiai gistiici St. ignam Rum: Fringe 95.54% 33.42% {3 ?[49 iameace Jif?i High {Schmi Qigti?ict Lawmrica Rural: Diatani i852? @3312; 148 iawioli High Sahaai ?istriizt Lawtaii Rural: Eiinge 78.19% 42 gee Higi?s Emmet Gadiraywwa Giiy: Swazi! awe 83.92% A 389 We M. ?iiuirstom Higi? 3mm! 1 {Jigtrict 8:12am Ra?far? ?ubu?a: Laigge 9&3? 2?i?3??i [3 ielanci Paistii: 89mm District Laianci Rural: ?isiarit $35.54 832134; 15? iasiie Higi} . Diatriist ma?a Rurai: Fringa 16:3.17 8 313 iifaiach Acaciamy Charter Lansing City: Midsize i634 633 Lincairi High Sehaol Disirict Var: {iyke City: iaiidsize 88.88 it ?i243 Paik Higii Schacjl misirici iinmln Park Suburb: Large 1&63}? 82.34% 8 623 Lir?imiri QQi?iOr gazimai Disi?c?i Rarzai: i-?ringe 88.9% Ix 3?32 Liridaia High Swami Disiricxi Liacieia ?u?ari}: iarge 89.13 644 Liisfi?el? Higii Scriimi imiici?i'lel? Rumi: $i$taai $129 28?? Liiwmil genial? Higi?l 3:333:11; auwefi Quiai: Fringe 18i13 1 62 L93: i~ii?i1 Schoai ?iaii?iai Kalamazoo City: amali 18833 3513i "xi: 8 ?f3 Ladingiar; Sahool imagingiori ?Fawn: gamma 138.??1 @3205] {a 312 Lamar" Wright K412i Sahaai liaawami iiamai? $33.49: 33.36% {3 551 Aiiadigiim Amriiwy .. Same! Chaitei' 8a?ori Subwb: Large $139 18.40% {i 136 Eiadimm Semis} Maciimri {LenaWee} "iawri: Sismnt $5.353 189 iviadimn 33mm Qiatiici Masiisen (Gamma) iarga $3.62 ?3.44% 462 Manchester Jumiarigmiiai Higi?a 83:11:54 Mariahesier Distani E2684 31.?0% 344 ivimiigim ixiirziciia High School Qiatiiat Mari?lsiee ?i'iiwri: gamma 9&65 4%.11% 256 iviariisiiqua Marilee: 3:16 High 3%in aistrist Mariisiiqus Ramam $1.88 7 {3 492 Qantas Cmnsalidated Qiatriat Mantaa Rural: ?isiarit $3533 V: 2?.15% 352 Marga Vaii?sy ?rfSr" Sch-119$ {Jistriat Maple Vaiiay Rural: Eii$iarit ?3386 12': imarcaihi? Higi? Swami ?istrict Maiwilm Rural: Qisiarit $1.34 #39 Marina {my Higil 33?:th ?istrict East China Suialirb: Smaii 36.56% Maskinac Cent?rfer Eifii: Eadie}: ?ns 26} 8 Miahigan Pam; High (731:: a} Canfaxf and Perfamwzw Rgp?? Card 26 239 Mafiorz H?gh Emmi mistrial Mai?iar; Rural: Remam 101.92 64.69% {2 135 A?ayle?a 3r}Sr. Sehsai Diatf?gt 1113mm ?uml: Ramate 165.43 88.12% Marqua?e Swim Migh anneal D?gt?at Marqw?e Yawn: Remme 163.?9 ?4.04% a 686 Maximal Aca?amw Charmr Marshall Rural: mag: 18.24% 123 225 Marshall i'?igh Uigtz??ct Mamhall Friage 192.39 596 ?ariin High Digt?at Martin Raral: Dista? 3131 1132954; 2&5 Marygvilia ?lgh 363631 Diatria Maryaville Suburia: Sma? $1.413 {56.83% 326 11213145131?: Saw?y Camml 9&3. gistriai klasrjr} ?30. Santa}: Rarat: ?isiant ?39.29 396 M33512 {Emmi}: Emma"; Maia?? H?gi?il?l? ?isiriai a?ascm ?343. 5235mm Ram? ?is?ar?t 98.44% ?41 .31311: 25$ $213561?; ?lgh Schaal Qisirici Maser: {Enghar?j auh?rh: Lafgge $1.55 61.?2?21; Maser: iw?lgh ?latri? Mame {Magma} Rama? F?aga 33.11 453.18% 213 Ma?awan Sigh 8:310:31 ?lagri? Ma?awan Submit): ?i?size $2.53 83%1?5 253 Mawiile High 813mg: ?isiriai ?dayviile Rina? Siaiant 191.61} 3272 Ma?a?n .3381? High Seheol {Biaifici Mc?aia Rusai: $33.32 15.23% 11? Malvindakae i-Eigh Same; $3.3m: Meivie?aie-Ailea Park Subarb: wage $853.18 13 34:3 Mar?ghig ?ur?ia??aaior High Sahaol ?isizrici Merephis Rurai: Dimes? 