G.W. Carver High School Audit Date: 10/7/2019 High School Credit Accumulation Compliance 25 Total Files were audited: 12?h Grade: 10 ?les 0 11th Grade: 5 student ?les 0 10th Grade: 5 student tiles 0 9th Grade: 5 student ?les 0 IGPs Signatures: In some cases where were missing required signatures, an additional document was included in the file documenting attempts to obtain signatures. This is a practice that other schools should replicate with one addition?the counselor and or advisor responsible For obtaining signatures should sign the document as further accountability. See the document here. 0 T9 Plans: Carver had clear T9 academic in files For T9 students. Unfortunately, these plans were rather generic by stating that students will be enrolled in double-blocks of English and Math. This is standard practice at Carver. T9 students do however take specific remediation classes Speech 1 in addition to English I). They should update their T9 plans to directly re?ect the student?s experience on the T9 plan, the student transcript, and the IGP. Individual Graduation Signatures: 0 15/25 lGP?s included all signatures 0 2/25 included student/counselor signatures 0 3/25 included parent/counselor signatures 0 5/25 lGP?s included counselor signature only 0 0/25 included zero signatures 25/25 ?les included an IGP Jumpstart Graduation Pathway Selection: 0 All students at Carver are placed into the TOPS University Pathway 0 24/25 denoted that the student was on the TOPS University Pathway. 1/25 did not. Academic Support Plans T9: 0 In the course of the ?le review, 4 files of T9 students were pulled. 2/4 were designated as T9 on the IGP. 2 were not. 3 oF4 students included a T9 Academic Plan. One did not. Individual Assessment Reports: 0 1/20 files included all LEAP 2025 EOC score reports 4/20 included no score reports. 5/25 students were 9th graders that may or may not have earned EOC credit in 8th grade but otherwise would not have EOC score reports in their tile. 0 18/20 re?ected LEAP 2025 EOC scores. 2/20 did not. The additional 5 students were 9th grade students that may or may not have earned EOC credit. 0 No files contained ACT score reports nor were results on students' Course Selections and total credits: 0 20/20 included previous year credits. 5 files reviewed belonged to 91h grade students?they would not have previous year credits on the IGP so they have been removed from the denominator. 0 24/25 lGP?s reflected current credits and totals. 1/25 did not IGP must express credits and courses earned and needed. (See Graduation Tracker on to include this information). 18/20 STS transcripts included grades, credits earned, and those still required for the given graduation pathway. 2/20 students are recent transfers and Carver does not yet have access to their STS transcripts. Ofthe remained 5 files reviewed, all belonged to 9?h grade students that would not have STS transcripts at this point in the school year. Diploma Endorsement: Carver does not offer Diploma Endorsements. Gifted and Talented Courses: According to Carver, there are no students enrolled at the school. Credit Recovery: Carver utilizes the Edgenuity platform for Credit Recovery. Two certified teachers, Mr. Lee and Mr. Cruz oversee Credit Recovery blocks that are built into student schedules. Edgenuity is used as a secondary option as Carver feels that the best way to prepare a student to recover credits to have them repeat the course. Credit Recovery courses are not differentiated on currently but the school will be incorporating this moving forward.