5.19% 425 Ma??aa Mid?iafl-iigl} $chool aside? Mea?ga 33:3? Di$??i?i 9180 3?.69% {2 41?s Marian-time High achaol $311101 Memm?naa Yawn: Qis?ant 98.23 29.231137 if} 535 Me?dian Early (Engage High 5.31399: ?isi?at Mericilars Rum? Fringe 91.311 593 . Maggi! High semei mama: Mar?il Qumi: Dismrai 91.213 11.42% 329 Magri?? Asa?emy Charier New Raver; ?umi: F?s?rsga 1013.1 3 ?13411. {3 1&3 Magisk Canaalidatad th?r High $01109? [Sigrid Magisk ?uml: Ramam 164.31 139612; 447 Mishig?an Qani?er .153; High Schua? Dist?ct Miciligar: Santa: Salaam: 3mg? {127.18 33.33% {t 31 3 Michigan Senaecfior? Academy {Ska?er Gimmes Sahurb: iarge 16631) ?34; 489 Mishigan {35331 askes Vi?ual Madam}; Ci?a?ar Mania-stag $319me $6.132 2?.63% 1 Michigan ??s?aihamaiisa and Edema Aaademy {31mm Warm Suburb: Lama 143.32 139.36% A 5122 Michigan Viriisai (Shame: Aca?amy Charm: Gram Rapids C?iy: Mi?aim 315411; 0 633 k?i? Penimuia ficimei D?gtrict i?v?i? Pan?mt?a Rahal: mam 88.4? i: 5? Mitiiarid imiigh Schatal BiStri? Midla?? {3131: Smaii 113.1? 91 $93.13 A #33 High $c?1mi Districi ?iim Karat: gi?iagga 96.42 29.9?% 36% Miiford Righ $611091 Bigfriai ?13?an 1.3mm}: Rahal: Ma?a 46.?4% (3 ms High 3:11:33 Eisir?at Rahal: {31mm $6.35 29.53% i} 53 a?io-A?abie High $611001 ?isir?ci Ma?a Eabia Raml: Ramaw 119.4% 92.2s8?2fa 3% 363 a?ma Sh?ms High 3?h6?? gisiriai Moria Shams Su?ur?a: Mi?size 983$ $3515 (I: 49 Momma {3&3th Mi??ife {tailaga Salac?w Emma Karat: Ma?a 119.3% 92.88% . 539 Momma Eigi?l Sahml $139131 gamma Suburb: Smaii 9%.93 2151 $23 {3 441 Montamila JuaioriSan?m High gistrici Marztamlia Rurai: gamma $126 343234; 331 Montagu? Migh Sahaol giggle? Ma?tague Rumi: Fringe 13%.06 51.43493 E: 321 Moreasi a?iddle 3% High $531621: a?tnmarsi Rum? mam: 95.13 22.85% $29 Marie): $?anwam? l?igl: Siciwaot mm: Ma?a}! Stahwaad ?mai: 1313:3131? 9%.93 21.66% i} Maski?als Cenfer'fm Pa?zic Poiicy Tim 26} 3 Migk?gcm Pakh?c High 35km} Caafaxi and Pezfarmanze Rgpart Card 2? wigg?? Ame; High Schaolw sigtgict Magim Rzirai: Fringe am?: 143% 363 Mei? Mi?die Caiisge Higi? Saiactiw ?awa?w?inswa?h City: Smali 106.55 55.19%: 238 Maunt {Zleraegs ??gh ?istn?et MGLEM Gamma Suburb: aarge 1%?ii15 0 33? Evit. ?3?aa$arst Emim Higi?? Emmi {aistrict Haunt @ieasarat Tawa: ?iatargt Mum?sr? Piigh ?chaoi mama Beirut: Qity: Large $2.53 2.23% 2&2 ??un?sirzgg iwiigh 2m Mic?ciia Swami Diatrict Munising Towa: Ra?-late 38*? ?2:5 (3 $58 Muakegar: Heighis Aca?emy Charm: Muakager; Subum: Midsize 5335 2.52% ii?uskega? High Sahara! Dissiriat a?uaxegm City: amaii E?sf? 13.89% 3 439 skimmer: imiigh gaining: Digiriat Rum: F??ga E33723 35.?1% {3 43:3 S?gaunw High Swami Dia?rict Rum]: Ffiage 313222 3&42?if?g {3 89 ?rms: 8&1??an Samar Righ schmi Disirici ?aw Bu?ale 81x33: irfiage 528 gem Haven i?igh Schism maids: Haven ?abuzt}: Large FREQ 21.81% t} 414 NW: Lathmp H?gia 80mm Biggie: Limiting? Rural: irgiage 538;? 5 3833?2?3e?; {i 125 Newayg? Sigh Sahara! Wait-in? ?ewayga "?mrz: Di?tani i [33% 8i as Nawbarry Ama Schism}; 53mm: 'i'ahquamema ?{Gwm Remma 93.8%? 32%?342 28a Naxmci? High Schmi Cha?ar {Brand Ragids Ciiy: adidsim 163.28 E3 621 Nax?iaci? High Sahaoi of Imaging Cha?er {Bkemea Rurai: griaga $319423 669 NexTech Higiz Saheai of Maia: ?etmii {Sharia Bevady Hiils $uimrh: ma?a $1?ng i: 456 Niiea $eniar High Scho? Qisii?ici N?iea City: Sim? 9633 56$ Nnr?'i ??m?sdafame Middiaii??gh Sabina: Nnr??; Adams-iamme Rarai: ma?a: $3334 1166% if} 466 North awash Sigh 53mm] ?istr?st Brawn Rumi: Distami $625 Martin Ge?tml Area gu?iaff?e?iaf High Sahml Sigrid Nari}; Caetml Rurai: Ramcm 934% 25.22% i} 4&4 Nertiw Qi?kinsior: School ??atr??t Nadh Bickiama Rum? ?an?wm $334 38? Math Famiaggtan i-Eiggi? ?c?wi Q?atriat Farmiagtaa Gity: Sma? 98.88 4333% 431 Ninth Safari Sahaai ibimriat Harm Mama iiQirfaii: Dista??i $34? 3642(3?355 2% Martin ?x?usi21 {Dam Crime ?rti?miiy anic?z? gar-1 Law 3mm Sinikha ?s?m?a Rama}: Faa??a?w; Chi}; Bangles quz?zh?gm-F?nt Dz. je?fersan R?gem: U?iua?ify 9f Wye ?tting 3935 3mm: Arizsmz Swim {Iniyersz'gz Dr. Sarah Eiste?e g?p? Ca?gge 131*. ?ugg} Byzagaima Ner?gsm Mfc?igan {Inivm?y Dr, ?1?an Fagari?j Nerfi?wm Mi?iigrzn if?iversiiy Burma Paisam Bi?sz?c?e C?ffege fret.) J?hn Qw?mr Nas?iwao? U?i?amif}: ?avi? Hebert Mamas (391?ng Br. Ma?a-1 Waits ?ag State: v?iwm??y i313. Ommd ??1991: Mewsm- {Juanita 3323 E?mf. ??ichison Gmrge Mawa {I?i?zrsg'ry deai? ajLaw 331*. Bavid Jan?a {m?rufefw 53mm Me?isi?e ma?a ?k Emmi? Kirk Center Ebawi? idittmam}. Masha cs; Canferfar Pub i215 Relic}: DJ: Bait?: Matcheck Rari?wwd g?f?ersity Lake Shafts ?nz?vmiw (mt) I317. (Elem: Masts Narihww? {F?i?wrsii}; Br. Gearge ?astas Marke?ag Camimms 331: Tm?? ?e?bit 53:2}; Sta: f3 {failiersiiy $33,230th Faifar? Martha/99m? B?wgrs?y Mark Rem}! g?ivarsity ngEc?igagw?in? iamaace W. Read Few: cia?a afar Eganamz'a E?um?m: (3:63:31? Rehake ?wmmz?c min??g 13:7. Steve Sa?mek Wigs, fantasy ,3me Assa??atag Inc; Howarci 0.2833112! {I?iy?si?l 33;; Marthai Sager Federas! Rgs?rw Emmi Imes Sheeim? Swims? Rabi?san ?amfm?rqy Rev. RoEart S?iica Mars Iss?infz Br, Bradley Smith {3:13) $1.52? Univgz'siiy Law 35329:}? EDI. Chris Suryreaar?t Ug?vemiy 13f NW G?em Dr, 335%; Tayior Cmfmi?fic?ig?n ignizzarsiiy Dr, John @3310: Smi?a? Univarsiiy Br. mama K. Vecider Rrei Han-y Varysar If. af?ei?mif Marc}! jaim Waite? If. $393? {?lming Car-pg m?eu {rat} Iv?k? Wintimz instimtafar P?ga?pia 85:45:15 33:. ?atmeifrm Riffssi?fa Cafkge m?m Imp I'iIe II?ackinas IQI I3 {ja?iwiad {If princigle {mama cItIzerIa {Ificiais Sam-{Ir {13$ {marga? {Is {ifI? {and {If the mom {haII 5% {tam-based II??-I?ark?i Ianks" America Add the, {Denier {at} WW {akinag I Ad?i?anal come-IS {If are {vaI IiIIlIle ?33313? {ha He {{Im 2:315 with bachel?I 3 deg; ?7 I and {Ind his mgrea hath {mama Ce I?m biie: Psiisy, Michigan ISBIIE: i SRQIS-QI I Wag Exit}! 32% 5'3: Az?ch?II?IIaIsaaIg magg?amack??acgm EXHIBIT STATE MICHIGAN EDIE PARTM ENT 0? RICK BNYQER i?iiIAPsi J. (?avmnag Lmam? awn-E $11135 Rxwr?m?m MEMORANBUM DATE: March 8, 2018 T0: Local and Intermediate Senna? Sistrict Superintencients Pablic Senna! Academy Girecters Vennssa A. Keesier, Deputy Superintwdent Division of Edncatnr, Stadent, and Schnoi Supports SUBJECT: 863199! Administrater Certificatien and Chiaf Ba?inega foicialg The Snpartrnant of Edumtion hag received questicns stakehslciers regarding sahoal cnrtificatinii far individuals emgioyed by districts, public school acadnmies, and intnrineciiate 3:313:30! districts as rzhiaf bwiness ef?cials, 'i'he of this memorandum is to previde gaiciance on that issne and ti} schnel administramr certificatim ii?i general, MCL 388.1246 addresaeg schnoi admini?rator certificatisn The ?tntutea pravideg in its; entirety as foliows and tha sale referenceg to chief business officials are (1) A schoel district, pubiic when! acadamy, intermediate schao! diatrint $113!! not t0 emplay a Framer: a3 a snperintendeiat; principal; principai, :31? other parsnia Wham primary reagmrisibility in administering instructicnai programs or as a chiaf b?sinasa efficial unwise: the parsan meets 1 9r m?re ef the fellowirig requiraments, as appliaabla: (52) Far 3 superintendent, principal, agsigiant principal, 0i? other parsm whaae primary respengibility is administering pragrams, or a nhiaf business; afficial, wag 35 a sahael administrater in this state or: car bafwe the: affective date (if the: amandatery act that added this subdivisim'i 3anuary 4, 2810], has compieted the centinui?ng educating raquimmeats prescribed by rule under gubmction (2). Subject snbsection (3), far a superintendent, principal, asaiatant principaig or other gunman whase primary respmsibility is administering STATE 0F E5. ?w RICHARD 253.3% MICHELLE SECRETARY - TQM i??KKi a an EELEEN WEESER 598 WEET JRLLEGAN n? 33.0, BOX 39008 LANSING, MiGHiGAixi {$8999 51??3?3?3324 Page 2 March a, 2618 instractienal nregrams arid whe is initia?y empieyed as a seheel admiaistrater in this state after the effestise date ef the amendatery act that added this snbdivisiea, pessesses a irelid Michigan scheel admiaistrater?s certificate issned tinder sectieri 1536. (2) The sneerieterident of pasiic instruction shall eremulgate rnles establishing centinaing edeeatien requirements as a cenditiee for continued empleymerit fer persons described in sabseetien The rules shall prescribe a minimum amount ef seetianing edecatien that: shall be completed within 5 years after iaitial empieyment and shail be campieted each subsequent Swear series! to meet the requirements sf sebaectien for continued emplayment. (3) A scheel district, pnblic ssheel academy, er intermediate schenl district may empley as a superintendent, principal; assistant arii?iciealg er other parser: whese primary responsibility is administering instructienai pregrams a person whe is emailed in a pregrarn leading in sertificatien as a school administrater tinder sectiea 1536 set later than 6 meeths after he er she begins the A person empleyed as a scheel administrater pursuant: to this sshsestiee has 3 years is meet the requiremeats ef section 1536, er the seheel district, nnblis scheel academy}. or intermediate scheel district shall net centinne is emeley the persen as a scheel admiriistrater described in this subsection, {Emphasis added) MCL 386.1246 refers is MCL 3804536, which addresses the develepment (if a ssheei admiraistrater certificate for superintendents, sehoel nriasipais, assistant erincipals, arid ether administrators whese primary is administering instructional programs. There is an snesifis mentien sf chief business officials in MCL 389.1536i Thea, the legislatsre has resegnized three categeries ef seheei administraters fer certificatieri purpeses: 1. individuals who were empieyed iri Michigari an or befere January 4, 2616, as superiritendenis, as principals, as assistant priacipais, in positions whose primary was administering instrusiienal pregrams, and as chief besiness efficials. These individuals must samplete seatinaing education reqnirements. 2. individuals employed in Michigan after Jariaery 4, 2020; as superintendents, as principals, as assistant principals, and is pesitions whese primary is administering instrusiiesal pregrams, In generai, these isdividnals must held scheei administrator certificatieh under 380.153& 3. Individuals tn whom neither ner MCL 386124603) appiiesi These individuals are net reqnired is held a scheei administrator certificate er to satisfy centimeing edecatien requirements Iricludecl in this category is any individual aha satisfies bath of the fellewing: Page 3 March 8, 2018 e) Net empleyeci Michigan en er befere Jeneery ii, 293.0; as superintendent, as a principel, es err erincipei, in eesi?cieri primery wee edreinietering pregrerne} er as chief efficiel, l3) Net empieyed in Michigan after e; 2011?), es eeperintendent, as a principal; e5 er: principal, er pesitien whose primary respoeeibility is admiriistering instructional pregrerne, Thus, an individual whe ie currently ereeleyed ee chief business efficiel, whe wee not empleyed ii'i that pesitieri en 4, 2910, and whose primary reepeneibility is net administering pregrerne is net reqeired to held school edrninietreter eeri?i?eetiee er t0 eetiefy eeritiriuing educatieri reenirementei The Sehoel Adn'iinieitretor Code wee amended effective Nevember 15, 2617, to align with the stetetery requirementsi Here i5 3 link to the wecirniriieizratiire rules as erneeciedi 2016? 63250 AdminCede.edf Rele 380i102 the ?1246(1Xe) eertificete? that is giver: te individeels who ere in the firei: 0f the three eategeriee ebeve, Issuenee {if ?2246(1Xe) certificate? enables the bepertmeet of Edecaicieii to track the steteterily required edematien hours of who are in the first category. The centirieirig edecetieri reqeiremeere ere feerie in Rules 3803.03 end 380.109. Rule 380.192 else describee the ?1246(1Xb) certificate? thet is issued under MCI. 380.1536 to individuals whe are in the of the three categories. Fer further infern?ietieri erid geicienee, the feiloerieg memoreede: a: Bepertrnerit ef Edneetieri rriernerencinrn 3.6; 2017 (Revised Administrative Relee) 606:?8 Zed? . Eiepertrnerit ef Educatiee memereridurn Febriiery 23;. 2017 (Defieitieri 9f ?Adrninieteririg ieetrncitieriel Pregrenie?) Inetruetieriel i?reere me 552657 ?2?.er . Department ef Edecetion memorericierri July 10, 203.4 (Temperery er Interim Senor)! Administretere) Seheel Admiri 452342 Reef Fer additieriei infermetien; please centect Leah Breen at the foice ef Ednae?cer Werkferce et Breeniln?g?miehieenieov er 517?241?1392. ec: Miehigen Educetien Ailieriee